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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. I used Effie, so I can confirm that she works fine.
  2. Looking around the thread, the general consensus seems to be that most people found this to be the easiest GHB yet. That said, congrats on your victory and shiny new Navarre :D
  3. @Anacybele Would you mind posting the stats of your Robin (and also the skills Robin has), Marth, and Abel? I'll see if I can do some number crunching for you and figure out a workable strategy (Olivia's stats are largely irrelevant because it's perfectly possible to keep her entirely out of harm's way). EDIT: Also have you taken a look at the video of the person beating this map on Lunatic using only 3* free units? It may be helpful to you (I can repost it for you if you can't find it).
  4. Yes to both questions. Desperation does turn your followup into a Brave Effect (and you'd attack 4 times at once via Desperation with a Brave weapon, which is why Setsuna is at the top of the archer tier list rn as she has the speed to double most people with Life and Death despite holding an inherited Brave Bow+). And yes, Brash Assault gives you a free follow-up regardless of speed but only on enemies that can counter (so Seliph wouldn't be able to activate on a mage or archer without close counter).
  5. @Sylphid Neutral Nino has 33 HP and 19 def at 5* level 40, so she dies in one hit to any sword unit with at least 44 attack (38 if you have Triangle Adept 3 or Ruby Sword). +HP/Def Nino would take 46 attack (or 40 with Triangle Adept/Ruby Sword).
  6. @Anacybele I'm glad more and more people are discovering how amazing Nino is :D In any case, if you're having trouble dealing with Nino, you can mostly deal with her the same way you deal with Linde (wait outside her range then ambush her). Nino's firepower is balanced out by a) not being able to put out that much damage without team support and b) having the defenses of a wet paper bag. Neutral Nino has 33 HP and a pitiful 19 defense even at 5* level 40, which means that you'd only need 44 attack on a red sword unit (or 52 on a green axe unit or archer/thief) (unless the thief has Poison Dagger in which case you only need 35 attack) to OHKO her. Alternatively, if you transfer Henry's Green Tomebreaker skill to someone, they'd be able to automatically double her, so you would either need a red physical unit with 30 attack, a red mage with 36 attack, a green/colorless physical unit with 36 attack, or a green/colorless magic unit with 43 attack. These calculations all assume Nino has neutral HP/def/res at 5* level 40, but obviously if she were + in any of those she'd be harder to kill and if she were - in any of those she'd be easier to kill. Or if she's not 5* and/or not yet level 40, of course.
  7. Essentially, if you would have normally double attacked, Desperation makes it so the second attack now happens immediately after the first instead of after the enemy counterattacks. Normally, if you can double attack and opponent, the flow of battle goes you -> enemy -> you. If you have Desperation active, it instead goes you -> you -> enemy. However, Desperation only lets your double attack sooner; it does not give you an extra attack. If you do not already have the speed to double your enemy, then Desperation is absolutely useless. Brash Assault, on the other hand, doesn't care about speed. It simply gives you another attack after the normal flow of battle. Normally, if neither you nor your enemy can double each other, the flow of battle goes you -> enemy. If you have Brash Assault active, it instead goes you -> enemy -> you. On the other hand, if the enemy would normally double you, the flow of battle would go you -> enemy -> enemy. But if you have Brash Assault active, it instead goes you -> enemy -> you -> enemy. Also, you didn't ask, but Quick Riposte is essentially an enemy phase Brash Assault. If neither you nor the enemy doubles you, it would normally go enemy -> you. With Quick Riposte, it would go enemy -> you -> you. If the enemy normally doubles you, it would go enemy -> you -> enemy. With Quick Riposte, it would go enemy -> you -> you. Because Brash Assault and Quick Riposte give you an additional attack regardless of speed (and because you cannot have more than two attacks no matter what) (Brave Weapons still count as "two" hits; you simply attack twice "per hit"), they are usually better if you cannot normally double since they essentially do nothing at all if you could normally double. tldr - Desperation is better on faster characters; Brash Assault/Quick Riposte are better on slower characters. EDIT: Color-coded to make it easier to read (unless you're colorblind in which case sorry?) Double EDIT: In hindsight, I haven't personally tested it, so I'm unsure exactly how Brash Assault works if the enemy doubles you. As in, I'm not sure if it's you -> enemy -> you -> enemy or if it's actually you -> enemy -> enemy -> you. Anyone who's personally tested this is welcome to pitch in (@Ice Dragon?)
  8. Alright so I'll still post up my strategy, but I'm not sure how generally applicable it is since Triangle Adept Robin and Swap on Ryoma were both key parts of my strategy, which I imagine not everyone has. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have it up anyways though. EDIT: Turns out Swap was unnecessary bc of the enemy hammer AI prioritizing healing Navarre over taking Ryoma's bait, which makes this slightly more universally applicable. I understand my team was fairly specific, so I'll be crunching numbers throughout the day to try and help other people with different teams beat Navarre. Hopefully at least one person found this helpful though. EDIT: Added calcs for people using Kagero over Robin.
