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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Is there anyone out there who'd be willing to put up with these people if such little things make them so angry? Fine. But then can I ask you who your ufiaw is and your favorite emems are? Or how about your waife and memzs? And who is your favorite "apple" and what are your favorite "likes"?
  2. I never specified how strong the grounds were, only that they, in some measure, existed. And I'm sure they could easily make Seasonal Breath and Strike if they wanted to. Give Sain Perfumed Breath for a Love Resounds- magical cologne lets him take dragon form and kill things with very stinky and corrosive Eau de Casanova. A Cute and Creepy Black Kitty Elise armed with Familiar Strike could work. The sparks always seem to fly whenever we discuss Laguz, not inappropriate given Tellius is all about that in a different way. I don't think our differences will ever be resolved. Little point in argument when we're both set in our ways. Let us just wait and see who is right/closer to being right in the end, and who is wrong. May the loser you or I not whine too much when things come to light.
  3. How dare you insult the criticisms of the learned! Without us, the world would be a sensuous unthinking mass of worthless nobody sheep who'd have never gotten past the Paleolithic stage of existence. (I jest.) I played Awakening a lot when it came out, many runs, I can't remember how many exactly. I probably still have my males-only no kids run, which I grinded everyone to max stats on, gosh that was tedious. But after Fates and SoV, I can't see myself ever touching it again, Pair Up snowballs breaks things, but it also makes the game much more bearable due to the enemy phase mess it is. And I can't bring myself to remember the characters anymore- I just want to stay out of the fan turbulence that way.
  4. Doesn't mean they will turn into an addict, or have to put any money in the game at all.
  5. Except there is no such thing as a strike weapon triangle. And even here, you use the word "equally", implying that you admit your grounds aren't all that great. A weakness-based "triangle"? Like the Thunder weakness of Dragon Laguz was ever actually explained in Tellius? It is still faulty grounds, creates grounds by which Elincia should be Blue, because she is weak to all Wind magic in both games.
  6. And getting to aesthetics, well now we're entering more of a subjective zone. Not totally, but you can't quite convince people the same way you can in stats arguments. They messed with distinctions between PoR and RD, they can mess with distinction again to just have Strikes. Or they go by your suggestion. Whichever they should choose. And that is perfectly fine. People have had to put up with the same or worse so far for some unit types, like Bow Cavalry. They haven't added a single ordinary New Heroes Bow user since the addition of coloring right? We won't know until they do. Coloring normal Bow units could be good, since it let two characters with identical stat spreads serve different purposes.
  7. I'm looking forward to Young Link, and how distinctive they make the three Heroes of Hyrule. How they make Pichu not just a worse Pikachu, and yet hopefully don't make Pikachu bad, will also be something to take notice of. How Jigglypuff, who has been pretty weak the past two games, get buffed when they have such issues of reach and lightness will be another thing to observe. Similarly, Wii Fit Trainer has the whole range issue, and how they fix an ordinary human form without the least bit of exaggeration and sans any melee weapons is yet one more character I'll read about on Smash Wiki later. But in terms of playing, I never main, gets too boring that way. I continually swap up my character, even if I have those I prefer over others.
  8. Or you can just remove the Talon/Claw distinction. Already you're blurring two distinctions from RD: Cats have Claws, Fangs are for Lions, Wolves and Tigers; Hawks have Talons, Ravens have Beaks. As for naming things claws and talons and whatnot. Easy, generic inheritable Strikes have "Strike" in the name, never a body part. Noninheritables, like Tibarn's Great Talon can have a body part in the name, since to use the Great Talon case there is no chance of a Raven or Cat getting it. This means we can divvy up the Laguz species evenly across all colors (unless Colorless gets into the picture). Tibarn can be Red, Janaff Blue, Ulki Green, etc.. I prefer the way this works.
