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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. Not quite the final fight. After defeating Arvis, but before seizing Chalphy and ending C10/beginning the final chapter, you must have Seliph take a long walk on the beach. Then Deirdre and Sigurd have their ghosts appear, and Seliph gets the Life Ring with Renewal as its effect.
  2. Well marrying into royalty doesn't necessarily by inheritance laws make you royalty with good claims to titles and possessions. It depends much on the country and time. This said, feudal Japan did seem to permit wholesale adoption. Kenshin Uesugi I think I remember reading wasn't a true Uesugi, and lo he became the most famed of all. Hideyoshi before Hideyori's birth was considering adopting one of his grown man generals as his "son", which in retrospect would have been better for the Toyotomi Shogunate than a blood inheritance. Since Hideyori being but an infant when Hideyoshi died was a boon to the ambitious Ieyasu who didn't bother naming his bakufu the Toyotomi, nope, it was the Tokugawa Shogunate that would govern Japan for centuries. But that is just me being tangentially nitpicky. Good choice! Falco has its advantages, but if you want a pure combat Hinoka, Spear Fighter is the easy way to go. She'll trounce Oboro on average, and even tied with Mozu. On my Female only BR Lunatic, she with Rinkah as a battery and a Guard Naginata was invaluable for getting through Iago's second battle, as well as Izumo (with Javelin there), and outside of these instances she was still very powerful. On Revelation, I used her Camilla A+ to send her Wyvern Lord, it was better than Falco I'd say.
  3. You're contra (Latin for against) con*achoo*ception? So you're saying I should not conceive of buying it? And if I do, I should abort the purchase? Or at least donate it to someone else? For myself, in retrospect, I regret getting F-Zero GX (too hard), Metrioid Prime (it's just not for me), Luminous Arc 1 and 2, Triforce Heroes, Rivera the Promised Land (despite some, memorable, memories), Kid Icarus, Child of Light, Sands of Destruction, Super Street Fighter IV (but it was in a Humble Bundle that got me Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, so it wasn't so bad), Tales of Phantasia, Endless Ocean, FE Fates: Revelation, Raidou Kuzunoha vs. the Soulless Army, and lastly Soul Hackers a bit. I could name more if I really wanted to confess every game I have had issues loving. I try to avoid making regretful purchases, but I can't avoid this completely it seems. The praise is largely for plot (in RD, and even then it isn't perfect), aesthetics, numerous non-main characters being realistic (as in non-exaggerated gimmicky) but good in PoR (supports are awful in RD), music and world building. Gameplay isn't particularly exceptional, but no damningly bad either beyond some faults of RD's Part system experimentation. Also, Seisen no Keifu is hyped up. Good music, good world, good plot (well the first generation at least, but the second isn't so special, and the first has its faults too). The gameplay is very polarizing though. It's like RD, in many ways. Unlike Seisen though (assuming emulator), if you play RD, you'll currently need to spend big bucks. And even if you dislike Seisen, you won't regret playing it as much as you do PoR/RD, because they cost you a lot of real money. Hence, it might be better to wait on buying games you find questionable until you can obtain them for a low price, it'll be a little less regretful that way. Don't trust in the hype completely, read reviews, read minutiae on the gameplay, and always remember "let the buyer beware". No purchase you ever make in life is 100% guaranteed to make you happy (although if you want to enjoy it, but can't, it might be a serious psychological problem in need of help). And reading too many reviews may make your experienced impacted by their negativity. But I really should stop providing whatever I do every time criticism Tellius comes up. It's a hassle and it isn't necessary in the grand scheme of the universe and more importantly, my life. It also makes me in all likelihood more unlikable and portrays me worse than I am to other SF users. @eclipse Oh mod who moves with the agility born of Celerity. Who wields the legendary Banhammer effective against all armored or not. Who is the darkening sky. A tome of long range and HP halving, an OHKO on a crit but useless due to terrible hit. Who is the NoA name for the Black Knight's RD wicked mastery skill. Who is a summon costing 3 Jupiter and 2 Mercury Djinn. Should I ask in a PM in a serious manner (as in not strikethrough), could you put a temporary ban on me of 2-4 weeks? I love SF so much, but I'm afraid it's effecting me IRL, and even if a ban doesn't prevent me from stalking anonymously, it will be punch I might need to get myself disciplined again. Don't do it now, only if I ask for it again when I honestly can think I myself can no longer control the urge to SF. If I can't manage my use of this site on a normal basis, I need a sabbatical from it.
