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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Well Fates's villains are seen as being some of the weakest around, including them would be to direct referenced of the trainwreck plot. Garon at the least could work though, he has a decent appearance (though I don't like his beard) and the Bolverk. Jedah, Rudolf, Duma, Nuibaba- even with the artbook background information, none of these are all that appealing I think. Berkut being young and brash might give him an appeal these prunes who eat themselves to stay regular do not. It is an inexplicable issue that Awakening still doesn't have its big baddies though, since Validar aside, they aren't terrible. Aversa indeed is very appealing in many ways, I'm afraid the flying red tome means she'll be summonable instead of GHB, thanks Rein and DEH. And since everyone but Validar (and Excellus, who we shall ignore) is also a PC via Spotpass, they could be easily released as summonables instead of GHB as well. Walhart released alongside Basilio and Flavia would be cohesive, referring to that one scripted battle.
  2. Sounds possible. But I'd rather It'd just summon a giant Fire Dragon with hundreds of HP and Def/Res piercing. Actually, make it three.
  3. FE7 Excalibur has no flier effectiveness. Nor does FE1 Excalibur (but 3/11/12 does). That would explain that; make its possible to tank Ursula and Jerme's room in FE7 with Fiora or a different Peg, assuming Pent and Athos are busy elsewhere. Didn't take ya very long to change your avi. It isn't bad, the injured version, it needs more groin exposed, but besides that not bad, helps he has always been shirtless. It's very bad boy, not that I really go for that at all. Still, he seemed to be an honorable guy at heart in FE7. He was also very stupid if his Res was anything to go by, it's fun berserking him in the final chapter and watching Lloyd kill him on the counter. Any idea of his stats yet? Also RIP Morph Brendan Reed, your original's son and a totally unrelated Hero stole the weapon you drop in the final fight. You will not be- wait, who are you again?
  4. The Aura and Excalibur refines remind me of the Wind and Thunder free DLC chapter in New Mystery. For those not familiar with the chapter, it consists of Merric, Arlen, Linde, and Etzel, fighting the forces of the dead (or so they think) Gharnef in ruins near Khadein as per Wendel's orders. (Plus independently Michalis seeking to rescue Maria, and Phina chasing after him for some reason appear playable in the battle.) Makes me want Edgy Rival Thoron Boy and Lucius and Canas's Son with Arvis's Hair now.
  5. Ashera really wasn't "saved" though, and not for her own sake. Ashera was "killed", and either 200 or 1000 years later (the language of the post-credits scene makes it unclear) Ashunera returned, Ashera post-defeat somehow reuniting peacefully with Yune. Killing Ashera would have been a terrible idea that Yune would have opposed, since she says she likes her. The whole point to the Thousand Year Covenant was to convince Ashera Yune did not need to be destroyed, as Lehran and the Three Heroes felt that doing so was unthinkable for some reason. And Part 4 RD, particularly the Hawk Army, makes it clear to the heroes that living beings need Chaos and Order- that which Ashera is supposed to represent. Not obliterating Ashera was for the sake of the balance of Order and Chaos, and also happens to have let Ashunera return (none of them admittedly expected this), and bringing back the once great mother goddess is a greater good for the world than bring back a lone Divine Dragon, or some promising princes/emperor.
  6. Nope Vroy, or Laroy, whatever you want to call him, also is one I believe. But it is a personal peeve of mine we don't have Sin, Sue, Dayan, Rath, Wolf, Sedgar, Selphina, Robert, Roberto, FE12 Beck, Midir, Lester, Deimne, Astrid, or Hayden (yes, the last is pretty minor). Or the semi-potential candidates of Castor, Warren, Neimi, Python, and Severa to name a few of these. Over a year in and none of these people. Why? To make Lyndis more special.
  7. Oh, I wasn't arguing for her inclusion, only pointing out Sigyun the name has already been used once. If there was a mature woman NPC who I wanted playable in FEH (not like there are many), it'd be Almedha, she did threaten to kill Micaiah ya know. And she is apparently rather strong according to Tibarn. Just pretend she got her powers back. A female Black Dragon shouldn't look too different from a male if Ena vs. the rest of the Reds is anything to go by. This reminds me, what exactly would have driven Victor to suicide upon her running away? I'm not sure he found out about the Kurth affair from what little has been said of this piece of backstory. Did he actually feel guilt for all of his abuse and sexual misconduct? Did he actually regret no longer having her in his life? Or was the realization an object he owned had escaped from him was so absurd to his egotistical senses it drove him mad?
