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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Sure but as you said, seals are currently just weaker A-passives. There is no skill in the game that gives a unit extra movement because that would be far more broken than even Hector's Distant Counter being a seal. I would be extremely surprised if a seal as powerful as what you mentioned is passed on because that would be absolutely gamebreaking, which seals are not meant to be (given that all we've had so far are small stat boosts).
  2. A moment of silence for Lachesis and Lucius Watch someone like Athos get added into Heroes as a healer too lmao
  3. Easily +Atk +Atk is by far the best nature on Brave units as they get double the boost from an atk boon than any other character. The only Brave units I might go with something else for are the super speedy ones that run quad-desperation builds, like Cordelia and Setsuna as they might often run +Spd to ensure the quad hits. But other than that, +Atk is easily the best nature for any Brave unit.
  4. Huh. That's interesting. I guess the "special" lines are just for entering battle then, as you said?
  5. I don't think the game makes a distinction between "assist" specials and offensive specials in regards to art/lines. But I could be wrong. I don't have an Azama, so I'll leave this up to someone else to test.
  6. Do you not get their special voice lines when you use their Balm specials? Or something like Imbue? I haven't played with animations for a while, but I seem to remember that you can still see/hear their special art/lines that way.
  7. I definitely prefer speedy glass cannons, but to each their own haha Fury's actually a solid skill on him (though I think giving him QR or Swordbreaker first is the priority to help him double). My personal set on Ephraim is:
  8. @Anacybele Congratulations on your shiny new Ephraim! You really like your bulky characters, huh? +HP/-Atk isn't optimal on Ephraim, of course, but I think it's fine. His main utility is to act as a wall against sword units, and nearly every sword in the game is overkilled by him in two hits anyways (unfortunately, he doesn't quite have the attack to OHKO them, so you'll have to settle for two). He's a bit slow to make up for how tanky he is, but that's not anything an inherited Quick Riposte or Swordbreaker can't fix! Ephraim is one of my favorite lords and also one of my better units in Heroes, so if you ever have any questions regarding him just let me know! EDIT: I just did some calcs, and even with -Atk, an Ephraim with either Quick Riposte or Swordbreaker can ORKO every sword unit in the game except for Alm, Draug, and Zephiel, and even +Atk Ephraim doesn't ORKO those 3 anyways. Your Ephraim is fine.
  9. I can personally confirm for Jaffar since I have one. I don't have a Falchion user, so this is secondhand information I heard from someone else.
  10. Oh is that so? Guess I was wrong then, mbad. Is the rest of what I said accurate at least?
  11. Healers (who are the only ones that can learn Pain) cannot inherit Poison Strike in the first place (or Savage Blow). BUT Poison Strike does stack with Jaffar's Deathly Dagger, allowing him to do 17 damage per hit after battle instead of his usual 7. Also, you didn't ask, but Renewal also stacks with Falchion, letting you heal 20 HP every 3 turns instead of 10.
  12. Ngl that sounds broken as hell. If you think about the amount of difference +1 mov makes compared to a mere +1 atk (which is the level the current seals are at), the difference is incomparable.
  13. Every little bit helps, of course, but Gronnblade Cecilia overkills her enemies more often than not, so you don't miss out on as much by not upgrading the skill fodder as you would with other characters.
  14. Gronnblade Cecilia slays Takumi and blue tomes just fine, as well as all other colorless and blues and many greens and some reds as well. Which TA Raven Cecilia cannot.
  15. Oh I know, I'm not super disappointed or anything. I guess I just feel more disappointed than I normally would because I had a taste of what ranking high was like before the update changed how the system works haha. Well, that and also the fact that I still usually rank higher than top 2k, and it's so frustrating that 1k is sooooo close. Like honestly, if my rank were a solid 2-3k instead of 1.5k I'd probably be less annoyed lmao
  16. Currently ranked 1423 with a score of 4802. I don't think I'll be able to break top 1k anymore after the update without higher merges. All of my units are either +0 or +1, which is really dragging my score down :/
  17. I'm not so sure a cd-reducing seal would be balanced, but I actually really like your other ideas! The tuning seals and the weapon-specific seals are all pretty cool ideas that I may not have thought of on my own. What about seals that help out your allies instead of the user? A mini-Hone/Fortify aura might be too much, but maybe a mini-Spur like +1 Atk to adjacent allies in combat or something like that?
  18. Depends on how you're using her. If you're just dancing and nothing else, I'd go with +Def for extra survivability. If you're planning to deck out your Olivia with inheritance, as I am eventually, I'd go +Atk. (Fun fact: +Atk 5* Olivia with Triangle Adept 3 has exactly enough atk to ORKO neutral Hector)
  19. Smite wasn't actually necessary for the killzone as people with fliers could bait the lance peg from the mountain. But yeah, I agree that Ursula's is probably the best designed map with Navarre's being the worst. Zephiel's map is decently challenging without any dancers or positioning skills though since that greatly limits your ability to kite (I also tried emulating your strategy, but it's only possible with a +Atk Jaffar, which I do not have. Otherwise you can't ORKO the red mage at the beginning).
  20. Mkv posted two separate videos of them beating Zephiel's Lunatic map using only 3* units and taking 0 damage: Here's the first one. And here's the second.
  21. Yeah, Cecilia with Gronnblade is pretty awesome. Glad she's working out for you! If I could trade her to you, I would :/
  22. Here you go! Not only did Mkv beat the map with only 3* units, but they (unsure of gender) didn't even get hit a single time :O
  23. My laziness is coming back to bite me since I haven't bothered training up most of my units (except for the ones I use regularly-ish, which are all A+ tier and up and/or have skill inheritance). The fact that I use skill inheritance heavily is also coming back to bite me because a lot of units I may have used, such as Odin or Selena for example, were fed for their skills. I don't regret it in general since the units I fed them to benefit a lot, but it does make challenges like these harder. That said, I think the idea is fun and is something I want to try doing (both for this GHB and future ones). I'll just need a day or two to train up some units (I'll probably have to blow some of the feathers I was saving for Nino to get people up to 4* too)
  24. @JSND Alright, we'll leave it at that then. As for Armor Emblem, theoretically speaking, a full armor team with Distant Counter is a lot more terrifying than an infantry team. The issue is, of course, that it's incredibly expensive to build (nigh impossible for F2P), but if we're just talking theoreticals, then Armor Emblem is perfectly legitimate imo. That said, @Ice Dragon probably has more to say on the matter than I do.
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