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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. You didn't do that the first time? The pitfalls altogether remove 40% of its HP, and if you engage it from behind while it's still in the pitfall you get two turns of it doing nothing and a free Leg Bind. With a sufficiently-leveled Venom Curse and the Tsukudani, you should be able to kill the bats in 2-3 turns, before the Chimaera can get involved. After you kill them, leave the room and heal up and save. The bats won't respawn for a week or two. Finally got a Game Over after so many close calls. Two owls Panicked my entire team on the 9th floor. And my Beast is finding it rough surviving the red winged lizards' (not FOEs) flame breath. But killing baddies isn't an issue, Venom Curse with Tsukudani is dealing twice or triple their HP in damage, and my DH and Alch are doing just fine too.
  2. It's a poorly-written chapter, designed for another dose of bandits and An Introduction to Manaketes, using a stationary one you can kill from afar with no issues. I'll chalk up the failure of the absolutely nonexistent dialogue between Marth's peaceful negotiators and the king's men to the king's bitterness in old age and possibly degeneration and or Dolhrian sympathies. Oh and it being a totally unimproved three minutes of narrative from an 8-bit game. No wonder FE3 snipped it out, nothing of value besides the Manakete intro was lost.
  3. All of the "Seven Kingdoms of Archanea (the continent)": Archanea, Altea, Aurelis, Macedon, Grust, Gra, and Talys (the youngest of the seven, founded 25 years before SD Chapter 1) are unified under King Marth at the end of the War of the Heroes. Maybe thats your source of confusion? Khadein remains independent of Marth under Wendel & Arlen. Dolhr I presume remains independent under whatever never-ever-seen nice Manakete that live there. Dolhr may be bad lands, so Marth if he had an imperialistic bone in his body probably doesn't want it anyway from a great empire perspective. Little axed-from-FE3 Pyrathi nobody know what happened to, but why not annex it to Archanea? The Kingdom of Archanea does not appear to have ruled the entire world prior to Marth's unification.: Dolhr for a time at least controlled the entirety of its large island, most of which later became Macedon. Aurelis was founded in 499 on the Archanean calendar, year 1 (the epoch) being the founding of the Kingdom of Archanea. This happened after King Cartas "subjugated" the northern plains and installed his younger brother Count Marlon as King of Aurelis. "Subjugated" implies military conquest of an enemy, I'd hazard Central Eurasian-styled pastoral nomads, which would definitely be a distinct civilization from the sedentary Archanean one. Grust's founding is stated to have happened after the "taming" of barbarians neighbors. Gotoh is the founder of Khadein. Let's ignore that city they added on the west coast of Archanea in SoV. Retcon is what it is.
  4. I might be a little miserly when it comes to purchases, I tend to buy everyone new stuff once I get to the final floor of a Stratum and no sooner, to make sure its the strongest stuff in that Stratum. And as a random aside, here are images of two of the DLC superbosses not the Ur-Devil: *Virtual pat on the back of sympathy* I'm not great either, all I do it look a little more at the data. If you want to see diabolical Fog of War, I recommend emulating the first Advance Wars, completing the standard Campaign, and then doing the more-difficult Advance Campaign, whilst unlocking the post-final final battle. That I'm told is a terrible FoW battle, but I wouldn't know because I never played Advance Campaign that far, I almost lost on the second no-FoW battle there.😛 -Though later AW entries got better at FoW.
  5. You should've found a free Poison-immunity Venom Ring accessory in the Labyrinth, slap that on someone. More of these can be bought if you killed enough Venomflies and Flying Lizards. To reduce the hurt of the Fire attack it has, you can make Fire Talisman accessories reducing that damage by killing a bunch of Sunflowers for their conditional Perfect Thorn drop. You have to kill the Sunflowers with non-physical damage to get them to drop, try Freezing Snare if you got that Rafflesia skill as a Grimoire. Since Fire Talismans mean you can't use Venom Rings, if you don't want to try Poisoning the Chimaera yourself, then prepare the Citron Owl Bowl as your meal to reduce the infliction rate of Poison on everyone.
  6. I'm a layabout with no life, so don't feel bad.🙂 I was hesitant too of course, the fight was very brutal on my prior playthroughs, I was amazed how effortless it was this time.
