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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I get this. Call it the Anthropic Principle, humans tend to envision things in human terms with human features because we're human and its what we know the most and value the most. If beavers had a god, would we be surprised it had beaver features? Not all religions do this, Judaism and Islam, while using human metaphors for God, make the explicit point that "God is in no way a human or earthly or mortal at all, and to think otherwise is heresy of the highest order like those Jesus freaks (no offense to Christianity)". IS could have gone with something else admittedly- nothing forces Ashunera to be human formed. And they could always say she was first a giant fish monster or something totally incomprehensible to the mortal mind who took humanoid form to be more approachable to the Zunanma- that is a popular excuse in other video games. Well admittedly we're playing a video game where we fight a god. If said Ashera could just say, "You don't exist anymore." and everyone went poof out of existence, then there goes any hope of the heroes defeating her. You have to handicap a god somehow, or really really really build up the heroes' power. Anankos shouldn't have lost given that dimension travel, that time warping, that life creation, that Valla Curse, and his power to manipulate people. But Anankos does, because despite being of enough sanity to control a Metal King Slime masquerading as Garon and make coherent sentences for a decade or more with it, and also control Gunter and Takumi depending on the route, he is also degenerating and insane so he can't bring all his assets to bear on the forces of light in rational manner. Anankos is extremely powerful, possibly outdoing Ashera, but he wastes it. For some, Anankos being so strong yet so stupid is partly expectable of Fates's writing. They layer power upon power upon this dragon trying to make him out as a intimidating threat, but it backfires given how illogical he is. Gharnef and Julius and Nergal were all similar, but all they had was massive power and invincibility, they had less tools, significant tools, than Anankos (okay, Gharnef brainwashed Tiki, and Manfroy Deirdre and Julia- but less than possession here and still no timespace powers). Corrin and the Fates crew are no stronger it appears than any other FE cast, and yet they dispatch a foe much greater than what the others put down. If their power and talent is stagnant, and Anankos is stronger, then Anankos messed up more badly than Ashera et al..
  2. For lollipops I like green apple. Lime isn't a bad flavor. And on a citrusy note, if I'm at a restaurant and a glass of water comes with a lemon wedge, I throw it into the water and let the water soak in the lemon goodness. Why if you have a lemon wedge and don't want it, I'll take it add to mine. (The lemons are never cleaned you tell me? I tell you I have an immune system and that I'm not living for it to sit back and do nothing- it better get to work!) I should really buy some lollipops. Can't be too many calories and they take some time to get through. Secret diet sweet? Green apple, watermelon, apple, cherry, strawberry, all so good!
  3. Well it is Yune relays the tale of Ashunera, and Yune being half of her should share in at least some of the Goddess of Dawn's memories, which is as reliable a source as we could possibly get. A primordial chaos of water isn't unheard of in mythology. I know of at least one Native American mythos that begins that way, and Egyptian mythology across time and place (as in they couldn't have shared the story) has one example as well. Why Shintoism- yet again distant from the other two places, has Izanami and Izanagi creating the Japanese Islands, if not the entire world, in a vast body of water seemingly devoid of other things. The Zunanma, well according to RD 4-Final-3, they arose from the creatures Ashunera created. Relevant text from RD: However the Tellius Recollection artbooks give a totally contradictory account of the Zunanma, saying that after the goddess appeared in the water and made the land, she created the Zunanma "in her image". Either way, she did not create the Beorc and Laguz, they evolved out of the Zunanma. Look at the History of Tellius here for the relevant text. And sadly, while I don't know what the Japanese says since we don't have the Extended Script for this Chapter on SF, the English of 4-3 says this: The plural here could just be referring to Yune, Ashera, and their prior unified self. Or she could mean that there are other actual gods besides them. RD does have actual Spirits that show up in the final two fights, and Spirits are pretty close to being Gods. To turn to Shinto again, there is the idea of Kami in the religion- a Kami can mean any lowly spirit, any high deity. It can be the deity Inari, the spirits living in the tree outside your window, they can even lurk in your chef's knife (there are Pokemon based on bronze mirrors and bells gaining lives of their own- something based on Shinto folklore), they're basically everywhere and anywhere. Hence if the lowly Spirits exist in Tellius, and they do, the door is open to higher deities that we would call true deities and not just mortals pretending to be deities actually existing there. Not to mention that besides powers, and immorality/being harder to kill, what separates a god from a mortal?
