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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. The Miracle of Darna is 632. Genealogy's story starts in 757. Arvis is at least 18, good chance of being in his 20s. If we put him at 25 when he shows up to give out that Silver Sword, then that'd put his birth year in 732. Exactly 100 years from the Miracle of Darna. The Miracle of Darna has to be the defining year, because Fjalar has no Major Salamand Blood prior to that. The child of Fjalar from whom Arvis descends -barring some unspoken magical infusion of dragon blood in the Crusaders' pre-Miracle children- would have to be born in or after 632. IRL, a "generation" is taken to mean upwards of 30 years. Although it takes only about half that for humans to reach sexual reproductivity. Because FE likes using modern norms except when it doesn't, let's assume there is no marriage and no sex until a person reaches 18, and let's delay the birth of the first child of a couple to when at least one spouse reaches 20 years of age. If we assumed Fjalar got pregnant and gave birth to an offspring in 632, and that that child had their first offspring at the age of 20, and that child the same, then it is 632, 652, 672, 692, 712, 732. Child of Fjalar, Grandchild of Fjalar, Great-Grandchild, Great-Great-Grandchild, Greatx3... and Arvis is the Great-Great-Great-Great Grandchild of Fjalar. Now there is a problem, when did Fjalar have her first child? The Miracle of Darna didn't destroy the Loptian Empire right away, it wasn't until 648 that Loptous was defeated, after a 15-year war. Being a Crusader, she had to be fighting, pregnancy, at least during the later months, would take her off on the frontlines for a while. Once her body recovered from the birth, she could surely find a wet nurse among the countries she liberated to take care of her baby, letting her return to the battlefield and Valflame things again. I'll assume the 12 Crusaders artwork is supposed to be based on their appearances during or shortly after Darna, for if it wasn't and it is them as they looked after the holy war's end, judging Baldr's shonen ~18-ish appearance, he would've been in diapers during the Miracle, not exactly Crusader material. Fjalar herself looks to be at least 18, maybe in her early 20s herself in the artwork. If she was 18, then after 15 years of war that'd put her at 33, still potentially plenty fertile. It's plausible she could've waited that long, but nothing says she didn't get married at some point. I'd expect Heim at least got married and had kids during the war, the Naga dude looks too old to be having children in the artwork already, although being male means pregnancy would've never gotten in his way from fighting. Now, what if we imagined Fjalar waited nine years from the Miracle, at a point when the tide had clearly turned against Loptous, before getting married and pregnant, giving birth in the next year? That'd put her first child in 642, which lets us use the "generation = 30 years" estimate to go 642, 672, 702, 732. Child, Grandchild, Great-Grandchild, Great-Great Grandchild. Arvis is the Great-Great Grandchild of Fjalar. It wouldn't have to be a choice not to have a first child until 30 that's result in a higher than 20-year generation spacing. Major Holy Blood inheritance is supposed to be totally random, even if it most often tends to be the firstborn in-game. Perhaps it took until baby no. 3 for the Brand-child of Fjalar to get their Brand baby? Or you could have more mundane issues of children dying at birth or any other time before they can successfully procreate, and couples who struggle to conceive. TL;DR Arvis is likely somewhere between the Greatx2 and Greatx4 Grandchild of Fjalar.
  2. He was already insane by any definition, all the latter option does is make him more insane. I would like to think that would be the end of his life, dying due to starvation from madness leaving him uninterested in food, or that all the Definians and Prones around him would kill the writhing Earth-alien madman. But he is not actually killed in front of us in this option, which leaves the door open to Monolith bringing him back and worse than ever.
  3. I'm 99.99% of the mind they won't be letting Alex get away with shooting three Ma-non dead. Many quests usually have a happier outcome, the Alien quest will have to end without the woman taking a shower. I think there'd be a bad taste for some player if the bad options were chosen. Definian Downfall would probably go with Fortun not being scrapped, as whiny and self-centered that mother computer is. If she attempts to stage another Definian uprising despite all hope being lost for that, I'm chucking her in a non-canon portal so Shulk can have fun. Rise of the Blood Lobster... do you give Blood Lobster what they want, or do you give them what they don't want? Because if you pick the latter, it actually means they could be at it again.😦
  4. When you think about it, not that much actually happened in the X1's plot. It wouldn't be difficult to summarize it all. Humanity fled Earth because aliens, crashed on another planet because aliens, met aliens again, befriended new aliens, fought evil aliens, reclaimed the Lifehold Core. The minutiae wouldn't be terribly relevant at first, though some of the little details I'm leaving out would matter sooner or later. And on questlines, it would be great if Monolith found a way to continue and evolve a bunch from the first game. No need to reset all the minor NPCs and invent a new one-hundred of them with wholly separate quests. It'd be excellent writing if they could show continued growth and development of even the lesser people on Mira. One quest that comes to mind is the eclectic all-Xeno BLADE Squad, the Orphe, Ma-non, Prone woman, and Nopon team; another would be the Prone-human couple. More generally seeing how the green Orpheans reconcile with the Betaforms is another point of interest. And oh, Yelv.
