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Everything posted by Extrasolar

  1. 7 five-star units? All the jealousy. 3 five-star units out of 53 total units. (~6%, a little above the actual chance to pull a 5-star unit every summoning pull). Gotta say that you're extremely lucky on that front. 29 four-star units out of 53 total units. (~55%, higher than average for pulling 4* units. I'm lucky with 4* at least...).
  2. I have a 3* A!Tiki as well, and she's working out well for me. She's slow indeed, but that's not much of a hindrance due to how tanky she is, and how much damage she deals. Keep her as a wall on a team with squishier units, and she'll likely work out for you: I have her tanking for a 5* Klein, and a 4* Catria, and she'll definitely be one of the tanks I fall back on (the only real tanks I have are 3* Frederick, 4* Nowi and 4* Sheena, and that movement is just...a pain). And once I get her to 20 I plan promote her to 4*, as I prefer her to Nowi at the moment. But yeah... Marth, Lucina and Julia spell pretty much instant death, but it's much of the same for all Manaketes in the game, and Y!Tiki is considered even more useful than her older counterpart and is common in the arena meta, and Nowi and F!Corrin are good as well.
  3. Yeah... M!Robin is a pretty good tome user in my experience, and he's definitely one of the tankier ones, to the point that you don't have to worry about him getting one-shot by physical units most of the time. Though he only really shines once he's 4* and gets his special tome.
  4. Leo's slow, but so are most units in Conquest. I always see Leo as more of a tank than a damage dealer, considering his great resistance, good defense, Lifetaker, and Brynhildr's effect having a chance to halve magic damage anyway. It's one of those things in which I think pure tanks aren't as appreciated as nukers, even when Fates arguably makes tankiness much more important than damage, especially by lategame, and especially with the nerfing of evasion and dodgetanking. That's why I see so many people claiming Subaki is one of the worst units in the game; I disagree, because he's great as a tank on a team with the majority of squishy units, and his attack still tends to be decent. He won't be one-shotting things, but he's also a great frontline provided you keep him away from bows (and even then, he's one of the few fliers who can eat an arrow to the face and live with a relatively decent amount of HP). I see Leo as much of the same. A tank, rather than a nuker. Fragile units are just a pain to use especially in Conquest in my experience, due to the map design with a lot of narrow corridors, and ninja waiting to destroy her near-instantly.
  5. Oh, crap! My mistake. I quoted the wrong person. My apologies. I meant to quote @noook. I just find Nyx a pain to train up in general, seeing as she starts so weak, and dies if an enemy touches her once. She has to be majorly babied in order to get off the ground, and even then, only her magic is good. I definitely overlook her for Odin (whom I'm not crazy about, and think is just okay rather than any good), Izana and Leo. Izana comes with the perk of being ready to use right off the bat, and you don't have to baby him the way you do Nyx and to an extent Odin. Though I can see how his personal could be a bit of a hindrance on higher difficulty levels.
  6. Ah, you're right. My bad, they slipped my mind. Cecilia was the only one of her kind for a good while after the game first released. Imo if you've already invested all that time into her and if she works for you, keep using her. She's not awful or anything; there are just better options out there. Of course, you can say the same for most units, and at the end of the day it depends on who you're lucky enough to pull.
  7. I've got a Cecilia (admittedly a 3*), and she just doesn't do enough damage for me. I prefer my mages to be nukers in the vein of Tharja and Julia (M!Robin is the only exception that I train, and I'm not crazy about him; he's got decent attacking power, and I use him as an off-tank if I absolutely need to in a pinch to due his bulk). Escape Route can help her be something of a hit-and-run unit, but...eh, she's just never been all that useful to me. Her very low speed is the biggest problem; I have a similar problem with my 4* Merric, whose speed is mediocre and whose attacking stats are comparable to hers, and a bit too low overall. Granted, she's the only mounted mage in the game, so she's got a mobility advantage. But I just think there are too many mages who do her job better; if I want an advantage over colorless units, I'll just use M!Robin, especially because he's got an attack boost in Bonfire. Defiant Speed is pretty good, and quite possibly enables him to double units he wouldn't otherwise double (and who Cecilia definitely wouldn't double).
  8. Worst tome in the game? What makes you say that? Disagree. Izana has much higher magic than Odin, has less paper defenses than Nyx, and has great overall growths and a great skill growth. He wrecks face as an attacker, and has added utility on top of his damage. But he doesn't have a horse like Leo.