  4. There is a DS remake of 1 & 2 called Legacy of Ys: Books I & II, and I know it gives the choice between running into your enemies and actually slashing them via a button press from an old Nintendo Power review I read. I don't know how good or bad it is. I've never played it nor any Ys game, so a connoisseur such as yourself may spit it out and throw in my napkin. But hey, this is an FE fansite, so virtually everyone here should have access to a DS/3DS to play it.
  5. And it is worth adding the conception of a god as always having to be omniscient, omnipotent creator of life applies mostly to the Abrahamic and other Monotheistic traditions like Sikhism and Zoroastrianism. Japan, a Shinto-Buddhist land by religion and the place where FE gets made, features no such deities. Some are surely more powerful than others, but none are any of those things. The Buddhas didn't create life- they only found the way to overcome suffering (and also get a bunch of miraculous powers). In Shinto- Izanami and Izanagi created Japan, but they weren't the absolute first beings to exist nor do they rule the lives of the living. Other lesser deities do that, and Amaterasu rules in heaven. Then we even have the deification of human beings, which is relevant given we're talking about elevating dragons to god status in FE. Taira no Masakado was just a warrior-landlord in the Heian period who ended up on the wrong side of the authorities and got killed for it. After his death, he was transformed into a noble rebel of imperial ambitions, and later the guardian deity of Tokyo where he continues to be worshipped to this day. The scholar Michizane has also become a god of scholarship and lightning. Then we turn to other religions, like Hinduism. Where many groups declare their favored deity infinite, omnipresent and omnipotent- for worshippers of Shiva it is Shiva, for Vishnu/Krishna/Rama lovers, it is he, for SrI/Lakshmi/Kali/Durga worshippers, it's that goddess. And beneath them you get other gods. Rama did befriend Hanuman the ever-beloved monkey god whose awesome powers led to the creation of the literary Sun Wukong of the famed Journey to the West. But enough on this Religions 101 diatribe.
  6. Looking at the NM fan translation, you probably mean this line: Sounds from this the Binding Shield is only necessary for Tiki's sanity since she is a young child and thus not mature enough to handle her massive amount of power even if it is Dragonstoned away. Mila and Duma, who are far far beyond the reach of Archanea, probably aren't affected by the Shield and weren't even in Archanea when it got made. Perhaps, I don't really know SoV's plot. But maybe you're asking basically "What is wrong with dog excrement other than being smelly, dangerous to play with due to bacteria within, and not basically liking what comes out of things at the end of eating?"? What else does there have to be wrong with it? Don't mean to be so harsh, I'm not. But maybe people don't like the idea of plots being built around destiny working out just right when it could go awry two million ways? Maybe they wanted something more rational with less risks and needless deaths? Why didn't Rudolf himself try to be a reform emperor and force Rigel to change rather than take a chance his son could do it? Again, I don't really know if this is what they you speak of mean, I'm only guessing.
  7. I'm not sure I ever actually paid attention to that before now that I think about it. But given the red and yellow color matches what a full turn gauge looks like, it might be that it shows how much of a delay until your next turn? Quickly refreshing my mind with a few gameplay videos on YouTube, I noticed it depletes more the more AP you use in a single attack, and since you can cancel an attack partway through, that might be it. On Deathblows, when you learn a ground one (except for the last 3-6 of them which don't unlock until much later in the game for those who have Deathblows), you unlock a Deathblow for a character's Gear. There are also Deathblower 1, 2, and 3 accessories that unlock the last of the Gear Deathblows, but they don't come until later in the game. Fei according to the latest and therefore most reliable GFAQs guide can't learn his first Deathblow until level 5. Said guide doesn't list the necessary levels for other characters, but they should be the same or about it. His last doesn't come until level 80! Don't worry that is the extreme exception, that Fei's second to last Deathblow; the rest are available by level 50, and after a little plot event. He said ePSXe in the opening. So emulator.
