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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. That isn't his fault, we never get as much as a reason why he absent. If he said "I was just chilln'" or some other actual excuse, I'd find merit in your criticism, since there would be a fault in his character to criticize. IS just seemed to have totally forgotten about him, which is different. Libra isn't even a Libra, his birthday is July 1st. Also, NASA, although not endorsing the pseudo-scientific idea of horoscopes what-so-ever, and not making this the goal of its research at all, calculated the minute annual shifting of the Earth's axis- the precession of the equinoxes. If this is taken into consideration regarding horoscopes, then the present assigned dates are inaccurate, due to shifts in star positions as they are viewed from the Earth compared to 3000 years ago. Four of five people are Zodiac other than the one they have been told they were. Using NASA's data, the actual horoscopes are as follows: Capricorn: January 20–February 16 Aquarius: February 16–March 11 Pisces: March 11–April 18 Aries: April 18–May 13 Taurus: May 13–June 21 Gemini: June 21–July 20 Cancer: July 20–August 10 Leo: August 10–September 16 Virgo: September 16–October 30 Libra: October 30–November 23 Scorpio: November 23–29 Ophiuchus: November 29–December 17 Sagittarius: December 17–January 20 Yes, NASA added Ophiuchus back. The Babylonians were the ones who dropped it, much owing to the fact they used a 12 month calendar, and having 13 Zodiacs was annoying. Ophiuchus is a Zodiac technically, because the Sun, in its imaginary path across the sky over the year- the ecliptic- does pass through Ophiuchus, like the rest of the Zodiac, that is what makes them special. The NASA calculations shouldn't affect the Chinese Zodiac, or not in the same way. The Chinese Zodiac is based on the path of Jupiter across the night sky, not the Sun, which takes 12 years, as Jupiter takes 12 Earth Years to orbit the Sun and has thus been called in China, at least in ancient times, the "Year Star". The section of the night sky Jupiter is in for a given year, is its own Zodiacal region. So there you have it. Now somebody find Gotoh to blow up the Starsphere so we can play collect 'em all Astral Shards in FEH.
  2. How can a kid who joins in Chapter 9, over halfway into FE4 Gen 2, without a horse, at level 1, as a staffbot when you already have a bunch, without Esty-bestie growths, who is needed to recruit a rather useless and annoying to recruit General, be considered "forgotten"? He has enough negatives to come up in certain circumstances. Although to be fair, I do offer a little sympathy to Coirpre. He is a cute innocent little boy. Much better than Ilyana and Mia. Nephenee has some subtle character development over the two games. Ilyana is a tapeworm with a human host, and Mia is perky and cheerful, but has nothing to her other than "I like to train!". Mia is not a character with any depth, you like her for the refreshing perkiness, and nothing else. Not that there is necessarily a problem with this, it just isn't real depth. She's a female Ike except with far less nuance, but more liveliness than a cold buried potato (which Ike can feel like at times). Likewise, there is no problem with thinking Ilyana cute or at times funny, but when we're drinking black coffee and speaking more seriously, she is worth less than dirt. At least his games were released internationally before he came to Smash. Roy still is a nobody outside of Smash to the West, and his Smash 4 appearance is more Ike than it is his actual FE6 self.
  3. Fine by me, let opinions and cold gameplay plans be as they are. I was more silly mad with Oliver being the one doing the snacking, it being Micaiah only added a little appropriate Telliusian fuel to the cacafuego. Of course you didn't. Tana got jealous the day L'Arachel let Eirika into her royal chambers, but not her. Tana didn't betray, Eirika is the one who betrayed by abandoning her for that overzealous Raustenian witch. Then find out who translated/localized RD, since the Japanese doesn't have that line. In Japan it's a dramatic, exaggerated drawing out of Ike and his achievements. The ellipses in her version of this apparently is supposed to indicate reluctance on her part to speak of Ike, as in "Ike the Savior of Crimea *sigh*" basically Micaiah is in tone like "Sothe has to bring up Ike again. This has only been the tenth time today." Micaiah is mumbling her inner thoughts that don't exactly like Ike aloud. The English localization condenses the meaning/spirit behind this into a biting line of sarcasm, brilliantly if you ask me. You see, FE can have good localizations!
  5. Why exactly is Voldo blind, mute, and deaf? Did Vercci do that to him? It just sounds so creepy, and makes me irrationally fear my eyes being plucked out. For some strange reason, I have this thought in my head that he has no tongue. I don't think that is true though. What a contrast with underlying unity it is that Voldo follows the reveal of Talim. Since they're polar opposites in character design, but tonfas and katars are similar-ish weapons in a way.
