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Everything posted by r_n

  1. Oh wow, really? I figured her bulids would play to this niche, horse killers are pretty rare & having one ON a horse is nice and she's saved my hide a few times. Course this is kind of moot since I don't have Odin. Not even a three star, the jerk, lord knows I'd like one of him than a dozen florinas. +Attack/-Speed which seems a little unlucky. Again with the blarblade suggestion, I had no idea this was the weapon to have. I figured cavalry killers were more important, but I guess the bonus stat damage outranks it? I hadn't really done the math. Kagero is +Attack/-Resistance I have 3 dang 4 star corrins so I may as well try to figure out their stuff in a bit. I should also mention I have a 5 star ninian, though she obviously plays a different role.
  2. I have 20,000 feathers so I can finally upgrade one of my 5 stars, but I'm not sure which. Kind of have a lot here. I was thinking Ursula, since she's my only blue mage and would probably enjoy the power boost from 5 stars,Blarwolf+ & Death Blow 3. I also figure it makes more sense to do a grand hero since they probably wont be getting a focus for a while Some other notable 4 stars I have include Nino, Catria, Corrin F, Robin F, Kagero, Marth (not that i've really used him), Felicia, Narcian, Camilla, really the list goes on for a bit.
  3. Anna with axes would be fun, especially if they add new axes to the game just for her. Give her the Heroes axe for that sweet sweet Cross Promotion. I expect there to be awakening dlc because...well...seems the most obvious, but it'd be neat if they bucked the trend and had it focus on Walhart or some other Valmese. Walhart could be especially fun if they decide to add in the Conquerer class too.
  4. You know it was mentioned earlier that in terms of feathers, it might be a better idea to purposely go with a less popular character because it will be easier to get a high ranking. That's an interesting thought. If the meta becomes trying to join the least popular team rather than the predicted winner, it seems like votes might even out a little. And maybe ironically cause the least popular one to become most popular, though that would probably only REALLY happen if you join instantly without looking at the numbers. I figured it was at least partially a meme but its the resounding element of the post. You think it's stupid to bandwagon. That it's not legitimate. How can you be proud [of voting in a popularity contest specifically designed to lead to an influx of feathers] by following a bandwagon rather than systematically going doing a list of most-least favorites. It sounds kind of mad, bro
  5. I'm not mad & you shouldn't be offended says person who wrote a 5 paragraph essay about how its disgusting to bandwagon behind a character you dont care about
  6. There's 2 new characters, one is a villager and the other a paladin no playable character can use axes. Rusted Axe also might just be unused
  7. We have all the classes, reclasses and characters. There's no axes. Maybe its just sell-fodder or can be used for something in forging. Only other option would be we get an axe user as DLC. Heroes-styled Anna would be cool, I suppose.
  8. Zephiel will have to try pretty hard to not stand out considering his only competition as an armored sword is Draug. He also has a neat 5 star weapon
  9. Super easy for me, did both maps in one try. Eldigan/Azura/Takumi/Kagero Praise be to the gacha rng blessing me with the exact units to make this a breeze. Well I probably could have subbed takumi for like nino or something, i guess.
  10. I see a lot of people mention fighting enemy wyvern/pegasi but it's all just people pulled off friend lists right? I mean sure, people who vote for someone are probably likely to USE that someone, but last cvoting gauntlet i was fighting all kinds of units and using all kinds of units.
  11. The stats over all will be better, though. As you said, there will be a bigger reason to hold off but that's because you'll have more stats to work with. Also the fatigue system feels like it necessitates high growth rates. Imagine if fatigue was in, but you had terrible growths? The balance would be completely wrecked in the other direction. Alternatively you could look at fatigue being implemented to help offset high growths in a game that didn't originally have them, I suppose.
  12. They're just evil wizards i guess the dark complexion, white eyes and elf ears just come with the job
  13. Woops, thought you were talking about his memories not coming back. My bad! In which case yeah, combined with his FE3 """"ending""": "After the war, Sirius left without saying a word..." implies he probably left Tatiana for FE3 reasons then came back to Valencia
  14. This should have given them free reign to add stuff, then. Which they were already sort of doing, judging by all the voiced lines and altered designs. Most of these people are blank slates
  15. https://pastebin.com/CqXu8dTG Genny/Sonya is probably the best of the translated ones so far even if it is short and 50% awkward pauses/silences
  16. Wow, Zeke & Tatiana's support sure is...technically a conversation, I guess https://pastebin.com/3wjZhg3u
  17. While the subject & length are what they are, it's worth noting that in terms of being written the localization will probably read a bit differently and more naturally. Shame they're so short, though.
  18. New healers would be fine if they differentiated them more. The healer skillsets feel so barren & samey compared with everyone else. Still say they should have given Lucius like Aurorelia or something.
  19. They're probably like the falchion, similar weapons made all over the world.
  20. Is there anything in the datamine (or other official materials?) about what the seasons actually do, or is it just fluff.
  21. Huh! I'd just have some failsafe for focuses lacking a color, but that would result in different displayed rates. Thanks for explaining it, though, I think I understand better what was meant. Still mad when i go to do a summon without a color tho
  22. I'll admit to not being up on my statistics, but this shouldn't affect things should it? It's just flat percentages. It doesn't matter what orb you choose, there's a 3% chance of getting a 5 star. If it's, in spring's case, green, then that's a 6% chance of getting ANY green 5 star, with a specific 1.5% chance of that green orb spawning a Spring Camilla or Spring Chrom.
  23. Even that super brief conversation before the skirmish had some character beats/interaction, so that's nice.
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