  9. What? Okay, sorry, dear lord.. I assumed you would realize that I was responding to the second part of your post. My bad, jesus christ. No need to get so rude.
  10. You asked why you were brought up, or why I responded to you, right? I was responding to this: You did post that, right? Did you not and shenanigans are happening or something?
  11. Huh? Because you were saying you were unsure about why Hinata and Oboro were so tanky, and I responded to it. For me Hana tends to get screwed over by 40% chances to hit that she should be dodging reliably...and the fact that she gets one-shot by most everything from midgame on doesn't help. Give me a facetank that will take no damage from something and decimate its HP, rather than someone who's going to fail to kill an enemy, and then die to a hit she should have dodged. It's a little comical how little damage Hana crits do to high-defense enemies. Hinata is a tank, but even his crits can kill an enemy.
  12. I'm training a 5* Klein at the moment. From what I've seen, he's pretty good all-around. My 4* Gordin with a Brave Bow has better physical defense, for example, and can be used as an off-tank in a pinch, while Klein has higher attacking stats (though Klein is much better at tanking mages than Gordin is, since he's got higher resistance, and Gordin's attack is still decently strong). His skills are pretty good; he gets Death Blow series and Chilling Wind/Glacies, which raises his attack by even more, and also Quick Riposte if he's attacked a high HP by something he can counter. The Brave weapon speed lowering isn't too much of a problem, imo, since you should be taking care not to let your bow users get attacked in melee if they can help it, and they get a double attack in no matter what anyway, so they're liable to kill the enemy without it getting a chance to retaliate. Klein's got a Brave Bow+, which pretty much doubles its strength from the original Brave Bow (7 MT as opposed to 4 MT). Can't speak on Camilla as I don't have one, but from what I've seen, she has somewhat low strength, comparatively at least. Not to mention her weakness to Takumi holds her usefulness in the arena back somewhat.
  13. They know that physical defense in Fates is so much more reliable than evasion, and got with the program. Seems to have worked for them, since they're so much more useful than Hana in that game. I was speaking figuratively; I know that she has killing power, but in the sense that "sure, she killed a guy, but my arena score is screwed as soon as she gets attacked." Some of it comes down to personal preference; due to how common one-hit killing is in general on higher levels of play anyway, I prefer a lot of my units to have at least a decent survivability, as opposed to having defenses comparable to paper. Not doubling and doing slightly less damage is a fine trade-off in my book. My 5* Seliph has monstrous attack that one-shots squishy units, but the added perk of not dying if an enemy touches him, even if he tends to get doubled. I just don't see Hana as practical. Especially considering if you want the best score in the arena and the most feathers, having a unit that is essentially a suicide bomber isn't the greatest thing in the world.
  14. I definitely like facial expressions on the units just to give them more character during their lines (since there's some things you just can't say with a straight face, and before that, the most characters would change when talking about different things is a slight frown or a smile), and for the most part, Awakening and Fates keeps them fairly restrained and believable. The blushing, as people have brought up, could do with being toned down. I know they're trying to go for an anime-esque thing, but it is a little much, imo.
  15. I wouldn't say that. The vast majority of Conquest units, at least, have terrible, terrible avoid, because most of them are meant to be straight-up facetanks like Effie, Benny, Keaton, Xander, Leo and the like. Even in Birthright, I've found that units tend to get screwed over by attacks that a unit in another game would have easily dodged...especially Hana. I don't understand why she fails at dodging so much, despite being the class that supposedly lives and breathes dodgetanking (other than thieves/assasins), and even Hinata dodges more reliably than her, and Hinata is a tank! Even Kaze, when thieves in other games dodged pretty much every attack thrown at them past a certain level, tends to get hit and killed by relatively low percentage attacks, even when paired up and whatnot. I'm reminded of lategame Sothe in Radiant Dawn; he's pretty much as fragile as Kaze by mid/lategame, and dealing just as little damage as well, but I have no worries leaving him to be attacked, as I knew he'll easily dodge 90%+ of attacks that are thrown his way. With Kaze, I'm terrified of the moment he'll get hit by a 40% attack and die, which is not an unusual occurrence in the least. But yeah, Ryoma is definitely the best at consistently dodging. But even he's gotten hit by 30% chances to hit that have killed him.
