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Everything posted by MaskedAmpharos

  1. Oh, you have an Olivia. That makes this way easier. There's absolutely no reason your Tharja shouldn't be able to kill Michalis with ease with Olivia support, especially since she can come pretty close to doing it even without Olivia support (edited the math in the post above).
  2. Let's do some maths. GHB Michalis on Lunatic has 60 HP, 27 Spd, and 19 Res. You would need to do 30 x 2 to ORKO him with Tharja. If you take into account his res and WTA, Tharja needs 41 atk and 32 spd to achieve this. Your Tharja has 39 atk and 30 spd (36 with Darting Blow, which she has naturally), so you only need a single +2 buff of any kind (or just level up a few more times maybe) to ORKO him. EDIT: @phineas81707 I'm a complete idiot and forgot that he has pegasus knights next to him with Hone and Fortify Fliers, which effectively gives him +6 spd and +6 res for a total of 33 spd and 25 res. As such, you now need 46 atk and 38 spd for a clean ORKO. This is still perfectly within the realm of possibility for your Tharja, but it would require some buffs. You only need to gain +2 spd to double him after his Hone Flier buff with Darting Blow and 6 more atk. In other words, if you had a Rally/Hone Spd and then a Rally/Hone/Fortify of any stat buffing Tharja, that would be sufficient to ORKO him. This is, of course, assuming I did my calculations right. It's 3:36am here though, so I may have carelessly missed something. Someone else double checking would be appreciated.
  3. To be quite frank, I don't think the tier list is worth very much right now. There's a disclaimer at the top that states the tier list currently ranks all units without including skill inheritance. While this is all well and good for the players who intend to continue playing with vanilla skillsets (who will in turn be matched against likeminded players after the April update), the majority of the meta is centered around skill inheritance, which affects tiering significantly. Cherche is a pretty easy example of a unit who benefits immensely from SI. Cherche's stats are amazing offensively, but her weapon and skills leave a bit to be desired, which explains her being ranked in B. However, post-SI Cherche can inherit a Brave Axe+ and Death Blow, immediately turning her into the best physical green nuke in the game and shooting her up to A or A+ tier at the bare minimum. Additionally, if they ever do decide to change up the list to take SI into consideration, it will be a relatively long time before "optimal" skillsets become cemented, assuming there's even a true "optimal" skillset for anyone. In the case of characters having multiple possible skillsets that play different roles (tank Eldigan vs damage Eldigan for example), how would they rank that? Or what about characters that are amazing on certain team comps but mediocre on others (see Gronnblade Cecilia with a cavalry team)? There are simply too many variables for a simple one-dimensional tier list like the one we have now to suffice now that skill inheritance is a thing. They would need some way to take into account multiple potential skillsets as well as various team comps. Instead of the current system we would need something more like Pokemon's Smogon (though that's a different discussion for a different time). With the advent of skill inheritance, the metagame is in complete shambles right now, and the tier list is not going to be able to catch up for quite a while. Any tier list post-SI should be taken with a spoonful of salt, especially if they don't provide explanations on what skillsets they're using as a basis for comparison or give explanations for why characters are placed where they are (which the wiki's tier list does not do). Any tier list that doesn't even take skill inheritance into consideration is fine for a small subset of players but completely obsolete for the rest of the playerbase that does play with inherited skills. Anyways, these are just my two cents so like with any other opinion on the internet I would take it with a grain of salt, but I simply don't think tier lists in general are particularly viable as of right now and certainly not the one on the wiki. tldr - @Zangetsu It's not. EDIT: I hope this doesn't come off as particularly aggressive because it isn't meant to be. I'm just afraid of people being led astray by following tier lists religiously without considering all the variables, especially if the list does't take SI into consideration. I don't want people to think units they have are bad because they're low on the tier list when they could actually be quite decent with the right skills and weapons or team comp :/
  4. Oh my bad I wasn't trying to sound aggressive or anything. I'm of the personal opinion that Brave units in general get more mileage out of +atk buffs than other characters because they attack twice. I personally think of Abel less of a frontliner and more of a player phase "delete this sword" button. You're certainly welcome to switch it around to give Kagero the def aura and Abel the spd, but I'm personally of the opinion that it isn't worth it, for resources' sake if nothing else.
  5. Not necessarily, since Falchion has innate Renewal 2, but people have proven it stacks with Renewal if you have the skill equipped.
