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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. I might just have to do another run of RD when I get the time. Your style is quite intriguing. And all those yellows, besides adding a sense of scale and grandiosity to the battle, do help out if your DBs haven't turned out so well, since they lack Nailah or the BK to be an emergency backup button anymore. I do love 3-13 as well, it's fairly well designed and the plot atmosphere is right. The official name for the music that plays during this fight and Elincia's Gambit is "Bearer of Hope". On the baleful Blood Pact, I calculated that in 100 days, 5050 people would die of it. In a year, it'd be 66795. We don't know how populous Daein is, but if we go by Early Medieval European/Dark Ages standards, it could be as low as half a million (in Britain) to 3.5 million (Spain and Portugal combined), or to go by pre-Black Death Medieval European standards (the peak of Medieval populations), it'd be as low as 2 million (Hungary) and up to 20 million (France). That's a lot of variability. As for how the Blood Pact works, I don't think it activates itself, Lekain would do that when he thinks Daein is being disloyal. How would it know who to target? That is my serious issue with it. Nationality (not to be confused with ethnicity, which is biological) is not innate to people, it's a social construct, as are political borders. If it target the geographical area of Daein somehow, how could it tell the difference between a say Daeinian and Begionite? I like what the Blood Pact tries to do, which is forced Daein into being a puppet and Micaiah into being one who serves a puppet. She is almost a playable Camus in this regard, and its interesting to me. Its how it does it thats the issue. On her use of oil, fire and rocks- well she can't win in an open battle at all b/c her forces are so much weaker than Ike's. So she used strategy to compensate for inferior numbers. Soren did a similar thing with the camp attack back in 3-3, so I find her justified unlike what some others say. Pelleas is pathetic, but he's an okay bookish guy. He just really isn't suited, at all ,for kingship. His attempted sacrifice is tragic and also an attempt at redemption (which failing, is in a sense in line with his pathetic nature- he can't even sacrifice himself right). I kinda like the plot more when he dies, but I always spare him for a reason. The ability to save him though on second playthrough is more... fulfilling(?) if you actually did a first playthrough. Since you know death isn't the answer and knowing the tragedy already, you've tasted it and hence are fine with and really want something happier. On the Warp Powder, I think the weakening effect played a role in the delay of kidnapping Leanne by the BK. He waits until Tibarn leaves Leanne's side because the BK probably doesn't want to fight the almighty Hawk King with his own strength dulled. That Nico Base Conversation, the kid Micaiah Sacrifice healed back in 1-1, and who was also for some odd reason despite being from Nevassa a captive Fiona saved in Marado in 1-6-2, was also an international additIon. But the rest of the Base Convos you saw are in the Japanese original. By the way, looking over the Extended Script for 3-12 and 3-13, here is everything I can find thats different (besides Bright Bow's Blood Pact details). 3-12: 3-13: And you know what else you need? Boss Conversations! Have a boatload of even more text! Here is 3-6: Just a bunch but not all from 3-7 (since you already triggered a bunch): 3-12: And 3-13: Why not some generic Part 3 Begnion boss convos too? (Featuring Ike 99% of the time.)
  2. Now that I think about it, why besides retroactively adding Vika to PoR, why not add Fiona? Marado stayed out of the war against Ashnard, and her father was suspected of being killed by Ashy, she has reason to join. Jill got deleveled in RD, no reason they couldn't do the same with Fiona. If they gave her a support with Tauroneo, we could get some lovely backstory to Lanvega too.
  3. Maxime. So Maxim. Not bad, you share the name with a classic machine gun and the protag of Lufia II. I don't think anyone is named Alcor. I'm not saying anything on myself.
  4. *Is flattened and perforated with holes as the above poster was covered in spikes.* *Summons my Huckebein Mk III Boxer hops in. Converts the outer armor into a giant sword charged with gravity upon which I surf upon at high speeds, aiming directly at the next poster.* G-Sword Diver!
  5. Some platformers do put be on edge with, if not sweaty, at least feeling sweaty hands. I'm only average in the platforming department, and below average with platformers. And yeah some more brutal RPG foes can do the same- the Storm Emperor in EOU, despite being the supposedly easiest of the dragons and being near level 80, had zero issues brutally mauling my team- doesn't help I forgot the "roar before Torrent" part of their pattern- that I won was pure luck. Blizzard King was easier for me, and that still hit like a truckload. The Great Dragon is going to throw me on edge again for sure, though at least its not so bind/ailment heavy like SE.