  7. The Chimaera is no more. Took me maybe 10 turns? And only one try. I slaughtered almost most FOEs in the 1st Stratum to get to level 15 as a precaution, but that was unnecessary and a little overleveled, I think the dinosaurs save that stronger one turned blue at 14. It didn't take long, merely a Creeping Curse > Venom Curse and a floor jump back to the entrance to be repeated again and again. My Chimaera strategy: Now it's time for the very pretty 2nd Stratum. Got past its first floor just fine. The request giving me access to the Ginnugagap appeared, and I ventured a little in there, but I'm holding off on the boss there until I explore the 2nd Stratum more. And a Beast showed up for Grimoire Trade with Natural Instincts 4, yay money skill! Still no bona fide Game Overs though. Sometimes I look at the Customize screen even when I haven't leveled up and think about my future investments and what it'll one day look like.😆
  8. Yes. Do you not remember this from before? There is the continent itself, and there is the (Holy) Kingdom of Archanea. The Kingdom of Archanea itself it would seem is the oldest extant and certainly currently the greatest human civilization on the continent. Hardin apparently became Archanean King no. 24 according to the intro to the War of the Heroes. Factoring out the two down short downfalls of the Kingdom of Archanea to Dolhr, there were 598 years of existence for Kingdom of Archanea prior to King Hardin, which means each of the 23 prior kings ruled on average for 26 years. Not entirely sure, but those sound like fairly or very good reign lengths by Medieval standards.
  9. Yes, yes you can. Oncom is edible mold grown on all-natural by-products of other foods consumed in the Indonesian province of West Java. Comes in black and red varieties, I think thats the black.
  10. Good luck! And if you don't enjoy it, I understand. Not a single game in the series has sold 200k I think. They're not everyone's cup of tea, or perhaps oncom is a better comparison.:
  11. Yeah, I took the Beast. I'll be on the lookout though for Troubadours at the Grimoire trades, I'd so well with some Fantasia and Prelude. And thus my team is complete: Doesn't this vary based on game and whether the pilot has the Guard Spirit? Of course, I'd assume 9 times out of 10 somebody in a giant hunk of Super Zol-Orichalum instead a lethe skeleton of Real aluminum would have Guard. From what I remember of OG2 (yes I know my SRW experience is highly limited), it wasn't hard to wreck the Giganscudo if Tasuku didn't cast Guard, only with it, which is limited by SP (though SRW fights barring a few shouldn't be so long or hard as to make SP management a major concern), was the giant shield invincible.
  12. *Sees mention of Shigen* This image is not edited, but it was taken before he adds to the text box "I sure as hell won't oblige you". I was wondering what you'd think of that. I started with Classic and then went to Story, so I was surprised to see that things were happy there. I've almost started my Untold 2 Classic run, yet I can't decide on its pivotal final member. Now it's Beast vs. Troubadour. If I use a Beast, I get to have my much-wanted Palm!Alchemist, but visually it's a tad dissonant. If I pick the Troubadour, I can have the best offense buffer in the game, but my Alchemist will have to take to the back row slinging the standard Formulas and I'll being using a frontline Medic instead. Picnic could let me grind up a Troubadour and replace the Beast in case the Palmchemist is disappointing, or if Hexer shutdown is so potent that I can do without the Beast, but I wouldn't really want to change team in the middle of a playthrough.
  13. I want to like the kid, but there's almost nothing there is in notable personality. I wish you only 3 levels of Hell (which is generous, FE12 Lunatic ought to be 14 levels at a minimum) trying to use the underleveled Mage that has an inexplicable -2 Mag at base. Never did FE12 Lunatic, but Hard was a peculiar melange of maps where Palla and Catria roleplayed as janitors and swept swept swept the maps clean of dirt, and things like Chapter 20, where I had to turtle in the treasure room because enemies were too strong. And speaking of reinforcements, nothing is worse in FE12 for me than Flame Barrel. Present to me your convoy full of heroic cremains when the Graveyard Misleading Named Because It's Not Actually For Fire Dragons is "past".
  14. Or, if you preferred preventing the enemy from getting an advantage at Fort CaptureMe, you could split your army in two and leave a force there to defend it. Though this would be somewhat unusual fluidity for FE stories. After Fates and 3H, I want more smaller choices instead of giant route splits. And yeah, some postgame battles would be nice. Could be more ordinary stuff, or it could be a little grand. Why not have Zeke peacefully escorting Tatiana somewhere when a Duma Faithful remnant attacks and he has to protect her as she tries to escape? -Akin to the BSFE Camus battle again, which would serve as his memory trigger.
