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Everything posted by Lushen

  1. How is "Rating" calculated? Not arena score but when you sort by "Rating". I thought it was just based on BST but my Myrrh has 200 which is higher than my WChrom at 195.
  2. I think the breakdown will be like Fliers - Hawks/Crow/Heron Laguz Armored - Dragon Laguz Infantry - Beast Laguz I think all hawks and crows will have 'talon' weapons and despite the pool consisting of multiple colors all colors will be able to inherit any talon similar to dragons. Armored Dragon Laguz will have 'breath' skills. Beast Laguz will have 'claw' weapons. This would be the best way to do it imo because this game is starting to lack diversity. How many red swords do we have? This way, all the laguz will feel incredibly unique. We might only have 1-2 blue beast laguz and 1-2 green beast laguz and 1-2 blue hawk laguz, all of which would be very different from one another.
  3. Which one should I give my earth's blessing (+ATK) team. I plan to do the following - DC Lloyd for tanking mages - VIke - Sothe/Jaffar - Unknown blue or nocolor https://imgur.com/a/ylA6y Note while a lot of people think Sothe is outright better than Jaffar this is not true. They both have different niches. Jaffar is better if there's a mage and no DC units. In arena sure Jaffar is trash compared to Sothe but not against AI which doesnt have many DC units. I don't really care if I have to replace Jaffar's blessing with an Earth one. That doesn't really bother me.
  4. I think people are underestimating this new mode. They could have very easily just made it an event and thrown it in the events tab with everything else but they're not. So I think it's going to be something we'll be regularly doing for the rest of this game's lifetime. Sounds like raids to me.
  5. Seems my hair parting test worked really well. I'll have to see if I can make use of it in the future.
  6. Only reason I support this is because I want Alm to win next time and I need Marth out of the way :)
  7. I mean Ayra was popular because she was OP. If she wasn't I highly doubt she would have been so popular.
  8. To be fair FE5 has like the least amount of sales of any FE game. And it's a JP exclusive when the majority of FEH spenders are now ENG. I totally get why Thracia and Geneology is neglected. I don't think its b/c they hate those games, but there's no marketing potential. What makes me mad is when they neglect games that have marketing potential. To me the smartest thing to do would be release two units from older games (fe7-fe10 and some iconic heroes from before) and two units from awakening/fates. That way they get representation from everywhere. So more SS, FE7, PoR/RD, and iconic heroes like Marth/Roy on seasonals would be great.
  9. I posted this on reddit: https://imgur.com/a/yiLek#DjCgoV6 Technically the hair part could be Ephraim's but Ephraims seems like its more to the center. The hair part in the silhouette is exactly identical to Roy's though and completely opposite to Eliwoods. edit: Some have pointed out that other Eliwood art has his hair parted the other way but most of the time it is parted opposite to Roy. Looking around it appears this is the case but it's very rare. More commonly, the hair isnt parted at all or it's parted the opposite way Roy's is. It would seem that artists think people can just change the way their hair parts at will.
  10. Cause Conrad is the best -_- Yea I think that has to do with already having Saber and then getting Keen right around the same time (and Atlas if you try to build him). There's so many Mercs on Celica's route. Dude has insane luck though, I didn't even need to give him a brave sword for high crits.
  11. - I don't want another pair up system, it's stupid. - Really don't want the archers to suck again, hopefully they go the route of Echoes. - I'd like to see some version of Mila's turnwheel because I think it gives you the opportunity to play ironman more seriously. However, I don't want it to be like Echoes where I could use it so many times I didn't even care if I messed up. - I wouldn't mind a villager system with some units like Echoes had, but only on some units. I don't want anyone to be able to change their class at will, only the beginning units or trainees.
  12. Either Veronica will be a staff user or Hector will be a bow user. I don't think the other two can get away with being colorless.
  13. I don't think they could get away with two all female banners twice a year when they've kept it pretty even male/female with all the others.
  14. Interesting Observations about the last CYL - #1 slots got a BST boost, #2 slots did not get any BST boost - #1 slots got a unique B slot, #2 did not - Both #1 and #2 got the same quality weapons. Both had two effects (Lyn technically has 3 because she had a bow). Urvan was the only weapon that didn't have a stat+3 effect but it had something else in its place which is why it was the best Considering BIke's B slot isn't very special, the biggest benefit first place winners have over second place is their BST boost. I still think that's BS but I guess that's how its going to be. My guess this time is that both first and second place winners will get BST boosts but first place winners will get a larger BST boost.
  15. See : VIke has a <36% chance of spawning in 100 orbs. The Legendary banners kind of suck when it comes to getting a specific unit.
