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Posts posted by Korath88

  1. It’s been about a month so I guess I can say something about this game.

    Picked it up because I can’t keep going on with FEH being my only mobile source of entertainment.

    Luck’s been above average with pulling Ezelith, Mikoto and Lily for characters and Jeanne and Nidhogg for dragons. Rates are still dogshit though, I believe the 3* rate is like 80% so it’s a 20% chance for 4* and above and half of that is fucking wyrmprints anyways so it’s a 10% chance to get anything remotely useful.

    Gameplay is okay, there’s some underlying problems with the controls that need to be worked out but otherwise it’s alright. I’m more concerned about the lack of stamina at higher levels, especially given how grindy the game gets. Refill pots don’t even cap out your stamina and getherwings cap at 6 for whatever stupid reason, and all the refill items are ridiculously rare for how necessary they are.

    Characterisation is very hit or miss, can be charming in some cases but other characters just make a terrible first impression. Though coming up with a likeable personality for so many OCs isn’t exactly an easy thing to do, but some of the worse ones don’t even go through character development and end up remaining the exact same person on their 5th story.

    Events are done much better here than FEH, because there’s actually effort put into them, though it’s a little early to judge. I’m not sure how much I like them being element intensive after getting screwed over this event with no good light units, but I did manage to brute force a victory on Halloween horrors with Lily so it’s still doable.

    Also regarding the eldwater thing, the cost actually does increase per node unlocked, totalling to about 60k just to max the co ability of a 5*.

    Player ID is 4926 4953 862 if anyone wants to add me. I still have more than half my friends list empty 

  2. Nothing really. I just sacrificed my most expensive project for the DC I gave to him without hesitation.

    That’s my last copy of LA!Eliwood gone and the Grima I sacrificed to him wasted and I didn’t even feel anything. 

    Halloween Myrrh needed that skill more

  3. Alright, banner analysis time.

    Helbindi is an enemy phase axe infantry with good mixed bulk, but if you don't have DC, he won't reach full potential. Spectrum wave is neat, and gives him a pretty solid niche. Probably the best unit on this banner.

    Laegjarn's 32/36 isn't as high as the current best red fliers, but has the highest defense among red fliers. Prf depends on enemies having buffs, so completely worthless against armors unfortunately. If you already have Elincia/L!Ryoma, she's probably unnecessary, but still a solid unit, though player phase fliers are generally better than enemy phase.


    Sword infantry really isn't a unit type anyone wants to be at the moment, and her speed leaves a lot to be desired. I suppose her best bet is to go with a one shot build with her prf, since she's outclassed at most other roles.

    No real must haves here, but BST skills on dancers is going to be absolute cancer, and may be worth a shot if you have an applicable one.



  4. I put them on infantry not meant for mixed teams and my AA dancers so they can buff regardless of what team I put them on.

    I lack a reliable source of Atk and Def drives, which are mostly used on enemy phase teams anyways. Hones are still the most reliable buffing skill for infantry player phase.

    I'd run tactic skills more often if Spd tactic becomes more available and when I actually pull some Legaults.

    Waves are too inconsistent for my liking

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