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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. 27 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    OH MAN!


    I actually got both my targets in one session?! (gathered some free orbs and also bought a few...) I've spent too much money on the game right now at this point though. Praying I get this job I'm interviewing for today...

    Anyway, only problem is, both of these guys' IVs are ass... ;_; +Res, -Spd for Elise and +Spd, -Def for Hector. On top of that, Hector's IVs are what Elise would've wanted... Useless. They won't be very good, so I'm not sure what to do with them. Unless they're actually salvageable?

    @Rezzy @Arcanite Maybe you two have ideas?

    Hector is basically IV unscrewable. He may not be optimal but the difference in performance is negligible. You don't have to do anything special for him, his base kit is great as is, just give him bonfire and an assist.

    Elise will still be fine, I'd say -Atk is more detrimental. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    It's unfair for dragons that we still don't have a means of negating effective damage, especially because Alm still exists (even if I never see him on a defense team because it's been 11 months since the last time he was on a banner not called red hell).

    Dragons need some new toys to play with that aren't all fucking locked behind 5-star exclusivity or limited characters.

    Naga's shield when?

    Also sucks that all dragon buffs except fortify are locked behind 5* exclusives, and IS doesn't seem to be doing a very good job at making breath weapons that can compete with lightning breath. Great flame is the only one that isn't really niche, and it's partially because Myrrh can't use steady breath. Also we need more red dragons too.

    Colourless dragons are cool and all but like coloured archers, not all that great in practice, and we only have one

  3. Horse rounds are the easiest to get perfect scores on. Guaranteed doubles and +4 to all stats? That's just asking for a clean sweep, even on infernal. 

    I don't really understand those who don't use the boosted emblem teams aside from those who weren't aware or don't have enough units, as it's the easiest way to get perfect scores.

  4. Celica

    A unit who really wants a refine soon. Back then she was undeniably the best red mage but now that we have red mages with better offensive stats, and more DC units in the meta, Celica struggles to keep up with the meta. Her gimmick is a large boost to Atk and Spd at full HP, which was good enough to one round most enemies when she released, but now the increased bulk on many units prevents that, and her poor bulk makes her vulnerable to being counter killed by DC units before she can get off her follow up. Attempting to make a OHKO build instead just makes her a worse Lilina. However when the enemies lack distant counter, she still does well enough to warrant a 7/10


    Blue infantry mage with no prf and a statline outclassed by Delthea, Tailtiu and Linde. Ouch. Bladetome gives her good combat performance like bladetomes always do but unlike the aforementioned mages, she relies more on buff stacking to keep up.

    7-0.5 for buff reliance for a final 6.5/10

  5. Trailer will probably drop soon so here's my dumb prediction: Armads Lilina

    But honestly, there haven't been multiple legendary heroes from the same game (excluding OCs) so it's probably not Xander. I don't think they'd introduce Hrid so soon. Though I'm not expecting my prediction to be accurate at all.

  6. Spoiler

    10: Extremely strong, shapes the meta around themselves. Requires using niche units to counter. Very few units will fall into this tier.

    9: Not quite meta defining but still very strong units with great combat performance against common arena threats and no glaring flaws.

    8: Solid units that provide good coverage against their own colour and the one they are strong against, but can be countered by some units of the colour they are weak against.

    7: Units that provide a unique form of utility be it buffs, debuffs or being anti meta while also being a decent combatant that can hold their own in a fight.

    6: Units that provide similar utility as a tier 7, but are outclassed in combat and will require support or heavy investment to contribute outside of their niche role.

    5: Middling units that are outclassed but can still perform decently with investment. Not excellent but not horrible either. Can sometimes serve a niche role.

    4: Borderline units that serve as a poor man's version of another unit (basically completely outclassed). Can achieve similar performance as a tier 5 but requires significantly more investment.

    3: Units that have poor performance against their own colour and are countered by pretty much anyone with triangle advantage. Can only really achieve anything against units they have an advantage over.

    2: Units who often fail to kill even enemies they have triangle advantage over even with investment. Generally not worth using.

    1: Bottom of the barrel units that not only perform poorly but are a handicap to the player's team. No amount of investment can save them.



    Hone/Drive utility. Seasonal weapons with hones and drives will not be considered except on the source unit as per my standard.

    Healing utility (not for staff units). Mostly for the falchion users and maybe Arvis

    Chill and Possibly ploy utility, depending on how GHBs will be rated


    Infantry dancers


    Flying dancers


    Dedicated team requirements.

    Buff dependence. (Mostly for mediocre Atk bladetome users)

    Applied only if there is a significant difference in combat performance with and without the mentioned factors


    I knew sticking with him would pay off eventually. To tell the truth, I really didn't like the "worst falchion user" label back then and I'm very glad things changed.

    Alm has a balanced statline that doesn't stand out in any stat. What does stand out though, is his completely busted weapon refine. Refined Falchion lets him brave attack with 100% HP, essentially giving him a 16 might brave sword. Not only that, unlike similar weapons, this weapon has a built in solution to the recoil, which is healed off every 2 turns with renewal. And it has dragon effectiveness as well. This lets him become a self sustaining player phase monster with excellent matchups across the cast, only faltering against bulky armors.

    Inbuilt renewal also lets him serve as a healer if necessary, providing heal support if he isn't killing stuff. His main drawback is just his lack of an enemy phase, but even then it's not even that poor.

    combat rating of 8, +0.5 for heal support for a total of 8.5/10


    It took a surprisingly long time for players to realise how good he was, and I'm still not sure why.

    Lukas, despite being an early introduced unit, has one of the most minmaxed statlines in the game with garbage Spd and Res, but great HP and Atk and massive Def. He easily walls physical reds and blues, and even some greens. And unless the enemies have guard, he will fire off a special, nearly guaranteeing a kill. Give him guard and he no longer fears Luna or moonbow. Against physical teams, he's nigh invincible.

    His main weakness is mages obviously, and he lacks a reliable way to kill them due to being optimised for enemy phase, unless he runs a brave lance build, but that build isn't really relevant anymore. 

    7/10, a little one dimensional, but in his niche, he does really well.

  7. Free roll 5* once again, just like Shiro, fittingly enough.

    Unfortunately he's -Spd +Def so probably won't be used much. His skills are all 4* obtainable so he's still safe from foddering at least.


  8. Skipping Karel, no experience with him


    The only dragon dancer in the game. Poor Atk stat of 24 gives her awful killing potential, but rather than focus on that, she does have great survivability with decent defense, good Res and Spd and the largest HP pool of any dancer and access to water breath for even more bulk, and thus gets a base rating of 6 due to that niche. Dancer bonus gives 1.5 for infantry dancers for a final rating of 7.5

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