  9. Not sure if this has been done before or not, but PoR and RD during their small handful of scripted battles don't show Hit, Damage, or Crit, so I decided to figure out what those numbers would be. First, the one from PoR: Ranulf vs. the Black Knight. Ranulf attacks, the Black Knight crits, Ranulf attacks again. Weapons and Stats: Calculations: So Ranulf put his life on the line with the Black Knight to protect Ike and co. and he should have died from it, he took his full HP and over half extra in damage! The BK got really lucky with a 7% Crit, but that is still normally possible. Ranulf is the one cheater here, he doubled the Black Knight, when the BK should be doubling him. Geez Ranulf is pathetically weak, hope he got better later. 3-3 River Crossing: Ranulf vs. Zelgius. Ranulf crits Zelgius, Zelgius responds with a successful hit on Ranulf followed by a missed hit on him. Stats of the two involved: Weapons: We'll assume Normal Biorhythm for both characters. And Terrain and the Affinity Bonus to not be in play. Calculations: Both sides cheated here. Zelgius somehow doubled Ranulf when they're exactly tied for Speed, and Ranulf under very best circumstances nailed a sub-5% dodge, at best he beat the impossible. Ranulf dealt a blow softer than Zelgius's toothbrush, he was just barely able to do the absolute minimum. Zelgius in return dealt 18 damage to Ranulf, he felt it, but nothing near fatal in itself, as Ranulf acts like it is ingame. Of course, this comes at the end of what was presumably a lone dueling session between the two, Ranulf unshifted at the end of the scripted fight due to exhaustion, and right behind him was a tall cliff blocking any chance of escape. 3-4 The General's Hand, Skrimir vs. Zelgius. Zelgius successfully hits, Skrimir successfully hits, Zelgius crits. Skrimir's Stat and Weapons (Zelgius's are already listed above): Calculations: Zelgius cheated here with that impossible crit, but he does just barely double Skrimir. With 18 HP left after both blows, Skrimir isn't dead, but Zelgius's advice that he get healing immediately is not uncalled for. Certainly a blow that one could take while to recover from. And I know I'm going out order here, but bear with it. 3-2 Stormclouds Ranulf vs. Skrimir. Skrimir misses a hit, Ranulf hits Skrimir, Skrimir crits Ranulf. We already have the characters and weapons above, here are just the calculations: Skrimir cheated by being able to crit Ranulf, dealing 29 damage more than Ranulf has HP. Ranulf on the other hand was able to deal only a small chip to Skrimir, but apparently he got Skrimir in the leg, crippling him, despite the pounce a Cat does to attack not really looking like it would deal any real harm to a leg. Skrimir also cheated because Ranulf has the same Speed as Zelgius, which is 4 over Skrimir, and hence Skrimir shouldn't have been able to double. So what have we learned? One, Ranulf is used to dying (how admirable of him!). Two, Tellius must have some plot-only "Focused Strike" skill or something- lowers AS by at least 11, but guarantees a crit or hit to a desired body part.
  10. I decided to see what SF's much appreciated Kirokan was up to on their Kantopia blog, and besides being lost in swords swords swords and the Priam controversy, they did find these little Tellius Recollection sketches which they hadn't posted before. I bring them up since I brought up Zelgius earlier, and if you look in the upper right of the second sketch page I've posted here...
  11. I acknowledged this. I wasn't arguing this. The crux of my argument was that when Valm invades and Chrom responds and goes off to fight in Valm, none of those actions would have changed if he had forgotten about Emmeryn's ideals. Would anything he would have done changed while sailing the Searoad, landing at Valm Harbour, visiting the Mila Tree, attacking Fort Steiger, baiting at the Demon's Ingle, assailing Valm Castle and then killing Walhart inside? My answer? No. Because Emmeryn's ideals are irrelevant to Chrom's actions already. The world Emmeryn would have wanted, yes it is a wonderful one to fight for and Chrom wants it, but all of the actions Chrom takes to attain that world in Valm, are practically devoid of her preferred methods.
  12. I'm against the inclusion of characters from non-FE Nintendo or 3rd party IPs, but accessories based on them? Well that BK makes me want R.O.B. goggles.
  13. Killing a powerful enemy general who happens to be the one and only thing keeping some dynasts loyal to Walhart is perfectly understandable military strategy. No need to involve Emmeryn. I don't see Emmeryn's ideals anywhere in the Valm Arc. How would Chrom's actions differed at all had he not Emmeryn's ideals? What was at all pacifistic in how he operated in Valm? Siding with Say'ri was natural- find Valmese allies against Walhart. Any offer of the olive branch, if made at all, was quickly followed up without hesitation with the sword. The only influence she had was bringing the Plegia War to a close sooner, giving Chrom a year to rebuild and then Validar the chance to take over Plegia and then bankroll and ship out Chrom and the Khans so he can inconspicuously get to Grima restoration. But, this is not Chrom taking Emmeryn's ideals and using them in Valm. Chrom might fight for the peaceful world Emmeryn wanted, and Walhart may spit on Emmeryn, but her ideals aren't really relevant to the Valm Arc. Walhart's policy of uniting via force might be wrong, but Emmeryn's ideals didn't unite Plegia and Ylisse, all it did was convince Plegia to surrender, not exactly unification. Peaceful coexistence as separate countries? Well any bit of this is undermined by Validar taking command of Plegia. And us not really knowing its fate after Awakening.
