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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Correct. I'm just using this: http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/decimal-to-binary.htm I'm not so smart that I could figure this out on my own. I took AP Biology and not AP Chemistry or Physics because the latter two are, to put it simply, "Too much math". I did watch a movie on some brilliant Indian (I can't spell his name) in the 19... 10s? Who went to Britain, and despite lacking an education, was able to write amazing mathematical theorems, postulates and other things. He attributed it to his deity placing the numbers on his tongue. Died prematurely of tuberculosis I think, shame. His notebooks have still not been completely deciphered. 143 (someone eventually trip up on this).
  2. Well they had to provide an OC user of all weapon types eventually. And staffs include status inflicting stuff, so someone named after a trickster god getting staffs isn't a bad idea.
  3. What I should be writing, a historiography of at most 18-24 pages (hey, I've got 3 weeks or 21 days as of tomorrow). I've had all the books in my room for months, read mostly but not critically analyzed into papers. And I should also be working on a syllabus (I never want to teach because I'd be bad at it, but the professor demands it for a grade- hopefully it won't be too bad). Instead, I've been fanficting of embellishments to Shadow Dragon's well worded and simple, but all too short script. One embellishment was on trying to flesh out Camus in a post Chapter 7 scene. My goal, give the first Camus reason for being such a Camus- loyal to a fault.: 100111010
  4. Here's hoping you get all the Fjorms in the world then. Of course I don't know if she is Ice Affinity. Canas is Anima oddly, and so is his mother, despite her hating it. Known Ices: FE6: Marcus, Wolt, Saul, Barth, Sin, Klein, Thea, Echidna, Raigh, Igrene, Gale FE7: Marcus, Raven, Legault, Ninian (golly gee!), Pent, Jaffar FE8: Innes, Natasha, Kyle, Artur, Marisa, Valter, Lyon A quick google search brought up this, looks reputable: https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/the-positive-and-negative-sides-of-japans-obsession-with-dating-by-blood-type
  5. To just post it, here is the FE Wiki FE7 Affinity Chart: Birth Month Type A Type B Type O TypeAB 1 Ice Wind Fire Ice 2 Wind Fire Thunder Anima 3 Ice Wind Anima Thunder 4 Anima Fire Thunder Ice 5 Light Thunder Fire Wind 6 Thunder Anima Wind Fire 7 Anima Wind Ice Thunder 8 Wind Dark Fire Anima 9 Fire Ice Anima Thunder 10 Ice Anima Wind Fire 11 Anima Thunder Ice Ice 12 Thunder Fire Wind Light This doesn't exactly work for Tellius, since they dropped Ice and Anima, and added Water, Heaven, and Earth. I normally not into horoscopes in the least, but I like the Affinities. And we could use this to extrapolate what Awakening/Fates characters might have as their Affinity. I know Owain has to be Ice. Why? Because he's born in July the 7th month, and his Blood Type is O++++++++++++!
  6. Wow Dark is rare. Only one combo gets you it. And Light has only two. Everything else is much more plentiful, the game kinda reflects on this imbalance when you look at the affinities of everyone. Also, Dark is also the Affinity of the Black Knight, Naesala, Calill, and Giffca- awesome! In FE8: Knoll and Rennac- yeah i'm never doing an Affinity run of Dark in this game. In FE7: Merlinus, Isadora, Rath and Karla. Not so good. In FE6: Rutger, Melady, Perceval, Zelot, Astohl, Merlinus, and ironically Sophia. Clearly FE6 was the reign of night before Nohr ever existed- the bosskiller god, the winged goddess, the horse god, the midgame horseman and the best thief are all Dark. She is Wind in FE8.
  7. But from what little we know, we only have Princess Snowflake on the Ice side. Even if we add Zenithia to her, that seems kinda boring. Three new chars + maybe Veronica Virus vs. the old trio + Fjord. I tend to like Ice over Fire I think, but here both sides are less than ideal for me. Does this mean FEH is going to need to know my Birthday and Blood Type? O I'm positive that's abad idea. A negative to me ever playing this game it would B if this were the case. I liked Affinities though. I wish I was Dark- I'd be in the company of Soren and Micaiah. Does anyone know where I can find out what each Blood Type made your Affinity in FE7? I know it + Month of Birth = Tactician Affinity in FE7, which got reduced to just Month of Birth since only Japan is superstitious about Blood Types.
  8. Suns? Not a problem! *Kicks a turtle shell at it* Plus you can never up the stakes too much in something like this. Plus if Bruno dies, he can get resurrected with a new appearance and more power. Death frees him from possession, which means when he is revived, he can join the heroes. Death could make him more possessed? Fantasy logic can suit the former or the latter, I choose the former. Also, random thought lingering from the bow armor discussion, I want Crossbows!
