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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I wasn't really close to my grandfather or anything, but it nonetheless was sad (and triggered a bout of my mortality anxiety). Still, he was a WWII vet, albeit not one that saw much combat (Coast Guard I think), and he apparently saw a decent bit of the world. 97 is a long life, most aren't so lucky (I have a relative who works in a hospital and sees this on a daily basis- be thankful for every day you live) and it wasn't until say two years ago that things began to decline for him. That reminds me, one of my professors made the comment that soon, the WWII generation will be past, no more individuals to interview and tell their intimate stories. WWII will fade from living history into the history solely of books, lectures, museums and documentaries. And to think on this, the last survivors of the Holocaust are likely approaching the end of their lives. Let us do our best to keep the memories of all of these individuals, and those before, those after, and those yet to go, alive forever. .... 3
  2. One, the selection of Skrimir appears to be more than just raw strength, though he has that aplenty. Two, this bit of dialogue: UlkiOur king...does nothing special. Everyone just does what's needed. There is no chaos.IkeHe's really trusted, isn't he?UlkiThat's...natural. In laguz society, the strongest become king. Unlike the beorc, kingship is not tied to blood, so we have no weak kings. I'm sorry... Perhaps that was improper. The second line supports you here, but the first suggests it isn't just physical strength to me. Laguz rulers might be more practical and simplistic leaders, rather than hierarchy and tradition getting in the way.
  3. Nope, just that. I was just copying one of the weirder Old Testament/Tanakh stories everyone Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Shintoist, Sikh, Bahai, Pagan, Atheist, Agnostic and etc. alike wants to forget (another being the hemorrhoids curse). The story of Lot, having escaped the God-sent destruction of Sodom and the other cities, finds his wife, having defied God's word, turned into a statue of salt, so he is all alone with his daughters. Wanting to keep the Jewish chosen people of God alive and fulfill the commandment "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth", and believing their father is the only male left alive (he isn't actually), they get him drunk so they can pregnant from him. It works, God permits it, but I believe the text is not actually encouraging incest- only that if humanity is on death's door, incest is the lesser crime and therefore permissible in this extreme context. But a blue haired baby Owain crawling and playing around who Lissa and Chrom want to smile at, but can't without an upwell of guilt, is also a very beautiful image. Why blue boy Owain sounds better than blonde or even pink. I'll take it.
  4. There is Roy helping Etruria in the Western Isles (apparently he was supposed to become King of the Western Isles at some point originally), if you consider that as counting. Or Marth going to put down Lorenz's rebellion. Though Ike's case is a different from the first two in that Ike, being a common mercenary of uncommon ability, is effectively just an officer in the forces of the Laguz Alliance, commanding but a few Mercenaries while Ranulf, Skrimir, and Tibarn command legions of Beasts and Hawks. Roy and Marth lead exclusively their home armies and remain royalty unassimilated into the Archanean/Etrurian ranks. Furthermore, both Marth and Roy break from their original allegiances, while Ike to the end of Part 3 continues fighting for his original cause.
  5. And you still forgot Owain. Or need I remind you of the bad future where Chrom and Lissa got stranded in an apocalyptic wasteland? And not aware of other humans still being alive, Lissa and Chrom, for the sake of keeping the human race existent, got drunk on naturally fermenting apples they stumbled on and thus Lissa later gave birth to blue haired twins? By the time they discovered other humans were still alive, it was much too late.
  6. I haven't played FE4 yet, but I find ranking Seliph to be a little uneasy for me. I mean if you breed a good 2nd Gen, say (LnxEr, AzxT, LxxA, BxL, MxEd, ChxB, ClxS) and then add in Ares and Shannan and Leif, it seems Seliph has much stronger competition. Who is Sigurd's? Lex and who else? Because Seliph has greater competition, does that mean he is inferior? And as for his start, how much inheritance to assume? Just the 50k SS and one of the Knight or Leg Ring? Both rings, the 50SS, and a magic sword? All of those things plus the Paragon Ring and the other stat rings and the Brave Sword? And if we want to talk PoR Ike, I present irony: To carry on the discussion from another topic, Ike is of common origins for sure.
  7. Honestly speaking, no Lord ever is the worst in their game. Eliwood can proudly say he's better than Wil, and Rebecca, and Karla, and maybe Dorcas. (You know, I wonder how much better Eliwood would be as Cavalier Lord?) Roy? Well aren't the Western Isles axe-heavy? He could contribute more than Bors the Chaste or Gwendolyn the former mascot of Elibe's fast food chain ever will. I don't think any lord is worse than lower mid on a hypothetical tier list. Although Sigurd would probably be in his own god tier on an FE4 one.