  15. Unused stuff always interests me. More so in 2D games actually because 3D unfinished stuff (and glitches) reminds me too much that video games are thin 2D planes suspended and assembled in various ways in a 3D void and are human constructs. And thats saying something when Gaiden's world map is the "best" in FE. Though making for more optional stuff could mean having to reorient FE away from centralization on the main story. FE1 had a slew of things too.: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light Characters Sabre (slightly different name to Savor from Gaiden) is an unused playable character, with Misheil’s portrait, who also has data as an enemy. Wylar is one of the first non-playable characters and doesn’t have a portrait. Basilisk, Salamander and Narga appear towards the end of the character list, along with Gaia; the first three are names of the dragon tribes, so maybe Gaia was going to be the Earth Dragon tribe’s name? Items Wyvern, Gargoyle, Salamander, Shenron, Neptune and Dark Dragon can be equipped by Mamkutes, but can’t be used to attack with. The Helarn staff has the unusual ability of making equipped weapons permanently indestructible and the staff itself has 22 uses! No wonder it was removed… The joys of an infinite use Iron Sword Before it was finally implemented in Thracia 776, it seems Fog of War was initially planned for this game, judging from the Telescope item, which claims to increase Vision by 5 when used. The Dark and Time Orbs (no Life Orb?) can be used 3 times each, but nothing seems to happen when you use them. Finally, we have the Fire Emblem in item form; unlike in Mystery of the Emblem, anyone can hold it—Shh, don’t tell anyone!
  16. It doesn't have to be the same person. Could be the whole Japanese Ninja Master Passes Down Their Name To Create The Impression Of An Undying Leader shtick done with Fates Saizo and Tekken/SoulCalibur's Yoshimitsu. Is Sengoku Basara to blame?
  17. Blitzed through the remnant of Classic EOU2 with my old team, there wasn't very much left, but Picnic made it truly effortless. Poor final boss never even landed an attack on me because I got off a Panic. Now that I've purged it at last, I can later start anew and try a more functional team. Gotta say I like the EOV 5th Stratum more than U2's. Although why do I feel both games were starting to run a little on empty at this point. I want to start the new U2 Classic run at a full 3DS charge, so I'll do that tomorrow. I like Birthright's gameplay enough. But it has good bones, if the only the flesh atop them was made by a more intelligent creator, not necessarily CQ complicated, but I think they stayed too close to an Awakening experience. Conquest was thrillingly brutal the first time on Hard. But after that? Once was enough, nope, not a glutton for more punishment! Though I did come back for more CQ runs which I could enjoy, I never finished any of them, these habaneros were too spicy. I do appreciate that via a melange of optional means, Fates lets you customize your difficulty a fair bit. Raw Lunatic Classic would be too much for myself, but with a slew of BP/VP rewards I grinded for, it's not so bad. TBF, there's more than a decade separating them. Quality of life thankfully improved in huge leaps in that time.
  18. Although the difference in difficulties can vary from game to game, these are the numbers for Untold 2. Standard is taken as the "normal" difficulty which the numbers of Picnic and Expert are relative to.: Damage Dealt to Enemies: Picnic 300% Standard 100% Expert 66% Damage Taken from Enemies: Picnic 25% Standard 100% Expert 166% Health Healed to Allies: Picnic 300% Standard 100% Expert 100% Meaning on Picnic, you hurt and heal triple that of Standard and suffer a quarter of the damage. For Untold 1, the Standard vs. Expert numbers are the same, but Picnic's numbers are a less cray cray 133% 33% 150% for the above three values.
  19. I didn't have that happen to me, likely because I though Shanna was too much effort to train. Sorry about what I said earlier. And Fir is redundant if Rutger has been tearing up everything so far, but still good as Swordmasters unusually are in FE6. Slightly less HP/Str/Def, but more Luck, which is actually good for a dodgetank.
  20. Last Stand for a good ally makes, though his defensive capabilities are surprisingly on the lighter side for a Shield user. Given he ultimately has a good goal in mind, I don't mind his personality. Though Murderess leaves you with a worse first impression than H.B. and yet I like her. Maybe I'm okay with dislikable/arrogant characters in games, though I wouldn't say I love them all.
  21. Ahkos and H.B. aren't exactly identical despite the suspect visual similarities he should've been named Ahbos. H.B. has no time to be sentimental, Akhos beneath any arrogance is the most emotional member of the little Tornan trio. That said, I do like H.B. more than Ahkos, other characters comment on his inflated ego, yet somehow H.B. is strangely funny. I don't exactly get it, but his 100% serious statements of personal grandeur and meritocracy come off as deadpan humor perhaps. The first Western Isles? I remember it was surprisingly not cruel on Normal. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/etrian/images/3/31/Stratum_1._Seared_Deer.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150914113508 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/etrian/images/0/00/Stratum_1._Forest_Deer_Sukiyaki.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150914113554 https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/etrian/images/9/93/Stratum_1._Deer_Steak.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150914113404 -- I still can't decide which ending to go for first in Devil Survivor 2. I've several conflicting desires and none of them can establish a definitive dominance over the others. No matter which I pick, I'm going to have some gripes. NG+ will let me do the next with ease but waaaah first run is speciaaaaaal!