  6. Maybe because there is a generic mechon called the M76/MOIST, and it just so happens to be of the tentacle model. Japan is the land that invented, well I don't need to finish the statement. Why Japan? I'd certainly hire Ancient Daedala for a lifeguard, nothing like a lv 105 machine to feel secure. Although perhaps the reason they're found where they are is because they're the long walks on the beach type.
  7. I'm simply amazed Living Legend went swimmingly for you, how does a FoW desert battle with moving bosses, hidden treasure, an NPC you have to keep alive, EXP requirements for a gaiden chapter, and a turn limit because Ranked, not become hellish? And if you're able to eek out 5 Star Funds even with the Ocean Seal sold, well there goes the one argument against selling it (save using Dart). I also like Farina by the way, as both a character and unit too (and appearances). She is by far my favorite of the Blazing Pegasus Knights, greedy, but with some justification revealed in her Fiora and Hector supports. Her wealth obsession doesn't completely saturate everything either.
  8. Nope, they're being used for the upcoming Seasonal: Turnabout Big Top Brawl. Say hello Owowzer the Astounder armed with the fun Balloon Dog Axe (made with latex for extra deadliness).
  9. He does have the "Sothe grew taller than me and Ike is a giant!" bit in RD. But this is counterbalanced by Tormod's commitment to fight to free all Begnion Laguz slaves, and his tender parental-big brotherly bond with Muarim, which RD also includes via Izuka's attempt to berserk Muarim. PoR also has him asking Reyson to try turning the Grann Desert into an oasis for the sake of the Laguz slaves, learning the dangers of magic from Calill, and trying, because Muarim wants him to be a normal Beorc, to friend Sothe in the first place. Tormod is a splendidly good character to me, for whom the immature-wanting-to-be-physically-mature gimmick makes up no more than ten of his lines between two games. He would certainly get me summoning in a heartbeat, if he had the good fortune of dropping in rarity, merges I would certainly do. Now the question is which artwork to base him off of?: His PoR appearance or his RD one?
  10. Ah yes, he used Elwind and got Aversa to say: Nngh! W-wind magic? And gameplay makes me laugh at that. Because Ricken shouldn't have as much as moved a hair on her given how weak he is and how strong she is. She wasn't even on her mount at the time, so no effective bonus. I could do without him, there are better Shota Mages, to add, namely Asbel, Lugh, and Tormod. I'd say Jubelo as well, but he is more on Ricken/Hayato's level, because Archanea's weak characters as a whole affects him, and because I'm sometimes allergic to Mages with negative base Magic. And if Azelle is cute enough to count, we need him too, ideally with Herune the mare he tamed in Agustria, for diversity's sake (note the name is my invention- don't go posting it on FE Wiki).
  11. I chose to put this in FFtF since it isn't worthy of being considered as a serious topic being some petty whining. And thus I decided why not go with a little clickbaity title? FFtF is fine for such things, or so I see, to a degree. Wow. And what is MMX Corrupted? Did someone actually consider following through on the nitty-gritty FPS MMX idea? Kaga decided that in retirement, he'd make another game or two. He used a free program called SRPG Maker to make a full-length FE-styled game, and has plans for a sequel to it to finish the story, plus a sidestory between the two big games which has been delayed. Plot involves grand politics, love, and questionable Kagaisms alike, complete with a new Wolf of the Plains I believe. The game is text heavy, to the point there is a chapter that is nothing but talking (it's specially designated though, so you won't accidentally sit through it). Gameplay-wise, it's much closer to normal FE than Berwick, squares instead of hexes, a simple player phase-enemy phase split as opposed to alternating. This said, Kaga continues to put more of an emphasis on personal weapons, skills, and things other than just raw stats. The maps from what I've read are generally complicated in some way, and the game is tricky and not for those who don't like a challenge. I recall hearing about one map that sounded particularly fun where you have to siege a city, and are given like a half-dozen ways to weaken the enemies within before you actually attack it. If you search "Vestaria Saga" on SF's home page, you can bring up a load of articles on it to get an idea of it for yourself. Here is one of them: https://serenesforest.net/2016/08/21/vestaria-saga-official-website/#more-33044 In Japan, the game is free. But owing to the translation, it will have an unknown price attached to it aboard. And I know patience is a virtue, there is nothing else I can do. I just wanted to voice my inner unsated yearnings once.