  16. My prediction is it will be an all male seasonal banner consisting of : Marth Ephraim Owain Alm
  17. These are my hopes and not necessarily my predictions. Hector - Bow Infantry Ephraim - Axe Infantry Celica - Sword cavalry Veronica - B Tome cavalry? Really hoping veronica is blue because if she isn't then Ephraim will be and I don't want him to be blue again. @DefyingFatesI don't think its cannon that Ephraim can use a bow is it? Or is it just in dialogue he mentions it somewhere? Technically I think he can use all the weapon types since he taught Eirika how to fight probably using training swords and Dussel taught him to fight and he used axes.
  18. Well obviously I'm quite bias. But I feel like Ephraim deserves to be treated as a fair contender considering he beat a character that appeared in literally 6x more games (4x exluding remakes) than Marth. SS, to me, is second only to the Jugdral games in being completely abandoned by IS/Nintendo and I'm glad to see him win regardless. Besides, Marth had the advantage of having RD Ike removed which is also a random CYL rule. If RD Ike was still in the game, many of the smash voters would have voted for him which would have decreased Marth's votes by an unknown number. CYL is far from a popularity contest imo and for a wide variety of reasons.
  19. But that's the thing. You're assuming CYL is simply a popularity contest and it's not. One reason is because there is vote splitting. Another reason is that CYL happened to be announced right around the time SS characters were being released which allowed people to have SS (Ephraim & Eirika) in mind. I guarantee if they just released a bunch of SD characters, Marth would have won. There's also another advantage Marth had where people were touting that FE had abandoned Marth and therefore people should vote for him (which isn't even true). I think Marth fans should be a little salty, just like I would be salty if Ephraim lost. It's basic human nature to be competitive and I don't have an issue with competition. What I don't like is when people lose and they point at one thing and say "That's the only reason he lost". Well, if Ephraim lost I could point at Smash and say "That's the reason Ephraim lost". But you can't point at one thing, because there are a multitude of reasons one player wins over another. Anytime someone loses a competition by a very small margin it's very easy to point at one thing and say that's why, but there's a million other reasons that came into play as well.
  20. How are we at 72 pages right now? It's been 56 minutes.... Anyways this is gonna make people mad but I'm going to say it anyways. No, Marth was not robbed in CYL 2. CYL 2 had the same rules when it ended as it did when it began. And CYL 2 had the same rules as CYL 1. That's the way it is. I know people think that the voting split gave Marth an unfair disadvantage but guess what? Marth had several advantages. He's the first FE Lord so that gives him an advantage. He's in two games which means two different audiences vote for him whereas Ephraim only has one game. And Marth is in smash! Not only that, but with Ike and Roy gone he pretty much inherited the entire smash fanbase. That's probably where a lot of the new mystery votes came from - people who didn't know there were two Marths. So yes. The voting split was a disadvantage. But CYL is filled with advantages and disadvantages - that's how it is. And if you took away smash and combined Marth's votes I would wager he probably still would have lost to Ephraim. And this goes both ways. Ephraim had a lot of unfair advantages as well such as being such a giant meme and having a bunch of Sacred Stones content released right before CYL. Heck all the campaigning on reddit was probably enough to sway the votes his way and make him win over Marth. And Veronica won because the interim showed she had a chance and Eirika lost b/c Eirika 2 was announced. I think saying that Marth was robbed is kind of cherry picking advantages/disadvantages to suit the argument. CYL isn't fair with vote splitting and it wouldn't be fair without it. It's just how it is.
  21. Do you think if they start to see that people aren't pulling on the legendary they'll either raise the rates or change it somehow? Because I personally haven't spent any orbs on a legendary yet and I really don't intend to. I mean I love Legendary Ike and would love to pull for him, but I ain't spending my orbs on a ~2.25% chance to get him. I really don't like how legendaries are introducing completely new characters at horrible rates but advertising it as misleadingly great rates. Then again maybe they just want the legendary units to be rarer than others, IDK.
  22. I'm still struggling with thinking up a Lyon build. Obviously there's the standard TA3, QR3, Threaten Atk 3 build but is there any other B or A slot that would work on him? And are there any seals that work well on him other than DD3 b/c its already being used.
  23. Ah thanks. It would appear that the gap between the amount of greens and the amount of blues and reds is actually increasing. Meaning that less and less green orbs will continue to appear but at higher and higher rates of being a 5* focus.
  24. Is there by chance a list of heroes in order of when they were introduced into the game anywhere? I don't think Eirika 2 will be a 4*. L'arachel probably will be if anyone.
  25. Thanks for getting it updated for the legendary so quickly. Really eye opening to see how terrible the legendary banner is for everyone who isn't green.
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