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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. I'm back, now that I finally have some free time.


    Lance infantry with a balanced stat spread, which isn't bad by any means, but unlike his competition, he lacks a unique weapon, and thus can't compete with the likes of Ephraim, CYL!Lucina, Shiro and Fjorm. Compared to the rest of the lance infantry, he lacks Lukas' minmaxed physical bulk or Nephenee's speed, and thus can't serve as a tanky or fast lancer that well. He can use his brave lance well but brave infantry lance is a dead niche.

    5/10, really mediocre unit


    I feel like nearly everyone has one except me. And it's not really surprising. Strongest Atk stat of the blue dragons with good mixed bulk and lighting+steady breath access makes her a really strong generalist unit like most other dragons. She can also run TA swordbreaker to be a falchion counter on dragon teams. Depending on her boon/bane combo her standard counters may even have trouble killing her, but thankfully, she can only run one set at a time. However, she lacks in player phase utility outside of swordbreaker builds due to middling speed, but her performance on enemy phase more than makes up for it.

    9/10 I wish I didn't hate her so much so I would actually be willing to build one.

  2. I reached tier 25 at the start of the 3rd battle. My advice would be to make a brigade entirely of the unit type that gets the +4 to all stats, and play infernal on the maps that give the additional boost. The changes make it easy to gain the maximum possible score consistently, which should allow you to get to tier 25 easily.

  3. Spoiler

    Bonus units are our new brides and groom, and apparently their original versions as well?

    Seals are Atk/Def 2, Flier formation and Spd smoke. RIP my coins

    I have 96 coins now. +80 from the tempest and +135 from VG adds up to 311, enough to fully upgrade 2 seals, and that's not taking arena rewards into account. I'll be fine. Though I don't think I'll be upgrading Spd smoke until I figure out how to use smokes effectively outside of my gimmicky Ephraim build.

  4. Nothing but garbage. Not surprised, feels like forever since I last pulled a 5*

    (The legendary banner Shigure doesn't count, he was a dupe that was immediately foddered)

    Ares getting demoted means I have a new 4* target to obtain. 

  5. 2 shining examples of why high HP on ranged units is a terrible combination.


    Fast dagger with poor bulk, mediocre Atk and nothing to make him stand out from other dagger units. I don't even have anything more to say about him which is pretty sad. 2/10


    Alright, 31/31 isn't terrible, but when Infantry archers in this game only use firesweep or brave bows, stats become everything and he just ends up falling short of the stronger archers, and lacks any unique niche to stand out. His Res is also terrible which makes even guard bow a poor option. 3/10

  6. Oh hey, more units I use quite often.


    One of the few launch units that still remains a force to be reckoned with, despite multiple axe armors introduced afterwards. QR on his weapon allows for an omnibreaker build that is unique to him, and berserk armads allows him to act as a slightly worse version of his LA incarnation, who is the best axe armor in the game. Armor march solves the movement problem while bold fighter lets him become a monster on player phase as well, which is especially deadly with berserk armads. His statline is optimised for his role with high physical bulk and Atk with low Spd, and while not as min maxed as more recent armors, his unique weapon puts him above them in combat performance. 9/10


    The definition of a glass cannon with L&D built into his new weapon, on top of a killer effect. While frail on enemy phase, Fury+Desperation allows him to one round most of the cast on player phase, and his high speed will guarantee doubles on pretty much anyone not running axebreaker or wary fighter. While rather one-note, his combat performance far outstrips that of the other infantry axes, and gives him a solid role in arena matches, just keep him out of reach on enemy phase, otherwise he will be killed. 8/10

  7. I've been getting the max score on infernal GC pretty consistently due to the changes and horse buff area effects. Of course that's only if the map is horse friendly.

    I'm not sure if I really want to save up orbs for the potential 6/8 CYL especially given how much IS loves to put CYL units on skill, legendary and hero fest banners. I've gotten 4 B!Ikes and none were from his original banner. Maybe I'll just grab the (hopefully) free Eph and leave. Though I'm not sure if I want to spend orbs on the bride banner either, aside from maybe going after Ninian. Ranged Dancer BST is a little discouraging though.

  8. I'm just surprised that the FE fandom never gets tired of arguing over everything. Yes, most of the English speaking fandom hates Bride Sanaki's inclusion, but is there really a need for this same point to be continuously repeated? Especially on a site that has no connection to the Developers. Also haven't we been through this before with H!Nowi?

    Indifference is fine, though if you actually like her inclusion, I would really want to know the reason why.