  16. She's very calm, serene and mysterious; in SD, seems like her meeting Marth and company is non-canon, as in New Mystery he doesn't recognize her at all.
  17. Izana does join really late, but to me, it doesn't matter, as Nyx and Odin are awful choices for mages. The only real competition that Izana has is Leo as far as primary magic users go, and it's easy to use both of them. @Mr.Vercetti I disagree as far as Leo being a bad unit. He's definitely not the most spectacular thing on the map, but he's far, far more usable and useful than Nyx or Odin. His mobility and Brynhildr alone give him an edge over both of them, as is the fact that he's an off-tank, and is pretty much unkillable when attacked by magic. He's decent and all. But I wholeheartedly agree on Laslow. He was definitely one of my best Conquest units by endgame, and far outstripped Selena in usefulness.
  18. Doubles things and deals a whole 5 damage, while dying immediately to a 40% chance to hit that she spectacularly fails to avoid. Hinata can actually take a hit, likely dodge it with his much better chance to avoid, and also...his crits, you know, actually kill things. Just speaking purely in Heroes, Hana might as well have negative defense, as she'll pretty much 100% die to anyone's attack. She might get a kill, but she's screwed on the very next turn. Not exactly conductive to high scores in the arena.
  19. Well...so to speak. Evade in Fates is as a whole a lot less reliable than in Awakening and previous games as a whole. In Fates, units tend to get hit by 40 - 60 percent hit changes far more on average than they did in previous games. Hana, a swordmaster with high avoid, tends to get screwed over by 40% hit chances very regularly, to the point that it's unusual when she actually does dodge a 40% chance to hit. She's not the only one, but she's most extreme example, as if Hana had been in previous games, she would likely be untouchable. Have you played Radiant Dawn, by any chance? There, you could regularly count on your units dodging a roughly 65ish chance to hit. Compare Hana's tendency to fail at avoid to Mia or Shinon, who dodged pretty much every attack thrown at them. Even Haar, a wyvern knight, a class traditionally dedicated to straight-up facetanking avoided the majority of attacks that were thrown his way with his high avoid. As a whole, that's why physical defense is far more important in Fates than it was in Awakening, as well as far more important than it was in Radiant Dawn and even Path of Radiance. Now, Evade was buffed from being nerfed into the ground from Shadow Dragon to Awakening, where it was virtually nonexistent, in a move I can only see as a response to the godliness of avoid in Radiant Dawn.
  20. I didn't think I'd have to sacrifice my firstborn in order to get good pulls, but it's looking like that's going to have to be the case... All the jealousy...
  21. Did you play Fates? They're much of the same in that game. Tanky as hell, and that's why I far prefer them to Hana, who dies if an enemy so much as breathes on her in both games.
  22. Oh, that's a good point! I never thought of it that way; that definitely makes sense, and since Genealogy is in the same world as Awakening, perhaps legendary weapons on their planet aren't 100% indestructible the way that Ragnell and Alondite are. Perhaps instead of the blades of, say, Tyrfing or Gae Bolg needing to be reforged/fixed, it's the hilt or shaft that needs to be repaired due to stress and wear. I can get behind that. Headcanon accepted. And as for tomes, I'm going to theorize that only a set amount of the godly power is within at any time; once it's all used up, the tome user (or staff user in the case of the Blaggi staff) must communicate with their patron and get the magic restored in some sort of ritual.
  23. Wait, who are we talking about here? What game? I'll admit I don't know a lot about the FE fandom on YouTube (and I stay away from the comments sections on principle), so as far I know, they could be a vocal minority. The majority of FE fans I've come into contact with are reasonable, relaxed people. Every fandom has its crazies, after all.
  24. Hmm, I can kind of see how that makes sense, but how would they have survived the century between the Twelve Crusaders' use of the weapons and their descendants' use of the weapons? Unless they had some way to "repair" them in the meantime.
  25. You're right, I went back and reread the excerpt. So it seems like the breakable tomes has an explanation after all. But I still don't think it explains the godly ones...theoretically, they'd have an infinite well of energy to draw from. Not to mention, if you need to reinfuse magic into them, is it a case of spontaneously drawing on the same godly power again? Are they recommunicating with Naga, Holsety, and Salamander again to get it "re-blessed" or something similar? That would be an interesting angle to spin it.
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