  6. If anyone can answer your question, it's probably @Ryu Yuki, the resident dragon expert here.
  7. I suppose I'm somewhere in the middle (I've spent $180 USD), and I think the pacing is fine. I try to hoard, but I blow my orbs on banners whenever a character I like shows up. Unfortunately, that's...nearly every banner. Earlier in March was the worst of it since I don't normally pull on "Battling GHB" banners, but Effie and Nino called out to me (and the only thing I got for my troubles was a +Spd, -Atk Effie and no Nino RIP). I also blew essentially my entire stash trying to grab Ninian who didn't show up until after I bought more orbs (and even then didn't show up until the last summon session, so I was getting really worried I'd blow money and get nothing in return). Admittedly, I was beginning to get bored before Skill Inheritance became a thing, but after SI, I have a reason to continually grind my old units up to collect SP (which takes quite a while if they're all level 40 already). Not to mention the huge amount of quests we've been getting recently. I really hope they continue this trend because I'm really appreciating all that they're adding to the game. I'd probably prefer a faster pacing if I either didn't like the characters in banners so far or was waiting for a specific set (like Tellius), but since I've liked at least one or two people in every single banner so far (and thus blow my orbs on them), I'm fine with the current pacing.
  8. I think Reciprocal Aid (or Ardent Sacrifice) and Defiant Attack are good options on Kagero, but I don't agree with Poison Strike. Poison Strike is meant to help set-up kills for other units in conjunction with debuffs because you can't kill them outright, which most thieves can't, unless you're Felicia with Glacies up or...Kagero. Kagero is unique among the thieves in that her primary role isn't support but rather to one-shot her opponents. Poison Strike works counter to that because it's rather useless unless you leave an opponent alive. The only times I see Poison Strike being useful on Kagero are if you're using her to soften up non-infantry (and if that's what you're intending it for, then I guess that's fine), but otherwise I think Kagero's better off running with something like Vantage for dealing with opposing mages when you're low (which you will be with your build) or Escape Route/Wings of Mercy for teleport shenanigans. Her C-skill is more up in the air. Since you're planning to run Nino though, I'd recommend finding a way to give both Kagero and Abel some buffs for Nino, such as Hone Spd on Kagero and Fortify Def on Abel. EDIT: Also, you didn't ask, but Nino herself can also just stick with her default Hone Atk C-skill because it's probably the buff that Kagero and Abel get the most use out of and would help them delete the things they're supposed to.
  9. Not Darting Blow for Cherche but rather Death Blow (you want to boost her damage not her speed). For active special I'd recommend something that takes advantage of her massive attack, such as Dragon Fang or Draconic Aura. Frederick could work with a Brave Axe, but I haven't tested it personally. Also, I've seen some talk here and there of giving Hana a Brave Sword+ and taking advantage of her high atk. Desperation would also be a good skill for her to have, to take advantage of her high spd.
  10. http://feheroes.wiki/Robin_(M) Assuming the wiki is accurate, that seems to be right for a +Res 4* M!Robin EDIT: Also, that IS high for a mage. Robin literally has the 2nd HIGHEST Def in the entire game out of the mages. The ONLY mage with higher def than Robin is Henry (this is, of course, assuming neutral stats and equal rarity).
  11. The next banner is the Battling Michalis banner (coming out tomorrow), which will have Minerva, Selena, Eliwood, and Gordin. So if you waned to pull for 5* Greens, I would wait until tomorrow since Minerva's actually a pretty great unit.
  12. Welp, I'm out of top 1k now :/ (rank 1415 with a score of 4560) I don't think my score's going to go any higher though, but I'll probably still safely stay in top 5k, which is all I really care about *crosses fingers*
  13. Same :D I don't anticipate using Anna or Alfonse (Sharena is a staple though) even after 5*ing them, but I just really want to get the main trio up to 5* eventually.
  14. I forget if you've mentioned it before, but is your Robin 5*? Because if not, that's likely why he isn't wrecking Leo as hard as he would be. If/when you upgrade him, he'll be quite a bit better (obviously if you did already upgrade him, just disregard this). EDIT: Also you mentioned an Azura in that match. Azura gives a +Res buff to allies around her, so that also probably contributed to Robin not doing as much to Leo as he should be.
  15. Yup. I basically save my Light's Blessings for quests like these because I don't want to blow another 25 stamina to redo a Lunatic level.
  16. "Crush" is understating it iirc. Jakob borderline worships F!Corrin. Also I'm p sure Felicia and Lilith both had crushes on M!Corrin (actually I don't think Lilith was picky with gender). ...actually now I'm wondering if we'll be able to get Lilith as a playable character.
  17. Lowkey all I see in the Battling Michalis banner is Vantage 3, Triangle Adept 3, and Life and Death 3 fodder :P
  18. If they add in Annas from the other games (like Awakening Anna and Fates Anna) I intend to make a full Anna team >:D
  19. Oh cool thanks. Yeah I'd definitely agree with Growing Wind having the best area to work with.
  20. Some of these better be focus banners in the future. I'm especially hoping for an eventual Greil Mercenaries banner.
  21. Do you happen to have a picture of what the hitbox for all of these look like?
  22. I feel like whenever you ask about how often a character shows up, you should mention your BST because different BST ranges of Arena run into different things. My team last season had a BST of 716, for example, so I ran into a Hector LITERALLY every single match, sometimes two. And about every other match had 1-2 units on the enemy team at +10, which was fun since I didn't have anyone over +1. Takumi was a rarity that almost never showed up unless he was a +10 Takumi because his BST would be too low to show up otherwise.
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