  9. Makes a great Rallybot. Str, Spd, and Def are the ones you'd want most of the time and Percy gets them from this pairing. Percy can A+ Dwyer for Res, and marry Nina/Soleil for Skill, or on Rev marry Rhajat/Mitama for Magic and even Luck. A one stop Rally machine with wings! Of course Percy makes a great combat unit with a different mother. You gotta choose well.
  10. Haven't played this, but speaking from Hyrule Warriors, no! Level cap increases are in practice either superfluous levels or necessary levels to complete challenges. Given FEW is supposed to be strategic, the idea of being able to clear say Pegasus heavy battles with a mage simply by leveling more isn't good.
  11. Sadly yes, and I'm on the verge of asking for a ban until the current semester is over. I am Alcor, the Lifespan Star. I am the deadline you dread, the end to all. When I fade from sight, thou wilt have succeed or failed. But it will be your fault and not mine and that of my colleagues above. I am the Neglected Star. I am ignored just as your obligations are. In the sky dark and bright I hide, as you do in all you that is not performance of thy proper task. 279. And its my devotion to fleshed out SF posts that hurts me so dearly! I take forever to type anything! Have you seen my post on Deltre's RD LP? Dear Polaris I type too much.
  12. The Gemstone Generals aren't all bad. I liked the setup of good half and evil half- each side having a parallel. Selena parallels Riev- both magic. Glen parallels Valter- both Wyverns. And Duessel parallels Caellach- both physical grounded units. Having six elite enemy generals sounds cool, and the pre-split buildup is great. But not all of these characters are handled well. Good: Duessel is excellent- but he is later made a PC after all. So he doesn't count so much. Valter gets a lot of screen time and is wonderfully psychotic and sadistic. That Cursed Lance thing in the Duessel support might undercut him actually, since why did he once have to be good? Mid: Caellach might be just an evil mercenary, but does do enough bad and says enough to make him limitedly memorable. Selena is a second take on Brunya, one that is more developed (How many times does Brunya show up? Do we know why she loves Zephiel?). I wouldn't call her one of the better Gemstones though. Low: Glen. He exists. His argument with Valter is good, him and Cormag are good together, and his death on Eirika's route gives Cormag some nice drive and a good boss convo with Valter. However, Glen himself is terribly weak. He is a flying Duessel thats younger and has personality tweaks from that, but that is about it. He dies on Eirika's route before doing anything significant really, and he gets nothing on Ephraim's. Riev- evil sorcerer of the week. Uses light magic, controls monsters, serves the Demon King, and got excommunicated from Rausten- not that we ever learn the details. Riev is generic as generic can be. And what was his plan for Rausten he tells Caellach he has in Landing at Taizel? All he does is a midnight attack after the heroes arrive there. I don't consider that a plan. Their Eirika boss convo says nothing about Caellach doing that. He kills her because she didn't willingly give over the SS of Jehanna. As for Orson, true, we only get him in one chapter plus a few more lines before his betrayal is reveal. Orson wasn't a bad idea, but to make a betrayal meaningful, like a death meaningful, you have to establish a strong bond between the player and the betrayer/dead while they are live and good. Lilith's sacrifice in Fates anyone? If Orson betrayed later, things would be much better. Handling major enemy generals isn't a problem only in FE8. Petrine (the second coming of Narcian) and the BK are well done in PoR, but Bertram and Bryce aren't so well developed. Ena, who does masquerade as a Daein general for a time, is okay (I wish RD brought up her tactical side more). Awakening: Yen'fay is trashy trashy trash waste of existence and potential. Mr. "I Love Inappropriate Touching" is awfully cartoonish. Cervantes is a joke that need be shaved from this world. FE8's problem- too many Gemstones, plus Vigarde, Orson, Lyon, and the Demon King for villains. The game only has 22 Chapters per playthrough- short by FE standards. And while the split route thing certainly helps Lyon and also gives others a little more time. It isn't quite enough.
  13. I'm ignoring everything about this game to preserve that all too valuable unbiased first impression. But there is one thing that is bothering me- what is the DLC going to be and how much will it cost? Need to conserve eShop funds for that. I'll assume the typical $20 for good non-cosmetic/grinding DLC. It seems like video games as a whole nowadays need you to shell out for extra if you want the complete package. As long as games are giving more than they used to and the DLC quality is good, I don't necessarily mind this. But just remember that a $60 purchase is really an $80.