  8. I think that is a mistake. The official timeline says Begnion in the time of the Three Heroes was founded as a Kingdom, not an Empire. The Empire of Begnion came much later. Any reference to Altina as Empress is therefore inaccurate, she would be Queen of Begnion, unless there is some unstated retrofitting of the title of Empress or Apostle (a title until Sanaki irrevocably tied to Empress) on her generations later. Furthermore, the timeline calls Meshua the 1st Apostle. The timeline was written dryly on its own without being tossed into a game with five oceans of additional text, and therefore should be free of errors. The relevant part of the timeline: -155: The Great Flood -131: Formation of Begnion Altina, one of the Three Heroes who defeated the Dark God, became the first Queen of Begnion. -95: Birth of the Apostle Altina’s granddaughter Yoram predicted the arrival of a great famine, and her prediction was confirmed. Yoram was known and worshipped as the Apostle- the one who could converse with the Goddess. 0: Begnion Empire established In the name of the Goddess’s chosen, the Apostle, the senate declared that all the regions outside of Goldoa were to be ruled by Begnion. The Begnion theocracy and empire was established, with the Apostle as its Empress. The first Empress was Altina’s descendant, Apostle Meshua.
  9. Another exception for the weak horse rule I heard and can confirm as true is SWC Male Avatar- his horse charge attack has a small wind vortex at the tip of his blade, which deals pretty heavily damage if you can hit someone with it. Gracia was also better on horse, but great? Maybe, but maybe not since her horseless self is so weak. The ability to slowly generate Spirit while on Horseback combined with her having the Spirit transfer Skill made added to her in this regard. (Actually, should FEW get similar Skills?.) We shouldn't forget that HW did the first full horse moveset (that me an bumpkin in the Musou world am aware of). Albeit Epona is rather chaotic. Doesn't help that Link has better options with his half dozen choices, the Master/Hylian Sword, Gauntlet, and maybe even Magic Rod and Spinner being better than Epona (so only better than the Great Fairy). Still, I guess Epona is proto-Xander.
  10. Xenogears isn't that hard a game, the focus was placed on trying to tell an elaborate sci-fi story with multiple layers. Still Lucario offers some good advice on the gameplay front. I'll provide some more and some other advice too. That Combo option is generally useless outside of like one early boss battle. Don't bother building up AP, just use Deathblows immediately, the Combo option doesn't make them stronger or anything, it serves no real purpose. The Booster command of Gears shortens the time between turns for that Gear, but causes them to consume extra fuel. You only need to Booster once in a given battle and it will stay on until you use the command again. It is good for boss battles. On the topic of ether, there are accessories called Ether Doublers- they're broken, particularly since while they are ground gear, their effect carries over into Gears. Anyone with an ether attack can deal pretty good or crazy damage. A place called Nisan sells them for a pricey price, but only for a limited time- but you have a long while before the shop changes, so you'll have time to accumulate the funds for one or two (and you can get one for free in the lategame). Whether you choose to use them or not is up to you, just making you aware of them. Whenever you need to make a jump, if failing to make the jump results in a trek back to where you were, consider waiting until you trigger a random encounter before jumping. Why? When the game decides you're getting one, there is a delay between the battle starting and you being allowed to move, and during this time, jumping is disabled. There is a rock-paper-scissors minigame in Lahan, you must complete this ASAP if you want a little reward later after completing a couple other minigames. The ultimate reward is just a low level of Charger if I remember right, which increases the fuel replenished when using the Charge command in a Gear, it isn't worth much at all. Only care about this if you're a total completionist. There isn't too much optional content, besides a few minor minigames and a little extra at the very end, Xenogears is pretty linear. There are two lategame boss battles, one of which you can very easily lose but the game will still progress, and the other where the boss suicides after a period of time. Losing/letting the boss suicide results in missing out on their drops. The suicide boss comes first, and offers the better reward. When it comes to the plot, don't expect to understand everything immediately, or even everything perfectly after a single playthrough. It is much thicker than any of the -blade games, which toned down the plot ambitions to bolster the gameplay and world and make a game with more popular appeal. The translation is also rather bad being from the PS1 era, which is made worse given a lot of special terms being tossed around. There is a wiki that can make things more comprehensible (but don't look at it until you're done with the game), of course all wikis carry a bias in how they write and interpret things. It does have its uses though in getting down the basics of everything that happened. I too can offer what I understand of it, which is admittedly a bit blurry having cleared the game years ago. Yeah. Everyone's EP using option is generally named differently, but the offensive skills they cover always use the Ether stat. Citan, the next playable character, uses the "Arcane" command. Hope you enjoy Tetsuya Takahashi's first masterpiece and the origin of all Xeno!
