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Zero the Hero

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Everything posted by Zero the Hero

  1. Yes you did.. But Knifester isen't really to blame, Since it was a "SAFETY POCKET KNIFE!"
  2. And now, I will never "play" with Knifes EVER AGAIN!
  3. Eh, nothing I guess.

  4. Hugs! Hugs make people warm and fuzzy inside. ^_^
  5. Ok, Give me bout 10 mins.

  6. True, Will you stay on if I do?

  7. Lyle and Toa aren't on. I guess that's why.

  8. Ok. I'll make the topic tomorrow I guess.

  9. Yea, me too. I'm on Runescape though.

  10. Bye nao! Lol... Nao = Now.

    I'm funny! XD

  11. Hey wait, that's right! She's a sage, right?
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