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Everything posted by redlight

  1. I'd personally have canto be only a cav thing
  2. Link to Astram's page in case anyone's interested
  3. Oh yeah. Lol. Fuck those skills. That was a really greedy attempt at "fixing" arena
  4. Meet the Heroes has been updated. I can confirm that the sword that Astram's sprite is wielding is very similar to Mercurius's design.
  5. I predicted that Norne would have higher BST than Alm and she does not dissapoint. Really good unit
  6. I think this might be a case of the Grima retcon explanation introducing a plothole.
  7. I for one don't want to be a divine dragon from Elibe. Life is hard enough for chickens with KFC still around.
  8. Oh yeah. Since Lance of Ruin stayed with the church if you didn't recruit him before the tower chapter. That's a cool detail
  9. That's Conrad's mask, right? I mean they hinted at it in Echoes that Conrad gave his to Sirius
  10. Seems like it was some kind of magic or they wear skin tight costumes
  11. GD gives you an explanation for Fodlan's past and ties many threads albeit in a rushed and uneventful manner. It's a bit generic if I'm being honest as the main antagonists and final boss of that route leave a lot to be desired. BL while not having all plot threads solved, does technically deal with the most important one. BL does have the strongest story out of the bunch and the best moments in the game, but like the others there are bits of mediocrity or poorly thought out elements. It also has the best version of Edelgard IMO.
  12. Yay. More Ishtar CEs. Muh tummy feels good.
  13. I know that you go off of official sources, but... Bantu's artist is very recognisable. Same as Zephiel's and Ogma's.
  14. Yeah. The SI pool of 3-4* heroes is incredibly outdated. Just wish they'd introduce a skill refinery. If tier 4 skills are too much then why not just upgrades of worthless skills and skill fusions (defiants into brazens) be available. They really missed the mark with book 3 launch.
  15. Does she also have recruitment requirements in FE12 as she did in FE11?
  16. Kaze situation, but more obvious as to what IS has plans for him. Astram is the GHB. He should get a prf called Mercurius. Infantry sword
  17. Ironic how the top comments on the artwork batch topic on reddit are all about Bantu and not about how beautiful Nagi is (which she is BTW). Nonethess Bantu looks godly. A lot of the artwork from launch made by the same artists look a bit rough probably since they were rushed or something. Now that there wasn't anything to hinder him, the artist behind FF and Vampire Hunter D presents a beautiful piece of work and will forever be a god. Oh. Also, he appears as a 4* unit in the trailer so his stats are a bit higher than they appear as in the trailer. 42 HP and at minimum 31 Atk at 4* rarity. He might just be a powercrept A!Tiki if he gets nice BST. Kinda ironic considering he was garbo in SD. If Bantu really is a powercrept Tiki then I know who will get my WS4 or fort def/res
  18. I'm using my tickets on green bcs DC. Feeling iffy on Nagi because armored and dragon weakness. Archers and daggers do a better job in AR. In fact, Norne with gen 4 BST could be really fucking good. Assuming that Nephenee's BST goes along with dancers' BST being around 2 bins lower she should have something around Myrrh's BST
  19. They kinda did the same with Kaze so I dunno if they're gonna penalize him that hard for being immediately added to the pool. Either way, even if he gets veteran BST, by gen 4 standards he'd still be gen 3 (edit: gen 2). Bantu apparently has 37 atk without his weapon. We don't know if that's his atk with skills or not. Let's play it safe and assume it's fierce stance or some form of it like sturdy stance or a bond. At minimum he'd have 31 atk. I kinda have more hope for Astram compared to Rutger just because he has a prf.
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