  4. The Fire Emblem is now a legendary sheriff's star. Native American portrayals must be handled with caution. This said, we can make them our shapeshifters. Although some not being shapeshifters is fine too.
  5. I'm not sure, but the Mods might not mind it. Since they know it's a protest against the trollness of the thread. Perhaps they'll get some points, perhaps the mod will just tell them "you really shouldn't have fallen for this, I'm ashamed of all of you" and that'll be it. For now at least.
  6. Grrrr...... I wanted to type in the Ancient Language of Tellius, but SF's forums don't appear to support it! What gives?! Let me speak the language of the people of Serenes!
  7. I know that, I was simply saying my part on them. They had clear potential. They just so happened to be in a game with too much in it for everything to be cooked to a perfect medium rare.
  8. What a sight that would have been. Kieran can't get real ugly angry, he can only get heroically jovially upset. Sanaki and her Senatorial minions would love it! More entertainment please!
  9. Well you're talking the quintessential mecha anime series and another very popular anime, of course they'd get sequels quickly too. Even faster sounds feasible since you have an even larger crowd of buyers than DQ I'd think.
  10. I find them to be tragic. The developer notes make Edward, Leonardo, and Nolan all seem quite good and it's a shame they don't have supports. I'm liking Eddy as the happy kid from the slums, and Nolan as a depressed adult from a civilian background. Leonardo's desperate escape I'd like explained in his own words too. I want more Fiona too, on her, her father the Steadfast Rider, and the somewhat autonomous state of Marado. Fiona looks nice too and I appreciate her darker skin tone. Micaiah is of course good. Sothe was neat in PoR in personality, and has a certain physical appeal in RD.
  11. I wanted to download the Ancient Language font, got a 404 error from both hyperlinks. Do I only need to download one by the way? Edit: Never mind, the link to the other website has the DL and it works, I just didn't notice it. Also, can we get the Ancient Language working on these forums?
  12. But doesn't Dragon Quest have official recognition as a religion in Japan? FE couldn't classify as a one man cult by comparison. The best thing FE has going for it for a quick sequel is a large roster of popular characters not in the first game.
  13. Brings to mind Billy's Gear from Xenogears. And the Hurly Gloves from Super Mario RPG (and plenty of M&L Bros Attacks/Items). No problem with this. Why not include a customizable Bredabrick? Sniper, Gatling, Assault, RPG, Grenade Launcher, Ground to Air Missile, Magnum, Handgun, Speargun, Silenced Pistol, and Flamethrower forms (yes you use the Heroes as incendiary fuel). Why didn't P1 RD have more seizes? Or SD add Rescue?
  14. Ike was destined to reappear in RD in some significant role. He does overshadow Micaiah in RD at the end I admit, and I'm not praising his personality either. Sephiran foreshadows Ike's return to a great future at the end of PoR. When you look at PoR, Elincia did not exist until much later in development, but Ike always did and so did Sephiran, who Ike would have a personal connection to. PoR didn't resolve this. They could have gone about things better in RD, but Ike's return to importance should have been no surprise. As for the Sanaki outburst- it happened once. He was sternly told this was his one strike by the absolute limits of the mercy of the Apostle Empress. It isn't like Sanaki just said "Please don't do that again, k' Ike? I love you!" She warned him, and he did it in the name of his employer's honor which is understandable Sanaki admits. He doesn't say "Let me put my muddy boots on your robes you purple haired brat!" and ask for a beer on the double. Here is the relevant script, read what you will from it. Here is proof from post-base that same chapter that shows Ike managed to learn to hold his tongue: Although he does have a mini outburst at the end of C16, which is mitigated because it brings up the Serenes Massacre. Sanaki presumably bears with it initially because Ike is being helpful towards her via mercenary work and calmed down before after a warning.
  15. When people like Xander, I think it's Support Xander they like, which is very different from his main story self I've heard. Plot Marx everyone acknowledges is madder than this: No gonna touch the General Motors vs. Sephardim debate. But everyone should know where my allegiances lie.
  16. Depends on the difficulty being played. Normal is 480, 4800 is Hard and Lunatic. And on Lunatic, the enemies have capped stats more or less.
