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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Weapons only then? Hmmm.... Not to break the final fights or anything, but make Mycen a Deimos. And throw him the Emperor's Lance, just to give it to somebody else. Rudolf's postmortem gift.
  2. True. He is pretty much the only seen instance of the impact of Emm's death. Without him, I don't think we get any felt idea of the demoralization and desire for peace Emm inflicted on the Plegian soldiers. That is important, since it gives show and makes it more than just tell. Well this list more or less obsolete's my faulty effort. No reason to continue then I guess.
  3. Add in a new policy for New Heroes Banners where it is 2-3 5*s, 1 4*, and 1 3*. No demotions will henceforth be called for. Also, each month must contain at least 1 New Heroes. And, there will be backpay in heroes who should've been in now, but aren't. Lastly, Fire Emblem Heroes will be compatible with Amazon Alexa and she can do all your autobattling for you, without needing any taps when you've cleared a battle. And coming in 2020 will be Fire Emblem: Heaven of Valor. This will be the successor to Fire Emblem Heroes, now featuring the Real Time Strategy gameplay intended for the scrapped Wii game with Stefan, Ilyana, and a generic Priest. All FEH players will be granted a transfer bonus. Your starting team, besides the OC Half-Aesirians of Ingway and Lenneth, are Touma, Lianna, Shade, and Xavier.
  4. Almost finished the first section of this survey, but then I saw I had skipped a question somewhere in the process of filling it out, so I just gave up. Still, why did they list TMS here and yet not have it on CYL3?
  5. I found this on Legends of Localization, the guy is a professional translator: Also, in Japanese, there’s a different word for an older brother and a younger brother – there’s not really a good, single word for “brother” like we have in English. This means you can immediately glean extra details about how siblings relate to each other when reading or listening to Japanese. In this case, Sabin is identified as Edgar’s younger brother, which is a tiny detail that only the fan translation keeps intact. Even Google drops the extra info. Now that I think about it, this is absolutely something I should’ve included in my article about common problems in English-to-Japanese game translation – since we don’t always specify who’s younger or older in English, Japanese translators sometimes just have to use a Japanese word for “sibling” or take a random guess at who’s older and who’s younger and pray for good luck.
  6. Just to make it more digestible, I've decided to make topic breaking down the results of CYL3. But only as far as it pertains to those presently not in the game. To those who are in, I could add a list or three later. Presently, I'm only doing up to 350, I'll add the rest tomorrow, need sleep for now. Tell me if I made any mistakes. First, everyone not in the game in the top 100 not an OC: For the rest, I'll be breaking it down by game of origin. Archanea: Valentia: Genealogy: Thracia 776: Binding Blade: Blazing Blade: Sacred Stones: Tellius: Awakening: Fates:
  7. Let me compile some statistics: Highest non-OCs not in yet from the top 100: In summary: Tellius is doing good, SoV too, and Fates. But the main lesson? Beastie Game We all know it's what we want Held fast in a breath help until I turn blue I really want to play in another Beastie Game The moment fades away I think I'll create a topic to dissect the whole of CYL3.
  8. First? Is there a second? Where then is this Prince Snowballs? Did he die a childhood death as Ylgr's twin and now haunts the netherworld aimlessly wandering and but a shade? Also, if the results are true, a certain character is now officially the Williams Jennings Bryan of FE.
  9. I already have Vike. Legendary Lyn is contaminated by Brave Lyn, I should be fine with both Lyn alts, but IS has all these months later yet to add a single canonical Bow Cavalry. And I blame it on Brave Lyn, maybe its because she was too broken at the time. Maybe it's because IS wants to keep her "special" out of Lyn bias. Whatever it is, since Legendary Lyn also uses Mulagir, I refuse to use either until a canonical Bow Cav arrives. This near-monopoly mustn't stand. 3. For everyone else, it comes down to subjectivity. Normally in FE, I play according to utility; I like Rolf, but I often don't use him in PoR, since Archers are quite bad there. On the other hand, I find Harken a bit boring, but he is a monster in gameplay so I let him loose in FE7. However, with FEH, I'm choosing to engage my subjectivity, and only use characters I like. If I play the origin games again, it'll be back to utility with me, but here, I wish to relax from that. I don't play FEH for OCs, so I don't use those, I already got rid of my free Fjorm, and plan to do the same with Eir, so there goes Fjorm/Gunnthra/Hrid. In a choice to remain neutral in all Fates disputes, I've done like ten runs of the game, never have I seen the story or read the supports, so Azura and Ryoma do not appeal to me. Awakening, the only supports I ever saw of Lucina's were those with her parents, since I never cared for breeding the second generation, and nowadays, I try to forget Awakening and assume a neutral stance towards it. So there goes Lucina and Female Grima. As for the Sacred Twins, Ephraim as you know had a falling out with me. And Eirika, well I'm just not exactly a fan of her, I don't dislike her, but I don't particularly love her either. Had Jugdral a Legendary, I'm not sure if I'd use it. If a character from a game I haven't played is easily digestible to understand e.g. Ares (he has like twenty lines at most in FE4) and I like what I read, I'll use them. If they're more complex, e.g. Lewyn, I may not. I'm also presently going to assume an anti-Reinhardt stance due to the uncalled for alt. So, at the end of it all, I'm left with Hector, Marth, and Tiki. Hector is my favorite of the lords, albeit I'm a little bit hesitant towards having a second him- isn't that a little boring (never mind I have Vike and Bike)? Marth's Legendary is very befitting of him, but do I really need a good dragonslayer? And isn't Red Sword Infantry an Orb a hundred? Tiki is the most unique of the three in gameplay for me, but... she is the least deserving of a Legendary of these three, even if she does to some extent. I know my personal preferences and refusal to use Seasonals blocks me from access to a lot of things, like anything not Dagger Infantry and all Tome Fliers and Armors. But it is not like I'm really concerned with the super challenges of this game or staying on top of the metagame. I can do without. I just play for what I want, which shouldn't be so plentiful at the present pace of additions that I need every last Orb.