  14. It appears I've hit a nerve. Didn't exactly mean to. I mean something more conservative could work for Deidre, maybe with a parasol. But when you think of swimsuits in a fanservice setting, which FEH is, you assume skimpy, and that seems not exactly to be at all in character if you ask me for Deidre or Julia her daughter clone. Although in the specific case of Deidre, for some reason she does come off to me as the Western classical ideal woman on a pedestal- that which you despise. Deidre seems to me to be designed as the purest Vestal Virgin, chaste and faithful in marriage, and the most devoted of mothers. I'm not saying I approve of this, but for me, this seems to be a core part of the original intent behind Deidre. Also, purity was extolled in ye olde Medieval Europe amongst males in some cases. Le Morte D'Arthur, that gigantic, dry compilation of Arthurian tales published first in 1485, seven years before the beginning of Early Modern history, and thus in the culminating end of the Medieval period, is a case of this. Only three knights in all of King Arthur's court attain to the Holy Grail: Bors, Percival, and Galahad. Bors is chaste, having only had sex once, Percival and Galahad are virgins. Lancelot, who is the strongest of knights normally, fails several times before the Holy Grail because of his affair with Guinevere, and Galahad by the way was only conceived because Lancelot was tricked into thinking Galahad's mother was Guinevere. It is thanks to this affair that glorious Camelot comes to an end when Lancelot splits from Arthur and the two factions fight. To redeem themselves, Guinevere and Lancelot both end up taking vows of chastity and live as monastics apart from each other following all the tragedy. And Gawain, described several times as the strongest of worldly knights (Lancelot tries to be of high morality, he just fails, Gawain never does), isn't successful in the Grail quest either. This is not to deny pureness is more associated misogynistically with females, but there are male cases of it too, just not as enforced because men ruled the world and got away with things. And I would say that Claud is a character who would be too "pure", or rather if you prefer it, just out of character, to be in swimwear. I understand this. Although the Beachrealms are a judgement-free no-discrimination zone I believe. Zelgius is a very very serious character, everyone from Awakening and Fates has an inherent lighthearted side to them owing to the anime/fanservicey/"modern" nature of those games, but this isn't true of the older games. In RD, he has real, dire reasons for being as he is. It isn't just a career ender, if he didn't get away quickly after someone discovered his Brand in RD, he'd probably be tortured in several ways before being lynched. However, sadly, FEH isn't above philanderizing characters, Tharja getting a "massage, bath, or... (sex)" line in one of her Seasonal quotes in Japanese, when her Awakening Nowi DLC convo had her wanting to hex some men for looking at her breasts or something, is a case of this. And I think I'm something of the same way with Soren. I will continually deny that we can know whether he is gay for Ike or not, and this is a rather serious matter, like Zelgius, as well. Although I do leave the door more open on Ranulf.
  15. Assuming we have to actually recruit anyone anymore. Awakening made recruitments nearly a nonissue, and Fates made it even less of one. Like what is the point to Nyx being an NPC? I get that Xavier's recruitment should never be repeated, and Stefan- well in the modern world such obscure recruitments will be undone by the wide wisdom of the Web. And I know that most recruitments in most games are indeed very easy. But you did have to try a bit more than Afatening does, and while it isn't a big part of FE at all, I kinda liked it. This too is what I rather fear. You can use a heavy amount of retainers to really flesh out life amongst the elite, but Fates didn't do this. The roster was societally top-heavy, without doing much at the top.
  16. But isn't the grass always greener on the other side? Well at least the Zelda fanbase isn't the Final Fantasy fanbase. Well at least the Final Fantasy fanbase isn't the Sonic fanbase. At least the Sonic fanbase isn't the... actually I don't have something to fill in here because I don't go very often wherever the toxicity is. Which reminds me, the air in the 'forest is so clean and fresh! I love it, and all of us who are responsible for it! As for the ban petition, well I loathed they actually named character a Tiki=Waifu in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, but at least it was a teenage girl, and not Barry. Such a petition is futile nonsense, and a sign you are caught up too much in the wrong things in life and need a wholesome dharma instilled in your being.