  5. Asian English translations aren't exactly the same quality as North American/European/Aussie & Kiwi English translations. The infamous Sword Art Online game example comes to mind. But for something less egregious, I checked out Super Robot Wars Original Generation: Moon Dwellers, solely Haken's attacks because I wanted to see how his new giant robot fought, and the phrasing wasn't horrible, it was perfectly comprehensible, but it could've been smoother. I was little disappointed because it undercuts his coolness. And uh, I had an XCX thought that others might have had. XCX SPOILERS!.
  6. Nothing from the donations I think. Maybe uncursing one of those super-rare cursed weapons, if you have any. And Chapter 35 is... different. The battle should've never happened and the people you're liberating are ungrateful wretches whose attitudes make me want to validate their strong cynicism via forceful acquisition of everything they own. -But as cynicism ruins nations, I know it's better shut up, ignore the buffoons, and perform the duties of government which would help them and thus restore their trust in government or build that trust in the next generation at least, as that is the right thing to do. I can appreciate the surprising inversion of usual gamey expectations with the Chapter 35 NPC backlash, but it doesn't make those people any less unlikeable.
  7. I'd maybe argue Njorun's resemblance to Altena being approaching clonal status. If there were to be a single Crusader who was Mythic'ed, I'd bet it'd be Fjalar.: This looks strong and fierce, admirable traits in a female character. Fjalar's lineage isn't the least important either, Arvis is in some measure important to Jugdral's plot, a little more than Neir's heirs. Honestly, I'd be interested in hearing what words she'd have to say to her ~great-great grandchild who allowed the empire and dark god she destroyed to return.
  8. He does get one sorta snappy line.: Numida: "Aargh! Where are my guards? Why do I have to be the one to fight?!" Aran: "That’s right, I remember who you are. You let others do your dirty work while you run for safety. Looks like you’re running out of places to run, Senator."
  9. The leaves in the wind in this still image, they feel unreal, and not in a bad way. I don't have a PS4, and usually I'm not huge on realism, but that does look beautiful. Wonderful to see a feudal Japan that is magnificently photorealistic instead of cel-shaded for a change.
  10. Sounds like a glitch, albeit I understand why it wouldn't be patched out unless it was part of a bigger package. It doesn't do anything bad, and it doesn't do anything brokenly positive. Too late for 4, too soon for Ultimate. It wouldn't surprise me if X2 fell into the same hole, as deep as the Yawning Giant. It happens, right Pokemon generations without a rep? Not helping is the lukewarm reception, there isn't as much demand to have it in, XC2 had the demand. Egads, is it possible the franchise is moving on from her? I don't exactly get why she'd be considered a Mii Gunner pick, her firearms don't seem like anything "Gunnery". But then again it's a silly costume, so it doesn't really matter that it doesn't. If Xeno had gotten a Gunner costume, Elma would've been my pick. Although like the Smash 4 Lloyd costume, it'd be a little odd to have her only use one gun when she dual-wields. If she is, it has to be solely as an excuse for easy access to Dark Magic publishers and scribes. Orange Anna is a moderate believer in the Zoan faith, the Gwenchaosian hardliners aren't for her. Wealth is a sign that Gerxel loves us and wants us to be happy, so trade with the infidel is perfectly fine, even in times of war with the infidel. G-dorf has his own leitmotif that he plays on the organ in OoT.
  11. Cute. And very catlike in its self-assurance. I guess they concluded they didn't want you marrying and divorcing everyone and thereby turning a quarter of the town's population into your many half-related children. With the current SoS flop, maaaaaybe the latest HM will be better in select facets. And it's not like Natsume should be forbidden from getting better, more good offerings for a genre is never bad. Same. I presently have all of my eShop funds from Christmas still on hand. I intend to spend some of it later this month, but a huge chunk will remain unspent for months to come unless I venture out of my gaming comfort zone. I wouldn't expect a release this year, but if Nintendo does something in June to replace E3 (probably best it stay dead?), can Monolith give me an overdose of hype for next year? They've been quiet for long enough.
