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Everything posted by Tybrosion

  1. Eh, I'm choosing to throw out 400 flags this hour and depending on how the score looks at 9 might burn another 400. Until I see otherwise, I'm not confident we can close this gap without spamming flags with what little time we have left.
  2. As someone who is unfortunately opposing Sakura, I just faced an enemy team consisting of Ryoma, Takumi and Azura. I'll just let that speak for itself. I will say that they had no chance against the combined might of the Hector and Reinhardt I ended up with though.
  3. Update as of last night (not F2P): Legendary Heroes / Deep Devotion: Catria (+RES, -DEF), Roy (+SPD, -HP) Family Bonds: Ephraim (+SPD, -DEF) Sibling Bonds: Eldigan (+HP, -DEF), Klein (+ATK, -RES), Klein (merged into the first) Blazing Shadows: Eldigan (merged into the first), Ninian (neutral), Chrom (+SPD, -HP), Seliph (+ATK, -DEF) Spring Festival: Ryoma (+SPD, -DEF) World of Shadows: Alm (+HP, -RES), Lukas (+HP, -RES) Hero Fest: Hawkeye (+ATK, -HP), Tharja (+HP, -RES) World of Radiance: Effie (merged into the second), Soren (+RES, -HP) Female Mages: Sanaki (+SPD, -HP) Rite of Shadows: Boey (used as skill fodder), Boey (+DEF, -SPD), Chrom (merged into the first) Bridal Blessings: Effie (+DEF, -SPD), Leo (+DEF, -RES), Bride!Lyn (+ATK, -DEF) Echoes of Mystery: Katarina (+RES, -SPD), Karel (+ATK, -HP) War of the Clerics, Block A: Seliph (merged into the first), Lachesis (+HP, -SPD) Promoted: Nino (+ATK, -RES), Camilla (+ATK, -HP), Zephiel, Xander, Eirika (+ATK, -RES), Camus, Anna Other: Marth (Masked) Total Pulled: 28 Total Promoted: 7 Current Total: 30
  4. I might eventually go that route myself and change my rep for Team Elise to Leo though only after I at least get Fury 3 and Goad Cavalry on him. Xander and Camilla are also possible options for me. Though if those on Team Elise who added me have any suggestions / objections regarding my rep, I'll be more than happy to listen.
  5. I tried my hand at the Cleric Block A banner a few times in hopes of getting Elise but I wouldn't be upset if I got one of the other three instead. It only took me 3 tries and for it to be 3:48 in the morning because I lost control of my life long ago, but I got a nice and shiny blond 5* healer along with some extra goodies. 4* Soren (+RES, -SPD), 5* Seliph (neutral), 4* Matthew (+ATK, -DEF), 4* Wrys (+RES, forgot the bane), 5* Lachesis (+HP, -SPD; new) Though of course, it ended up not being the blond healer who is among those at the top of my unit wishlist. Regardless, Lachesis is still a new unit for me and among my favorites from Jugdral. She just had to get the same boon/bane as my first Maria and my first Priscilla though. On the other hand, her Speed would still be a mediocre 25 if she had neutral Speed and staff units don't scare anyone in terms of their offense (not without Wrathful Staff anyways), so maybe it is not so bad. Oh hey, a dup 5* Seliph to merge into my first one because I've used the first one so much and totally haven't super-glued him to the bench after getting him to Lv. 40. As for the rest, Wrys was made to immediately hand over Rehabilitate and Live to Serve 2 to Lachesis while Soren and Matthew will be used to pass down Growing Wind/Fortify Res 3 and Hone Spd 3 at some point.
  6. Well, I already got screwed over in terms of team compositions. All you need to know is that I was pitted against a TA Robin (M) while I had two Xanders (one of them was mine) and a Bowdelia. -_- Yeah, I think I'm just gonna use my TA Soren from now on because Lord knows that won't be the last TA Robin / TA -raven tome user I'll be running into.
  7. They're obviously saving the speedo treatment for Oliver, that's why. He is beauty incarnate after all, right?
  8. This gauntlet will be the fourth time I'm backing a team whose character I don't have as I've backed Leo twice, Lucina and now Elise without actually having them. I did manage to pull Leo out of the blue since the mage gauntlet though. I guess burning the majority of my mage gauntlet flags in his losing effort to Robin pleased him enough to actually want to join my team. Maybe Elise will also come home to me if I burn enough flags in her honor, too. A guy can dream, can't he?
  9. Maybe because Oboro is an O-BORE-o, eh? Yeah, I'll go show myself the door for that one.
  10. Lucina got three variations first though and will have a fourth one when the CYL banner drops. Though yeah, they seriously need to give Magvel more reps sometime soon considering we're now at a point where there are two characters with three variations of themselves while Sacred Stones only has its two lords in the game.
  11. Yeah, I'm aware that their choice of weapon type for Frederick may be entirely coincidental and that they didn't make the connection that I did.
  12. I know that feeling as someone who got Lyn from the bride banner when I wanted Cordelia but never got her. The cherry on top of that is that I also despise Lyn. Hopefully, the same thing won't happen to you with this banner.