  17. I fully recall that, the Excess Express and all (I wish the Shadow Sirens battle at the Riverside Station hadn't been scrapped as side note), I was just toying with what would happen if you did do a little letter removal in Heroes. Heck Doopliss makes the point of saying telling Beldam to get his name right, since the old crone isn't so nice to Vivian's replacement (which makes more sense by the way when you remember Vivian is a transgender female in Japan- Doopliss is in a way replacing the "male" in the group). But I digress too much in good old TTYD. Wonder which games they'll be repping this time? Love Abounds gave Elibe the full seasonal treatment. The OCs and Fates, and Archanea got in the Spring 2018. Bridal Bloom gave Awakening, FE7 again, Archanea, and our first hint of Tellius Seasonal in the Contronaki. SS is still devoid of Seasonality right? Hmm... Tana? L'Arachel in a swimsuit sounds fun, but it seems too early for her having only released this year. Eirika and Eph already have two selves each, and Eph will soon be getting a third. But maybe Eirika, or Amelia. Joshua would be fine, but I doubt him or Innes would get a swim bod, assuming it is double swimsuits, and not say one in camping gear, they just don't seem popular enough. Lute has her bookishness in her way. SoV needs Seasonals as well, it like its offspring SS has none. We have only one Alm, so why not him? Someone made a swimwear Gray in the Sprites Request thing once, don't know if it still exists, but it turned out well and I think this big strong man could be loved in one. Faye, Lukas, Mae, Boey.... I'm sure there is someone here who would sell Orbs beautifully while wading in the water. SoV is recent enough. Jugdral- slim pickins fer em. But Sigurd, Eldigan, Lachesis and Ayra are viable I think. Arden could be a joke. Seliph seems bland. Deirdre and Julia look too pure to me to be caught in a bikini, but so was Elise. FE6 could use more, as could Archanea. But is anyone presently from FE6 popular enough for a swimsuit? Fae? Fir? Raigh with those floaties you put around the arms? Archanea is a bit better with the Whitewings, Katarina, Camus, Minerva, Michalis, and Maria. Tellius only has one Seasonal so far, and given Catria was followed by Marth and Bridal Bloom had Ninian, it is possible Summer will have another Seasonal Telliusian. Ike has two totally different appearances capable of Seasonalizing. Pick a bod and rave! Titania, I doubt, but she'd be a mature woman without the robustness of Camilla- different and I'd appreciate the diversity move. Elincia, I could see her in swimwear, wouldn't like it though. Oscar- doubt it, why him when Ike and Ephraim exist? Nephenee- shy country girl who don't y'all know ain't comfortable being a long stretch of sand an' salt water at all should sell Orbs pretty darn well? Mia, who likes perky girls at the shore- raise your hands! *Counts them by the hundreds of thousands* Mist, here is her official PoR art: Now replace that basket of tomatoes (Leo will take it!) with an inner tube, and her clothes with a bikini. You wouldn't need to alter her pose in the slightest and it would work perfectly. Soren- Well Leo, having said him before, is rather bookish but got the swimwear on, so Soren might be able to work. Micaiah and Sothe- both are too recent additions. Sothe already has the glorious belly shirt. Black Knight- he is defined by his armor, you can't remove it, you can't throw a speedo on top it, so no to him. Zelgius- well he is shirtless in the one RD memory scene: ...I think we have a contender. And of course we should expect in all likelihood at least one Afatening due to their powerful and still extant appeal, I'd want Takumi, since Hoshido got gipped out of swimsuits last year.
  18. A precaution taken for the sake of avoiding the word "Bondage". This said, I have a hard time seeing how anyone would get Hawkeye in bondage, what could possibly tie him up? I could think of a bunch of BHBs, but they'd all require characters not in this game yet. This said, Fangs of the Night- Legault and Jaffar- two stealthy knivers of the Black Fang, is an idea. With Matthew on the banner since he also displays sneaky abilities, and they all have Supports with each other in FE7.
  19. I'd also call Canas leaning towards balanced across the board. At least once promotion gives him +1 Con and +3 Speed. Of course, Canas has Luna for a hint of uniqueness. And I guess a little Nostanking might be viable with him. 8 Con on promotion means he suffers 6 AS loss with Nosferatu, but you could chuck him a Body Ring. He might not be terrible at the job, particularly given 15 AS to double most things means he has to be 7 AS to get doubled by everything. The issue is more only two-three Nos tomes in the game. But remind me what Hammerne is good for in this game, because nothing readily comes to mind.
