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Everything posted by Extrasolar

  1. That's actually pretty common in Heroes. Have you seen any Seliphs? He's tanky as hell, and has a high attacking stat (though his resistance and speed are pretty bad just like Gordin), though he lacks the ability to attack from range. And then you have Radiant Dawn Gatrie, who combines uber tankiness with amazing speed and damage Do you have a 4* Robin or a 4* Cecilia? Their weapons give advantages over colorless units. EDIT: Ninja'd.
  2. I respectfully disagree, sir or madam! Gordin is pretty good overall, and outshines any archer not named Takumi or Klein. Brave Bow lets him one-shot tons of things before they get the chance to touch him, and he can tank a physical hit no problem.
  3. I see it as Intelligent Systems making up for how generally awful the vast majority of archers are in most of the games, barring Radiant Dawn where they're amazing (sans Leonardo) and Fates where they're relatively good. Personally, I love my 4* Brave Bow Gordin and 5* Brave Bow+ Klein. They're amazing. But yeah, Gordin is very physically tanky, but his resistance is paper. That was your main problem with him; If a mage gets the drop on him first (and is likely capable of doubling due to his poor speed and Brave Bow speed nerf), he'll very likely be one-shot. Have no one to control him, and he'll be doing major damage. Brave Weapons are amazing in general in Heroes, especially because the units that have them tend to have pretty good attack, which is why I'm planning to promote my 3* Barst just to get access to that Brave Axe.
  4. Exactly this. Tanith and Titania are completely, fully dressed (and both of them look like badasses, I might add), and they're the female designs I most often point to for "this is what female designs in the series used to be, and could be again!" Not that newer designs haven't had fully-dressed women, I know they have, but a lot of the armor has become very inexplicable and sexualized. Even Nephenee's armor wasn't nearly as bad as Camilla/Charlotte! And the less said about the thongs of the newer knights the better...
  5. Aren't Jagens meant to be completely useless past a certain point, while Oifeys are alright, but don't compare to the other units (i.e., Frederick). Titania is just a great unit in general, even if she's a pre-promote, and doesn't fall off... Jagens in Fates are weird; I've seen arguments that the Jakob/Felicia (whichever one joins Corrin early) are the Jagens of that game, considering they start more or less able to destroy everything with their base stats, but become essentially staffbots past a certain point in the game after their damage and physical defense fall off (speaking without reclassing being involved at all). I've seen people say Gunter remains okay if used (never used him, so I can't speak on this point), but the general Oifey/Jagen divide remains a little muddled. We're getting into the territory of creating a new topic to talk about this, so I'll stop.
  6. This game in general seems to have a fascination with 3* Fir, since I've already pulled 3 of them myself, and I've seen quite a few people who tend to draw her a lot for some reason as well. Close runner-ups are 3* Shanna and 3* Hana, at least for me. Every time I get a 3* duplicate, I cry a little inside. There goes those precious orbs, and all...
  7. Drunk!Shinon is the best Shinon, hands down. Too bad we never get to see much of him, lol. Definitely. I don't mind debating with people (and I even enjoy it). I can see evidence for both sides of the argument, which I like. A lot of the fun is seeing other points of view, imo. Just pointing it out that if Elincia falls in battle with Geoffrey also in the same battle, he'll cry out that "life would be pointless" without her. Sorry, I just had to..
