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Everything posted by r_n

  1. I hate Charlotte's design (& her character, honestly, though she still got some solid supports), but Camilla probably gets more talk at this point since she's a main character in all the marketing and, for Heroes, the one that's actually available.
  2. Sully all the way. She's by far my favorite of the red/green knights. Fun personality, fun supports, solid unit every time I've used her.
  3. Just...let Azura & Corrin tell literally ANYONE ELSE. It is MADDENING how they keep everyone out of the loop including Gunter. Gunter! The person who was stuck in Valla, saw Hans try to kill them, was thrown off a bridge by said attempted killer. And he's respected and could be a critical person of interest in convincing the others. Yeah there's some stuff in Revelation that might make that an issue but it's not like they knew that at the time and its probably that Gunter wasnt possessed in the Conquest timeline anyway. Playing Birthright makes this contrivance even worse. Something I really, truly appreciated was that Corrin tried to talk to each of his siblings about how Garon is in the wrong and needs to be stopped for the betterment of both kingdoms. He almost gets through to Camilla the first time, even, until Leo steps in. And the second time, with Elise on your side she's all ready to go until gameplay contrivances she collapses. Leo has an entire arc about the guilt he feels and while he still doesn't go against garon because of gameplay contrivances it shows he'd probably be really easy to convince even without the orb. A combination of Elise & Gunter, for example. And Elise is totally on your side from the start, she sees how messed up this all is and hates it and the only reason she doesn't join the team is well i repeat myself. You could even keep the terrible awful no good poorly justified "lets invade Hoshido to put garon on a magic chair" thing by putting it on Xander or something.Like maybe the siblings just can't get through to him up until that point an as such are finding it hard to really go against Garon and survive? Something like that, I'm spitballing here. Have the invasion and the way the people are treated finally break his JUSTICEISANILLUSION awfulness and turn the rest of the campaign into fighting Garon while in Hoshido. You can still have hoshidian fights if you really want; have them be leery about trusting your group for pretty justified reasons so they launch attacks on you until you confront the hoshido siblings or something. There's this one line that drives me nuts towards the end. Azura says that half the army supports Xander rather than Garon. But nothing comes of it. It exists solely to justify that Nohr will follow Xander so he can be king in the ending, basically. And it is literally one line. It's the only time this is mentioned even though its PRETTY IMPORTANT. And like I mentioned above there's so much you could do with that! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here! The plot would still be stupid for assorted reasons (ORB. CHAIR. SLIME DAD. CURSE. EVERYONE JUST BEING FINE WITH THE OPERA HOUSE MASSACRE), but at least it would be palatable. To me, anyway. Also revelation makes the "can't tell anyone" thing even more hilarious considering how Camilla joins almost instantly and hearing Garon go "mwahahaha i'll destroy nohr too" is all that's needed to get Leo & somehow Xander to go "oh."
  4. So can you grind out as many supports as you want like awakening/fates or is it like 6-10 where its some limited number Also why can i not delete posts i accidentally quoted
  5. I can't believe we're almost certainly getting variant Ike before getting regular Ike. Like yeah they did it with Xander, but at least Xander was already in the game and just waiting for the GHB to cycle to him. But Ike's been on all the promotional art! It's super silly! Still hoping the variants are like...really classy or something. Tuxes and such.
  6. I'll dig around for swordbreaker before committing, I think she'd still do well in the intermediates then. Nice, my 4 star Abel gets the full suite, I'll pass him along. I'll still wait for my next pull just to see what comes out, but nowi looks redeemable. Even if she is The Worst
  7. Oh right after SI Draug probably winds up pretty solid if i can get him a good weapon. I'll keep the speed banes for the other archers in mind if I get them. Thanks guys
  8. Going back to my earlier "who to promote question" ya'll said Nowi, so during downtime between gauntlets i was trying to get her closer to 40 until I noticed that she has 14 speed at level 31. Since it's physically impossible to reach the neutral that means she has a -speed nature. I can't determine the boon just yet, but resistence looks neutral so its probably attack. Considering the decision on Nino was pass due to similar circumstances and Nowi's supposed to be a cannon, is Nowi still worth doing or should I settle for Kagero or Corrin F again e: Actually let's also add this question: aside from units like armors, is there EVER a time where -speed is wanted.
  9. I swear Lucina had 8 times over eirika or ephirham but I dont have the results on me The x4 was my bad, i saw the billions and didnt do the actual math. still!
  10. keep in mind this was round one, not the final results
  11. well let's not pretend it wasn't painfull obvious who was going to win last time. an any given moment lucina had 4 to 8 times the amount of votes that anyone else did.