  8. It has been taken already in FE by the lady in the lower left corner: Arvis would be very angry to see a woman with his mother's name dressed like that. Although to be fair, we have two Arthurs already and a case of Altena and Athena. Unless Altena is Artena, which is to say a corruption of Artemis, who actually is also already used in FE.
  9. Ronan? Not interesting? How is the Outlaw/Adventurer who came nine games too early not interesting? 55 Spd and Res growths to 15 Str and 5 Def is spectacular! Move over global warming because Ronan's Glacies will turn Muspelheim into a giant snowball! He'd tank practically every mage in the universe. Although outside of the Glacies hits, his arrows wouldn't be able to penetrate Tharja's sheer fabric, and he would be sent to the ER every time somebody else sneezed. The reasons behind colored bows... to fill in the void that was ranged physical colored attacks? That is the only thing imaginable. Since it can't be bow units are all the same and we have too many and coloring them is the only way to diversify them. Otherwise we should have swords in Roy G. Biv, Colorless, brown, black, white, and teal.
  10. I'd count Brigid and Eyvel separately, since they're different classes, using different weapons, with their memories wiped out, having established themselves as a totally different person. Eyvel could exist without being Brigid quite easily, and some would even say that the tie is unnecessary and messes up Jugdral a little by sparing another person from Belhalla, by means of an unexplained thing called a Gesh. And I could see someone making the case for two Finns- 776/Gen 2 "Mature" Finn, and Gen 1 "Young" Finn. The difference visually isn't as big as RD Ike and PoR Ike, but it notable. Gen 1 Finn is Quan's promising squire, Gen 2/776 Finn has lived through a lot and has had to keep his liege's lone surviving child alive through plenty of peril for years, although I've never played T776, so I'm not sure how changed he is. For Elibe, I wouldn't say there is any real overlap, since Blazing is E.C. 980, and 999 is the year of Binding (yeah real creative- 777 was better). The characters who are shared by both games are greatly changed. Bartre is a brawler in both games, but in Blazing, books hurt his brain, while in Binding he is a loving father. Marcus is only middle-aged in Blazing, while he is really old in Binding. Karel in Blazing is the Sword Demon hungry to cut down everyone, in Binding, he is much older and has forsaken his bloodlust to become the Sword Saint. Eliwood and Hector both appear as NPCs in Binding, neither gets much screentime, but they're both kinda important nonetheless (and they're both playable in Trial Maps), and let me just say Eliwood, 17 in 980, looks really really bad for a 36-year old in Binding. So if take the 36 Elibeans and compare this to the combined Binding-Blazing rosters: 44 + 54 = 98. So we have a little over a third of the Elibean cast, but this excludes villains and important NPCs. Adding them in and getting to like 115, it is slightly under a third. To think on Archanea, the only ones who don't return as PCs in New Mystery are Jagen, Gotoh, Hardin, and Boah. So let us add them to New Mystery's 77 PC cast, and count Kris twice, once for each sex. This brings things up to 82. 30/82 = 36.59% If we look to add in villains, well the NM number includes Michalis, since he became playable. We should add Camus (Sirius is him, but the mask makes the difference), Medeus, Gharnef, Dark Emperor Hardin, and the three assassins who aren't playable. (We can exclude Jiol as a pathetic little old man nobody will be remiss about, and Lang the same. I excluded Uther, Darin, and Brendan from my Elibe count for the same reason.) Palla, Catria and Est will count, but they also effectively double as Valentians since they don't really change between games. The Archanean total then becomes 89, which can be rounded up to 90 if choose to separate Earth Dragon Medeus and Shadow Dragon Medeus, or something. 30 of 90 is exactly one third. And thank you @Venmi for your help.
  11. Don't you mean ashes? Thought I heard she got cremated? Reason to never take these things seriously.
  12. To be precise, there are 25 playable Laguz in RD's roster including Sephiran. So one-third of the 73 (adding Largo) PC roster. Factoring in nonplayables, their percentage declines a little since all major villains and NPCs but Dheginsea, and his less important dead elder son and powerless daughter are Beorc/Branded. Nonetheless, if the Laguz are a quarter of the notable sentiment beings in Tellius, that is still a quarter not to be excluded. Particularly since Tellius fundamentally can't happen if a goddess doesn't break in two a little over 800 years prior over Laguz-Beorc conflict. Nergal: “Now, Ninian…at last. Open the Dragon’s Gate.” Ninian: “…Gate… Open…gate…” Ninian:“Here… Come, children of…flame. Come…to me…” Thank you Pelica for opening this unnecessary door. Although since she summons fire dragons, she could be another Red Breath. Just do the Grima thing.