  14. You have no found memories of crayons? Or bananas? And bold bright primary colors is a cornerstone of FE6 character design. Another is cartoonish appearances, although not all designs are immature/unserious, many are both or one of those things within the aesthetic. And honestly, FE6 has worse official art: Lugh pops, but I think he pops rightly. So does Cecilia. He looks kiddy/cartoonish, but also does that rightly. Voting Gauntlet consisting of fruit and maybe vegetables? If Lugh = Banana, Takumi = Pineapple, Maria = Tomato, then what else do we have to work with? You've called Ike a Blueberry before, but do we want him in another Gauntlet (unless you're certain he'll be Buckled, Grunted, Cobbled, Jammed, Tarted, Pied and thrown atop a waffle/pancake)? We have other blues we work with. And let us leave the seafood off the table for now. How about Zephiel? Murderer and daughter of the murdered. Like BKxMist and RobinxLucina and ArvisxJulia. Not unique enough? Then try LilinaxCaeda. Or Lilina xEliwood or Lyn or Florina? Fae would be cute.
  15. It isn't a reference to anything. I just chose to avoid using spoilers by using code names, all of which relate somehow to the uncoded meaning. (This is late, but I spend forever on my posts): On average, Lilina hits 30 Magic by 20/11. So she can wreck things pretty easy if she hits. Again, I've never played FE6, but I've taken to Hugh. Partly out of pity, partly out of character, partly out of stats. I like his balanced Mag + Spd combo being between Lugh and Lilina, and his unique durability lead. Sadly the durability doesn't come fast enough and you can buy Robes in his joining chapter. Well a 20/10 Lugh has 21 Skl and 15 Luck, a 20/10 Lilina has 13-14 Skl and 18 Luck. A Fire tome is 95 hit, a Thunder 80, Elfire 75, an Aircalibur 85. Let us assume the average foe has 30 Avoid. You run the numbers- I don't want to do them. This: Vs. This: I tend to be shotacon, but I can see grounds for liking Lilina more. She is the Caeda of FE6, with a good deal of attention on her, and gets a cargo ship of supports- as many as Roy! This said, I think I'd lean towards using Lugh barring stat screwage.
  16. Lilina is a single shot glass cannon from what I hear. Slow and inaccurate (low Skl and high Luck), but very strong and with 1-2 range durability doesn't matter too much. Can replace Lugh if he's Magic screwed or if you just prefer her. Cecilia has poor stats, 17-18 Magic and 15 Speed at 20/20. But C Staffs, while not A or B, can hit B for Physic on a reasonable time frame I imagine. Her magic damage can still be a good chip, particularly with the buyable Aircalibur vs. Wyverns, starting with A Anima is great. High mobility from having a horse is always appreciable. And her only competition is from Clarine, who while much faster, luckier, and skillful, doesn't exactly level fast and has the same poor Magic. Scarface was redeemed, or tried to redeem themselves, in FE3 already with the gutsy act that lead to their fatal wound. Scarface becoming playable in FE12 is in line with the game's PC extravaganza, and was admittedly cool. Albeit Scarface losing their namesake was strange, and their 2 base Luck is problematic. And why can't Scarface recruit Immaculate? Is the game secretly implying, disgustingly, that Immaculate loves Wisdom that way? I can get behind the other Boxed Lunches being recruitable only by their Forks, and not their Side Dishes, but Immaculate doesn't have a Fork, and loves both of their Side Dishes equally. Scarface's survival after SD is owing to Immaculate's care after all.
  17. To be fair, her Fates character ending doubts that she ever existed. One, FE12 nixed Phina's Rapier use- bad FE12! You removed a hint of mystery from a character in Archanea- you should know better than to steal the tiniest bit of development one of that continent's cast gets. Two, it's Leanne. Three, in Japanese, it'd be even worse with rl thing, that'd make Reyson and Rafiel sematically L refreshers too. Four, don't forget the refresher bards! Nils is so cute!
  18. Well for natural axe users, we get Vaike, Cherche, and Frederick. Later, as in MUCH later, we get Flavia, Basilio, Walhart and Priam. As for building weapon rank on those who don't start with a weapon type, it isn't too bad for axes, lances, and tomes if you can get some units to snowball into juggernauts. Since tomes always have 1-2 range and axes and lances get it cheaply buyable at D rank. Snowballed juggernauts + 1-2 range = weapon ranks in a blink of an eye. Bows have it even worse than axes, it's just Virion, Noire if you breed her, and much later Basilio. Building bow rank is awful since Awakening without galegrind is enemy phase dominated. Virion has issues getting off the ground, and Noire too has only a C Bow rank to start. Which is why buying Jamke is the best thing you can do for a bow user. 235
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