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Posts posted by Tybrosion

  1. 4 minutes ago, Magnux7 said:

    It's a bit funny how most of the people here who's not on team Tharja, outright hates her.

    I actually really like Julia though, she's very adorable c: 

    While I'm not on Team Tharja yet, I can say I'm not among those here who hates her and have actually warmed up to her over time. Really, this gauntlet had no characters that I outright dislike which is good I guess. I'm still not looking forward to seeing Lyn and/or Takumi in a gauntlet but that's my own problem.

  2. I not only managed to get 5100 feathers (2500 for offense, 900 for defense and 1700 for tier rank) and 3 orbs out of this season but I get to advance from Tier 14 to Tier 17. I can only hope this jump in tiers won't also lead to a huge difficulty spike in terms of the teams I'm pitted against. My defense team of Ninian, Nino, Klein and (Distant Counter-less) Zephiel somehow finished with 6 wins, most of which came in the latter half of the season. I honestly wasn't expecting that team to get more than like 2 wins though Klein having Wings of Mercy might've been what tripped people up but who knows.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Did we lose our 2 Orbs a day again?

    Yeah, we did lose it again. It's beyond me why they just don't have it run indefinitely instead of there being a periods of a couple days where it's inactive. Also on an unrelated note, your curse has yet to find its way to my 5*s aside from maybe the Klein that I merged into my current one. None of them are even -SPD for that matter. You might be glad to know that it has afflicted the only Lilina and Marth that I've gotten to this point though (both 4*).

  4. 1 minute ago, Anime27Arts said:

    Taw, my Oboro hasn't graced you with her presence? Tis a shame.  You can see how little of a life I've had to make it up there and still have about 1,000 flags to spend closer to the end.  There's still 6 hours left, maybe Oboro will visit you soon!  I sure have gotten @Arcanite and your Nino a lot, and I can say, they are the only reason, I haven't taken Leo from the lead that I use.

    It's kinda weird. I got your Leo quite a bit back in Round 1 when you had him set as your lead but this round I've pretty much only been getting two different Hectors from my pool of friends plus a Chrom occasionally. I also haven't gotten @Locke087's Cecilia at all when I did get his Kagero a time or two back in Round 1.

    6 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    It's not even that; I just genuinely like Robin. That's all there is to it. And you're fine. 

    Alright, cool.

  5. 1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    Oh is that what it sounded like? Mbad, I promise there was no such implication. 

    I'm simply consoling myself with the fact that I'll probably lose but at least get a lot of feathers for my troubles. 

    I wholeheartedly support the notion of fighting for the character you like, not the one that nets you the most gains. I'm not personally a fan of Tharja, but I respect those on her side who genuinely like her character and support her because of that. 

    Eh, it's cool. If you want to support Robin because you don't care for Tharja and that it would give you more feathers, that's your choice and I completely respect it. Sorry if I got unnecessarily ornery there by the way.

  6. Well, I was to take advantage of last hour's multiplier and I'm now ranked in the top 1K of Team Leo (#589 to be exact). Also, I can see you and your Oboro who I have yet to get in any of my battles at #554 @Anime27Arts

    32 minutes ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    If nothing else, we can count on Team Tharja ultimately scoring fewer feathers than the rest of us :D

    Implying that all of us who are or will be on Team Tharja give a crap about getting the most feathers, huh? I'd much rather side with the character I actually want to support instead of the one that would give me more feathers but is a character that I don't care about. Besides, I have no one on my roster currently that I'm dying to promote to a 5* anyways.

  7. Just now, MaskedAmpharos said:

    I've been wondering this for a while, but when one side loses to another, do more people join the side that beat them (as a sign of camaraderie and respect, like with Chrom and Ephraim) or do more people join the side that didn't (as an act of vengeance)?

    Personally, I'm one of the latter because I'm petty. I spent the rest of the first gauntlet directly opposing Ephraim after he eliminated Leo in Round 1 and enjoyed watching Lucina send him to the Shadow Realm. Likewise, I'm refusing to join Robin for the same reason along with the fact that I have Tharja as a 5* but not Robin.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    So what does it mean for the winner of the Voting Gauntlet as a whole? I didnt participate in one yet so I have no idea how these work.

    It's just a popularity contest more or less. The winners of the first two (Lucina and Camilla respectively) haven't gotten anything special for winning. However, we all will get 20 orbs, 5 of each Great Badge and 5,000 Universal Crystals sometime after the gauntlet for exceeding 10 billion points during the gauntlet.