  13. Maybe they could have made more waves if they had crossed the waves. It's hard to like Archanea when all the international audience unable to emulate has gotten is Shadow Husk. I get the impression the War of the Heroes is just a much better game. A principle to be agreed with. To keep it short and ambiguous, there are several ways to define "deserves" here. One can be deserved on plot importance grounds, on gameplay awesomeness grounds, on popularity with the fans, and a combination of these factors. I'm actually not in the mood to do this simple checking and math right now, I should be, but FE Wiki lists picts of every character in Heroes, and until I start summoning, I can't get over my distaste for the artwork. Nonetheless, for anyone interested in doing the math (I would leave out Seasonal, New, and Legendary alts if I were they), here are the PC unit rosters per game. Add ~5-10 to the roster size per game to account for major villains and distinguished NPCs. You also need to account for how FEs 1&3 and 9&10 share most of their PC rosters, and most characters don't really change between games. Vaida does hold Nils hostage for a total of two minutes in Unfulfilled Heart. We could also include Blucius, since he joins alongside Nils in Lyn Mode (the two even interact) in Siblings Aboard. Or Rath, Isadora or Heath, since they join in Kinship's Bond, the chapter where you have to defend a collapsed Nils. If they're going to reference FE7 maps when Nils comes, well the two that really say Nils to me are Siblings Aboard and Kinship's Bond. Or, if they were to choose to emphasize Nergal and his connection to Nils- their doubly forgotten tie of father and son- what would be a better map to reference than Hector Chapter 19xx: A Glimpse in Time, the infamously annoying to unlock chapter where this is heavily implied?
  14. Player-generated maps is fine. Rewarding players with units you don't want? No! That amounts to unit trading, and that would break FEH's profits, particularly if you could signal to someone your design map by telling them to search for GHB #93781 or "Julia Fo Sale!". Think of all the Fates MyCastles that existed purely for skill buying and BP grinding. That'd happen again.
  15. Reminds me of a thing I saw once on the old beloved show called Mythbusters- apparently mixing up your alcoholic beverages of choice results in less of a hangover than just sticking to one. Not that I'd know. I don't drink, alcohol is too beautiful to be drunk. I love the art of distilling, brewing, winemaking etc.- all the hard work that goes into the processes of making such a variety of beverages. Besides not wanting to undergo an altered state of consciousness and drunkness, I think that the moment I sip something alcoholic, my appreciation for the art would decline as I go "Bleh, people drink this stuff?!". Hence I don't drink to keep myself entertained and its appeal alive. (I do like grape and apple juice though.) I will admit that one time someone made a bread pudding soaked in bourbon, most of the bourbon was evaporated in the cooking process of course, but you can never get rid of all the alcohol. Maybe this was just a placebo effect, since I knew there was bourbon still in it in some capacity, but I did feel a little off and was a little red I believe after I ate the bread pudding. So my body certainly isn't exactly ready for alcohol I think. And devoid of caffeine too (another art I appreciate from afar), the taste of sour lemonade (diluted with some water to reduce sugar content per glass- but while retaining the sourness) is as stimulating as I get. Yup, I'm boring. I don't even breathe fire (no chiles), but I do like the milder and still warming sensation provided by black pepper, so I'm typically heavy with that.
  16. Who wouldn't want to know Nero liked watching men wrestle Greek-style (nude)? Would make for some wonderful fanservice imagery. And the mommy issues, to the point she asks her murderers you sent to kill her to stab her to death in the place where you were once a little embryo, make for some good drama. Although the Christians used as living torches at nighttime parties could indeed be done without. ....Chiming out.
  17. Interesting. My first FF was Tactics Advance, followed by IV Advance, and then... (spoilered due to a bit of length- don't read if you don't want to) Yet 4 above 6 isn't wrong by any means, which FF has received the most ports, retranslations of all? And which got a DS remake it didn't really need unlike its predecessor? (I wish VI got a similar overhaul.) IV is where I say the franchise began to really embrace itself and dare to become the gargantuan leading RPG series it is today. Now compared to VI, the soundtrack is hindered by Uematsu not having mastered the SNES's abilities yet, but it isn't bad at all, just simpler with the tracks being shorter. Visuals are also simpler, and the locales more generic fantasy than in VI, but this is a rather petty issue. The characters in IV you could argue are better than in VI, that I could see since the narrative more tightly integrates them. In gameplay, IV is more restrictive with who you get to use and all, but VI has a samey character problem once Espers appear and everyone learns magic. And to speak of plot, VI is a bit less generic, but IV's pace is much more brisk I feel. Kefka and Golbez go for totally different villain profiles, Kefka is a nihilistic Joker-esque psychopath, Golbez has been said in interviews to have been inspired by Darth Vader and it shows, they're apples and oranges; and Sephiroth is a durian- each caters to a different crowd. ...And a few more questions: 6. Care for museums or art galleries or botanic gardens at all? 7. Favorite Dragon Quest character? (From my limited playing of the series, Angelo is my favorite in terms of character, and V protag is awesome visually.) 8. Archetype/trope/cliche that you like the most or can tolerate the most? 9. Favorite character from the Tellius duology? 10. Lastly, single favorite video game music piece?