  6. Yeah I like Elincia, but she's an accessory like Guinevere in FE6/Nyna in SD for most of PoR. Her opening is particularly cliched- a mysterious girl who happens to be the secret princess of a kingdom doesn't make me want to hurl like Ninian does (though she isn't so bad when you know Sophia exists), but it's not good. She does get better, but RD is where she truly shines. Actually, Elincia: “Ha ha! I wasn’t raised at court, so my life was a bit different than other princesses. I cooked,cleaned, sewed…Why, I did all manner of things.” Mist: “Really? That’s surprising. I would never have guessed that by looking at you.” Elincia: “Let’s see, I also rode horses, practiced swordfighting…Ah, Mist. What’s that around your neck?” And then one chapter later Elincia: “My lord Ike, I…I will fight with you!” Ike: “…No, you won’t.” Elincia: “My lord?” Ike: “I cannot let you expose yourself to danger of any kind. Everyone here is risking his life to ensure your safety. If you understand that, you’ll cooperate and do as I ask.” Elincia: “I see…I will do my part.” I wish Elincia joined as a staffbot in C6, and had scattered availability from then on out (no Begnion fighting, no C7/8/9 fighting, but otherwise full availability). With her promotion being after Battle Reunion (her promotion bonuses would be large to compensate for her late appearance).
  7. In doing research papers, I've checked out dozens of books, some quite musty. Although my future potential career may involve a lot of them, I do wish I had a surgical mask if it helped deal with the odor. Also, a pair of thin gloves for books with sharp edges on their pages, just to avoid paper cuts which I have never experienced, but think may happen so day.
  8. I just plugged in the addition (there must have been an algorithm that could let me get the answer in a minute, but I didn't check). After 100 days of an active Blood Pact, you get 5050 deaths. Given said Blood Pact was enacted on Kilvas, a small island nation composed of Laguz who probably as a result of their longer lifespans (about 210 years for Ravens I think, assumes a Beorc lives for 60) with smaller overall population and birth rate, and live purely on hunter-gathering, losing half the population sounds quite feasible. 5050 deaths for Daein though, given it's said that during 3-13 Micaiah had a meagre army of 10000, doesn't sound so worrisome. Of course, extend the war to four months (120 days) and we're now adding another 2000 souls to the death count. A year would kill Daein, which IRL would make fighting against a Blood Pact impossible. In FE though, wars end in a year tops. And how long could the Senate last if Sanaki's reveal took away half of the much vaunted Begnion Central Army, which now had to face Crimea on top of Daein? Extending it to 5 months would add about 3000 more deaths at 100+ per day, a half year would be over 13000 dead for Daein. We don't know how large Daein's population is, but a quick look on Wikipedia puts High Middle Ages France and Italy in the 10-13 million and 18-20 million pre-Black Death range. So 13000 deaths sound bearable. If we choose to suspend the knowledge of FE ingame wars being extraordinarily short compared to actual wars fought historically, including historically ingame (there was a 46 year war in the past of Tellius which pit everyone vs. Begnion), then yes, the Blood Pact can be a HUGE threat. A five year war, to use the Crimea-Daein War of 420-425, would be pretty awful if either was BP'ed. Just felt like doing some random logistics and such. Such is true of soooooo much entertainment media. You hear it in video games, in movies, in TV, in everything really. And does anything change? Yes maybe and certainly sadly no. Well for the one Kilvas signed, this is but a guess, but it lists Kilvas in 428 surrendering to Begnion. Perhaps it was the Blood Pact which gave Kilvas its nominal independence? But this is purely speculation with no evidence whatsoever to back it. I don't mind what the Blood Pact tried to do. Namely make Daein the pawn of Begnion, it's just how it does so that is the issue. I don't mind Pelleas being weak and Micaiah going along, it's different for a change of pace and potentially quite interesting to have a MC who is subject to a feeble master. In reality, there were plenty of generals and ministers who had to serve with a big hegemonic master power in the background, and or monarchs whom they served, but really didn't want to due to their hedonism/weakness/inherited biological defects. To amend this, one could do something more ordinary. Just load Nevassa with Senatorial "advisors" surrounding Pelleas, accompanied by a small but ruthless defense force. Pelleas becomes the hostage of Begnion in his own land, and Micaiah, devoted to Pelleas, like a typical Camus refuses to do anything that might result in her liege's death and go against his commands. If Izuka was kept around, he could be providing strong poisons which Begnion could use if need be to kill off Daeins citizens. As for Micaiah using oil and fire. The weak can't fight the strong on equal terms, tactics like oil, though repulsive to modern tastes, was fine back then and perfectly strategic and a way of actually. Soren, not to hate him like SHM does, I'm only pointing out writing hypocrisy, employs a supply camp hit in my beloved 3-3, and Tibarn planned to do the same were it not for Naesala's betrayal in 3-2. Soren also has watch guards drugged by Mist and the cat girls in 3-1. Micaiah was justified in her use of oil (and Robin in fire ships- Valm was just too numerous, in an open battle Ylisse would lose), but the game doesn't treat it the same. Why? Probably because Sanaki wasn't fighting back and didn't want to. All she wanted to do was pass through Daein peacefully. But she did this with an army intended for fighting the Senate, and full knowledge Daein was allied to the Senate. Therefore, she really wasn't an innocent traveler passing through and Micaiah had the right to attack her.