  11. He never appears outside of being a profile portrait in PoR, never is he shown on the battlefield commanding anything, even though he does help out during the final battle in Melior offscreen apparently. His ingame stats, tucked away in the data are: Now here is Blackie's: No wonder people were hypothesizing BK = Zelgius in PoR. Keeping Zelgius obscure served to ward off suspicions for those who weren't aware of hacking. RD continues what PoR started by never actually letting you see Zelgius's stats. He appears in two scripted battles, but never being fought in the gameplay (and in that game they just gave him stats identical to the BK's since the secret is out).
  12. There is still the Stiletto and Baselard. Sothe had nothing to do with the Peshkatz, so no reason Volke can't have Baselard- the ultimate Knife in RD. I very much doubt Volke would be getting Lethality, and obviously they can't make Stillness work (unless it was altered into something like "Enemy cannot initiate combat against this unit every other turn").
  13. They could port XCX, the gamepad is used for the map, but that is mostly a utilitarian bonus putting it on the gamepad. Other open world games are fine without a second screen, it just means a little more pausing for menu stuff. I remember I enjoyed TWEWY when it first came out. I haven't played it in a long time, and while I would like to redo the story with fresh eyes from scratch, I'd have to delete the file I put a lot of work into to do that, and I don't want to. I'd probably be better at the gameplay now, but the characters and plot I'd probably criticize more. I would certainly frown on Shiki's awful design much more, but I don't know whether my old Hanekoma and Joshua likings would endure. Another Day was a fine parody and break from all the seriousness of the main plot (well the Superboss building was still a bit serious, but the rest wasn't). I still recall the... what was it? Blue and some other color (aka Neku and Joshua) going together like that quip. The ability replay any individual day freely once you beat the game was a great feature of it, and the Secret Reports you could collect were neat, if a little esoteric jargon filled.
  14. I know that. Not everyone wants overly serious additions (and Seasonals alone will not satisfy this demand). And here are few lovable Oliver lines from RD while I'm at it: I have seen death; it holds no mystery for me. Only my pursuit [that of the beautiful] matters. I have seen death’s vistas and returned an even wiser, more exquisite man! Take it in! Bask in the beauty! The world simply could not bear to be without me. Your crude weapons have no force against true magnificence! Blessed with such beauty, I have no foes… only inferiors! Sub…sub…sub-human! Tiger! Tiger! Eyes burning bright! In my foyer late at night! Oh, my poetic soul! I’m much too delicate for this!Ho ho, what have we here? A fine little raven indeed! Please… Let me see the length of those wings. I’ll need to know, if I’m to take… proper care of them. You could never understand the depth of my commitment to beauty! Sometimes it simply overwhelms me. I can’t stop the love welling up inside!
  15. True enough, Oliver is the voluptuous elephant in this quartet consisting otherwise of graceful black herons. Why he got thrown in beyond memes, there is no reason I'd say.