  12. I just think the average writer doesn't put that much thought into their geography. Which is perfectly fine, have you ever read a book and gone "I love that mountain, it's the most beautifully written snow-capped peak with alpacas, polylepis trees, and magnificent terraces of maize and quinoa I've ever experienced. And don't get me started on that river valley far below!πŸ˜‹"? Characters, stories, and the human aspects of worlds are usually what people love, not dirt and streams. As for rewriting physics, I've seen you post in the LP section here on SRW. So I know you know Gundam and that one little all-pervasive particle I've heard secondhand as being responsible for explaining the necessity of the mecha, when IRL they are 100% infeasible and impractical. I won't criticize that decision, it is perfectly fine as a writing choice.
  13. Here is a little geographic discussion I got into recently.: See @Jotari response to my remarks in particular. Geography is very complicated, I get why video game developers don't think about it. Geography IRL has a ton of diversity too. But, I do think writers should put some thought into it. And in my case, one of the reasons I can never write a story and a world, is because I would really like a pre-made map onto which I can then plop every country, defining them to an extent in accordance with their placement on the terrain and proximity to other countries.
  14. The entire game is the result of the aftermath of Sin's last toxins! That is why everyone is so stupid weird.😜 I never finished X-2, my first PS3 died when I got to Chapter 3. The minigame emphasis and sheer impossibility of 100% on a semi-blind first run weighed down me. Its ATB was more "active", than usual, but I don't think I loved it. I guess this is an extreme case of "What are you willing to endure for the sake of a good class system?". Dare you ever pick it up again? Also, mid-breast exposure aside, I do like Yuna's new outfit. Rikku... her fashion sense went down the drain, does she even look like her old self at all? Had I been responsible an X sequel, I think a Reformation-esque serious approach would've been how I would've done it. The demise of the Yevon faith as it has been for centuries, may in the long-term lead to increased secularity. But in the short-term, it leads to a spike in religiosity with religion fracturing amongst many charismatic leaders and their follower factions, who are sometimes willing to negotiate and compromise, yet frequently turn to violent conflict and suppression of the others.
  15. *Sees the latest SoS has topped the Japanese sales chart for Feb 21-28, 200k copies sold, double Bravely Default II* Yet another reminder of many that you buy games before you actually get to judge their quality. Sorry Japan has to be the guinea pigs. At least some aspects of it I'm told are nice ideas, if not always properly carried out. The character events are supposedly good, even if the script be threadbare. And it's the first time the franchise has had "divorce". By which I'm told secondhand it seems to be rewriting the record of existence so that the marriage and resulting children never happened in the first place, but I would hope time itself isn't rewound b/c loss of farm progress. Sounds a wee bit too metaphysical for a cutesy farming sim. The Harvest Goddess tapping into the Akashic Record is incomprehensibly out there and brokenly powerful, so I love it.
  16. Depends on how you define "genius", if being a genius denies hubris, then you'd be right. If a genius can become arrogant however, then it can be understandable that they would think themselves invincible from their past successes, and hence leave themselves vulnerable. Genius requires effort, and over time, if people feel secure, they can fail to put in the proper work, acting wisely can be exhausting. --- As for the topic itself, yeah, it's internal consistency that primarily matters, although it's not the only thing. You can make an absurdist or satirical story that intentionally breaks from internal consistency. You could have a random villager say "That ancient prophecy about a Hero of Light defeating a Lord of Darkness? I made it up three weeks ago. Also, I don't like it anymore, so you Hero of Light are now Zombie Cabbage." *Poof* *The Hero is physically transformed*. But this has to be intentional and satire can't be an ex post facto excuse for bad writing.