  8. Well P-5 aren't quite the easiest chapters. The Prologue is scripted basically, 1 is cake and quick, 2 isn't bad, but you can die. 3 is a pain because the boss is too darn dodgy. 4 is okay, since Ryoma helps move things along. 5 is a chore since everyone not Corrin is glass. I say all this continually playing on Lunatic, Normal it wouldn't be as bad for. Makes me wish Gunter was your standard Jagen and could maul all of them, instead of IS trying to force strategy on us in these fights. We don't know if Ike has medallion resistance though. Ike never touches it. I'd be inclined to think due to his warrior nature, that he'd succumb like his father. The closest we get is him being able to channel Yune for the final strike to Ashera, but that isn't the same- Yune wasn't intentionally trying to berserk Ike there. She does age, the Branded aren't immortal, she is only in her late twenties at best. Begnion has had 35 Apostle-Empresses in 625 years, less an average reign of less than 20 years. The Apostles might be able to consistently hit the upper limit of human life expectancy 80-100, but I don't think they live super long. Ike was also born in Gallia and his attitude is more suited to Laguz society than Beorc. Ike is if anything to me, a citizen of the world. I actually like that he isn't so bound to any one country like every other lord in the series barring Lyn is. Of course, Seliph is also cosmopolitan, since he's Agustrian-born, Issachan-raised, and Grannvale blooded/regnant. But Seliph settles into being Grannvalian at the end, Ike, being a mercenary with no country to rule, is free to remain worldly, even if it ends with a not so great character ending.
  9. He has Double Lion to himself, which does the same thing except at closer range. I can see Alm with a KB, since it does have 1-3 range and flier effectiveness, but I'd rather give them to Tobin/Gray and Python, it spreads the power that way. And they also get Bow Range +2, which Alm doesn't, at most, he'll have Bow Range +1 in Thabes via DLC Conqueror. Admittedly, if you're using Alm in Thabes, the KB might be for the best, but you can swap him for Celica, who can heal and can Mage Ring snipe, making her quite arguably better than Alm as the mandatory lord to bring in. Just to consider another alternate possibility- Kinshi Hinoka or Takumi or Setsuna- just to have some Bow Fliers besides the eventual Reina.
  10. Well the upcoming Falchion Banner is of course going to be all Red, so sniping will do nothing with that. That reminds me, why did Awakening make two children naturally Mercenaries and another a Myrmidon? I feel they could use a little more variety. And Say'ri's Barbarian son exists. You forgot Owain. From what I remember, statistically speaking, the enemies in Priam's Spotpass Paralogue are significantly stronger than those in the other ones (which exceed or are equal in strength to the enemies in the last couple of story chapters), barring the mirror clones of Aversa's, which are variable in difficulty.
  11. Is there a problem if I like the generous checkpoints of modern games and when playing things like Mega Man, have to restore point right before a robot master? Sure my platforming skills will remain a bit weak and I never quite learn the dodge patterns since I know I can infinitely redo the boss battle without ever having to redo the entire level, but I don't quite have the time to go through with something I already proved I could complete. And that is what special challenges/achievements are for anyhow. I have a few Spyro memories from childhood. Not a lot, but a few, mostly from the PS1, though a couple GC ones as well; I never did complete a single one. If a Switch version came, maybe I'd consider it.
  12. Assuming Lyn caps Skill unpromoted, which she falls 2 below on 20 average, and we add in the Mani Katti's 20 Crit, she'll have 30% chance of critting anything, 40 with a Killing Edge. Problem- there is only 1 40 use MK, which you might want to save for Cavs and Knights, and anyone with C Swords can swing a KE around. Including Kent, who averages 15-16 skill unpromoted, for 2 less Crit than a capped Skl Lyn. Not a whole lot less, and Eliwood averages 14-15 Skill for a mere 3 Crit less. On promotion, if Lyn caps Skl, which will take a minimum of 7 levels to achieve, she will have gained another 4 Crit, pretty insignificant. While Kent will if he caps Skl average 1-2 less crit. In short, Lyn, not ever actually getting an actual +15 Crit class bonus, and factoring in how little excess Skill adds to Crit, Lyn is no more a Critical machine than pretty much anyone else not Hawkeye, Dart, Guy, Karel, or Karla (unless Lyn has A and B Crit boosting Supports and the other person doesn't have any, which would give her +20 Crit over them- except 5 out of 7 Affinities give Crit). Killers are buyable as early 19E/20H in a Secret Shop, and then buyable in 24E/26H, the Vaida chapter (and yes, without the Mine glitch is it still possible to shop on Hector Mode without anyone dying- just bait Vaida west with Hawkeye on a Mountain or the Gate). You'd have a little better of a case if you were arguing Lyn the dodging machine, but that'd need buyable Lancereavers, which is 23E/24H. It really isn't an issue with them. Sure if you make Chrom a Sniper the whole bit about awakening the Falchion later on is a little off, and so the Yato if you make Corrin a non-Sword using class, but it doesn't affect much. I think one of the characters most off put by reclass is Cherche, since she brings up her wyvern Minerva a lot in her supports and level up quotes, and if Cherche doesn't have her around due to being in Troubadour or Cleric, who is she talking to when she levels?
