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Interdimensional Observer

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Everything posted by Interdimensional Observer

  1. It could work if said Elephant unit couldn't reclass. It might sound a little odd when leveling up, but think of that as the whole trio of elephant-attacker-driver improving together. From a character perspective, there are a number of ways of spinning why these two always work together: lovers, friends, siblings, parent and child. It also sounds like IS's DLC methods in decline. Charging money for classes and parceling them like costumes in other games. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they went with adding costume DLC to the next game.
  2. I go for everyone always generally, but Karla and 9!Nasir I have no problems skipping. I also generally skip recruiting a bunch, if not all of the kids in Awakening and Fates. Never bothered with 11 Gaiden recruits outside of Athena once (who has her uses as an early second Pegasus Knight).
  3. Actually, it is possible for all of them to be true, just not in the same world. Having a multiverse means there are countless variations on a given world, so basically every S rank permutation exists somewhere out there.
  4. Timeline schimeline. Who needs one to connect all the games? Let us appreciate each game on its own terms. I understand if you find it has some meaning like in Zelda or something, and I don't mind if you derive some appreciation from that. But personally, I say lets not worry over such things and avoid the problem of forcing everything to fit together. Oh Lavos! Where are you dearie? I've found some delicious timespace for you to snack on!
  5. Myrrh and Ephraim are more big brother-little sister, that trope Japan loves and employed with Tiki and Marth, than romantic. Tana is there for the one scene in Ephraim's version of C19, but beyond that isn't really present at all. Love was sidelined for Ephraim's story. Eirika's gets that though with Lyon.
  6. So Team Softies and Pretties (sans Seliph) vs. Team Toughies I wouldn't bet on who wins. I'd bet on how long it before Sig, Ike, Hec, Alm and Eph are devouring Marth's entrails. 2 hours tops I'll say.
  7. Now looking over Hector's options, I'll say Florina is the worst. Farina- I hoped there would be good chemistry, there sadly wasn't much. Serra on the other hand- Hector might not have an ending with her, but surprisingly the support is pretty nice at the end- Hector deserves to make Serra nobility (she wouldn't mind forsaking her vows for him; and it works for Lilina). I'm divided whether I prefer Lyn or Serra for Hector. As for Lyn, Rath is kinda crappy due to his stoicism. Kent is generic. Wil is actually nice, if not in any way romantic. Hector is actually her second best man, Eliwood takes the cake for the best. Eliwood's best is totally Lyn, no two doubts about it. EliwoodxFiora is a bit too samey and dull in terms of the characters involved. Ninian in supports is the absolute worst, but has plot to put it over Fiora. Eirika's best pick for me is Forde. Eirika acts fairly casually, a nice change of things. Seth the generic chivalric romance is second unfortunately. Saleh has world building, but I don't feel the romance is really there. Innes- I hoped, but nothing came of it. Ephraim only has two choices, and both supports are equally good/bad, with Tana having a slight lead due to having a past with Ephraim.
  8. Generally I don't love romances in video games, are they ever done right? *Sigh* We have no idea if Soren is truly gay or not. Devoted to Ike, yes. But gay, that is a mystery. Crying into the arms of your first savior is not inherently gay. The best we have to go on, and it isn't much, is him mimicking Aimee and calling Ike "Ikey-poo" as joke at the end of a base conversation in PoR C23. Ike for his part displays no strong interest in Soren, and Ike is almost never bursting with emotion to begin with. The ElinciaxIke thing is wholly international, it isn't found in Japan apparently. But, I guess we can count it because it exists somewhere at least. It's nothing special, nor bad. HectorxLyn might be the best of the rest I know of. NinianxEliwood is restrained by Nin holding back on her big secret for so long. Sothe and Miccy come off more as siblings to start than lovers, and their background is more parent and child. That it evolves into marriage is no surprise to the player, but nonetheless it seems slightly incestuous in a nonliteral way. SumiaxChrom is boring. Sully I think I preferred, or Maribelle even. F!Robin was atrocious. Olivia is literally rushed.
  9. You could always shove data into a randomizer and be assigned a random team to play the game with. Or, you could do themed team- like exclusively male or female. Or everyone in their heart classes only, or friendships only. Retainers only, children only, for Rev. you could try non-retainers/royals/kids only (tribal + others I call it; I let myself have Felicia and Flora due to being Ice Tribe though).
