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Everything posted by Tsak

  1. From what i gather based on y'alls experiences. villager looping all my bros at the start of the game will benefit me greatly later. I personally don't mind grinding so this sounds like a real treat to me
  2. Apparently if you are displeased with a witches course of attack you can mila turnwheel their turn back. Apparently their AI is so random it changes almost everytime you use the turnwheel. Sometimes this makes it so they don't even warp at all. This helps alleviate some of those crazy situations i'd imagine
  3. For me it will be all Mercs at first (it will be a struggle) but eventually ill reloop them back into villagers and put them on their best classes Kliff definitely needs to be a mage, boy gets way too many good spells to not be one.
  4. Villager fork him into greatness so you can see his giant head without a helmet lol
  5. Because she will never get her husbando Alm. His destiny is with Celica ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. ah alright that's actually kinda cool. It makes seeing one from a distance that much more exciting!
  7. Thanks for the translation bud! The interview itself was quite interesting, really helped understanding where they were coming from for this game
  8. I feel like Lukas is getting mine. I just can't picture him as anything but a cavalier. It's just really weird.... most of my villagers are gonna do the dread fighter path first then switch back into what i really want em for first time. I really don't mind grinding so here i come rare mobs. Also it should help prepare for hard mode Chapter 6.
  9. Sure, every character can't be well written and crucial to each story. But people aren't randomly going out of their way to express their hatred or rally to defense of many of these characters. Faye in particular seems to have some sort of community focus that i can't really explain. (could be because everyone is anxious to get their hands on the game?) Sure, Navarre mostly doesn't even get much story time besides just the general mythos of him. He's created some sort of legend as a fighter, regardless of whether hes a well designed character he still has that going for him. But yes ultimately what draws people to characters is important, and opinion i understand this. But Faye seems to be so divisive? Like i missed the hype train for her as well? I just don't see why people have so many ups and downs with such a random character. She gets more talk in most outlets then Alm or the antagonists do half the time. Meh Sigurd is popular? maybe if you really enjoyed genealogy? I get what you're saying, opinions opinions etc. I don't really find Sigurd to be too much of an interesting character, just a Lord in the wrong place at the right time. Maybe watching him die was more interesting? Certainly ruffled a lot of peoples feathers... tough to watch all that time and dedication get roasted Sure why not? Doesn't mean you can defend her character design. Even the producers in an interview said that Alm's side just had too many guys, needed to be a little evened out. Definitely makes it harder lol Sure, didn't say there was. Its just a topic on Faye and people are fighting about it. again, just throwing my 2 cents in. To be completely fair it's not like I'm not gonna use her, i want an extra cleric. If anything she has more of a chance to change my mind, because my expectations of her are so low or just nonexistent. If she dies and im out of turnwheel i'll still probably restart to keep her alive. Like i don't hate the character, I just don't really care about her in general besides gameplay-wise. That's ok, there is tons of characters and they're not all gonna be appealing. And you're right what makes a character interesting or boring is all a matter of perspective. Fact is Faye wasn't made with love and it shows
  10. why are so many people enamored or want to defend this boring character? like i've literally seen nothing that makes her that interesting. I guess she has a great divide between the community between i'd imagine 3 types of people 1. People who like or identify with the character, maybe seeing real life examples of her in their life 2. People who think she is really creepy and genuinely childish 3. People who don't care she even exists I probably fall with group 3 because her design and overall feel as a character to me personally is irrelevant. I've even witnessed versions of her in real life, but it doesn't make her an interesting character. Let me make a comparison to a character i feel is more fleshed out and interesting in the same game Python! Despite most of his interactions being with Forsyth, he doesn't fall into the same trap Faye does. Manages to be his own fleshed out character, and his redesign is actually pretty good. Python is from the very beginning shown to be relatively lackadaisical and Forsyth is there to get him to put in some sort of effort. But he doesn't need Forsyth to be a character, he exists without him. Even his interaction initially with Alm was pretty funny. for the TLDR: Faye is boring, Python isn't
  11. is that yellow lighting around them because you're inspecting them or is that just like how rare enemies are?
  12. Awesome, interesting note Boey, Valbar, Dean, Tatiana aren't really picky eaters. They can pretty much get by with any food and Boey is a foodie? (3 hearts and no dislikes well besides Yucky but that basically doesn't count lol)
  13. So what do you guys think? Which route was more enjoyable? Anything that you particularly enjoyed over the other route?
  14. i wonder if the english team purposely fiddled with this just to trigger all of yall on serene's. no but seriously its really not a big deal, but it is very odd i'll give you that. Their overall video approach is kind of smart using a kind of drill sgt. to get you to learn the army basics. but the execution was... a bit rushed it seems
  15. yeah this story doesn't seem so M.Night Shamayalnesque. I feel like them taking a story which was originally, bare bones and painting it vividly helped make it overall quite a cohesive and enjoyable experience. That being said, I can't wait to see how the localization team does with this material. And the English voice actors seem to be knocking it out of the park. Gray in particular cracks me up, even his command quote "Come at me fools!" is just great.
  16. well i saw a hatchet drop in a linkmster dlc video. so there is some sort of playable axes (also a devil axe in game)
  17. In what i saw on Youtube they were called High-Knights iirc
  18. They definitely stepped it up in terms of music quality this time around. Its overall theme is particularly good and fits very well. I can't say i have a favorite which is a good thing because i like so many of the tracks its hard to pick. Awakening and Fates for me had overall fairly forgettable tracks and nothing really grabbed my attention in a big way. So this iteration has definitely raised my hopes on terms of quality
  19. ma boyyyyyy seriously though this game is looking like dread fighter emblem lets not pretend also his growths got fairly improved and having another dread fighter isn't really a bad thing ill probably do sonya in the second playthrough (after a nice dinner date)
  20. Faye: who knows forreal idk cleric for giggles? Tobin: Archer Kliff: Mage, AURA BEBE Gray: Cavalier or Merc Atlas: Soldier
  21. Thank you. I was about to type something less descriptive but along the same lines. You probably can't change Faye's ending because she is unwilling to change herself, this happens to many people. Depressing or not it seems like she's bound for this course... Also the sort of setting this game derives from is inherently tragic (greece/roman vibes) Ever have the pleasure of reading about Hercules? yeah not a very pleasant ending for that guy..
  22. from a leaked video i saw a support between kliff and tobin. it seems like supports this time will be fully voiced out... maybe that's why they're shorter than usual
  23. there wasn't a hard mode in Gaiden was there? That'll probably help with the difficulty aspect you might be looking for
  24. One word: Necessary but to be honest it really did need to happen, you can't keep the new players of your game playing if they go from Fates style growths back to the extreme ancient growth rates of gaiden. When i go back and play an old classic i'm naturally prepared for these kinds of things, but remakes are supposed to be a breath of fresh air on said oldschool games. This was a step in the right direction
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