  22. No problem with that I'd say. I've resorted to using old teammates on EOV NG+ to more quickly level and finance the current team once I've reached a Stratum's end and before confronting the boss. Carrying over a Vigilus Baculus from the 4th Stratum and putting it on my Merciful Healer gives me many rapid battles against many shiny enemies. For passives, Phys Attack Up on a Grimoire Stone is fine, but investing in it early on? A skip I'd say. At level 10 it's a 15% damage boost, which is insignificant when you're dealing double-digit damage, an extra 2 points on a 20 attack isn't a lot. At the end of the game when numbers are far higher, it's worth considering if you have nothing better to put points into because you've gotten all the commands you want to use maxed out. Not to forget that 15% is with a whole ten points, that means each SP provides a microscopic 1-2% increase by itself. Stick to improving your core command skills for now, it'll make the difference. Curb Attack Up is a different matter, since improving Bind/Ailment infliction is better than a tiny damage boost. The infliction lands or it doesn't, and you want to make sure it lands. It's also more SP efficient than investing in the individual Curses on the Hexer. Why? Putting a point into Blinding/Maddening/Torpor/Corrupt/Cranial/Abdomen/Immobile Curse & Evil Eye will increase the base infliction rate of that one Bind/Ailment skill by 1%. The only exceptions are a 5% increase at level 5, and 8% at level 10 (and 6% at level 20 via a Grimoire Stone). Curb Attack Up increases the multiplier for B/A infliction by 7% to start, and 2% more for every subsequent level. Not sure whether increasing the base rate of the infliction skill or slightly multiplying the overall infliction rate is better. But, consider that by putting 1 point of SP into Curb Attack Up, you're increasing the success rate of allllllll of the Hexer's 9 infliction skills, thats a lot more bang for your buck. Now, if any passive has a good skill needing it as a prerequisite to unlock, then you should consider investing in it up to the point to unlock the skill and no further. Hexers are a case of this, because if you put a full 10 points into Curb Attack Up, you unlock Chained Benefit. Chained Benefit is a charge-type skill, it multiplies the user's chance of inflicting B/As on the next turn by: 140% at 1 SP, 175% at 10, and 195% at 20. Chained Benefit costs 1-4 TP, so it's dirt cheap ...but it does bind the user's arms and legs. TBF, it's only reflecting the artwork of the Hexers, and Hexers only use their heads for all their skills. All it'll really do is slow it down. Chained Benefit may not be useful against common enemies because battles are short and enemies hurt you fast, but FOEs and bosses with high B/A resistances? Might want to try it. Not to forget that Chain Benefit benefits all of the Hexer's curses any Grimoire'd inflictors. SP efficiency, check. Give them Displace via Grimoire, and you could actually attempt to double-bind an enemy with a decent success rate. The above exception to all of the above-mentioned Curses is Venom Curse. Its infliction rate goes up 5% at 5, 10, 15, and 20. But more than that, the base Poison damage gradually goes up with each level from 20 Poison damage per turn at level 1, to 75 to 190, 240, and 310 at the levels divisible by 5. I haven't checked to see how competitive Poison damage is in this game, but Venom Curse hits a row, and I could easily sweep floors of enemies in EOV using the party-wide Poison Bomb from the Necromancer. 1st and 2nd Stratum FOEs ought to suffer some appreciable damage too. Venom Curse might help with a certain scylly strong boss's calamari sticks later from what I once read. Later on, Venom Curse will lose its potency though Auto-Spread > Venom Throw in EOIV swept the 6th Stratum, but you could consider it a "Jagen skill" where its early use is worth more than its die-off later. And hey, you can always Rest and have the SP freed up later, unlike that EXP Seth stole. Thus, you might want to try investing in Venom Curse for your Hexer. Oh yes, Double Action and Penetrator. Double Action doesn't consume any TP on your second action, thats good, but its rate of activation is a little too low for me, 12% at 10 and 22% at 20. 10 SP in TP Up is a 20% TP increase. I'd say skip for now. Penetrator might be worth considering, 5 points into Phys Attack Up half of what Double Action needs to be unlocked. It wouldn't help with FOEs and bosses, but random encounters are 90% of the game, so wanting help there is fine. The piercing damage starts at 40% of the damage to the enemy in the front row at level 1. It reaches 75% at 10 and 100% at 20. Or if you target the back row, you instead will see your damage to that enemy increased by 20% at 1, 50% at 10, and 70% at 20. I'm intrigued by this having a 100% activation rate at all levels, not sure if I've seen this in such a passive before. I like it. This would add an additional measure of crowd control to your team, since although it's not as ideal as an Alchemist spamming Inferno/Cocytus/Thor Formula, it would damage two enemies at once. Another option for hitting everything would be a Link Order II Grimoire Stone on your Medic whenever they don't need to heal -if you can find such a Grimoire.