  16. One, nobody said anything about him being replaced. Does the datamine show any evidence of this? Two, I'm patient and aren't expecting him for a long while, over a year or more if it is so. This game has had an aversion to adding evil sorcerers so far. No Nergal, Gharnef, Jedah, Iago, Manfroy, Julius, Lyon, Validar (I'm a little surprised no Aversa yet given she has the orbs to sells Orbs), or Sephiran (and needless to say no Riev or Izuka). That I still haven't joined this game yet helps (I'm either too... put off by the gacha concept, or I demand too much too good having absorbed the complaints of this board). Though really they should have saved Oliver and BK Zelgy for later and focused on more DB members. Maybe throwing in Jarod for the GHB while we're at it, although he is a minor villain, he is a villain only Micaiah's crew can claim. Plus Infantry Lance isn't overly common as a unit type. You can't fit all three of Edward-Leonardo-Nolan when you already have Micaiah and Sothe? So what? They had no issues leaving other sets incomplete. We have an Oscar with no Kieran, a Nephenee with no Brom. Three Fangs when there are supposed to be Four. I could name others too.
  17. So if we find out who has the biggest feet in all of FE we'll know who'll get those skills?
  18. That is... one "interesting" hot dog costume.
  19. Pelleas will come after a massive spam attack on FEH where you're promised 1 million Orbs for a pint of your blood. Just do it I say! I checked and all the deal is perfectly legal and what it says it is. Also, Sothe having good Atk doesn't sound out of place since RD Sothe was strong but slow (as much as a Rogue could be) growths-wise.
  20. Fine my word choice was wrong, but I still think I have a point. That bird has a name you know- it's Yune. She came to Micaiah one day out of the blue, as did the name. Still, nice touch since it did always look great in Micaiah's official artwork.
  21. That is going to older than Arceus real fast. I wish whatever STD Victreebel gives on whomever makes one of these.
  22. Forgot about them. Makes a difference, but because I've actually played RD and not 4&5, Zelgius feels more villainy. And that he gets a lategame true identity reveal and survives into the finale of the Tower while the other two die sooner makes him feel more super villainy than Simba and Tordo Reborn. You fight him in Gen 1, unless you have his half-sister talk to him. If he isn't a villain, then I think we drop the notion Camus is one too. Plus BR Xander and a whole bunch of others.
  23. Well they're staying true to the base games here? Micaiah is known for having a poor Speed stat, and Oliver is just plain horrid statistically in RD. Dunno where Micaiah gets the Def from though. Also, having Zelgius in the base pool seems strange since he's a villain. Maybe this was inspired by RD? Sanaki is protected by the Holy Guard led by Sigrun and Tanith who are close to her. In exchange for them protecting her from harm in Heroes, she buffs them? Hopefully they'll come later, with Tanith as a sword flier for variety.
  24. Story- mash A through it. And skip all the musical scenes. It isn't anything unique, nor anything terribly bad, just very cliched and simple. Characters- don't take them too seriously or pay too much attention to their sidequest stories and they're okay. (But the Tiki=Waifu sidequest was awful.) Taken lightly, it ain't so bad, Barry is a little creepy, but the rest are perfectly bearable. Why I even skim into liking some of the silliness of the stuff in this game. Music- good standard battle theme, felt the boss theme was a little too understated. The rest was fine to pleasant. Gameplay- the entire reason to play. If Sessions could be sped up and Itsuki swapped out, it'd be better, but as is it is solid enough to be very enjoyable. Pretty much typical SMT faire with FE touches such as making the "Physical elements" Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow instead of just Phys and Gun. I like SMT so I liked the gameplay, and the dungeons had a good bit of complexity, length, and light puzzle elements. There are nitpicks, but every game has them. Aesthetics- I have Touma in my sig, what more need be said? While some outfits are a little eh (Kiria and Tsubasa's Carnage forms), I like the flash and style overall. Mamori might take a little time to grow on you, but its a good outfit. The selection of alternative costumes is pretty good, and Touma is no. 1 followed by Yashiro. The various weapons have good designs, and the Mirages mostly look awesome (Dark Knight Cain being one of the few weak ones). Conquerer Chrom is my absolute favorite here, I wish the real Chrom could be remotely as cool. Battle animations are great, and Duo Arts, Special Performances and Ad Libs are satisfactorily filled with flair. I'd consider doing a Lunatic run with a fight against the superboss, but from what I've heard, I'd almost need to buy DLC for easy stat incense farming to handle that.
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