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Everything posted by redlight

  1. Oof. Dimitri may or may not lose an eye. He's an unfortunate one, that one😂 Hubert lost his house leader assistant role😂 LOL. Sakurai spoiled the opening cutscene. And tries to tease about some character's very secretive backstories smh
  2. I don't really play Smash as much as I used to, but replaying 3H right now leaves a strong impression of Byleth being one of the worst aspects of that game. At least the complaints about him just being a sword user are invalid. Could've really just been one of the three lords. Much cooler if in their post timeskip forms. Byleth feels like such a normie pick tho smh
  3. Looks like they finally got out of legal limbo after all these years. Shared IPs is a bitch Interested in what type of Falchion well get after all these years or is it Rapier that he has? We've gotten all kinds of anti armour and dragon skills these past couple of years that affect their usual playstyle so I'm interested in what they'll give him. At least he'll get a prf. Bad decision that all females. At least try to have the 4 initial characters and maybe plus vocaloid Tiki or something
  4. @Interdimensional ObserverOh, you finally managed to get TRS to work on a emulator. I remember trying to help you with trying to emulate it, but it didn't work out. How did you resolve the issue?
  5. MD remake is cool. It was my first game on the DS so there's a lot of nostalgia. The water colory look is nice. The expansions might be an excuse for me to get Sword I guess. Haven't been into Pokemon for so long. I'll have to see the expansion pricing. Free update is nice for those that want more Pokemon in the game tho for a lot of people it seems too little too late
  6. Oh yeah. I just noticed her kit is pretty underwhelming. Also, when was the last time we got a demote with a prf? Assuming she is one Larcei looks like loli Ayra. But goddamn is Ced so regal looking. He oozes charisma
  7. Would've wanted Febail as the GHB, but oh well. Sad that no instant demote. Patty or Lana would've been nice. The cowards. Just give him Forseti Either Ced or Altena demotes
  8. I don't know if this has already been mentioned, but Poison Strike carries on to the next break bar when an enemies break bar reaches 0. Are we also considering ally boost that certain units have with certain allies?
  9. Didn't see the movie, but I read the movie leaks myself before the movie came out (JJ's production company, Bad Robot, kind of has a history with leaks showing up) and listened others reacting to them as well as their thoughts on the movie when it came out. Seems like the leaks were the JJ cut as there's some stuff that's left out in the final release (pretty relevant stuff actually according to my judgement and of a leaker of another story who talked about the studio meddling). Tho his cut also doesn't explain Palpaspleen's return and just handwaves it. It's a real mess (quality wise as well as it's development cycle) and people pointing out the crap in it keeps on worsening it. A lot of what I have to say are from "leaks", but some of the stuff really does make sense and the people who covered them said the leakers were legitimate based on previous cases involving people involved being true. From what I read of "leaks" concerning the situation at Lucasfilm and Disney, there was a lot of studio meddling that "wanted to please everyone" to the point that the yes-man JJ Abrams himself felt like a puppet. Not only catering to the people who disliked TLJ, but also those who liked it or at least the Reylo parts of that movie. Not a bad idea. Problem is... It's a corporation that's doing it. So you can imagine how soulless and messy it is. Originally the movie had supposedly George assisting Abrams in writing the movie's narrative which involved The Son from The Clone Wars cartoon portrayed by Matt Smith (the Eleventh Doctor from Doctor Who) who in early 2019 confirmed he's no longer involved with the project. Disney felt the villain was obscure and that draft was scrapped. Some elements of this idea does make sense with what was given in the final product as they could've been leftovers from the intial draft: the dagger mcguffin and the Dagger of Mortis; the Sith cultists worshipping someone seems pretty relevant as The Son is a godlike Sith figure. Other cuts of the movie according to leaks angered test audiences and Disney CEO Bob Iger himself. It was supposed to be 3 hours long near the end of the development cycle (this was supposedly the JJ cut; according to a leak JJ wanted TROS to be 2 movies from when he started working on the current version of the movie, but the greedy mouse promised a trilogy, not a 4-part movie saga), but the end result is a 2h 30min-ish movie that was decided upon behind Abrams' back among many more other things. KK should've had people analyze TLJ's script before they started production to see the mess for it really was. Then Abrams wouldn't have had to come in to "fix" mistakes (I love how in interviews he plays a nice guy towards RJ, but in the movie he's sniping at him and TLJ). Doesn't