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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. They did skip on TMS, another FE crossover. But that is probably different due to TMS being fairly niche, while Hyrule Warriors's good sales would probably persuade them to consider a dub. Though FE being only a "silver" Nintendo franchise (gold being the Mario-Zelda-Pokemon trinity) even with Awakening's success, means I don't expect it sell as much as HW, and that is why I leave a little room for doubt.
  2. The only attacks I can recall being that similar are the C2 and the C3. The C2 has both characters swinging their sword upwards and bringing their foe with them into the air, and the C2 is in general frequently a juggler of some sort in Musou games- Impa, Ganondorf, Ruto, Fi, Zelda (both Baton and Rapier) to name a few in HW alone. The C3 for Link and Young Link alike are single slashes with a sword beam, so I'll concede this. The rest of their attacks different significantly.
  3. Except Young Link went doublehanded with his sword use, which is quite distinct from one-handed sword and shield in a Musou game. And the Fierce Deity was an amped up form of Focus Spirit which Young Link's normal moveset was built around (that's why he has no shield, it'd be strange and too much effort to make a totally different moveset for a character when they go into a temporary state). And on Lucina, they can make her work. The Marth-Chrom hybrid with some unique touches of her own idea wouldn't be impossible. And as for non-Sword weapon use, they can always do what they did with Sheik in Hyrule Warriors- even though she has attacks that are clearly elements other than Lightning, they all deal Lightning damage.
  4. Magvel is very undeveloped, it does have the most potential for a prequel since we don't even know the names of all 5 of its legendary heroes. Who are the non-Grado and Latona heroes? That can be a mystery the plot plays with. Heck if they make Grado and Latona honorary titles (like DQIII making Erdick a title), we could even be left in the dark on who they are. Ultimately I'd prefer a new world disconnected from the rest though. And no multiverse gates or other time-space shenanigans! None! (Save for DLC fanservice.) Thinking on Renais, I've noticed it's fairly small and sandwiched between Frelia and Grado, both very powerful. If Grado and Frelia agreed to it, they could easily invade Renais and carve it up. Obviously their own geopolitical rivalries would stand in the way of such a thing, each seeing a nominally independent Renais as a useful buffer to the other power's ambitions. A similar case could be made for Lycia and its neighbors Bern and Etruria. Perhaps such a scenario- a country caught in the middle of the ambitions of two others- would work for an FE story.
  5. Don't know if it's just personal experience (I'm not checking character growths until I beat SoV), but Luthier and Boey appear to be complete garbage to me. Both are incredibly slow, lack some of the good spells their female rivals get, and can't even healbot well given Physic is locked to two units. The only redeeming feature Boey has is decent defense compared to Mae so he can tank a little by spamming Defensive with a Steel Shield; Luthier doesn't even have this. Delthea is a total Est, but somehow she outdoes her brother even at base. On a more positive note, I pity Hugh. He's a middleman regarding Magic and Speed, with a durability lead compared to Lilina and Lugh, so on paper he is good. But alas, he joins too late, and in the chapter with unlimited buyable Angelic Robes- making his natural durability lead meaningless.
  6. Darios sounds like a potential villain's name. And I could easily see a sudden evil scowl appear on his face as he stabs Lian in the back. As for the queen, who knows? Maybe she's a blue-haired lord fangirl who has been corrupted by Megrikos (the fusion of our much, ahem, beloved, dark dragons).
  7. KT has included siege weapons in their games before. DW7 and WO3 have ballistas, catapults, cannons, 100% fantasy "Juggernauts", and giant lasers. The ballistae are really fun to use, seeing how they're basically immobile arrow machine guns. A Ballistician Jake with something like: C1- rapid fire arrows, C2- one large Arrowspate shot, C3- Stonehoist rock throw, C4- Hoistflamme/Pachyderm incendiary shot, and C5- Thunderbolt electrifying blast, could work. Massive range and power in exchange for a lack of comboing abilities, not a terrible tradeoff as long as Jake doesn't move too slow across the map.
  8. Why do we have to stick with one weapon type per character all the time? Ogma is the original Mercenary/Hero, which since FE5 have always packed Sword and Axe. Dynasty Warriors has used a weapon switch mechanic before too, so it isn't like KT couldn't integrate one. Also, while the weapon triangle is going to be adapted in some capacity, I'm not seeing it as being overpowering. Assuming no more than 4 controllable characters per fight, the limit in Hyrule Warriors Legends and the Samurai Warriors Chronicles games, it'd be wholly possible that one could select a team without full WTC. And it wouldn't be fun if one was a slave to the WT all the time.