  23. First Stratum is never easy, since a lot of teams won't have access to all their key tools for success. One of the reasons I broke my usual preference for Expert difficulty in Nexus was the annoying EO4 level-gating of the skills, my Ninja cries out for its target-all Panic skill, it's worse than V keeping the Legendary Titles away until the 3rd Stratum. And on the positive side, because I'm dead set on a Sword!Dark Hunter for my next Untold 2 Classic run (which I'll do as soon I Picnic past the 5th Stratum of my long-unfinished first Classic run because I want to carry over my maps via NG+), I can't use it's essential Soul Liberator until at least level 27, and thats with the bare minimum 1 point investment. ...I might have to throw in the towel on 3rd EOV run's team because of the final boss, or cheat and revamp it for a single fight via Resting everyone (which isn't what I want to do). I'm level 64 on everyone and I went out of my way to get the money for the Brahmagiri- the ultimate Coffin to maximize the damage of my Spirit Broker's Summon Wraith > Sacrifice > Gates of Hell > Fair Trade. His four common attacks are two party-wides, one row-targeting, and one penetrating, not good at all for my Phantom Duelist. My two attackers can't whip out the damage fast enough before the Grudge Miasma comes into play, and when the boss does its deadliest, telegraphed, attack, I need a full Union Gauge on my Duelist (Determination) or perhaps the Necromancer (Chain Blast), otherwise either my Blade Dancer will die because no armor, or my Shield Bearer will die defending the Blade Dancer. My other two teams had it far easier here, the first could shut this down and kill it before it could kill me, the second could Chain away at its weakness and Aureole the big one into nothing. I think my team could win, buuuut I may wish to take some time and Zombie Powder three Sonar Worm FOEs for three 9999 HP Wraiths, though it'd be tedium dragging them up a Stratum. They could wipe out just short 30k of the final boss's 35437 HP, though it'd be slightly reduced from damage taken in the first couple turns and on the way up. I got off about ~40% of the final boss's HP if I'm being generous before I lost. And I've a horde of Nectar IIs gathered from my prior two playthroughs.
  24. Don't forget about Secondary Cooldown. I realized it was inefficient to pop off all your Arts right away because of that, though I'm not entirely sure how it works. For damage-dealing Arts, it says +250% damage, but I'm not sure if it means. Do you deal 100% + 250% = 350% of normal Art damage, or is it misstated and they mean your Art damage is increased to 250% of its normal? I'll be cautious and assume the latter and lower number, but even if it is the lower number that is true, thats an extra half-a-use's worth of damage for waiting for Secondary Cooldown. If I'm understanding it right. For Auras, it's a little clearer. How much of a boost to its effects an increase of one or two tiers in the Aura's power is, is unclear to me. However, an extra 20-40 seconds of Aura duration is big. Offensive Stance, to pick any Aura, at level 3 has a 46 seconds cooldown and 24 seconds duration, you're almost doubling Offensive Stance's duration, making it a little stronger due to the one tier increase, and you're only spending 1000 TP, instead of the 2000 you'd spend casting it twice. Something like a Shield's Supershield Aura really benefits from Secondary Cooldown, considering that has at most an 18 seconds duration without higher levels of cooldown. However! One must remember that you only have Secondary Cooldown happening on with the Arts of the weapon you're currently wielding (if an Art has partly SC'ed and you swap, the time on the SC frozen at where you leave it). So maybe, if you intend to wait a bit for Secondary on some Arts of a particular weapon, then perhaps firing off the Arts of the other weapon wouldn't be a bad idea. And, maybe you want to answer Soul Voices as they come up too, be it for the gameplay benefits of trigger them, or getting that tiny bit of additional Affinity with the person who called out. Since you're using a Striker and I assume going to follow into Samurai Gunner and Duelist, when you've mastered SG, mix Tornado Blade with the Yamato Spirit skill. With an Aura active and Tornado Blade and Yamato Spirit at level 3, you'll get 80 for using the Art (and any other melee Art), plus 70*4 TP for every enemy in Tornado Blade's reach. The TP doesn't get increased from Secondary Cooldown I think for either Yamato Spirit or Tornado Blade, so spam the melee Arts as they come online. ...I uh, didn't pay attention to and realize any of this stuff on my first run. None at all.😅
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