  9. On 5/11/2017 at 5:27 PM, Tybrosion said:

    Because this month has been really good to me so far, I get to update my list yet again only this time I'll group them by banner.

    Legendary Heroes / Deep Devotion: Catria (+RES, -DEF), Roy (+SPD, -HP)

    Family Bonds: Ephraim (+SPD, -DEF)

    Sibling Bonds: Eldigan (+HP, -DEF), Klein x2 (+ATK, -RES, the other was merged into the first)

    Blazing Shadows: Eldigan (merged into the first), Ninian (neutral), Chrom (+SPD, -HP), Seliph (+ATK, -DEF)

    Spring Festival: Ryoma (+SPD, -DEF)

    World of Shadows: Alm (+HP, -RES), Lukas (+HP, -RES)

    World of Radiance: Effie (+RES, -HP), Soren (+RES, -HP)

    Hero Fest: Tharja (+HP, -RES), Hawkeye (+ATK, -HP)

    Female Mages: Sanaki (+SPD, -HP)

    Promoted: Nino (+ATK, -RES), Camilla (+ATK, -HP), Zephiel, Xander

    Current Total: 20

    And this month continues to be unusually lucky for me, gifting me with a 6th 5*.

    Rite of Shadows: Boey (+SPD, -DEF)

    Current Total: 21

  10. I made one full pull from Rite of Shadows after gathering enough orbs from Chapter 11.

    3* Lissa, 3* Lissa (...), 3* Beruka, 5* Boey (new), 3* Fir

    Well, it started out with Lissa twins but it ultimately ended with me pulling my 4th 5* mage in this month alone. While I was already covered on green mages with Nino and Soren, Boey and his Gronnowl will be interesting to play around with. If the stats on the wiki are accurate, my Boey would be +SPD, -DEF. It kinda sucks he ended up with -DEF given that he appears to built to be a physically defensive mage like Henry and Merric. I suppose Earth Boost will help to compensate for his Defense bane at the very least.

  11. 1 minute ago, Sias said:

    If Nino isn't going to be in the bonus GHB banner, I'll be sad. :(

    Considering the last two GHB banners had no one with any real connections to the GHB character unless if Arthur being on Xander's banner was Arthur taking issue with Xander claiming that justice is an illusion, I would expect Nino to not be on Lloyd's though who knows. She got to be on Ursula's banner at the very least though.

  12. I just saw an enemy 5* Corrin (F) who had Growing Light as her special. I'm not sure why someone would spend 675 SP (yes, that's how much a Blazing/Growing AoE costs to inherit) to replace a perfectly fine special like Draconic Aura. At the very least, that SP could've been put towards something better but that's just me.

  13. 52 minutes ago, Kaden said:

    Weird... Is Tharja's HP bugged? A friend just asked why a newly summoned Tharja's HP is showing up as green. Don't know if this was after merging new Tharja with old Tharja Apparently it happened to a couple other people if 2 results of gamefaqs are to be believed. Well, one has evidence.

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    +10 merged units don't have any of their stats shown as green, so... maybe Tharja is broken? :p

    Mine's like that too. She's +HP so I guess for some reason, once maxed, any 5* Tharja that's +HP just has her 42 for HP in green. She can equip the +3 HP seal though her HP value (45) is still green. I also haven't merged any other Tharjas into her and if if it means anything, my Tharja has the same bane as the one in the screenshot (RES).

  14. 2 minutes ago, Zangetsu said:

    So r we still complaining about who's winning & how they don't deserve to win?

    I'm not at the very least since I don't hate either Tharja or Robin. Sure, I would've liked to see Leo go all the way but I knew he had no real chance against Robin like how Robin's not going to have a chance of beating Tharja.

  15. 3 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Going on topic, glad to see Robin is winning! :)

    You know, I would be more upset that Leo's losing if not for the fact that I knew he had no chance of beating Robin anyways. At this point, I've just accepted defeat and am biding my time for the multiplier to potentially come back so I boost my score some more.

  16. 18 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Sothe and Tauroneo are of Daein, though.

    Yes obviously but neither of them actually tell Micaiah off for resorting to setting the Apostle's Army on fire. Tauroneo says the "you used to hate plans like this" line to Micaiah before they went through with it, but as far as I'm concerned that comes nowhere close to him calling her out. That was more like him saying to her "you must really hate that we have to resort to this" instead of an objection. That's all I'll say on this here.

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