    The cheongsam thing was an issue over cultural appropriation and not sexualisation. I don't really mind it, clothes are just clothes anyways.

  9. Spoiler

    10: Extremely strong, shapes the meta around themselves. Requires using niche units to counter. Very few units will fall into this tier.

    9: Not quite meta defining but still very strong units with great combat performance against common arena threats and no glaring flaws.

    8: Solid units that provide good coverage against their own colour and the one they are strong against, but can be countered by some units of the colour they are weak against.

    7: Units that provide a unique form of utility be it buffs, debuffs or being anti meta while also being a decent combatant that can hold their own in a fight.

    6: Units that provide similar utility as a tier 7, but are outclassed in combat and will require support or heavy investment to contribute outside of their niche role.

    5: Middling units that are outclassed but can still perform decently with investment. Not excellent but not horrible either. Can sometimes serve a niche role.

    4: Borderline units that serve as a poor man's version of another unit (basically completely outclassed). Can achieve similar performance as a tier 5 but requires significantly more investment.

    3: Units that have poor performance against their own colour and are countered by pretty much anyone with triangle advantage. Can only really achieve anything against units they have an advantage over.

    2: Units who often fail to kill even enemies they have triangle advantage over even with investment. Generally not worth using.

    1: Bottom of the barrel units that not only perform poorly but are a handicap to the player's team. No amount of investment can save them.

    Well, these units definitely won't be scoring as well as the last 2.


    Honestly, her stats just make me question what IS was thinking. Not only is it inaccurate to her original incarnation but it's just outright bad. Both Atk and Spd are below 30, and her only good stats are Res and HP(lol). She can tank mages but that's about it, and honestly there are way better candidates for DC and Berkut's lance, to which I would honestly consider such high investment for mediocre performance to be a complete waste of resources. By far the worst lance flier and probably one of the worst units in the game. She deserved better tbh. 2/10

    Robin (M)

    He was pretty popular back when archers were meta, but that was probably because he was cheap to build. 29 Atk and Spd is pathetic when compared to other blue mages, putting offensive builds out of the question and his physical bulk isn't quite high enough for close counter builds, which LA!Lyn runs better due to ward stacking. And he has 4 superbanes to top it off, making Res his only non crippling bane. And now that archers have mostly gone out of fashion, his original niche is not as relevant anymore, leaving him as nothing more than a mediocre blue mage. 4/10 (at least, unlike Florina, his fans can still have his much stronger alts to use)

  10. Oh hey, units I actually use!

    Tiki (Y)

    Balanced stat spread, and one of the two red dragons in the game. Her mixed bulk is great for lighting breath builds, and gives her more versatility than her adult version. Good Spd lets her avoid doubles to reduce damage taken. Mediocre Atk is her main drawback but adaptive damage and steady breath easily remedy that. She can also receive dragon emblem buffs, which bump up her performance even more. Lack of competition means that she won't be totally outclassed by any unit. Falchion weakness will prove to be a little problematic sometimes but not every team has one. 

    9/10, honestly a really good unit overall.


    OHKO nuke post refinery update with DB3 and chill res built into a single weapon. Her full potential is not as high as a bladetome but is more self sufficient and doesn't restrict allies' C slot choices. However she is frail and slow and will probably die if she fails to OHKO. Red mages aren't exactly meta but she's definitely one of the better ones. She does lack versatility and will usually always be seen with the standard Atk stacking DB6 build, which pulls down her rank a little, but still, she fills that one role very well. 7/10

  11. 26 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Sure, those complaints will stop. Instead, they'll complain about him being a TT unit and thus locked to +1 (and possibly about him being an underwhelming unit if that's what he turns out to be).

    Wouldn't be the first time that has happened. Though as someone who doesn't give a shit about merges, I could honestly care less about that.

    And I don't have any axe cavaliers so he's welcome regardless. Or more accurately, my only 5* axe cavalry was skill foddered to Ephraim, so I don't have any right now.

    Also Tharja's alts are all red mages. Good luck making an emblem team for her lol.

  12. Ninian alt! Flying dancers are always great but she's probably going to have the ranged dancer BST, which is pretty much the lowest possible BST range.

    The rest of the banner is meh to me thankfully.

    Also, Marth finally gets an alt. Can the complaints stop now?

  13. Spoiler

    10: Extremely strong, shapes the meta around themselves. Requires using niche units to counter. Very few units will fall into this tier.

    9: Not quite meta defining but still very strong units with great combat performance against common arena threats and no glaring flaws.

    8: Solid units that provide good coverage against their own colour and the one they are strong against, but can be countered by some units of the colour they are weak against.