  13. Actually I think there are for each game. Which you may notice by comparing two related games, like compare the Bartres and then glimpse the rest of the FE6 and FE7 casts and you'll notice a bolder darker colors and more kiddy designs in FE6 than 7, generally speaking. If there weren't distinct styles for each game, then why would people complain about say Awakening and Fates designs vs. Tellius ones? I'm not good at describing the shared aesthetic subtleties of each game, but they exist. As for the term "unofficial", well I guess it's official, but with a different purpose. There is perhaps I would say, a greater level of restrain when making official artwork for actual mainline games. While Cipher and Heroes can go over the moon and to Andromeda with its artwork, never obliged to any sobriety or class. Fan art (which I had mentioned before), which can be nice, also lacks that "polish", being more a relaxed creation not to be taken all that seriously (not to say it has no artistic merit- it can), only casually since it was only made for fans by fans. I get that and I'm okay with it. I can also be okay with Cipher, much since I don't play the card game. But I guess when I'm playing a game I want it to be serious and classy in its artistic direction, while FEH is not made to be taken seriously? Square player and a round game? It's a little hard to articulate exactly what I mean. I don't mean to look down on the artists though, only the art and its relation to FE. I like Etrian Odyssey's designs for one of course. Else Caiah my male-androgynous happy Swift Stabbing Landsknecht and first ever character created in an EO wouldn't be in my sig (even though he got kicked off my EOIV team by Sabatoo the Nightseeker boy in the Misty Ravine). i think the homepage of SF shows this. Look at this "Berserk Ike", which the homepage suggests to me it was drawn by Senri Kita, the designer of Tellius, although maybe it wasn't: Those red eyes! Totally out of place for Tellius. I've always thought of the Berserk Ike idea, but this ain't what I wanted. Why we sort of know what a Berserk person actually looks like, their face at least: Unless we got a Radiant Dawn remake and the aesthetic of that game when in a like direction. I would acknowledge such artwork then to be official (but not that card itself, since it came before the remake). But that has no impact on the aesthetics of original RD, nor does it stop me from calling it bad official art if I chose to.
  14. Well it's polyandry. The historically very rare but not misogynist form of marriage. Although those Roys remind me of this one FEH sprite I saw of Roy in a bikini.
  15. I think its more and less limited at the same time in Fates. Seals not being infinitely buyable without online until later is more of a limit, as is the reduction from 2 alternative base classes to 1 for 1st Gen units. But with A+ and S, a 1st Gen character can get up to 4 base classes. Fates also lets you swap between classes without having to hit level 10 first and then reclassing, watching the level reset, and then grinding up again, which, if you have the Seals, makes Fates easier in this regard. And I'd say Galeforce in Awakening is more of a busted skill than anything in Fates. And Fates having on the harder difficulties a harsh EXP curve, it is much harder to get the best skills (assuming one means 15 promoted ones) than in Awakening, but once you can get them in Fates, you can get them easier since no level reset. Though in practice, I find the differences between two similar characters, let us say Kagero and Hana, in the same class to be too marginal to make them really that much different. So why does Hana need the flexibility to go Ninja when she will be only a little different from a Kagero Ninja (much more Skill and a little more Spd in exchange for a little less Str)? Or vice versa? And on this note Hinoka as a Spear Fighter obsoletes Oboro useless you grab Replicate, and all Hinoka needs for that is a fling with Kaze or Saizo. This said, I don't think I exactly minded Fates reclassing, nor Awakening's generally inferior version, it's better than Archanean reclass. I mean would Palla and Catria rule the roost of Maniac/Lunatic NM if they couldn't hop in and out of Pegasus Knight so freely? I'd be totally fine without reclass though.