  20. Saying it is Doopliss ruins his disguise magic, so therefore it cannot be him. If it was, he could have taken the precaution of removing all of FEH's "p"s. Only when you suddenly notice things have changed to eri, alla, riscilla, Selih, Sohia, Ehraim, arthia, Gleinir, Kitty addle, avise, Swift Sarrow, Quick Rioste, Deseration, Triangle Adet, Sahire Lance, oison Strike, hysic. This said, Alfonse took a precaution against this by opting not for Alphonse, which would then become Alhonse. Is concern about booze a cause of the world being doomed, or is a non-causal reaction to the realization the world is doomed? Big difference. And someone has already likely pointed this out, but I'm not touching the FE3H board with a ten lightyear pole, but now we have a Claude and a Claud. Another name situation just waiting to ruin a dyslexic person's day. How are the names spelled in Japanese by the way?
  21. My bad, sorry. Melia is kinda known for having out of all the XC PCs having the most bad stuff happen to her, with nothing overly happy to look forward to at the end. I was exaggeratedly joking with all that, though I do like her as well- fun to use and a nice personality. And that'd probably also be a Dragoon-knockoff. But to be fair, drop the transformations, and most Final Smashes are just aim and FIRE! The few exceptions being things like Peach's (they're going to have to Daisified this if the footage already didn't show it), Luigi's, and Ice Climbers'. Not sure what to call theirs'.
  22. Warp has to come so late for one reason- to not trivialize Battle Before Dawn, and to a lesser extent NoF, which is also why the Rescue comes only in BBD itself. If you had it just two chapters sooner, defend Zephiel would be as easy as throwing one of your juggernauts over the wall. And I think SS possibly has the same issue of staffs being better on non-base unpromoted staffers. Albeit not as bad owing to Natasha being a bit better of a Serra (60 growth vs. 50) and Artur being a weaker Lucius, no Magic capping until 20/17 as a Bishop. Moulder has poor Magic and L'Arachel is massively behind in levels and thus Magic when she joins and will forever be so. Lute, if D Staffs is workable, can be a threat to the natural staffbots, since she has basically the Magic of Lucius even as a Mage Knight (with extra move to boot), or more than him as a Sage. Torch and Barrier spam is still possible at D rank, so she can do that. Saleh's 16 Magic base is also out of reach for the three natural staffbots until they promote at 20, which is extremely unlikely for Natasha or Moulder, and impossible for L'Arachel in no-grind SS. Getting Eph!Saleh to B or A is a bit time pressed given the length of SS, but for a non-LTC no-grind run, should be possible by loading up on Barrier and Physic in Grado/Jehanna. And then PoR saw this issue and "fixed" this by giving you no Bishop and both Sages get crappy Knives instead of Staffs. As a small compensation, they lowered Physic to C rank.
  23. Well that is explicable. When Blue House allies with Yellow House, you get the Green Alliance. If Red and Yellow ally, you get the Orange Alliance. If Red and Blue ally, you get the Purple Alliance. Regardless of who allies with who earlier tin the plot, all three ally at the end forming the Aurora Alliance, whose united power will overthrow the false god worshipped throughout the land whose true name in Monochrodemonic.
  24. Yup, can take extra hits before he is KO'ed. Since his high HP + Mad Taunt for aggro control is his primary purpose in XC. And Melia does care, she always cares. And yet nobody in the whole wide world cares about her save a furball who gets to be in the thick of the fun once in a while! Shulk even forgot to give her a lifetime ticket to all his matches. Sharla is her lone consoler and all she does is tell Melia to move on and accept reality. She does, and there are worse realities she has had to accept, but it is still unfair though she publicly protests it not! ...Makes me wish for a new Xeno stage. But I still haven't touched XC2 yet, and I doubt XCX will appear much if at all in SSBU. I have little against her, but she is little substance being in only multiplayer spinoffs. The same with Waluigi. Not to call any Mario character deep, just that not being in actual "serious" mainline platformers or even the Mario and Luigi spinoffs at all makes her feel ultimately unimportant. That could be corrected though, with say an experimental Luigi-centric platformer set in a modern Sarasaland. Or Super Princesses Peach and Daisy- a sequel to the DS game, with Rosalina as a postgame playable unlock, and Pauline appearing in some other capacity. Also plenty of Toadette please!
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