    7: Units that provide a unique form of utility be it buffs, debuffs or being anti meta while also being a decent combatant that can hold their own in a fight.

    6: Units that provide similar utility as a tier 7, but are outclassed in combat and will require support or heavy investment to contribute outside of their niche role.

    5: Middling units that are outclassed but can still perform decently with investment. Not excellent but not horrible either. Can sometimes serve a niche role.

    4: Borderline units that serve as a poor man's version of another unit (basically completely outclassed). Can achieve similar performance as a tier 5 but requires significantly more investment.

    3: Units that have poor performance against their own colour and are countered by pretty much anyone with triangle advantage. Can only really achieve anything against units they have an advantage over.

    2: Units who often fail to kill even enemies they have triangle advantage over even with investment. Generally not worth using.

    1: Bottom of the barrel units that not only perform poorly but are a handicap to the player's team. No amount of investment can save them.


    Axe infantry really aren't common in arena are they? Either way, Bartre has the typical bulky unit spread with high HP, Atk and Def with poor Spd and Res. Unfortunately, he lacks a prf while his main competitors, B!Ike and Dorcas have great unique weapons and higher BST, making him outclassed by both of them. That being said, he can still be salvaged through investment better than other axes like Arthur or Barst. 5/10, outclassed but not unsalvageable.


    The OG green dragon, but most definitely not the best anymore. Her main competition here is F!Kana due to Grima and Myrrh being on another level entirely.

    She has high HP, good Atk and Res with middling Spd and Def. This gives her a niche as a mage counter with the warding breath lightning breath set, which she uses better than Kana. Giving her Aether helps her sustainability against physical units as well, just keep her far away from falchions. Unfortunately, she isn't very versatile and you can pretty much expect most Faes to be running this set (DC light breath is a meme, don't do it), making her role fairly rigid. Still, a dragon is a dragon so she gets 8/10

    @Fire Emblem Fan I think it's the individual's rating criteria and not harsh rating. With my current criteria, any unit with an outclassed statline and no unique weapon won't usually score any higher than 5, unless they have a tier 8 combat potential which admittedly makes it harder to rank in categories with really stiff competition like infantry swords. 

  14. Rating criteria


    10: Extremely strong, shapes the meta around themselves. Requires using niche units to counter. Very few units will fall into this tier.

    9: Not quite meta defining but still very strong units with great combat performance against common arena threats and no glaring flaws.

    8: Solid units that provide good coverage against their own colour and the one they are strong against, but can be countered by some units of the colour they are weak against.

    7: Units that provide a unique form of utility be it buffs, debuffs or being anti meta while also being a decent combatant that can hold their own in a fight.

    6: Units that provide similar utility as a tier 7, but are outclassed in combat and will require support or heavy investment to contribute outside of their niche role.

    5: Middling units that are outclassed but can still perform decently with investment. Not excellent but not horrible either. Can sometimes serve a niche role.

    4: Borderline units that serve as a poor man's version of another unit (basically completely outclassed). Can achieve similar performance as a tier 5 but requires significantly more investment.

    3: Units that have poor performance against their own colour and are countered by pretty much anyone with triangle advantage. Can only really achieve anything against units they have an advantage over.

    2: Units who often fail to kill even enemies they have triangle advantage over even with investment. Generally not worth using.

    1: Bottom of the barrel units that not only perform poorly but are a handicap to the player's team. No amount of investment can save them.



    Honestly, Lance armours aren't that different at max potential. She commonly runs Berkut's lance or slaying lance with DC to take advantage of her relatively higher Res compared to Effie. However she doesn't run brave lance bold fighter nearly as well due to poor Atk, making her extremely reliant on specials to do damage with that set.

    Being an armor pretty much guarantees a decent score (fighter skills are broken), but she does seem to be the weakest of the summonable lance armors. Especially due to her 30 Atk, which is the lowest of the bunch. And now that Effie is 3-4*, she doesn't even have mergeability as a plus point.

    Rating: 8/10

    When the worst blue armor is an 8, it really says something about how badly armors are balanced.


    30/35 Atk/Spd, no unique weapon and being a lance flier is not exactly a good start for Shanna.

    Her offensive stats are completely eclipsed by Cordelia, Tana and Shigure, and her Res isn't even quite enough to ploy things like Est. Unlike Hinoka and Clair, she doesn't even get a prf to give her a niche or bump up her viability. 

    Rating: 4/10 

    Mediocre, maybe slightly below average but at least she isn't Florina.

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