  13. I just came to a realization. Frederick, who essentially acts as a butler to Chrom, is using the weapon type that the Butler class in Fates uses (dagger). Clever, IS.
  14. I have to say that I'm pretty annoyed and disappointed that they're doing another seasonal banner so freaking soon after the last one though I may still be a bit bitter that I got Lyn instead of Cordelia from the bride banner so that may be affecting my mood. Like, could they have at least have done another non-seasonal banner next and save this one for late July? Oh well, Tiki at least interests me because it's Tiki and I could use more good 5* axes (only have Camilla, Hawkeye and Anna). On the other hand, I only have 2 5* colorless units at this point (the aforementioned Bride!Lyn as well as Klein) so getting one or both of Gaius and Frederick wouldn't be too bad either.
  15. There is. FE3/12 Maria is 589th with just 134 votes.
  16. Yeah, that is true. I personally view Fates as one entity as opposed to three different games because I don't see them as being fundamentally different enough to be considered different games, not unlike any given duo / trio of Pokemon games. Heroes itself isn't clear on whether it considers them different games since on the one hand Heroes has a World of Conquest and a World of Birthright but on the other hand it has Fire Emblem Fates listed as the "appears in" game for each Fates character instead of specifying a version. Regardless, it's entirely subjective whether the Fates versions are the same game or not anyways.
  17. It is worth keeping in mind that Lissa is the only Awakening character in this gauntlet unlike all the previous ones which had at least 2 Awakening characters each. What I'm saying is that Lissa has no one competing against her for the Awakening fan base vote and, well, we all know how popular Awakening is. Of course, my logic here is running on the assumption that the majority of the Awakening fans who participate in this gauntlet will back Lissa which remains to be seen, until the gauntlet starts anyways. As for Elise, she (or Sakura if she wins) will be the only Fates rep left in the gauntlet and while Fates doesn't share the same level of popularity as Awakening, it certainly still has its share of fans. That is also on top of the fact that Elise / Sakura are also quite popular on their own merits or at least more so than any of the other six characters involved in this gauntlet. That's just my take on this though.
  18. Either way, Tailtiu / Tine weren't the first ones the use it. That was the main point I was trying to make. Also, it was Gotoh who had Thoron, not Boah considering Boah starts with nothing in his inventory.
  19. Those two weren't even the first ones to be associated with Thoron though, Arlen from FE3/12 was. He starts out with it when he's first recruited and everything. So technically, he should be the one who has first dibs on Thoron+.
  20. Yeah, the bonus heroes should switch after the next season ends. Suppose I'll post my current arena status while I'm here. Tier: 19 Offense: 4,810 Defense: 578, 3 wins Rank: 2,397 (out of 3,453, 19 -> 20) Team (Offense) Nino (+ATK, -RES): Gronnblade+, Draw Back, Draconic Aura, Fury 3, Desperation 3, Hone Atk 3, Speed +1 Eirika (+ATK, -RES): Sieglinde, Rally Defense, Moonbow, Speed +3, Drag Back, Hone Spd 3, Fortify Res 1 Camus: Gradivus, Swap, Luna, Fury 3, Lancebreaker 2, Goad Cavalry, Quickened Pulse Klein, +1 (+ATK, -RES): Brave Bow+, Draw Back, Luna, Death Blow 3, Quick Riposte 3, Threaten Def 3, Attack +1 My defense team also uses Camus and Klein (Wings of Mercy 2 replaces Quick Riposte) in addition to my Vantage Ryoma and Ninian.
  21. I've had that happen to me before as well except it was a trio of Fredericks on Xander's story map (Ch. 2-5). While we're talking about strange shit in the Training Tower, I saw a Kagero with a max HP of 18 in the 9th stratum the other day. There was also a Mae with just 7 Defense in the same encounter and, no, she didn't have Life and Death.
  22. I honestly don't see them making either Micaiah or Elincia a staffbot. They could've given Celica that treatment given that she can use Recover but they didn't. Though Celica also doesn't use a staff to cast her healing magic while Micaiah (except in the case of Sacrifice) does, so there's that. I do hope that they don't screw one, or worse, both of them over because Amiti is awesome and it would be interesting to me what weapon they give Micaiah who, while she has Thani, lacks an exclusive legendary weapon unlike pretty much every other lord in the series.
  23. There's a sadistic part of me that wants to see that happen. With how salty people got over Lachesis and Lucius being relegated to staff bots, I manage the saltiness that would result from healer Micaiah would be legendary and awe-inspiring. Though seriously, I personally wouldn't care if Micaiah gets a staff considering I don't give a crap about her anyways. Elincia, however, is a different story...
  24. While I love Sakura about as much as Elise, my Nohr / Conquest bias demands for me to go Team Elise and so I will. Fellow Team Elise peeps, feel free to friend me (0085075948) if you so choose. I can provide my 5* Camus or Eldigan w/Hone Cavalry for fun Horse Emblem shenanigans.
  25. We still haven't heard anything about the healer gauntlet as far as I'm aware, both when it is supposed to start and which characters will be involved. Honestly, it's beginning to seem more likely that it'll start in the first or second week of July, but that's just what I think. It could also very well start shortly after version 1.5 launches for all I know. We just have to keep waiting, for better or worse.
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