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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. The only thing we know right now is the comment "a lot of heroes will be making an appearance" on the announcement, which can be interpreted several ways, but I'm hoping it means many upcoming character additions to the game (and hopefully less alts). I wonder if they're all going to be Thracia characters though.

    I hope there's a GHB reveal as well, so I know what the best way to spend my 54k feathers will be. There probably won't be a refinery reveal since we'll be finding out immediately after the update drops.

    As much as I want a summoning pool rework, I doubt they will address that problem, just like they didn't back during the anniversary update.

  2. Used Fjorm with BK, LA!Eliwood and OG Hector. There isn't much room to move anyways and I needed black luna to pummel my way through some of the dumb BST here.

    I'm holding on to 54k feathers and 280 dew until FEH channel just in case there's a character I want to promote/invest in coming soon, and if Forblaze has a good refinement.

  3. Rolled blue on the fodder banner hoping for a +Spd or Atk L'Arachel to merge my old one into, but somehow ended up with another -Spd 5* Tailtiu. I suppose I'll hold on to her until I pull Linde or something 

  4. @Arthur97 You underestimate the power of new unit bias. Same reason why fallen Celica was more popular than normal Celica.

    Anyways, I'm done fooling around on team Alfonse. Ephraim has his Siegmund back instead of the carrot lance. Hope I didn't lose any friends. I'm just here to repay Alfonse for kindly donating his def smoke to Eph.

  5. Character wise, it depends on the outfits they wear. I still hate the bunny outfits and I'm not too fond of skimpy swimsuits, but performing arts and love abounds were great. I'm not taking character representation into account because everyone has varying tastes in favourites and I don't expect IS to pander to me all the time.

    Gameplay wise, I hate the entire concept of locking premium skills to limited characters. I know the skills will make it to the regular pool eventually but it takes a really long time for that, and the inheritable weapons will likely never be made non-limited. Worse is when they lock a meta defining unit behind the limited restriction. I really wish these banners weren't so frequent. The only good thing to come out of it is slowing down the oversaturation of the 5* pool.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Hekselka said:

    I haven't played FE6, does Forblaze have effective dragon damage? I ask because a lot of people think that Forblaze will get a bonus dragon damage dealing effect.

    I wouldn't actually mind a buff like that considering we have a Tiki/Nowi GHB coming up and knowing IS and their dragon maps they're going to make this one very difficult. Also, my +HP-Atk Julia doesn't cut it anymore when she goes up against Nowi.

    The other Elibe legendary weapons like Durandal, Armads and Mulagir also did effective damage against dragons in FE6, but that didn't carry over into heroes, and I honestly doubt they would make an exception for Forblaze

  7. 22 minutes ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

    I think bladetome>raventome at this point.  Colorless units aren't relevant anymore.  Brave Lyn is nowhere to be seen at the top tier of Arena.  She just torments those below Tier 18 now.

    Now that you mention it, I haven't seen any brave bow archers aside from the occasional Lyn in arena recently. What happened?

  8. After bitching about the scoring system a few days ago, I just went in with a more familiar team archetype, which made things infinitely easier (team was L!Ike, Ephraim, F!Morgan and Airzura) Would have used Deirdre but she doesn't have an Earth blessing and I don't want to spend one just for one season.

    Ended up with 4,908 which is basically toeing the line. I could scrape it back into 20 but I won't be surprised if I drop out of the threshold in the last few hours.

  9. Well, I wasn't expecting to get anything from the legendary banner, but I have a spare B!Lyn now. Unfortunately, she's neutral, which is the same as the original one I had, so it's either a merge or fodder for her. I also got a 4* Sothe, which is always nice.

    The funny thing is that I was sniping blue, and the one time no blue orbs showed up was when I actually got good summons. The past blue orbs were just Est, Jagen and Odin and other useless stuff. And I still don't have a single Cordelia.

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