  18. As I reread her supports earlier, I did have to revise my opinion of her a bit upwards I will admit. And as I said before, her core character wasn't bad, just that the supports written for her had far too many duds. Oh. Well differing opinions are fine. I can see how it and the whole support chain can be funny, in a "Treck is stoned" kind of way.
  19. Adorable and funny. Since if there is a UFO anyone should want to believe exists, it should definitely be UFO Kirby! Ultimate. Friendly. Object. Every other alien wants to bring humanity to some mysterious higher state of being, or enslave or destroy us, or stick probes in our brains and rectums. Why should one want to believe any of them exists? And as for Feh, they have no sex nor gender in themselves. Their eyes stare into your soul and they manifest as whichever you prefer. And they know to stay away if you're one of those. Eventually, they will add the Feh's Treehouse feature to Heroes, where you can care for and befriend Feh and their aviary to unlock and customize the Feh Assist feature for battle boosts. When you manage to get your bond with FEH to SSS rank in all relevant categories and have also given FEH 500 Orbs, you will receive the Key to Feh's Heart. Use it to unlock the sealed special birdcage in the aviary and you will be magically transported into the depths of Feh's soul. There, using the bond you've established with Feh, they will undergo the process of becoming human. Depending on your choices, you can make Feh male or female, young, old, or one of two in-betweens, decide other aspects of their appearance, and whether or not you wish to be friends, family, or spouses with Feh. You will also be able to choose a weapon type for Feh, and depending on your prior answers, their starting skill lineup will vary. Note that Feh will always have an S support with Kiran, but Kiran can still S somebody else and so can Feh. Furthermore, when needed for ingame purposes, Feh will appear in plain old owl form.
  20. I still disagree. You cite a website with LGTBQ in its name, it is understandably inherently biased in its interpretation. If you want Ike in your headcanon and fanficts to be gay, go ahead. But asserting he actually is beyond your fantasies, no, not until Nintendo itself, the Word of God here, proclaims it. And given IS has issue with proclaiming any single pairing in the more recent games to be canonical, and they refuse to officially acknowledge Ninian-Eliwood and Lyn-Hector despite them much more obviously than Ike-Soren or Ike-Ranulf pushing those pairings. The famed Japanese swordsman from the end of the Sengoku era and early Tokugawa Bakufu Miyamoto Musashi never married, is not known to have had lovers, and ultimately just adopted an heir for his lineage and I think a separate one for his sword school. None of this means he was gay, just that he did not marry or have kids. And Musashi being a swordsman of great fame who dedicated his life solely to the art, was just like Ike. Furthermore, whatever happened to intimate friendships? You don't need to be sexually interested in someone to want to console them when they cry. Aren't friendships ideally supposed to be deep enough that you can if you need emotional support, turn to a friend and get it? Otherwise what kind of friend are they?