help that RJ is a massive douche in response to his movie's criticism. Also, Bob Iger didn't really care as long as he's making money and really stepped in after Solo bombed at the box office (production issues ramped up the budget because after 80% of the movie was completed the directors got fired and they started over) only to really see the mess Lucasfilm was actually in. Interesting tidbit. This is only a leak, but one that makes a lot of sense. There was supposed to be a massive scene in the end involving force ghosts, but this was cut out of the movie and edited over because ghosts in cinema are banned in Gina. What we got were voices. Also, force ghost blue hue cut out as well (looking at you Luke). All for Gina's box office failure. EDIT: and the edited out lesbian kiss scene She's his daughter according to some book they released to coincide with the release of TROS. At least that's the official explanation. In the leaks there was a scene where they find out she's his daughter, but this seems to have been cut out from what was the JJ cut. Also, I don't know if this was in the movie, but in the leaks there was kind of a racist joke about Lando's child being kidnapped and forced into the First Order as a child soldier and then the crew stares at Finn who was also kidnapped as a child and forced into the First Order. There aren't only 2 blacks in the SW universe goddamn it. At least I've gained appreciation for John Boyega and Oscar Isaac as actors. I also like how John is being passive aggressive about SW and Disney as well as him stirring up the crazy ones among Reylos. My favorite quote from him "I ain't getting Disney+'d" I have my issues with JJ as a filmmaker, but I do legitimately think he's an unpolished diamond. He needs someone to help him with the scripts and he can just stick to directing action scenes. He also seems really nice and gets along well with his actors according to the people that have worked with him on his movies. If only people in Hollwood attempted to cover their weaknesses with other talents instead of trying to jack of all-trades it
  10. I also managed to snag Shishou. 2020 off to a great start already with her and Caster Nero
  11. Caster Nero. Hey I'll take her
  12. I'm guessing Nintendo might be saving up for a direct in a few months time or something.
  13. I'm guessing it's a bit like how they title FF games.
  14. Aaand... This Feh channel didn't spark interest. Not to say it's bad, but the game feels stagnant. My enjoyment of it is at an all time low. Guess I'll wait until April for new summoning pool changes. Wonder what kind of dumpster fire the 3rd anniversary will be like.
  15. Kempf seems to have Venin Edge based off of PoR's concept art of it
  16. I'm surprised that we didn't get an update for characters as significant as weapon refinery or grails
  17. Mathilda should get something similar to Selena's weapon. Coming from someone who +7d her on their old account
  18. Do you mean that as in the damage boost for event servants?
  19. I can see Nightingale being useful for boss fights and CQs if you don't have access to loops, but that's it really. They should've just made her with a support NP. Her skills are much befitting of a support unit. I really hate how almost every servant needs to be a straight-up beatstick these days. Gives us more Lanling or something like Asterios
  20. Time to convert then. Android numbah one
  21. I wish I had the Infinity Gauntlet so that I could snap Apple users out of existence. We wouldn't have to wait for anyone that way
  22. I'm surprised there isn't a damage modifier for Santa servants against evil aligned enemies in some way. You'd think punishing naughty children would've have already caught on by now
  23. Ok then. For the most part. But is the same servant as in is he just changing outfits or being summoned under a different class? From what I understand the seasonals in the game are the servants we already have, just that because of plot reasons they change classes, but they're more or less the same. I know that he changed outfits in the Final Singularity so he's probably the same servant. @YotsuMaboroshiReanalyzing what I said and I'm right. Madness Enhancement for servants who were originally Berserkers does carry on to their alts if it's just a seasonal. However there are rules that the devs have followed. It either diminishes or just stays the same (I'll take an L if people interpreted "relatively close to it's original rank" as "it will still exist no matter"). The thing with Kintoki is that his Madness Enhancement is a miserable E so him losing it makes sense because it was so weak that him changing classes caused it to disappear.
  24. I hope Nightingale will either be an AoE Archer or a support one. Zerkers that class change keep their ME Buster passive and those with a high rank in it like Nightingale have it relatively close to the rank it originally was if not the same. So probably double Buster in her deck would be my guess. I really want a support archer that's like Wanling, but it's really a pipe dream.
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