  16. I'm mixed on those lines. On the one hand, Dheg might be blustering about his strength, and on the other Naesala might be complaining "Why have I been forced to fight this guy!?!" But regardless, Dheg is no joke, that is true. As for Tibarn vs. Zelgius, the BK says in PoR he spared Ike after killing Greil because of Caineghis, and later delayed his capture of Leanne because Tibarn was around. Hence Tibarn > Zelgius after a Warp Powder use, and Caineghis ~>= Zelgius at full strength. Zelgius doesn't have to be weaker than Cain to flee from him, Cain needs to be only close enough to open the real possibility of Zelgius losing, no matter how small. And we have no idea where Ashnard fits into this. I'd be inclined to say ~= handicapped Greil, but with little basis for it. Actually, I'm a Hector fan, he's the only lord who I hold any particularly high regard for. I was just exploring an alternate possibility to making Lyn the teaching lord. By the way, the only reason why the Hector Mode exclusive chapter Crazed Beast happens (the triple fort Farina), is because Hector was stupid. But the entirety of CB from a writing perspective is junk, so I ignore it. The chapter has cool gameplay though. By the way, that reminds me:
  17. I never recruited Owain, but I thought I distinctly remember overhearing once that that was a tattoo. I could very easily be wrong though. Greil was still extremely powerful, maybe not absolutely so, but within the highest echleons: VolkeGreil had lost his wife, and his grief was overpowering. To keep anything like that from happening again, he crippled himself. He slashed the tendons in his sword hand so that he could not wield a sword again. I took the job only because he had become someone my skill could handle. And even then, he was still far stronger than most men... And if you look at his real hidden ingame stats, they're really high. If gameplay = lore sometimes, I think it is the case with Greil that he was still top of the world in power. The BK killed him, but the BK is also in the handful of elite, about Tibarn's power level, which should be a bit higher than Naesala's and comparable to Caineghis. Only Dheg should be stronger than this. End of RD Ike being stronger than at least the BK, maybe Dheg, but maybe not.
  18. Leif Faris Claus Prince of Leonster, obviously. Let the Light Brand shine with Breath Def/Res targeting. Geoffrey's Jugdrali daddy and veteran of two-threeish wars, and he better get a ExBrave Lance Mk. III LR Custom with a Black Hole-Tronium Engine, and T-Link-Gravicon system attached to it. A plain old Brave Lance without any special qualities would be a disservice to the man. Having paid homage to those two, I want Asbel! We need the second of three Merrics! We already have the original and the Tellius version, Asbel is adorable, and powerful as well. Glyphcalibur should make him an auto lock at 5 Stars, which is why I don't expect to see him coming around for a long while. You can only add so many at once. Perne could have his King Sword (Brave effect plus Charm (aoe hit & evade boost- this can be turned into some other stats boost for FEH)) turned into King Daggers, which could possibly make him a decent buffer and attack unit simultaneously. Lara would be cool as a Dagger Dancer. And I have this one sprite art idea involving Lifis. Since Mareeta and Galzus both have Astra and Luna in T766, could they get some "Thracian Astra"? Like Aether, but replace the 50% damage heal with 150% damage increase. Then again, that sounds too broken.
  19. I consider it that unless stated otherwise, if parentage at all unusual exists for a character in a story, they will have had inheritance of some import from it. Assuming no Elector marriage, Lyn does return to the plains and abandon her lordly duties. Well they don't quite forget it since it is brought up again when HEL has to seek help from Fergus (typo intentional). But yes, Lyn does sound interesting when put this way, but alas, she is just a kind tutorial bot to the end. Doing more with her fellow Awakening kiddos would be a big help. It'd feel like she did more if she had a coterie of friends to lead and tell "you stop this from happen, you monitor that". FE is in this odd place where the setting is Medieval, but the values are modern. Who would question the importance of hierarchy in a real Medieval Valentia? FE already has Pegasus Knights, why must the women be politically on the bed and in the kitchen? I will always say Lyn's real problem is being a tutorial bot invented for the sake of introducing the series to international players. That was all she made to do, and her existence thereafter is a bonus. Why did IS choose her for a tutorial bot? Why not make it a big stupid Hector who has to educated in the very basics of FE gameplay? I'd like to know, but I don't think IS has ever explained why Lyn was created/chosen for this purpose.
