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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. 20 minutes ago, XRay said:

    It is implied that investment cost generally is not a factor to consider. Units are judged at their maximum potential.

    I also do not recall any skills limited to Special Heroes that dramatically improve a unit's performance, except maybe Chill Res and Brazen Atk/Spd. The main beneficiary of Chill Res is mostly just Reinhardt, and Brazen Atk/Spd fucks up a unit's first round performance badly enough that Swift Sparrow is preferable for most players.

    You do not have worry about those either as they are going to be rated separately. It is stated in the original post.


    Edit: nvm, regarding the first point, I'll just change it to "builds using seasonal exclusive weapons or skills will not be considered, except on the source unit"

    Also, thanks for reminding me about the TT/GHB part. Didn't see that at first.

  2. I suppose I may as well join in, though I won't be rating units I have little to no experience with.

    Rating criteria:


    10: Extremely strong, shapes the meta around themselves. Requires using niche units to counter. Very few units will fall into this tier.

    9: Not quite meta defining but still very strong units with great combat performance against common arena threats and no glaring flaws.

    8: Solid units that provide good coverage against their own colour and the one they are strong against, but can be countered by some units of the colour they are weak against.

    7: Units that provide a unique form of utility be it buffs, debuffs or being anti meta while also being a decent combatant that can hold their own in a fight.

    6: Units that provide similar utility as a tier 7, but are outclassed in combat and will require support or heavy investment to contribute outside of their niche role.

    5: Middling units that are outclassed but can still perform decently with investment. Not excellent but not horrible either. Can sometimes serve a niche role.

    4: Borderline units that serve as a poor man's version of another unit (basically completely outclassed). Can achieve similar performance as a tier 5 but requires significantly more investment.

    3: Units that have poor performance against their own colour and are countered by pretty much anyone with triangle advantage. Can only really achieve anything against units they have an advantage over.

    2: Units who often fail to kill even enemies they have triangle advantage over even with investment. Generally not worth using.

    1: Bottom of the barrel units that not only perform poorly but are a handicap to the player's team. No amount of investment can save them.


    Dancer bonus: dancers will be rated 2 tiers above their combat tier. Mostly because none of the dancers would be above tier 7 otherwise.

    Other notes: builds using seasonal exclusive weapons or skills will not be considered, except on the source unit. I'm looking at you, bulky Candelabra+ infantry mages. 


    A red unit with a fairly mediocre statline. Far too balanced and doesn't stand out in any way. However he recently received a refinement that gives him QR up to 50% hp as well as effectiveness against dragons on top of 4 def/res when attacked. This combined with his fairly high res for a sword unit allows him to tank and kill dragons rather well, especially since most dragons are built for enemy phase and are quite vulnerable when baited, with a few exceptions. He still faces a tough matchup against TA swordbreaker Nowi for one.

    However, besides dragons, he can also perform well against melee units with his steady breath build or mages with his DC build, though not as well as other more specialised sword units.

    The thing that pulls his ranking down most is the extremely stiff competition amongst red swords, especially when so many of them have increasingly min maxed stats, making his statline, which was mediocre even at launch, even less appealing. 

    Final rating: 6

    TLDR: He kills dragons well, but is outclassed in any other role by the more recent sword units. His refinement, good as it is, doesn't change the fact that his stats are still mediocre.

  3. 2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Speaking of refines, how OP would it be if the trio got innate breakers over the type they are strong against? Axebreaker for Fólkvangr, Swordbreaker for Fensalir, Lancebreaker for Nóatún. With or without the changes to their existing effect.

    Pretty mediocre to be honest. Breakers have poor synergy with Anna and Alfonse's existing effects, and breaker skills aren't exactly overpowered to begin with, especially those for a weapon type the unit is already strong against. The Askr trio needs far stronger refines to be viable, especially given their competition.


    Tana's weapon effect is basically a more restrictive version of Safeguard+, and is one of the remaining legendary weapons with only a single effect. I'd say the weapon needs a refine, even if Tana herself doesn't desperately need one.

  4. 4 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    My 4*+10 Clair just became trash! YAAAY! /s

    Now really, I don't mind that much because I planned on rewarding her by making her a 5*+10 when I got another 10 copies of her. I suppose I'll wait a bit to see what Rhomphaia does (although I'm giving it to her regardless because I love Clair). 

    The other changes are welcome, except for the arena one. Now I won't get defense wins as easily unless Cordelia+Chill Def still has enough power to thrash the opposition. I know I could work on a cheese strat with Shield Pulse+Miracle with a WoM mage but getting that set up will take me almost a year considering that I still have to finish merging my core.

    The free CC will probably go to LA!Lyn although I'm not a fan of it because her low Def just makes it a meh option and I don't have Bold Fighter fodder to create a monster.

    You can 5* another unmerged Clair and then merge the 5* into the 4*+10 to give access to the legendary weapon.

  5. Well I certainly hope you guys are having better luck than me. Not a single 5* yet, though I did get a +Spd -Res L'Arachel which I promoted and merged my old one into.

    Given the rather unfortunate timing of this banner, I think I may postpone my search for L!Ephraim to the late June banner. Especially since I probably won't have time to get the monthly orbs before the banner ends.

  6. 1 hour ago, Humanoid said:

     As for the race to maintain T19.5, 4920 points is holding at rank 10004/12603 at the moment, going to be tight but it's more breathing room than a fortnight ago. No Fjormflation of course which helps, but I can't tell why Ike weeks aren't nearly as inflated, given everyone has both, and that Ike is worth 698 with his default skills compared to Fjorm's 700.

    I think it was a combination of water week and Fjorm being bonus, so players didn't need to swap in a lower scoring bonus unit and bring all their highest scoring units instead. L!Ike has only been a bonus once and that was before he was F2P

    I'm struggling to get defense wins this week as well despite getting 2 last week with the same team. I changed it up so hopefully I can get one from an unlucky last minute player.

  7. I was really hoping today wouldn't be another sleeper day. Why didn't they have Kana's GHB start earlier? Or at least announce new refinements. It seems like every time I have lots of spare time, FEH has no new content and only starts spamming content when I'm going to be very busy.

    I won't even be able to play at all from 5/6 to 5/11 so there goes some lost orbs

  8. Sometimes having an itchy orb trigger finger pays off. Pulled an Ayra off the skill banner. 

    She is -Atk +HP (why is this nature so goddamn common)but since it's not -Spd I'm fine with it

    Edit: feeling lucky, I went on to yolo a Hinoka off the fates banner...a regular Hinoka to be precise lol. But I can't say no to more hone fliers


  9. Blue is the main colour I'm going for, and Micaiah is a pity breaker I don't mind at all. I don't want any more Shigure though. One is more than enough.

    Green has Inigo and Henry, who I already have and don't care for respectively, so rolling for Lyn now is a risk that doesn't seem worth it.

    Not even considering the other 2 colours 

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