  9. Liar liar FE4 Valflame has set you on fire! 30 Might and +10 Magic is uncontested by all but effective weapons against their intended targets.
  10. Medeus and Gharnef alike suffer from being in such an antiquated game, they're as stereotypical Evil Sorcerer and Dark Dragon as you can get. Both have backgrounds that are technically tragic, but the archaism prevents us from really feeling them to be tragic characters. Hardin is a real tragic character. Deeply in love with a woman who cannot truly reciprocate his feelings, he ends up being a victim of possession as a result. Julius too is tragic, albeit maybe not quite as felt as Hardin, even if his situation is potentially worse. Manfroy gets points for being as successful as Kefka was in FFVI, and he actually has a lot more talent than Square's beloved Joker knockoff (don't get me wrong, I like Kefka too, heck I hate Valtome to no end for stealing Kefka's laugh). Arvis I wouldn't mind having an opera or two written about, he is a tragedy. Not wholly innocent in the bad things in his life, but nonetheless a tragic figure. Like Arvis, Zephiel has daddy issues, and these are what drives him. He is a little too illogical with his wanting to eradicate humanity just because King Desmond tried to kill him. Yet FE7, by showing a snippet of the Prince's upbringing, and leads us to infer his father alone isn't to blame for his anti-humanism (Helene too is to blame, and who knows if there are others too?). And it also adds to the tragedy by revealing to us that he was once a hopeful, innocent prince whom much of Bern (insofar as Murdock, Vaida, and an NPC or two suggest) see as being the country's current pride and future hope. Idunn is tragic as well, but again, it isn't as felt (and she's Fane of Raman Tiki kicked up to 11). Nergal is yet another tragedy, a simple case of Dark Magic corrupting the good. You have have to piece things together yourself, access a ridiculously tedious and difficult to get to gaiden chapter, and head online to read about a critical mistranslation, but overall Nergal is okay. Formortiis looks cool and has some wicked attacks, but is terribly generic (only being not a dark dragon saves him from FE infamy). The two distinct portrayals Lyon gets- the weak and tragic victim of possession on Eirika's route; and the guy who thinks he's in charge of himself and acts coldly like he is, but really isn't on Ephraim; is interesting. Beyond this double take, Lyon isn't amazing, but he is the sorcerer who IS tries its hardest to portray as a tragic story, even if others main villains do it better. Ashnard's sitting in Crimea strategy is stupid. There is a logic behind it, but he should've pushed Gallia harder faster. (If he had launched a great invasion of Gallia while Elincia was in Begnion seeking Sanaki's support, it could have thrown a wrench in Elincia's plans because she'd have to answer about Crimea's future Laguz policies, which anti-Laguz Senators might have rejected and thus have kept Sanaki from giving Elincia her full support.) Beyond this error, Ashnard is a decently done villain. The Black Knight has issues stemming from his background as revealed in the Tower of Guidance, but is solid enough. This deserves to be immortalized. Grima is bad, but Validar is even worse somehow. Aversa is a generic shadowy femme fatale with an interesting backstory... that turns out to be totally false! And Excellus, Mr. "How I do love inappropriate touching." is outrageously juvenile! Gangrel isn't much better than this, and Cervantes is a total joke with no pretenses seriousness like the rest. Only Walhart of all villains in Awakening could be called remotely well done. And even so, if Walhart's characterization were a piece of meat, he'd be as red and undercooked as his armor. Ashera is emotionless and impersonal. She does do what she does out of a love for the world it is stated, but without the warmth of Yune, she is dull and unengaging, though a "Enter my embrace my children!" approach would have also been dull. Lekain and the other Senators are intentionally very annoying jokes, and Lekain gives Haar one of the best boss convos in FE history. Hetzel was a tad nuanced though. Sephiran is so good though! They really build up the sympathy with him quite well over the course of the Tower of Guidance climb. He's weak, he's seen a lot of suffering, he was forced to disown his own child for the sake of the world's peace. He watched many Laguz suffer for centuries, doing nothing now for the sake of the world's future Dheginsea told him, but which he had a hard time believing. And just when his hopes about the future were bright, suddenly they're shot down as soon as he sees them and his people on top of that are annihilated. He just wants his pain and heartache to end, and has become desensitized to, but still able to see, the suffering he causes in trying to bring about the end.
