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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. Brave Ike

    Infantry axe with the gimmick of almost nullifying consecutive attacks. His base kit seems built with the intention of tanking 2 ranged hits then retaliating with a threaten def boosted aether. But of course, this doesn't always work out, and he's liable to get one shot by quite a few mages. As such, these days he's mostly relegated to melee tank. It doesn't help that his personal skill is a niche pick and his weapon synergises poorly with DC. Steady breath is an amazing skill but he isn't even the best user of it.

    He still has great combat performance against physical units and blue mages but falters against several swords. Dragons also wreck him by targeting his poor res.

    However it's his competition that hurts him most as he lacks built in DC like his competitor Dorcas and isn't a very good candidate for the skill. He also lacks armor BST or flying movement. I do like that his weapon shuts down desperation and brave builds but even those aren't as common anymore. 

    Overall a solid unit who can cover a team's green tank role, but there are better options now, and he's no longer living the glory days of his introduction. At least he doesn't require much investment to reach full potential. 8/10 if I'm generous.

    Brave Lyn

    One of two cavalry archers in the game. She has high speed boosted by her default weapon and horse buffs allowing her to double nearly every enemy she attacks. Decent base Atk helps secure those kills but her greatest strength and the reason why she terrorised the arena when she arrived is Sacae's blessing, which nullifies physical DC. This reduces her counters to just dragons and bulky mages/archers. If she keeps her prf weapon she even nullifies visible buffs on those mages meant to counter her.

    However her weapon is still a really niche one and mediocre at best, like most bows that aren't Brave/Firesweep. Like most archers now, her ability to score ORKOs is greatly hindered by the overall rise in the bulk of the meta, especially if she chooses to run the lower mt brave or firesweep bows. Her sacae's blessing also isn't as effective anymore due to dragons becoming increasingly common, who all counter her due to not having triangle advantage over any of them. 

    While she did shape the meta for a time, and still requires a counter on every arena team, her counters have gone from being niche picks specifically for beating her (Raven mages) to very common units found on nearly every arena team (dragons)

    She's still a force to be reckoned with at lower scoring tiers due to accessibility and ease of building, but is mostly now a gatekeeper unit for beginner arena teams. She would have been a 10 at release but now I'd give a 9 for combat -0.5 for trenches and horse buff dependence for a total of 8.5/10

    I noticed I haven't brought up trenches until now, which really hinder horses and almost makes them feel like a liability to use. People rag on infantry units a lot but honestly they've really not as bad as some make them out to be. The only mov type I'd put as solidly superior is fliers.


  2. Now for the 2 CYL1 runner ups

    Brave Roy

    Offensive sword cavalry with the main niche of having heavy blade on his weapon, allowing him to run his base galeforce build well. Or at least back when he first released.

    His offensive statline just doesn't quite keep up now and he fails to double his enemies more often without horse buffs, hurting his ability to carry out his galeforce gimmick. The release of Siegbert and the heavy blade seal left him outclassed at his own niche.

    Horse buffs put his combat up to a better standard but outside of it he doesn't perform as well.

    Still his galeforce niche is a powerful one if pulled off so he isn't pulled down that much.

    For good combat and a galeforce niche l give him an 8, -0.5 for buff dependence/horse emblem requirements for a final 7.5/10

    Brave Lucina

    Bringing a very similar statline to her sword versions, brave Lucina has the strongest offensive statline of all lance infantry, and though 36 speed isn't quite enough to double some of the faster swords released after her, she still maintains near perfect red matchups otherwise (perfect with swordbreaker) and great blue matchups but falters against bulky blues and most greens.

    However her main claim to fame is the double drive on her weapon, for physical units at least. With this she can serve a double role as offensive lancer and support buffer for physical teams.

    She mostly faces competition from Ephraim who has better player phase performance and less restrictive buffs, but her higher speed gives her better enemy phase potential and her buffs are in-combat, so they stack unlike hones.

    7 for a solid niche and good but not perfect combat, +0.5 for drive support for a final 7.5/10



    Not to point fingers but I feel like some people are just throwing 9s just because they're CYL units without taking actual matchups into consideration.


  3. Amelia

    Coincidentally, I just sacrificed her last night for armor march. But the reason for that is actually quite relevant to her rating. While she is a high BST armor comparable to a gen 2 armor due to trainee bonus, she now exists in a meta with 3 Hectors and an armor dragon while she lacks a prf to give her an edge over them. Her higher speed is irrelevant when bold fighter exists, making her worse than the more minmaxed W!Chrom.

    As such there's really no actual reason to include her in an armor team aside from lack of other options, but fighter skill access prevents her from falling below a 7/10

    Skip Innes, I've never used an infantry archer ever

  4. If I got my free Hector on the countering skills banner months back does it still count?

    But honestly I really dislike how much premium fodder it takes to build an optimal armor team compared to other emblem teams. I kinda gave up on building up my personal armor faves due to a lack of vengeful fighter fodder (the only copy of it I have is on my +Atk Grima). Bold fighter would be nice too but I've invested too much into Hardin to sacrifice him.

    Though oddly enough, steady breath isn't a problem for me, because 5 Bikes

  5. Skipping Seth


    34/36 is up there with Cordelia's 35/35 and Shigure's 33/37 as one of the best offensive stat spreads for lance fliers. She can run brave, firesweep or slaying lance to great effect like the other 2. She also has a prf in Vidofnir but given how outdated it's effect is, she won't be getting any bonus points for it.

    She has near perfect red matchups and great blue matchups against anyone who doesn't have ridiculous def like Lukas. Her enemy phase is lackluster but most fliers prioritise player phase anyways.

    8/10, refine when?

  6. Another Myrrh? This banner is way too kind, especially since I only saved like 9 orbs for it and had to scrape orbs from events and quests to roll

    I don't really mind not getting any legendaries here, I've kinda given up on trying to get them.

  7. 8 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    I wonder what archers would need now. Shining bow? I wish they'd do something similar to what they did with "The Cleaner" and make something new for a weapon type that other weapon types don't have. And damn, archers are really in a rough spot if there are gaps in tiers

    Jakob's only really there because of bold fighter.

    As for what bows need, maybe a blade-bow? Or a bow with built in CC (a terrible idea tbh)

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