  17. No this is a separate instance that nobody ever complains about, despite not having access to a Blue Flower to level up, presumably because they don't get stuck on the next boss the way the actual softlock boss is. This is soft-lock in principle, not in practice. It's only dawned on me in recent retrospect that it could happen here. The real soft-lock dungeon is two islands from now. The game was actually nice enough to tell Kalas to explicitly warn you.: And after this text box you can choose to head on into the dungeon, or not. But as a ~11-12 year-old child, I absolutely positively with all my heart did not read this carefully. And I paid the price.πŸ˜…
  18. It used to -wrongly- be said online that you could skip the Sayvna fight, would've been nice if that were a real option. Considering Kalas is a jerk and that Lyude pointed the accusation at Sayvna in the first place, while Gibari is jovial and Xelha kind, they could've set the two trusting characters against the two untrusting ones. The fact you have to fight her right after a prior boss is a little unfair, although she isn't a difficult opponent at least. As a little reminder, technically it is possible to become softlocked due to a lack of access to a Blue Flower after you depart for the next island, although it's very doubtful that it would happen. A separate save might be useful on principle. Kalas's name actually has a meaning stated in-game, albeit not a homonym. You'll eventually learn it (be very patient). It's "King Almightily unLikeable Adorned in CrocS". Or not.πŸ˜›
  19. I chanced upon a ~400 page history of universities at my local library. The first of the seven sections looks to be on the founding of European universities, which go back at least to the early 1200s judging from when the pope quoted in the book's summary lived. I'll borrow the tome and tell you exactly how accurate Garreg Mach is to the real Medieval European higher education experience.πŸ˜›
  20. @Armagon I was looking at some discussion on the Story of Seasons fansite Fogu, wanted to see what some diehard fans had to say about Olive Town's writing disaster. Yoshifumi Hashimoto was the producer for all four 3DS SoS games, which longtime fans say were totally fine in the writing department. However, Hashimoto stepped down and took a bunch of "like-minded individuals" with him. The new SoS head hancho is fairly inexperienced and has possibly lost some talented writers and other employees with Hashimoto's departure. Now, Hashimoto didn't leave Marvelous entirely, it seems he settled for an independent development team within the company. What does he do now? He got a job as a director. For what you ask? The one's loss looks to be the other's gain.πŸ˜† The red peacock kinda matches her Fire emphasis. And it's a little neat that she uses her feathers as projectiles in the Burning Arrow finisher. Although, it's the male peacocks who have the pretty plumage, the females look like pretty plain birds, so they flubbed IRL gender on these magical wings of the heart.
  21. Very different. Maps are normal-sized. Only one generation. Growable weapon ranks. All stats (except HP) cap at 20. Trading and normal shops exist. You start with 0 Gold and get none for free, the Capture command is how you get the vast majority of your weapons. Fatigue forces units to sit out battles once in a while. Dismounting is forced indoors.
  22. I absolutely ran into a lack of dialogue variety with the Friends of Mineral Town remake. However, that was a fairly faithful to a fault update of a GBA game based on a PS1 game, so there I can find room to excuse it, unlike a brand-new entry. One person who has previewed the Olive Town game said that two seasons in, the lack of varied conversation was painful. I see Villager's archenemy has an axe to grind too.πŸ˜› Fair point. There is a dissonance that comes from calm music (or that environmental noises track for the Pikmin stage) and raging fighting, hurts the immersion at times. Even a few XCX non-battle themes fits Smash alright, certainly NLA Oblivia, perhaps Noctilum, CODENAMEZ.
  23. https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/03/story_of_seasons_pioneers_of_olive_town_is_getting_patched_following_difficult_launch_in_japan#comments Looking like the latest Story of Seasons is a total skip until maybe patches and paid DLC. Lack of varied dialogue sounds like a major issue to me, considering talking and characterization are so important in these things. It seems to be the Pokemon Problem, it's so used to annual releases, it's so used to being the established and unchallenged leader of the genre, and it needs to go back to the drawing board and make a higher quality game. Oh, and why settle when Rune Factory still looks to have creative vitality, and if you don't mind battle, a slew of other improvements? Waiting for RF5 is sounds much better. Black Tar would likely cause 30000 or so Smash players to instantly unbuy Smash Pass 2. We know the XCX OST is divisive. Although maybe something less unorthodox could slip in. Uncontrollable is just as no, but Wir Fliegen could stand a better chance. I'd dismiss In The Forest's possibilities. Maybe the the first, lyric'ed half of The Key We've Lost, it's not as "crazy" as some would put it I think. NO.EX01 would be a more moderate candidate as well.
  24. I'm not entirely sure, but my old guide said those undead enemies can each use it only once per battle. Still annoying yeah, not sure why they didn't just inflate their HP a little then? I'm referring to Or, maybe I'm underestimating what a blind player could figure out. I admittedly never played any old FE totally blind, I more or less always had a guide, and the modern FE just gives you every unit. As a result, I'm not sure what the thinking mind is capable of figuring out on its own.
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