  10. Weird, so I was right. I in a way remember that parallel and the her statement made concerning 3-12 during it, but perhaps it hasn't been as felt as you've felt it. Perhaps I thought the moment belonged more to Pelleas than Micaiah, with his signature composition playing in the background, though both can own it. And it is unusual for a lord to do, most refuse to sacrifice anyone, and never do or allow it inasmuch as they stop it from happening. It was for the greater utilitarian good, and the sacrifice accepted it, but for once, a lord was willing to sacrifice another. And RD had a similar case earlier, albeit they had to decide then, Micaiah didn't quite have it forced upon her.
  11. So this is what VGs are? They don't seem like they'd generate all the intensity online that they do. One quick fight every half hour? Why not have a separate Stamina gauge for this mode? I get that perhaps it is done to sustain activity through the all the hours of the VG, but having players worldwide doesn't do this already?
  12. If he uses the same as everyone else, it should be called "Comrades".
  13. If I had to assemble some locations, some I could think of: Archanea: C16SD/15NM- Altea itself. The map has a unique donut shape to it, with multiple ready locations for Keeps. For an interior, Pales is one possibility, and another is the Ice Dragon Temple. Jugdral: Not familiar with FE5's battlefields, but Genealogy speaks for itself. I'd do a Grannvale Grand Battle Royale- all six duchies and the kingdom's capital, and either Verdane or Issach. Elibe: The Shrine of Seals Exterior- the FE6 and FE7 maps could actually be put together here for a long northwest-southeast battlefield. They could use Castle Ostia for an interior, although I'd think they'd have to throw in the Dragon's Gate. Noble Lady of Caelin is another good FE7 choice, while Ilia, Sacae, and the Western Isles all have nice aesthetics for FE6. Sacred Stones: Darkling Woods could allow for some artistic license, making it real tainted and all. Scorched Sands would be the best choice for a desert map. Can't really think of a good interior here, but there doesn't have to be. I like Turning Traitor and Revolt in Carcino, but those are more personal preferences. Tellius: The Rihahn River is good for Part 3. Take what we see in the one movie clip, the 3-6/7 battlefield, the 3-3 battlefield, and add some Laguz camps on the appropriate side. The Serenes Forest is too beautiful to bloody, but it is serene. Not sure what Daein would use, but we should have something from there, 3-13 is good, but anything else? Something from Part 1 at all? Or maybe Defending Talrega from PoR? Please no Riven/Oribes Bridge. Awakening: I'd pick the map where Emmeryn takes a leap of faith at the end. Valm has... maybe Say'ri's recruitment chapter, it'd be a poor man's CQ10. Grima Arc could do either the site of the Validar battle, or Grima's back, with protrusions for Keeps (Grima has bad acne). Fates- How about Fort Jinya for Hoshido- combining both the CQ and Rev/BR map? Valm's best is either the first after the big bros join, or the one with moving platforms. CQ of course has C10.
  14. And I'd be perfectly fine with this myself. They can always claim that since FEH is a spinoff, any depictions of a legend are not canon if they need to do so later. Sure it'd seem inconsistent, but having totally different takes on one person, as long as the canon one isn't an awful mess, sounds creative and interesting to me. While Anri is nice, I think I'd be most interested in Iote of the Archanean character of lore. Sure he'd probably be another flying tomato with arrow protection if his descendants are anything to go by, and maybe he'd have that can opener whose name strangely first appeared in PoR. But the little that is know of him- that he was a slave to the Manaketes, is for some reason appealing to me. Also, according to SF, there were only Three Heroes of the War of Liberation: Anri, Cartas, and Ordwin (although I thought it was said elsewhere it is ambiguous who are the three), which would leave Iote outside of them. If he wasn't a THotWoL, then I like to imagine Iote was without the support of the THotWoL and fought basically on his own, in Macedon, it alone neighbored Dolhr on land. A valiant ex-slave, doing battle inches from the heart of Medeus's empire, without any support from elsewhere for at least a few years- sounds incredible to me. If I wasn't terrible at writing characters, I'd fanfict a Iote of mine own. As for Tellius, Soane needs some development, we know practically nothing of him. Even if he is less cool than Altina.