  9. Either this game is extremely long, or the latter chapters go by quickly (hopefully that doesn't mean rushed). And hopefully this doesn't drag out the earlier chapters either. XC has been criticized somewhat for the Satorl Marsh-High Entia Tomb stretch. XCX did take a long time to complete the plot if you didn't intentionally rush it with something like Brainjack-Servant Sacrifice on some Millesaurs. But the chapters themselves were very short, you spend a lot of time between chapters leveling, sidequesting, and exploring.
  10. I'd like a human conflict, no degenerate evil dragons or cults. But all I'll really ask is for good execution of whatever is decided on.
  11. I heard, I don't know the source, that the Celica in this game was taken from partway into SoV's development. Her ultimate weapon is the Ladyblade and not Beloved Zofia correct? And the History Map for her is based on Gaiden and not SoV? (I don't actually have FEW.) Therefore this Celica is an unpolished in-between. It's conflicting to me. Sometimes you need the buildup in supports, other times it feels like filler. Sometimes "Buildup-Buildup-Climax", other times I want "Buildup-Climax-Aftermath" and others yet I want "Buildup-One Topic-Another Topic" For an example I consider SothexTormod padded out in the C and B: On the other hand, TormodxCalill does "Buildup-Buildup-Climax" well:
  12. We do have the Sephiran memory scene of the covenant, but only Altina and Lehran talk there. Dheginsea and Soan (who really gets the short stick of the 4 legends) are there but don't talk for some reason. Knowing what happened to Soan would on that note be a good idea. It doesn't appear Dheg or Lehran knows he sired a Branded for some reason. Stefan doesn't even get Tower boss convos when Jill somehow does. They could do this in a half hour. Or just make it FE4 Remake DLC with fixed units. I'd like the Issach Campaign itself to be done like this- get some time in for Byron, Kurth, and Mariccle. Also, a good day in the life of the Arvis and his happy wife and children as the imperial family of the world- before Julius goes evil. I want them to fill in the gap in our understanding of Nergal. When he left his kids at the Dragon's Gate to get his wife Aenir. We see her die, Nergal's grief thereafter, and the beginnings of his life thereafter leading to his meeting with Athos.
  13. It wouldn't be a bad thing if we actually had an FE situation where talking worked real well, and I don't mean a simple red-to-blue recruitment. Something like "Character A thinks they have to destroy Country B who is against them" but "Character C, after only minor conflict with Country B, is able to get them to cease hostilities via diplomacy". Thus showing that peace can be better than war. Country D who Country B was allied to (or just so happened to be fighting protags independently) would still exist for a slaughtering. Listening to what everyone is saying about supports in this game, while the CBA style typical to FE works for some character relationships, perhaps it isn't the be all end all. One longer conversation as opposed to three small ones might work better in some circumstances.
  14. KentxFiora is good as well I agree. And how does Rath marry Sacae? Does he just get in tune with nature? At last, after years of wandering alone, Rath was at last able to return home to his native Sacae, for so the dream he dreamt upon return from the Dread Isle told him. One night, shortly after he began the long ride in search of his Tribe, he unpacked and laid up the bare green earth with the sky above. He was as usual alone, with no one within sight, save for the company of his horse. His body stretched out upon the ground, he tried to sleep, but found he just couldn't. Something was nagging at him. He felt the Sacaen breeze, and then felt the dirt below. He sensed the smells of the plains, and then sensed the stars above on this cloudless clear night, shining as they were, the equals to the waxing half moon. So filled with sensation, in his mind countless images of his homeland, including expanses he had never seen ever in his short life, passed through his mind as if he was there at that very moment, so intricate were the details he could see. Saturated with the spirit of Sacae itself, Rath ceased to be in the particular, united with his universe. Breathless by this all, nature worked its ways on him, and a gust carried his seed away. Exhausted, Rath at last fell into a deep, fulfilled sleep. Awakening the next day, Rath, with a thin smile of the lingering awe from the night past, began his journey homeward again. Around midday, a tree appeared in his distant sight. It was strange, a lone tree, with absolutely nothing else nearby. No river, no animals, no field of flowers, no rocky outcrop, nothing. It appeared as though it was placed directly in his path. In need of a break for his friend and himself, he guided his horse to the tree, and sat in the shade of the boughs. But his horse soon after sitting became restive, and so too did he, something moved him to stand up again. On pure instinct, he went around to the other side of the tree, and found a sleeping baby girl in a bed of tall verdant blades. She was but a newborn, dressed in an interplay of shadows and light filtering through the swaying branches above and a little blown topsoil. Of hair as dark as the richest spring grass. How odd was this find of a infant without the slightest trace of human visitation around her. Rath could not understand why this was. But nonetheless, he was compelled to take this innocent with him, for alone she would die. He wrapped her in some spare cloth he had on hand, and held her firmly as he climbed upon his mare again. They began their journey once more, with this little miracle warmly in tow. As they moved away from the tree of rest and renewal, Rath turned his back to observe it one last time. But there was nothing in sight.