  8. He's lying through his teeth. He knows that a relationship with her would be inappropriate, but it's there, no matter how much he tries to hide it. The man yearns powerfully for her, as they say. I'm not denying that Ike and Elincia have a strong bond, but I see it as strictly platonic due to strongly asexual/aromantic Ike (not canon in any way, just how I see him based on how the game itself writes him). Elincia treats Geoffrey formally, but I think that's more of a result of her station as queen and his as her loyal knight. At least those two are professional enough to keep it business before pleasure. Even if they are very formal with one another (and Geoffrey is just a formal guy in general), it's clear that they're very close, to the point that she threatens to strip Geoffrey of his knightly rank (which is basically the same as emotionally assassinating him, considering how much he's married to that job) simply because he's too adamant about charging forward to protect her, and she's scared that he's going to get seriously injured or killed. She knows how much such a thing would hurt him, and Geoffrey is destroyed by the thought that it seems like Elincia doesn't want him around. Elincia has to backpedal quickly and tell him that it's not the case after she explains herself. I'll give you this point. I agree on Astrid's sudden infatuation with him being...well, sudden. Her extreme fixation on Makalov and sudden blindness to how much of a douche the guy really is was random and a little off-putting, especially considering that Astrid's never been stupid, just naive and sweet-tempered, and her conversation with Sothe in POR was a good step in establishing that while she may be kind, she's not a complete doormat...and then RD happened to her character. Argh. That's a rant for another day, though. ...And kind of a scary thought. What exactly did he do to her to get her to worship the ground he walks on?! But I was just pointing out that a paired ending in RD's context for them does make sense...even if it's kind of inexplicable how they got there. Holding hands can be an intimate gesture, but it can also be platonic between good friends, regardless of sex. Just speaking personally, I see people reading romance into every action between a male and female character, even if they would otherwise see it as a sign of good friends. But then again, one could argue that everyone is guilty of this to some extent, and one could easily use this as an argument against Elincia being attracted to Geoffrey. Definitely not denying that Ike and Elincia had great scenes and character moments together; I just think any romantic undertones are the fault of localization writing trying to go with the classic "hero gets the girl" story in the end, even if the original just wasn't conducive to that. Ike just shows zero interest in romance otherwise, and especially in Radiant Dawn, so a lot of those scenes with Elincia in POR are inexplicable. Dammit, inconsistent writing. Lol.
  9. True. I'm not denying that. It's another incentive to get people to buy orbs, just for the chance to pull an armor knight at all, but the rest of the game is much the same. I literally couldn't complete the harder F!Robin quest, just because I didn't have any high-resistance unit at the time. It wasn't until after the event was over that I pulled the likes of Eliwood and Jagen...
  10. Geoffrey's clearly got a crush on Elincia (Calill sees it clear as day in their supports), and he's slavishly loyal to her and crazy devoted, even for a knight to his liege. Elincia is pretty much who his life revolves around, and Elincia is fond of Geoffrey in turn. Makes sense that they would get married. Gatrie's doomed to be forever alone forever, just as his joke. Astrid wasn't in to him; she just appreciated his kindness. Astrid was obsessed with Makalov in Radiant Dawn. She fawned over him and let him take advantage of her, even when other characters were telling her to wise up. She was the only person defending him from everyone else calling him on his BS, calling him a "good person" and all that. Actually one of Astrid's more frustrating moments, in hindsight. But them getting married makes sense because of it. I feel like it's prudent to note that any Ike x Elincia hints in POR are the result of localization. Reading the original scrips, none of that was there. I assumed the localization team thought they would be a thing in the sequel, which they weren't, and then immediately had to sweep any of their writing concerning that under the rug. Boyd and Titania? Nah, the most they get is Boyd awkwardly confessing some sort of attraction to Titania, and Titania being weirded out and awkward over it. Titania just tends to lecture Boyd for being dense or lazy. I mean, when he calls her "a really nice mom" and asks her if she's older than his mother in their support...
  11. And the level that you get upon re-earning it is always worse. Always. It's one of the unwritten laws of FE. But I definitely see no harm in adding an option for fixed gains in later games (so long as it's optional, as personally I enjoy the random factor of main series FE growths, even if it sometimes results in a unit getting screwed on a stat or two, it can also result in an unusually godly unit). Though I assume for fixed growths, they'd use average stats for all of the final numbers, which could make the game more challenging. Not like that's a bad thing, especially for people who like that sort of thing. One thing I'm not too keen on, though, is that the fixed stats mean that certain units are just flat-out incapable of beating other units or inferior to other units, no matter what. Hard counters aren't really something I like much in FE. Of course, battle RNG would alleviate this somewhat, but still.
  12. I disagree on this front (not on the lacking nature of supports, as that's definitely not arguable); pretty much all of the paired endings in the game are built up through Path of Radiance (Elincia x Geoffrey is an obvious one; Sothe x Micaiah also obvious, Haar x Jill due to how much they bonded and their relationship with Shiharam, etc.) I personally dislike the latter two and would much have preferred them to stay platonic as I see their relationship as more akin to a sibling one than a romantic one.
