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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. 12 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    The 4-5* pool is so shallow now that a double demotion isn't as ludicrous a suggestion as it would have been in the past.

    (Not saying I'm expecting it, just that it wouldn't be a shock either)

    Shigure has comparable stats to the current 2 best lance fliers with 33/37, compared to Cordelia's 35/35 and Tana's 34/36, and is a full BST bin above the latter 2. He also has the Wo Dao lance variant,  which is more valuable than water breath, even if his other 2 skills are nothing special. I'm honestly not seeing a demote here, but we did get 4* Soleil so who knows at this point.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Johann said:

    Isn't Sharena's Spd/Res Stance already Swift Stance?

    It is, which is why I called it the parallel to swift strike which also grants Spd/Res 

    Strike stance can't exist as it's basically the skill term like ~blow, used in mirror strike as well. 

    Agreed that the blow skill naming is a complete mess, and doesn't even use consistent naming, alternating between blow, strike and sparrow. Like seriously, what?


    Full list:

    Atk: Death blow/Fierce stance

    Spd: Darting blow/Darting stance

    Def: Armored blow/Steady stance

    Res: Warding blow/Warding stance

    Atk/Spd: Swift sparrow (the biggest offender here)/??

    Atk/Def: Sturdy blow/Sturdy stance

    Atk/Res: Mirror Strike/Mirror stance

    Spd/Def: Steady blow/??

    Spd/Res: Swift strike/Swift stance

    Def/Res: Bracing blow/?? (Probably bracing stance)


  3. 29 minutes ago, Ae†her said:

    That's exactly why I think Agile would've been a valid replacement. lol 

    Death Blow - Fierce Stance : Death Stance how can an unoffensive thing be so deadly?

    Armored Blow - Steady Stance : Armored Stance would've been pointless because everything is armored when you have armor, and it doesn't add anything to the stance.

    Darting Blow - Agile Stance - How can a stance be Darting when your just standing there, may be your in a darting position, but agile stance actually is a common thing to say about a stance.

    Funny thing about steady stance is that we already have a steady blow, which grants Spd/Def. So what will the stance equivalent of that be called then? Same goes for swift stance being the parallel to swift strike, leaving the question of what the equivalent to swift sparrow will be. Sparrow stance?

    Translators have a really deep hole to climb out of here

  4. Dropping out of AA top 10k by less than a thousand ranks right before the season ends is just frustrating.

    I also ran into a full horse team on a trenchless map in Arena. Forgot how stupid those were. Thankfully they aren't as common at my score range.

    My steady breath+flame Siegmund Ephraim with Atk/Def smokes has been performing well thus far. Physical only teams just melt, though the positioning isn't easy to pull off on some maps.

  5. To better clarify, I don't completely mind seasonals as long as it's not a meta defining unit or skill locked behind a limited timing. Otherwise they're novelty units that don't clutter the pool. What I don't like is IS' execution on them as they have been looking for excuses to have one of these every month, which was especially bad late last year. Was there really a need for 2 summer banners? And the winter banner was just unhealthy for the meta at the time.

    As a concept, seasonals aren't inherently awful, but IS spammed them too early into the game's lifespan, to the point where we were alternating between new and seasonal banners before the first goddamn anniversary. That's just ridiculous. However, placing alts in new hero banners as a concept is simply inexcusable. There's really no reasonable explanation for that.

    The legendary and blessing system was a mistake from the start and being alts is barely part of the problem. Unfortunately there's no going back on it, and there's only so many OCs that can be made, so alts are fairly inevitable there, and at least they don't take up new banner runtime. If marth does get an alt, I'd rather it be as a legendary rather than a "new" unit on the next shadow dragon banner.

    The shift to 3 unit banners was a bad decision itself but now out of those 3 units at most only 2 will be new now. If we hit a point where one new unit per banner becomes the norm I wouldn't even be surprised, just disappointed.

  6. Here's my final piece on alts. I don't mind seasonals or legendary alts for the matter, it's solely the "new" alts that really tick me off.

    Warning: wall of text


    The permanent alts are the ones I find most offensive, due to several reasons. We already get alts on a regular basis even without these "new" characters. Seasonal banners are alts, Legendary heroes are probably alts from now on, and there's CYL, which is all alts as well. This leaves new hero banners as the only way for characters not in heroes yet to be introduced, but now even those are plagued with the obligatory alt, slowing down the rate of new units being brought into heroes.

    And there's the fact that they don't even need to exist in the first place. Zelgius was literally BK whalebait edition, and I'm pretty sure outside of gameplay, no one would have actually wanted him. I'm not sure what the devs were smoking when they decided Eirika should be the one to wield Gleipnir, though at least like Hinoka, she's filling an unoccupied niche. And then there's Chrom, who already has a million alts, and there was no shortage of good sword cavs, so why did he take the spot on a long awaited Awakening banner when that game could introduce pretty much any new character and still bring in cash. Rein? Olwen? Laziest alts ever made, and being half of the very first Thracia banner instead of more varied representation is outright offensive. The entire rationale behind "new" units is complete bullshit and I hope the backlash makes IS seriously rethink their marketing strategy.

    As a whole, I would hate it if my faves got undeserved alts. Making an exception because you like the character is simply being biased, and asking for more alts to complete a character emblem team is just ridiculously entitled behaviour.


  7. 17 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I think the complaints about Shigure being another alt are kind of funny since this is technically his non-alt version. We just got the alt first in his case. Hinoka is honestly the only true alt here, and she's somebody most have agreed deserves one. Just seems unfortunate that we're on an alt streak lately so there's some heat for it I guess. RIp Reina though. Maybe she'll get to be our second archer flier then..

    My only gripe with the banner is I'm not a big fan of the Kanas, so I'd rather see another child unit on the banner (Ophelia, Midori, etc) and M Kana as a GHB seems kinda meh.

    I think the fact that we now have to discuss who deserves an alt and not whether alts should exist says a lot about the current situation. For the record, I don't think anyone deserves an alt outside of seasonals and CYL. I want new heroes not "new" heroes.

  8. I've seen rather disappointing banners before but this one takes the cake. Two alts, two versions of the same new character and the completely new character has no announced way to obtain him. Skills on units not named Hinoka are rather disappointing, though it seems IS is finally bringing the stance skills to the 4* pool. Let's not get into the fact that the undeniable alt of a rather irrelevant character is the main focus of the banner, and not the new characters. And that the banner closest to several FE's anniversary isn't Shadow Dragon, Blazing sword or Echoes, but fucking Fates.

    Maybe I'm biased because I don't like fates' cast but I most definitely won't spend any orbs here. Especially when L'Eph is coming very soon

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