  12. The exact moment Azura pulled out a magic orb and decided to show only Corrin and literally no one else at which point the remnants of the plot became 'we must support garon's war so we can get him on the magical chair that will reveal his true colors' and it only got stupider and more infuriating from there. There's just. SO many things wrong with Conquest's plot in particular and i still think about how much I hate it months later. Actually no that's a lie, i was starting to drop off when Leo tried to present "we'll stall for time, letting SOME of the dancers escape!" as a noble and good thing that hte siblings do to rebel against garon withotu actually doing thing ACTUALLY WAIT NO the plot started to lose me at the decision point. Conquest Corrin's reasoning for going back to Nohr (i have to hear from garon the truth of what happened) is nonsensical considering everything outlined in Birthright. And then it just......doesn't matter! Garon goes "nope didnt no such a tragedy, ok kill him" then we spend 5 chapters sending Corrin into death and this line of reasoning is never mentioned again. There were so many different possible, interesting ways to go about conquest and they went with none of them. Birthright was fine. The worst thing that happens is it feels kind of just going to set piece to set piece and corrin doesn't do much. It's just kind of boring most of the time. But I was significantly more invested in Corrin & the war despite this because it had things like, like...talking to people! I had pathos for his sibling conversations, damn it! The only other exceptionally stupid plot thing is xander (the worst) at the end and that's less plot and more character moment. Revelation was more my brand of stupid, one I can more easily forgive. Even if the curse is still as stupid as it was in the other routes.
  13. The only justification not to change it is it would be too much work &/or that it is unnecessary to meet laws of a region (which lmao). which, no, not really, because the simplest way to do it is just change a handful of numbers in a game script they already have to alter & replace for each region. And lord knows it's no harder than anything else they've changed or removed in past games.
  14. I think it's highly likely they will because underaged drinking would likely affect the rating All they need to do is increase the 20 year olds by one in the script. It's either that or they remove the alcohol entirely (see also: removal of the game corner in pokemon)
  15. Ike is put in a gauntlet, wins it with ease he is still somehow not in the game
  16. the gulf between free players and whales are truly frightening
  17. A gauntlet specifically designed around characters most people don't care about, don't use or otherwise don't know about. You know the ones, the gordins, draugs, etc. Those low end or middle of the road units that just fade into the background.
  18. it would have to be one hell of a difference considering its 20 badges for every 20,000 feathers. I have 186 great reds, 217 great blues, 123 great greens and 127 great colorless. Even the normal badges are ridiculous. I've done a lot of 3->4 upgrades and I could always do more but I still have 819 reds, 603 blues, 422 greens and 596 colorless. And i'm sure people who really go hard & fast at the tower probably have double that.
  19. left side bracket: hinoka/camilla, cherche/cordelia right side bracket: minerva/palla, subaki/beruka at this rate next round will be camilla/cordelia and minerva/subaki, then likely camilla/minerva for the final
  20. Out of curiosity, has any datamine found if there's plans for like...any use at all for badges beyond rank ups I am drowning in badges. I physically can not rank units up fast enough to outpace them. Great Badges in particular are awful because they can only be used for rank 4->5 and yet the devs insist on treating these as top tier prizes/bonuses. Just anything, anything at all! Offset feather costs, swap for feathers, swap for shards, shards,,sp, misc items anything???
  21. second battle with cherche and i got paired with a Fir & a Lucina with friends like these, who needs enemies
  22. I decided to try the less popular -> higher rank strat and went with Cherche. I have a Cherche but she's underlevelled, so I decided to bust out the colorless quest first and I ran into 2 Robins and i feel so attacked right now. I swapped him out for Kagero since I suspect this will be pretty common.
  23. im so upset on the brightside i have like 4 extra selenas so i have triangle adepts for days
  24. Mannnn I hate Nowi. Why does she have to be good. This is the worst scenario for me! What are some natures to avoid with her, I need to get her closer to 40 to determine what her deal is. Also missed this earlier. I guess this explains why my recent runs where i brought some cavalry along would be matched up with either some severely underleveled units or other cavalry, yeah? I knew cavalry got lower stats over all (aside from like...Gunter, Jeigan, which is hilarious to me) but I forgot the arena does in fact have some actual match making. Should also mention I usually don't dip into advanced that often, especially after skill inheritance hasn't been balanced in the arena yet.
  25. Since you asked before, some notable stuff i have/don't have Typing all that out & seeing what you guys are saying, I'm leaning towards Corrin even if the nature isn't optimal. I think I'll sit on the feathers until after my next pull, though, just in case I pull a Lucina or 5 star Kagero or w/e.
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