  13. I'm definitely going to say Cordelia; I never much used her in Awakening due to the fact that I usually train up Sumia to use as my main Pegasus knight, with Cynthia as my secondary after Sumia's paired off. But her Heroes incarnation is great - Brave Lance, Astra, with pretty good attacking stats and good mobility. She's my premiere mage killer alongside Eliwood and Jagen, and outshines both of them in usefulness. This game also made me appreciate bows much more than I usually do in FE games (other than Radiant Dawn and Fates), due to how the majority of bow users in the game are good (plus, my Gordin got me past that story chapter chock-full of Pegasus Knights that would kill off my primarily mage and sword-wielding team each time I tried it), and my Klein with his Brave Bow+ dents teams right off the bat before they can set up in the arena most of the time.
  14. I got pretty lucky by finally drawing a 4* Sheena so I could complete the Armor quests... Not do mention, doing anything with an armored unit is a pain, considering that abysmal one movement. Some maps do nothing but sit there and mock your poor, immobile armor knight. I'm feeling like Arden all over again.
  15. People kind of just...stood there. Staring...forever.... And apparently the tears in their eyes never dried up. It was a little unsettling imo.
  16. "He looks so handsome in battle..." Uh, sure, for a bunch of faceless pixels, I guess? Seriously, are there people who think sprites are physically attractive? Lol. I know that (good) 3D wasn't really a thing at the time, but geez.
  17. Sephiran still beats him out for being alive at the end of Radiant Dawn, whereas Athos kicked the bucket at the end of Blazing Blade.
  18. I mean, why say you're not going to continue talking about it right before you continue talking about it? But to answer your question, it's because Fates avoid RNG is pretty screwy beyond belief at times, and imo it makes Hana more of a pain to use than anything else. I can't tell you how many times my mind boggled at Hana getting killed by 20% hit chances while struggling to train her past her bad start. Not very fun. Which is why dodging (at least, Hana dodging) is not reliable, and I much prefer a unit that can tank a hit and live rather than one that gets blown up by hits she should have dodged. M!Robin actually has some pretty decent bulk, especially for a mage. I've had mine (also 4*) work as an off-tank with decent attacking stats, especially with Bonfire and Defiant Speed meaning that he might double a unit he otherwise wouldn't. Peri is also decently tanky (as cavaliers in this game tend to be), while Eirika is indeed squishy, she has great use as a supportive unit. Basically I'm not saying you need to have a full-tank team to win. I'm just saying I prefer units that are capable of taking a hit at least most of the time, since sometimes your units of choice tend to get screwed over by the map and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Having someone capable of surviving at least one extra turn in case I need to reposition or what have you is something I value a lot.
  19. Considering FE plays fast and loose with every mythological name they can pull from, I wouldn't be surprised if they said "hey, cool King Arthur name, let's throw it in even if doesn't make sense." No way, Athos is only 500 years or so before the start of Blazing Blade. I think Sephiran got him beat, since he's 1000. Just because he's got a youthful glow doesn't mean he's not the oldest. XD And he's still alive 1200 years after RD to wake up Ashunera. Ancient guy is ancient.
  20. Inb4 someone designs a word-replacement plugin that forcibly changes all the lord names on the site to some variation of "[adjective] Marth." Sounds like a fun April Fools' joke, haha.
  21. Killing Takumis in general is just...so satisfying. I savor it as well. Mainly because I haven't been lucky enough to pull one, even though I like my 4* Gordin and 5* Klein. That's how hatred works, right? You hate people that have what you want?
  22. Lol! They'll be able to kill anyone just by rambling about how much better everything was "back in their day" for long enough.
  23. And Chrom is Great Great Grandson Marth. Ephraim is Lance Marth. Voting for Alm as Green Marth, now that we finally have a confirmed hair color on him.
  24. I can't decide which one I like better... They're both so glorious... Hector? Don't you mean Axe Marth?
  25. Wait, so what kind of Marth is Seliph? @ILikeKirbys coughcough no Alm is in no way royalty, in no way at all! (Do not open spoiler if you generally don't know the plot of Gaiden)
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