  10. Lehran, as the eternal servant of the Goddess, probably has his longevity explained via a special blessing. So as long as Ashera/Ashunera lives, so can he. I can see the Apostles living to ~100 more commonly than other human beings, but I doubt that much longer. Still, it'd be enough to make them seem more goddess blessed than anyone else. Taken from Tellius Recollection Vol. 1 (It's the best we have to go on, even if potentially not aligning perfectly with the final games.): Children who are born between a beorc and laguz, commonly referred to as the branded, are also contained in the chart. According to what is written, even a mix with a powerful dragon will live only 3 times as long as beorc on average. If beorc and laguz become closer and mix from here on out, we can predict that the lifespan of the branded will become closer and closer to that of beorc. Will a day like that come? We can’t be sure." [That last line makes zero sense given the Apostle lineage.] The average lifespan for a Heron is put at 300. And a half-Black Dragon at 185 (the norm for a BD is 1020). A Beorc's lifespan is put at 60. All this said, I'd guess the first Apostle Yoram would be able to live to... ~120? With everyone thereafter declining in average life expectancy, if in a less than linear way due to individual genetics and the possibility of disease or injury or murder getting in the way.
  11. I think the question deserves to be asked how much war is a natural part of a lord/king's duties. I mean Louis XIV of France (r. 1643-1715) fought his first war largely out of want of glory and kingly duty. Of course in the modern world, we prefer to imagine rulers as peacemakers and not peace destroyers. Can't say anything of the Jugdrali lords, but I think Slumber nailed things overall. Hector is actually fairly decent as a warrior-lord. Despite being brash and emotional, he does understand politics fairly well IIRC. Chrom on the other hand, in my opinion an attempt to have the rugged Ike and the gentle Marth in one individual, seems too easy to walk on politically. Bond with a him a little, and he probably wouldn't say no to you. And if you can't say no because somebody seems nice, you are just begging for corruption to become widespread.
  12. The insistence of Awakening to access to the map all the time does immersion break as that one infamous situation Gustavos brought up makes particularly clear. (and Anna's Paralogue opens up after C8- virtually guaranteeing the immersion break). Sacred Stones had the world map, but forced you to do two chapters in a row at times (Phantom Backstabbing-Landing At Taizel, the Caer Pelyn duo, Erika's Jehanna chapters, Darkling Woods and the final chapter). My Castle was interesting and I do like the customization element, but in its own way having a pocket dimension castle detracted from things. I think I prefer My Castle. I've heard the idea thrown around before by someone of a moving base of sorts. Basically, you change your location based on the plot, but wherever you set up camp, you can alter and customize things like My Castle. For online interactions, just totally segregate things from the story, or maybe reduce the world experienced in online interactions to a spiritual plane of existence. Meaning you can have your online My Castle on a rocky cliff even when the plot puts you in a ragged tent in a swamp, because your My Castle for online is purely a reflection of the desires of your soul. Thus, online interactions are reduced to soul touching across a multiverse, with some physical element capable of being transferred through the spiritual (if you wanted the exchange of items via online interactions).
  13. Selected Soren, but I do like a lot of magic users in FE. If you have offensive magic to start, you are generally likable in FE7, only Erk is eh for me both in gameplay and character. And of course I love our Buddha of Darkness Brammimond, but he's an NPC. Not so fond of the staffers. Of the mages of Tellius, only Ilyana is terrible (oh how she is). Laura is forgettable, Oliver is bizarre. Everyone else has something going for them in terms of character and or gameplay. Magvel: Knoll, Saleh, and L'Arachel are all good characters. Artur I use a lot (more than Lute) but he comes off as a watered down Lucius. Moulder and Natasha are eh. Ewan is a worse Tormod. Don't feel like deciphering my feelings on Awakening's magic users right now, nor Fates.
  14. First, you derailed one topic on the Switch board, now, you're setting yourself up to do it to another. You're not going to make any friends if you do that you know. Then again, maybe you could, but not on SF. It's one thing to express your opinions, it's another to continually do it with an aggressive and provocative tone. Revisiting that RTS idea would be interesting, difficult to execute of course. But as I've been saying, I'd like something bold and new. Even if the execution fails a little, IS generally operates in duologies in terms of gameplay, so the second could always refine the error of the first. Perhaps keep the game turn-based (drop tile-based movement though), but include a feature that lets you break free from the tyranny of turns every so often. Either a Bravely Second time stop to play more conservatively, or something wherein both sides can attack and move all their units at each other at the same time. If the enemy could use it too (with you being able to tell how much/when they can use it), then that could keep things interesting.
  15. Technically everyone can be unless your Athos/Galzus/Yodel. Out there, somewhere, is an Afa's Dropped Nino who nonetheless got 2 pointer levelups 90% of the time. Canas has been called the Eliwood of mages (though Erk can also be irksome), and yeah the last time I used him, he was pretty crappy. Though with Canas at least I could bench him no problem, unlike my Lunatic Rev. Xander who is like level 15 and only got one Defense proc. RNG screwage can be annoying, though it does keep each playthrough varied. I kinda liked the fixed RNG of Fates Lunatic, and PoR Fixed Growths mode too. Also, Berwick's bracketing system looks fairly pleasing as well- restricting blessings/curses to like +/-3 at most per stat per unit. Please give us options IS.