  21. That bold was not mine by the way, it was just in the script. And there is a difference between a casual and rough, but ultimately acceptable way of criticizing someone's recreational actions on the battlefield, and twice throwing a cherished book of their's into your dragon's maw. I do tend to like the scholarly type, owing much to me being loosely one, but that does not automatically make me dislike the warrior types. I do dislike Mia, but that has nothing to do with her being a warrior, and more to do with her being, for all her pep, which I can see the appeal of, being rather shallow. A little backstory for her or an interest besides swordplay would go a long way, those things and a Lucia (the actual perfect white-clad rival for her) support. By the way, the Mia line you speak of, doesn't actually match the Japanese at all: Japanese Lit/Flow Translation Official Localization よーっし! 絶好調の剣の冴え我ながら惚れ惚れしちゃうねえ Oh yeah! My sword’s in perfect form. I’m totally in love with this style! Soren, always lost in your books! What have I said about watching your back? Thanks to SF's Kirokan for revealing that! Good to know, I guess it's just the issue of who got selected for the GHBs and their origin game stats. Oliver in RD has 20 Speed, everything not a Dragon doubles him at that point so late in the game, even Generals do. Lyon is infamously slow, factoring out the Wt of Naglfar, as the penultimate boss in SS, he has 4-5 AS, by Latona he can't double a level 1 Ross/Gilliam! Julius however, Loptous is 12 Wt, but it isn't the heaviest thing around, that is the same and most Lances as well as Fire Magic in Genealogy, and much lighter than Axes! (Please don't let Azelle be a turtle on that note!) And his 27 Spd means he still has 15 AS afterwards (or what Lyon has before Naglfar loss). Julius's poor Speed in FEH is more owing to the necessity of balancing the GHB freebies such that they do not abolish the urge to summon, or so I would assume from all I read here. I knew about that conversation, however that one does after the C become a more normal support with the two characters meeting face to face and actually bonding. Was the intent of the C support humor? Or was it just some of the worst of Binding's at times shoddy supports? Although to be fair, the next three games would all also feature duds, but Binding being the first to have supports, might have had particularly bad writing. Not to deny Binding has some nuggets of gold- I do like AstolfoxIgrene (now if only BB had non-Roy paired endings). I need to do a total review of Binding's supports some day, like I did with PoR. And then of course, the Yoder-Dayan support explained the whole lore behind Affinities: Ya know it makes me nostalgic for them, but Fates did have customized pair up bonuses with everyone, which are even more individualized than Affinities. And since Canas's monocle has been brought up, hopefully they'll eventually invent a monocle accessory.
  22. Please nothing like what they did with Camilla, where footage from the trailer featuring her swaying cleavage within the hour became a gif. IS had nothing to do with the gif's creation, but they could have not provided the footage that would sans a single memey word written on it become a thing. Odd, I thought she was Ninian. Although Azura was an attempt to fabricate a Lucina (which seems to have failed, but being an MC of Fates, she still shows up heavily), Azura's powers speak more of Ninian. And there, somebody will be writing some papyri and copper tablets declaring they are the children of light who will one day vanquish the darkness that is the diabolical FE 16 and all it stands for and restore the series to eternal bliss and salvation. They shall be known as the Dead Sea Whines. What I want to be able to say: "Finally, I will be able to read supports and plot again. Playing purely for gameplay leaves something of a small void in my heart." What I will likely be saying: "Like everyone else, I liked the concept of the avatar before it ever existed, but now, I wish it never did, and am not looking forward to it again."
  23. Just a couple of game-related questions: For the "good" Final Fantasies (so you never need type "X" or "XIII"), how would you rank them in order of preference? Outside of Squall, whom you seem to really like, favorite FF characters? Have you played either or both of TearRing and Berwick Sagas, and if so, what are your opinions on them? Will you be getting Vestaria Saga, and if so, with how much if any enthusiasm/interest? And the almost obligatory, opinion of myself?
  24. I've actually noticed the parallels between Titania and Eyvel, and the way Thracia starts and how PoR start. Neither game gives you the "traditional" starting roster that is heavy on a kingdom's knights, both are rather ragtag, with Thracia having the more untraditional unit composition of the two, but the setup of a mercenary band being less traditional than Leif the runaway prince and the few who will shelter him (that was also Marth's and Seliph's starting stories). Thanks for the insight into Leif's less traditional parental loss setup, and reminding me of that Marth prince-son line. Although the Hardin loss of Marth is, depending on how dependent you think he was on Hardin in the War of the Shadows, more the loss of a dear friend, still counts though, since Emm must certainly count in Awakening. If I ever get to play Genealogy in some form, I might end up agreeing with this. Why? I'm not the biggest fan of Tibarn- I like his appearance, that is awesome, but his character while not bad, is not so appealing to me as it is to others. I prefer Naesala. I bring this up since while Crimea and Daein inherited the landscapes of Manster District and Thracia Kingdom (although Crimea is apparently only averagely fertile), the politics and leadership certainly passed on to Phoenicis and Kilvas. If I'm not in love with Quan 2.0, then Quan 1.0 shouldn't evoke purest fondness from me either I would expect. Although I will come in open to all and not judge until Ethlyn is flayed upon the sands of Yied. Forgot people sometimes view her a main character at the same pedestal of Chrom and Robin, since I tend not to (blame it on the do-nothing kids she is supposed to lead dragging her down) even though she is. Her "I'm your future daughter" reveal is the most touching moment and the very pinnacle of Awakening's writing for me, after that it's a landslide, but there it is for the briefest moment, moving.
  25. Are you sure you aren't counting your chickens before they hatch? The upcoming story chapter title does not have to equal Surtr's death. It could quite possibly be Gustav's for all we know. Just to give a word of caution.
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