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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. And it's good to have ya as a friend. ^_^

  2. Lol, I'm serious. You one of the few. XD

  3. Epic way to end the chapter! What a cliffhanger! Also, you did a good job writing Lyle&Masu's relationship. Masu: ...I'm sorry too. Lyle: You should be. Masu: Ass. Lyle: *He smirks.* XD
  4. You could say, I'm kinda getting tired of the stupidity. Your one of the few people who I couldn't say anything bad about. =D

  5. Oh sure, Thx! I'll read it right away! I'm not mad or anything. ^_^

  6. Well, turns out I'm still on. Yeah, I guess I'm havin a bad day. I'm sick with a cold, mabye I'm cranky or somthing. But I'm good! XD

  7. At first I thought you ment Visa card.
  8. I'll see ya later Lyle, not the day for me to be on Serenes. Bye.

  9. I don't know if I would call it that, but sure.
  10. Ahh, so it's a little club? Eh, whatever. *walks off*
  11. This is one of my favorates. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ_lXJTaT5g Lyle showed me this one, it's an instant favorate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktFDot-gPZQ Also, this was funny.
  12. I made Knoll a summoner just because summoners were only avalible in FE8. On one of the last chapters with the lava caves, I spent 100s of turns summoning getting Knoll to lvl 20. ^_^
  13. He RULES! How can you not use him! However, it would be a challenge to try and not use the main lord.. Ike is my favorate lord.
  14. Well, IRL I'm the same way with everyone around me.
  15. It's been a while since we have had one, and It looks like we need one. So, PARTY TIME!
  16. Things are getting out of hand here..

  17. Better stop before things get out of hand..
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