  11. Taken from the A New Journey interlude that occurs before you pick your sibling route after Chapter 8: Ephraim: “A great king? I honestly have no idea what that means. Eirika should succeed the throne. I would be happy simply taking my lance and traveling the land as a mercenary.” Eirika: “Ephraim, that is nothing but foolish, irresponsible romanticism! Do you realize how much your words would fill Father’s heart with grief?” Ephraim: “Are we speaking of the same man? Our father will likely outlive us all. For now, I’m content just learning the lance from General Duessel. What about you, Lyon? Is there anything you want to do?” (A few irrelevant to this topic lines talking about Lyon follow, and then Ephraim says this) Ephraim:“…Again with your criticism [addressing Eirika]! Tell me, Eirika. What say you to dressing like me and becoming king in my stead? You’re so skinny, I doubt anyone would notice you’re not really a man.” Ephraim does get the throne in the end, but there is a bit of banter over who gets it earlier.
  12. I posted this in the topic that got flooded worse than the world of Tellius: And, more relevant to Fire Emblem Warriors, let me dissect swords in Hyrule Warriors (and its Legends port additions in italics): I could do a sword dissection of Samurai Warriors too, but I feel this is enough. Koei Tecmo knows how to make sword diversity, and some of these could easily be adapted or mashed up for FE characters (take one part Lightning Sword and one part Rapier, add a sprinkle of Kai's Chain Sword from SW, and bam, we have an Eirika Sieglinde moveset). I think the "too many swords" issue is purely in terms of their ratio vs. other weapons, not statement of a lack of creativity when it comes to making sword movesets.
  13. Well they have to make exceptions for the OCs at least, but whether "in general/most" means anyone beyond OCs is the burning question of the day. So the twins are basically Eph and Eir, except the girl now gets an academic leaning. Either the question of who inherits the throne will never be resolved, will be up to the player's discretion, or it'll go to the guy (*sigh*). Thankfully this Lian isn't as abnormally endowed as Sun Quan's favorite wife. Wonder how long until the game-specific non-OCs arrive in the plot. Will it be like Hyrule where you had to wait until four fights in? I doubt they'll just kill the mother five minutes in. Whatever they do with her though, it'll probably surpass what they did with Mikoto, even if she ends up going the same way she did. Of course they couldn't include marriage- including this in a Musou not Empires would be strange, and potentially fuel more fan shipping wars.
  14. And then we'll have the fan hack where Camus and Hardin perform Nohrian Heartbreaker in maid costumes (or would bride outfits be better?)
  15. I've been thinking the same thing! Not to mention Sirius is a total Ratsel Feinschmecker. Now all we need is a scene where the heroes are on the sudden brink of defeat, and Camus appears out of nowhere dodging everything thrown at him and critting them in return. His Sanger Zonvolt equivalent can be Ogma, and Michalis can be Gilliam Yaeger. Not sure who gets to be Kai Kitamura to round out the old Aggressor group, Hardin maybe?
  16. Is that why after I retreated from Berkut 2 the armors + bows on the left were mysteriously gone when I retried after some grinding and sidequests? I did chop down a few foes before my retreat, but I thought Alm did that on the right.
  17. Roy of all people is going to save the day. Wow. And it's strange that somehow very few units you're getting have both good Speed and Strength/Magic.
  18. Thou art paired to a Parasect. Because I once heard someone jokingly suggest Agitha was in fact being controlled by a parasite which has infected her. Proof? The butterfly wings on her back are in fact not decoration, but actual wings belonging to the parasite.
  19. Secretly ships TakumixHinata. With Oboro as the surrogate for Kiragi to appease Ryoma's demands Takumi continue his royal bloodline (if Takumi doesn't, Ryoma's too conservative to approve of the Hinata romance).
  20. Thinks Eevees are innocent super-charming creatures the world could use more of.
  21. Isn't the prologue impossible without Mycen? I don't think the kids can more than scratch the boss. They can also "die" without any problems.
  22. You're right, too many leonine names. I know, for something different, why don't we call him Squall? And @Lord Raymond, you're right that having the political borders of Tellius clearly outlined several times is a massive help to understanding things. And it's further proof that IS couldn't be bothered to put the most rudimentary elements of world building in Fates. The only border we really get in Fates is the Bottomless Canyon. Also, anyone notice how there are lands beneath Valla on the Valla map? What in the world are they? It certainly doesn't look like Nohr and Hoshido.
  23. I was thinking that'd be her entire moveset. Basically Ice Mario in Super Mario Galaxy with weapons. Just a spur-of-the-moment fantasy of mine.
  24. Did everyone just ignore Leo's lengthy lecture on the history of Nohr? Of the founding around Krakenburg stretching northeast? Of the great wars of expansion it fought against Cheve and the Dia Alliance? How about his lesson on rainfall patterns and the temperature of Nohr's various geopolitical regions? Or what about Azama's and Sakura's sermon on the similarities and differences between the Temple Teachings and the Shrine Traditions? (That was a little Fates-bashing sarcasm.)
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