  9. I mean I don't know any of this off the top of my head; I had to constantly reference the wiki for stats and such. I just crunched a few numbers, that's all. (Also I'm probably gonna stop posting here because eclipse is likely gonna close the thread whenever she gets on again).
  10. Oh dear. You're perfectly free to follow me, but there are so many people on this forum who are much more knowledgeable than I am haha. All I can do is make some simple calculations and use that to help me make decisions (though maths always make anyone seem smarter, I suppose).
  11. I have a Ninian of my own, but I'll never say no to another one (or another friend). I'll also be fighting for Cherche :D (my rep is Ryoma with Fury/Vantage)
  12. Atk +3? Yes, I'd replace it with Triangle Adept. Silver Sword+ and Atk +3 would only give you 58 effective attack against greens (as opposed to the 64 that Triangle Adept 3 gives you), which would make you miss out on several crucial ORKOs (and you'd also receive more damage from greens since Triangle Adept also reduces the damage you take from them). Sure, she'll get blown up by blues and do slightly less damage against reds, but let's be real. She already gets blown up by blues with or without TA, and +3 damage against reds isn't going to net her anything substantial. I'd much rather take the extra killing power against common green units.
  13. Triangle Adept is an A-slot skill, but Hone Attack is a C-slot skill. They won't conflict.
  14. 1) There's an Ask A Question thread for questions like these, for future reference 2) I'd recommend keeping the Silver Sword but giving her Triangle Adept This would give you the same amount of damage against greens like Hector (hilariously, it's enough to ORKO neutral Hector) as Ruby Sword+ and Atk+3 (or Fury 3) but is a lot cheaper because Olivia already comes with Silver Sword+ EDIT: For calcs: +Atk Olivia has 31 attack, which becomes 46 with a Silver Sword+. Triangle Adept 3 gives her a WTA multiplier of 1.4x instead of 1.2x for 64 effective damage on greens. Neutral Hector has 37 defense and 24 speed (so he'll get doubled even with -spd Olivia's 30 speed), so he'll get hit with 27 x 2 for 54 damage. He has 52 HP, so he'd go down in one round.
  15. I'm just gonna have Fury/Vantage Ryoma as my rep to take out enemy wyverns AND archers >:D
  16. I'd rather have a 4* Robin with Gronnraven+ than a 5* Robin with Gronnwolf+ personally, but it's up to you. If you're using her in Arena, there's also the BST drop from being 4* instead of 5* to consider, I suppose. EDIT: You could always try summoning in the upcoming pegasus banner for Cordelia if you really wanted Triangle Adept; it's a higher chance than you'll normally have anyways.
  17. I'd still go with F!Robin as your raven user. Tharja would much rather keep her original tome, and Henry... -Atk Henry isn't going to put much of a dent in anything, even greens.
  18. Oh good my spare Hectors were just collecting dust anyways. No offense, but you'd have to either be REALLY rich or REALLY love Oboro to give her Distant Counter. I do get that this is pure theorycrafting for what her absolute optimal build would be, but what would you have her run instead (for the other 99% of us plebs?) Also I still want an answer to my original question: what does Oboro do that other lancers, like Ephraim or Sharena, can't do better assuming equal investment? EDIT: Wow I came out sounding a lot more aggressive than I intended, so I hope you didn't take it that way :/
  19. That was very educational; thank you for that. I guess I wasn't familiar enough with merge mechanics and should have said that calcs were based off of comparing characters at +0.
  20. I like the idea of Killer Lance and Bonfire (lowkey wish Guard Naginata were in this game though) on Oboro. I personally favor running Quick Riposte and exchanging Defiant Def for Def +3 instead (or maybe Fury, though that does take you out of QR range faster). Alternatively, I might give her Swordbreaker (or Lancebreaker if she handles swords well enough already). I haven't looked much into Oboro (since I already have Ephraim, Sharena, and Effie, and I'm unsure what niche Oboro fills that one of those 3 can't do better), but I might take a closer look, calcs and all, later today or tomorrow. EDIT: Def +3 is better if you also intend to take on lancers, but if your main use for Oboro is tanking/killing reds then Triangle Adept would also be great for her A slot.
  21. I'd rather go with Darting Blow to get the ORKO on neutral speed Ryoma, Eirika, and Tharja, which are important threats that you wouldn't double otherwise.
  22. Does merge level affect SP? (If I use a +2 unit as merge fodder, does the recipient gain the same amount of SP as using a +1 as merge fodder or more SP?)
  23. @Kiran @Elieson Added relevant calcs: Feel free to double check my calcs though. I'm human and may make mistakes sometimes.
  24. Triangle Adept Nowi doesn't fear any Falchion users, in fact she can OHKO most of them.
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