  12. Yen'fay, Gangrel, and the character whose existence threatens to collapse the universe (oh well in a multiverse it's no big deal) Priam. All of whom are GHB material. On the children, there is Brady. And also Yarne, who besides being a shapeshifting IP freely beast, is probably trying to do everything in his power to avoid being added to Heroes. And if does get in, he is probably going to try shedding any skills the almighty lord of FE the Intelligent Sovereign should assign to him, for he doesn't want to be sacrificed. You're right though that the males remaining are none too many, nor exactly the most outright appealing the way the girls may be. And just to think for a moment (if I did my math right), Awakening is missing just 24 characters (including the Fates trio) with this banner included! Sounds like a lot, and it could take another six releases or so to add them all, but this is incredibly small compared to a lot of other games, only Fates and SoV probably come this close.
  13. ...where is Vestaria Saga's translation?! I dislike to gripe, but we were told it would come out in the Summer, and it is already July 20th, we're in the days of Sirius by this point, the peak of the heat. Yet we've heard nothing. Has it been dropped? Is it looking more like an early Autumn/Fall release? I want to know. I mean sure I want it to be a good translation and not machine madness, and I know this is the work of probably some small team not being paid much if anything for the translation. But I just want some sort of bone thrown my way for the moment, anything will do. Guess I'll have to kill the time by forcing myself to eat watermelon. How can something that looks so good with that bright red flesh and beautiful green skin, taste so wrong? It's mostly water I'm told, but whatever is in there, tastes like something that were it in your drinking water, you'd stop drinking it right away for fear of having to worship Kanbari afterwards. I want to like it, as I do watermelon lolipops and that wonderful appearance, I just need to adjust.
  14. So Libra IS the most popular not-Owain/Inigo guy. That seems strange to me, are the rest of the real studs already in this means? Although the only one I'd possibly call a stud would be Stahl myself, once you get rid of the stall he wears that is. And now that I think about it, I'm a little surprised they passed on Aversa this time. Maybe they saw the Axe situation? Or maybe they've plans to package her with some less popular Awakening characters later, to make the bundle more appealing?
  15. Vax already pointed this out in the New Heroes thread. Not happy in the slightest she has gone pantsless (and yet this didn't happen to Libra or Walhart). To be slightly less than pure cynical by the way, in terms of new additions, when you add Walhart and ignore Olivialt, it is gender balanced in terms of newly represented characters. Not quite an otaku harem fest. By the way, how did everyone who got included on the banner get ranked in the CYLs? Sumia and Olivia being high I can see, but Libra? I have my doubts the scales of popularity were weighed in his favor. Who was the most popular not Owain/Inigo male not in FEH yet?
  16. More Xillia (mind you not all these thoughts were written at the same time if they seem to contradict each other): And the final comments on Xillia- ending and summation: (also ToS: Dawn of the New World ending spoilers) With ToX done (not going to bother with the bonus dungeon right now), my next Tales will be Vesperia. ToZ seems to be generally canned, and ToB I do not have access to. ToX2 from what reviews say is a good deal of recycling, short, laden with filler, and the cast of ToX is just there to an extent, I think I'll leave my memories of Rieze Maxia as being just that of ToX. Now I can return to EOV, Valkyria Chronicles, and maybe at last start of XC2.
  17. I hate it when heroes have an obvious traitor in their midst. It makes you feel like everything you're doing is according to somebody else's manipulation/in their control. I mean sure you know in the very end everything will turn out for the best, but it is still so annoying. You know, I've actually seen a traitor recently who rather openly before the heroes passes messages back and forth via carrier pigeon. Their excuse is that it's exchanges with a lover. Change lover to friend and maybe this could happen.
  18. Why do they need freelance translators? Show me dah powah of da ma-chine!
  19. Well it's better than HectorxFlorina, much much much much better. Always assume every actor on children's programming had a shot of bourbon just waiting for them offscreen. It's better that way. Why hasn't this topic gone to FFtF yet?
  20. I'll just say a quick good for you to be nice. Everyone is allowed their fangasm moment(s) if they are of the emotive capacity to have such. Unfortunately, my birthday has been dirt in terms of FEH additions timed around it, but such I get for being so picky.
  21. You stand up on top it really still and balanced, it requires the greatest poise in the world. For the dance moves, a backflip is daring but good, a staple of the routine besides graceful footwork. If you want to really kick things up, you do a backflip that propels yourself several times your height into the air and the mount your were just on then does a loop-de-loop before it comes back under you and you land on it toes first no wobbling.
  22. New permanent Axe addition right? Those have been much needed, correct? Ironically his primary use in Awakening is as a Staffbot, but adapt away FEH! Reyson > Lucius >x? Libra concerning trappist monks and the like. Although points for Midir (I can never his presently most official name) for being something not magical.
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