  15. Forgive me for not being well versed in the minutiae of love and sexuality- I never took a class on the matter. Though I can see there being a difference. They're all the same. I hope that's how you keep all your self-ships. I'm saying this for Julia's sake.
  16. Nope, it's Lyn or its no one for Eliwood. Fiona is like talking to a wall. Ninian is the silver medal, I guess I just don't like Ninian that much. As for Lyn, just not Rath, I'd rather Kent than Mr. Stoic. Even Wil over Rath. Also, RebeccaxWil over RebeccaxLowen, or RebeccaxRaven is more familial than romantic to me, but I love it.
  17. Not really. RD is only hard at the beginning, and Thracia is only hard blind I've heard. FE12 Lunatic and Conquest Lunatic are more challenging.
  18. FlorinaxHector is bad taste, but SerraxHector is good taste. And it lets you do LynxEliwood which is very good taste.
  19. You do realize she's going up against the guy who has Point Blank every time as an enemy in CQ, and CC in Heroes? Yet you have a picture of Oboro, loyal retainer of Takumi. Her having disobedient followers makes Takumi question her loyalty. That shall weigh heavily upon his fragile soul. He might get infected with evil and become paranoid and execute her as a result. You have little to fear. Bows are garbage in PoR, Astrid is good in spite of bows, she'll be using a lance/axe all the time once she promotes. Shinon is very solid in RD, but nowhere near broken, Astrid has a terrible start, Rolf is good but requires a lot of EXP, and Leonardo has a nice personal weapon, but that is about it.
  20. You pair poorly, Lucius and Hector are far better choices. Not that Matthew is bad, you could just do better. Let Matthew bury his heart with Leila.
  21. Takumi: Think you can Takumi on?! Shanna when she loses: Shanna: What!? Hmph, I could easily have taken care of a single archer.
  22. It's 5 Move, this isn't Gaiden thank Elimine. And I could just ferry Jaffar to Nino as well. Mind you the last time Nino got Bolting'ed was many years ago, I've gotten better since, but the memory remains. Much like the playthrough where I let Serra stay dead (killed after getting Erk). I thought she would haunt me.
  23. If Shanna, or Thany to use her old fantrans name, Thani bombs Takumi, what does it say about this game? That you can win solely VGs based solely on multipliers, cute little voice clips, and a pretty piece of freelance artwork. AKA don't take these things seriously, they say dirt about the characters themselves. Excuse me for being the Deity of Seriousness.
  24. So Shanna vs. Takumi. My prayers go to Takumi. Shoot Shanna down! Rather expectable. Oh well. Takumi, I don't really know you, nor care to know you, but know I appropriate you from a distance in my head. A little creepy yes, but so it is. Soren doesn't care for the attention anyhow, he can retire peacefully- he had no intention of originally joining this. He is a man of the shadows, who serves most loyally and brilliantly, but seeks not the reins of power. He'd make a bad king- no charm, charisma or popular appeal, he's better as a minister/bureaucrat. I don't ship SorenxIke by the way. As much as I like Soren, which is a lot, I don't ship them. Soren is devoted to Ike yes, but would Ike respond? Furthermore, is Soren actually sexually attracted to Ike? Does profuse love without sexual desire for another person of the same gender count as gayness? Or is it just camaraderie? Is same-gender camaraderie gay without being sexual? In which case is everyone a little gay? I just flipped through Shanna's supports, they, are, simplistic, and, short (like most in FE6). She's a perky carefree little sister, cute but little more than that. The supports aren't as atrocious as VaidaxCanas from FE7, but they aren't by any standard amazing either. Boring, and FE6's kiddy art direction doesn't help her. Amelia on the other hand gets a bunch of good supports. Three good husbands, a mentor and grandfatherly old man, and some girl to be a friend. This said Cavalier/Paladin Amelia >>>> Great Knight Amelia >>>> Knight/General Amelia.
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