  20. Wouldn't that obsolete the Absorb Staff? WTD potentially yes, but WTA would be gained as well, and Specials could ratchet up the damage and the heal. Although Oliver's stats and the need for DC to full tank could keep this in check. I'd just invent new weapons for them. For Jagen the Purest Silver Lance would sound good. Jagen is the first Jagen, and the first unit to ever join with a Silver weapon, the Silver Lance is the signature weapon of several Jagens, it'd be the ultimate testament to Jageness. For Gunter, perhaps something named such that it references his Revelation manipulation by Anankos? (He was such a crappy boss for that battle, but he did have Dragonskin for damage halving.) Oboro had an Oboro's Spear in Fates. If Hinoka gets stuck with her own Hinoka's Spear, then Oboro deserves just the same. Arthur also had an Arthur's Axe.
  21. Corrin is a sword user. The Dragonstone is rather niche and has no bearing on Fates's plot, while the Yato is the blade of destiny, gets two upgrades per rout, and which makes Corrin more special than the Dstone does. Corrin is first and foremost a sword lord, the only reason the d-powers get emphasized at all is because IS has to find a way to make the reuse of sword for the umpteenth time unique. Robin- yes the Tome is emphasized even in Awakening's video clips, likely thanks to Chrom and Lucina being swordies like most lords, and it being easier to depict magic combat from a first person perspective. However, Robin in Awakening starts gameplay-wise equally capable of using Swords and Magic. Kris- Kris has no fixed class, however both pieces of official artwork show them with a sword. Reclass? Not canonical. Otherwise Chrom could be considered not a sword lord if I made him a Sniper, or Lucina a Pegasus Knight/one of two million things. And it is worth noting none of these characters are disliked for their weapon choice. Ephraim has brash 99% of the time flawless perfectionism- he could use a sword and it'd make no difference on this. They could have made Corrin an Assassin Lord with the Dagger Ne Plus Ultra, and it wouldn't address most of the real issues with Corrin. Robin is disliked? I'm not big on them myself, but I thought they were generally loved?
  22. Just to put this on the record and out of my system once and for all, I want to state this opinion one last time and then I'll try not to utter it again. It might change eventually, but for now, it rings true. Fire Emblem Heroes is HIDEOUS! I'm not referring to just outliers like Lloyd and Eliwood, outside of like the Black Knight (who you really can't mess up at all) I don't like nor love anyone's artwork. At best I'm ambivalent (male swimsuit bods- but I must visually behead them first- I want your body, not the symbol of your mind, personality, and individuality), at worst I'm very critical (Merric is Mauled-ic, bad when I like Merric and his SD and NM profile images). And a cheap generic iOS game polish appears to coat the game, artwork included. Everyone looks best in their base game official artwork, barring the stuff from the NES and SNES eras for 1-4 where the first depictions weren't necessarily the best, so Treasure > FE4 game manual for instance. Change from the base artwork for anything from FE5 and beyond just ruins it for me. And yes I do like RD's artwork a lot, I consider it a progression from PoR's style of bold cartoonish colors and design to a greater measure of realism, much as was done with 4-5 and 6-7, that is my excuse. This is the same reason I have such a hard time finding video game posters I like, if fans make it and it lacks veneer of official polish, which is 99% of it, I don't like it. The freelance artists FEH uses has the same effect of looking a little too unofficial. I do like SMT, but there I accept aesthetic disparities and between different demons, because I still consider it to have some cohesiveness and I just like it there. The sprites, when still, are the only likable aspect of the aesthetics. This I will concede and cannot hide and actually wear proudly. Simply because chibi-fied sprites that look nothing like official artwork is different- the former is what we have to work with technically and for gameplay, which is cool and fine. The latter the ideal and true appearance of a character, so if it is bad here, I take issue with it. Call me a Fire Emblem Visuals Reactionary, you Heroes Aesthetics Internationalists can try to hang me for it.
  23. Maybe Tauroneo? From forgettable to likeable and tragically underused for me. Skrimir- I never disliked him, but now I see him as getting a fair deal of character development in Parts 3 and 4, which I didn't before. A hypothetical RD remake would do well to make his prominence more clearly stated. Serra- I don't like her personality that much, but her reading her Hector and Lucius supports did a fair bit to redeem her in my eyes. Enough I'd strangle Lyn, Florina, and Farina to give her Hector out of pity. And although she's a cleric, she does marry Oswin, Erk or Matthew when Aing them. I think Geitz looks good and is a decent unit. But I feel his character, being lost in life without a goal in mind, leaves him unable to be that well liked. Since only in the A Dart does he ever find something meaningful for the long haul in life. And we don't talk of the Karel.
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