  17. Number of Chapters per FE game so far (might be a little off): All this said, I think 30 chapters for the main story works. What matters more is the story's content and pacing. Plenty of meaningful, entrenched in the world (as in no "I'm off to pick up my grown baby") Gaidens would be appreciated.
  18. I didn't mean my skip a few comment all too seriously. 22- the first year after full legal maturity.
  19. And yet the real one is one of the few characters in Fates who doesn't mind getting a bath towel as a gift. He appreciates the artistic nude, the ideal of the human body, purely natural, elegant in design, and ever so sensual both physically and spiritually. However, Shigure has yet to put his modeling skills to work! Oliver, would you mind patronizing Forde's artistic endeavors? In return, you shall receive a large painting depicting "The Embrace of Palludio and Aramea" the doomed lovers of Nohrian legend. When their families refused to acknowledge their love, they ran away. Discovering where they had gone a few day later, the two angry families grabbed their weapons and summoned their hunting dogs. On the run and realizing their romance was forfeit, the two ran into a lake in the forest where they hid. As they kissed, their arms wrapped tightly around each other, they let themselves sink to the bottom of the pond, drowning as one, rather than be forced apart alive. Their bodies never surfaced, a refusal to return to their families above. Nor, for the lake was so deep, could they be retrieved. It is said their boundless love made that so. Now, who shall be the Aramea to Shigure's magnificent Palludio? Perhaps Inigo could be made to work with enough cosmetic adjustments. He does make handsome dancer, more so than Shigure. Nah, let's go with Rinea.
  20. *Offers tissue* 8. The next time the Black Sun should rise, want to do the "One, two, skip a few, 99, 100" trick to progress a little faster? Or is that just too dirty?
  21. I do like 2-F a lot, one of RD's best and that of FE as a whole. The map looks good with nice use of height, the music beautiful, the plot scenario dramatic. From a gameplay perspective, the Allied units are kinda useful and add to the drama- Elincia's loyal soldiers, the Queen of Crimea has truly taken command of the field of battle (unlike in PoR where Ike did everything). The map is suited to those who want to play fast with the boss kill option. And the defend option in this EXP laden map appeals to slower players who want to prep their favorites for the future. I've never gone for the Dracoshield, I thought Ludveck would continue moving around the map once you triggered him. I'll keep that in mind for the future that he doesn't. Calill I send to the left, since she can use the height bonuses to enflame enemies on and below the staircase without worry. Since I didn't go for the Dracoshield and the enemies in the southwest are not generals for the most part, their defense is low enough that Heather too can deal a good height-safe chip. I'm in agreement Part 2 is a little short, and Ludveck is a bit lacking compared to Jarod. The Ike limelight steal is criticizable, but the most important thing is Elincia didn't know it would happen, she made her decision fully believing it was Lucia's death or Ludveck's release, she couldn't have Lucia alive and Ludveck in jail. The limelight steal does make out Bastian as something of a genius politician since it was his plan, perhaps a bit too in trusting Elincia would pass the trial though. And it almost ended in his beloved Lucia's death. Yet overall, I very like Part 2. It is a short, tight and concise story, with solid writing. For once in FE, we get to see a ruler well... rule! In every other FE, governance doesn't happen you're too busy resisting, liberating, and invading against the big evil. At the end, everyone lives happily ever after in a golden age. With Part 2, we see a monarch having to govern, learning it isn't easy, and is forced in the end to make a difficult decision and grow from it. Part 2 is something of an epilogue to the Crimea-centricism of PoR, which was one of three focuses of the game, the other two being Ike's personal quest and Laguz-Beorc relations. Things which Part 3 covers as you're seeing now. Some criticize Part 2 as irrelevant to what comes before and after, but the game does make a good transition from 1 to 2, Crimea you would think would be wary about the kingdom who killed their prior monarch a few years ago returning to normal under the butcher's throne. Relative to Parts 1 and 3, Crimea's little rebellion is fairly low stakes. It serves to a degree to cool things down after the tensions of Part 1, and allow the player to breathe for a moment before the drama of Part 3. At least this is how I have interpreted it. I think the point was she is Ike's sister, that is kinda unique. And in the Japanese version of RD, Tier 3 requires a Master Crown to access, and they're limited in supply. Mist getting her own promotion item makes her an exception to this restriction.
  22. The difference is SD and NM are story sequels. FE4 and 6 aren't. Both have story sequels in 5 and 7, and releasing one without the promise of the other coming within two or three years later would be very annoying.
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