  15. Naga could work for a lot of games though. Loptyr alone without going into the Crusaders would work for a specifically Jugdrali Mythic. I don't think we've ever had artwork for Forseti. The Crusaders on the other hand have that beautiful group artwork. Fjalar looks from this alone like she could be appealing. Female, fierce, fiery, probably an ardent lover of justice. Show us the ancestor whose lineage Arvis stains.
  16. ? The original design doesn't have any of those features either. Are you just criticizing her design on the whole?
  17. An opening statement like this suggests you've an axe to grind on the goddess. And after our one prior clash on the matter, let's not make our clashing as frequent as your predecessor in the non-robotic alternate universe and Forte, k' Rockman? Differences beyond reconciliation create no meaningful debate, only bitter ague so I'll just drop this topic. Twice burned, now I've learned. In other words, it isn't your fault, it's mine.
  18. So they instead forced a reference to a fancy technique? Well it doesn't make total nonsense, since stars are in "the heavens". But I can't say I like this. They should have gone with Heaven if they had already translated it as that more accurate term. The split was an emotional outburst caused by internal separation due to frustration with dealing with the rise of Laguz-Beorc tensions. The moment of the Great Flood was the moment when the internal divide into Ashera and Yune, with Ashera exerting physical control more often, became a real physical divide. -Insofar as I interpret the Recollections. What was convinced it seems, is that after the split, Yune should be destroyed. Ashera clings to that idea after her servants reject it, which then leads to the situation enduring for 800 years, a compromise. If you refer to the Abrahamic God, then yes, this makes Ashunera less worthy of the title of god. However, for other religions, you do find a primordial body of watery chaos from which a deity originated or came into. It was the case with Shinto- Izanagi and Izanami create land, it was the case in Iroquois religion (a woman falls from the sky into a wateryw world where only a couple animals exist), and it was the case in Egyptian paganism too. Nonetheless, all of these who first emerged were acknowledged as gods. How does death even live? To truly be death, one should be all life is not, and living is life.
  19. Well they squandered the same opportunity with FEW as well, probably. ZephielxAshera I'd totally agree with, since both are misanthropic, but that'd be something I'd see happening later one. Nergal has to ally with Ashnard first though, rivals with benefits just waiting for the other to backstab and run off, but nonetheless benefitting in the short term. Counterfactual FE storylines would be another choice. In pursuit of Big Bad OC, the OC heroes leap into worlds where Big Bad creates some interference. For instance, flashback to Shadow Dragon Prologue- Marth's flight. Seeking to cast this world in darkness yada yada, Big Bad does everything they can to stop Marth from successfully fleeing to Talys. How does one make a full storyline out of this? Well does it have to be 13 chapters? And do the FE characters in here have to be solely relevant to this moment in Archanea? And Big Bad isn't going to just stop after one failed attack, they'll keep coming and maybe go for some side objectives as well, like taking Elice whom you then must rescue. The year of Altea's fall is also the year of Nyna's capture, so Nyna is someone else who must be saved. In the end, the OC heroes don't leave things as if history had taken its natural course. Nyna and Elice are safe with Marth in this world; yet the Falchion was still taken, Medeus is still alive, and Camus is still being a Camus, but the important thing is the Big Bad stops trying to interfere with it, and it can be assured Marth and co. will after the OC heroes leave will defeat Medeus and Gharnef. And, they could always revisit the same continent in a different place both physically and chronologically in a given storyline to tell a new FEH story. So to use Radiant Dawn, Big Bad at one point visits at Part 3 Endgame, which has clear possibilities of what they could be doing there. Another visit to Tellius could come a little earlier, when Ike and co. are along the Ribahn River circa 3-2, the Big Bad strikes a deal with the Senate. What follows is Fire! Fire! Fire! everywhere, and Gallia is ablaze! The forests are but a tinderbox to Emperor Arvis's Valflame. Ike and the Laguz Alliance cannot return to save Gallia whiles Zelgius is only a few miles away, although Skrimir hastily runs back home and some others follow to keep him in check. By the time Skrimir returns, it is too late, Caineghis and Giffca are locked in battle with Arvis brainwashed and empowered by Big Bad, but Giffca dies and Caineghis too is fatally wounded, even when the OC heroes force Arvis to flee. With Gallia in ashes and its king dead, the war against Begnion threatens to collapse, and Zelgius manages to push against Ike and co. making it likely that the now-shattered Gallia will be faced with Begnion descending on it. The OCs must keep hope alive for the Laguz Alliance.
  20. Not long before I left the game, I saw Dragalia Lost do something like this. If you spent for diamantium, you could summon one guaranteed *5 character, for a separate cost a free 5* Wyrmprint, and for another separate fee, a free 5* Dragon. Which you got in each instance was entirely random.
  21. As I've said before, if I have total choice, I'd go for Marth, Hector, or maybe Tiki. If I could hold off for a future Legendary, I might do that. If this is a random pick, even if I get to pick the color, then I don't really care so much, since the odds are I'll get a manual.
  22. The plot of FEH is already pretty chill, I don't think we need Anna to establish a brownie industry. Unless you mean you conceived this idea whilst surrounded by a cloud of green miasma.
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