  16. Weltschmerz- German philosophical term for when the physical reality of things you come to realize will never match/sate that which you conceive of in your mind. Such is the sorrow that comes from writing fanfiction. Two things I would like to see (not necessarily both in one game): A conflict between centralization of power and decentralization within one kingdom- it is a problem which has always plagued humanity. In the old days, it was regional nobles vs. monarchs who wanted more power. In the 1800s US, it led to the Civil War. In the 1950s-60s it sparked the Polish and Hungarian uprisings of 1956 and Prague Spring of 1968 against Soviet control. In the 1990s, Yugoslavia fell apart in bloody ethnic conflict due to nearly a century of inability to solve problems of the centralization-decentralization of power among the constituent republics and autonomous regions. Nowadays, we have concerns of countries pulling out of the EU, Scotland from the U.K., the Basque/Catalan regions from the rest of Spain. A more microcosmic character-centered plot. No world-saving story, keep it smaller. The adventure can still be global, but keep the stakes lower. I've been running around with three ideas for this: Option 1- When I thought of the possibilities of a open-world FE, I was thinking "How can I justify a royal engaged in war with a big bad kingdom traveling to the far ends of the world willy-nilly?" My answer? No. Not a king/proxy who holds down the fort. No, the royal is not a minor royal/noble. No, not a mercenary. A Roma! The MC is a member of a traveling band Romani (Gypsies is their more common, but not so well liked by them name) who fights to protect it from bigots and bandits. The plot focuses on this group, and to a lesser extent their kin across the world, trying to find a home in a land where they have no homeland. Where even when all is going well, devastating racism may suddenly surface and destroy all their happiness and efforts to assimilate. Option 2- I've been wanting to write a late-Dark Ages FE featuring a heroine named Leona. Her goal is simply to survive in a chaotic world and expand her realm (against Germanic barbarians, Vikings, other warlords, the early coalescing of pseudo-Christian forces, maybe even a few Al Andalusian raiders or Slavs). At the end of the game, she establishes a fairly good sized kingdom by the standards of her time. She does kill about 3/4s through the game her Germanic barbarian stepfather and she confronts (player's choice whether to kill or not) her mother who betrayed her father who she holds in high esteem, but there is no battle against the Pope, no fight against the Abbasid Caliph, no fight against the king of the Vikings (though I was considering a route split between the three groups for the final 1/4- but then again, that might be too ambitious like much of this plot). Things stay centered on Leona from beginning to end. Option 3- And then there is this one. When some beta FE6 information first came in, I thought the captivity part in the beginning meant Roy was captive (it was in all likelihood Guinevere) and then the idea that Roy would become King of the Western Isles. So, I decided to use the geography of Elibe to tell a story based on this (I like having a geography to work off of- I can't write good fanfiction if I don't). I haven't finished it yet, but here is what I've done so far. I had also been working on something similar but set in East Asia. It begins with a young naive prince of Korea helping his elder brother and father fight barbarians. The barbarians are subdued and their lands conquered, and time passes (about a year) when a rebellion in the north and newer and stronger barbarians must be subdued. This time, the little prince's efforts are not enough, one of his generals betrays, the Jagen's daughter whose hand he had been courting is killed, his father dies of old age and sickness, and his brother then seizes power defying their father's last wishes. China sees an opportunity to assert control over Korea by helping them destroy the barbarians, and the elder brother, hating this, sends away the little sibling he despises as a hostage in China. Apathy develops there, but the little prince has gained some military talent and goes to work helping the Chinese with their own internal revolts before being sent to fight his own brother who has broken his shackles to China. Just when China is about to assassinate him to seize Korea entirely, the young male Chinese son of a general he has befriended saves his life and the two work to free Korea from China.
  17. I've never done a BEXP dump either, I always preferred topping everyone off after a battle, plus a little extra for Mist or whomever I'm training. That Physics priest is definitely not present on the lower difficulties. Ranged healing this early sounds sweet. I will say that PoR does the stealth chapter far, far better than Fates. Much smaller, most of the chests are packed together and easy to nab while your completing your mission, the enemies don't spot you if you're in their range after they've finished moving (meaning no headaches figuring out their vision range), and when you get to the end, no need to fear that your squishy lockpick unit will get killed by what waits on the other side of the final door. The only potential flaw vs. Fates is the NPCs, but they're easy enough to deal with.
  18. Anyone who wants to join in can do so no problem. You can post for prior characters if you'd like as well. The next three are two trainees and one the polar opposite: Astrid, Makalov, and Stefan. My Opinions: Astrid: Makalov: Stefan:
  19. Oni Chieftain!Hayato (good luck hitting anything)
  20. I confess I was a little too rude with that statement.
  21. Never have done a draft, and I'm not saying I'm in, but shouldn't you set up some rules? Edit: I'll jump in and give it a try. Don't expect to do every well, but maybe one of these will get me to overcome my stat booster hoarding tendency. You can ignore everything in this.
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