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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Id like to note that my Brave Ike i fielded now (didnt use him since ages) is putting in good work. Urvan + Aegis shield + steady breath + shield pulse + hardy bearing makes him near unkillable by ranged unit. My last win was because of this. Eir Reinhardt Bride Fjorm and Lazura couldnt kill him with combined attacks lol and he managed to kill their Vantage fully buffed Leavatine. Yeah you better not step on those traps that leave you with 4 HP left
  2. I really dont know whats wrong with your gameplay. I cleared this with the Askrtrio & Veronica, no merges, no dragonflowers no skill inheritance, no summoner support (they have no assist skills lol). only their Vanilla kit and Sacred Seals. the Map is not that hard on Infernal at all. Especially if you use merged up units. Normal GHBs and BHBs without inforcements are really a snooze fest. This one was mildly challenging with the Askrtrio and Veronica and no skill inheritance. If they would keep releasing too easy stuff i would have stopped playing fire emblem heroes... But again you throw in the towell before even trying it! Everytime on any GHB BHB LHB that has reinforcements and then rant about it.
  3. God forbid something is mildly challenging. I mean you arent forced to do them. I havent touched mine since months due to Time restraints, but I am not bothered. I find it allways a nice option if i have time at hands to go to them and complete them. The only thing i would liked changed, is that if you complete extreme you autocomplete all the other difficulties instantly. Because thats really boring, repeating something you have beaten in easier modes.
  4. Askrtrio and Veronica vs Cynthia Infernal, no skill inheritance. I wish IS would release all Abyssal battles for BHBs and GHB of book 2 and book 3. I really like Abyssal mode. GHBs LHBs and BHBs are my favourite content! And I must say IS did a very good job at balancing the difficulties, most GHBs and BHBs are clearable with the Askrtrio and little to no skill inheritance while Abyssal is clearable by them but with heavy Skill inheritance. Good job on that part IS
  5. Finished my +10 Aversa tonight (Arvis was my first +10). Undecided who to tackle next, prolly Camus, I dont have a decent blue melee cav. but then again is stoped using easy mode cav Teams like shortly after Brave Lyns release. Maybe i should go for Naesala, but I am thinking of just saving them up, none of the remaining units seem compelling to me much.
  6. Dont use a red unit in AR as a Tank unless you can Vantage sweep the whole Team. Ophelia and Reinhardt are very common and will wreck Nah into pieces. and then you are using here during Naga season which means she will bleed even more.
  7. who is we? what about the people that reached Tier 21? What we need is a way to not get demoted below Tier 21
  8. better then the uknown stuff we are getting lately. I will play Three Houses, but the banners this year, outside of OC characters are for me like "who the fuck is that?". Not everyone played path of radiance etc Fire emblem games.
  9. I cant, call it OCD. I just like to poor the best in when i start playing (doesnt matter what). It just keeps iching, but i guess i'll try this week with just maintainging Tier 21. No more wasting Time!
  10. This week will be hell with Alm as a Bonus unit. He will be used on Offense and Defense i guess
  11. I am actually seeing alot of the "deal bonus damage based on buffs on enemy" daggers in AR. have run a couple of times into it. It basicly shuts down any Supertank strategy at all when you have a precharged Sothe with those daggers lol. Couple that with an Alm and a Sonya that cover all bases and you welp. Cant tank Alm or Sonya without all the buffs, cant apply buffs because of Sothe.
  12. I wish there was no demotion below Tier 21. I would just go into this mode and auto-surrender. Its too much hassle with consantly changing offense defense and whatever Team and setups. One word: TIRESOME. I thought mobile games were about fast and quick access play
  13. Last time i checked noone was running Harsh command ecxept for rarely in PVE content. In that regard my Windsweep/Watersweep Close Counter Saizo is very happy. The weapon is lets say more weak to dancers, because you can just shake off the debuffs by getting redanced. Which is in general the weakpoint of any debuff in this game sadly and doesnt bring them up on par with visible buffs that last for the whole turn no matter how many times you get redances (something that should seriously get changed, would add that much more value to Harsh Command+ and cures that remove status ailments). Still very much like the refine.
  14. The only units with H. Bearing are Dancer Micaiah and Ophelia usually, unless they run inherited Festival Dancer daggers. Which is not the case. Never seen one in AR. And while i do encounter Dancer Micaiah occasionally in AR Defenses as a Dancer, she is generally used as a Dancer in offensiv mixed groups. and you only need Vantage for Infantry Pulse Teams. Which dont run Dancer Micaiah due to her shitty HP stat and rather rely on Ninian, which only leaves one unit with H.Bearing: usually Ophelia.
  15. Considering Veronica is moveing now on Hel and her Lore with Loki, i wouldnt be surprised if Loki played one or two tricks on that Thor and pushed her to another Realm. Where have I seen that... hm... Time for a crossover dress event: On the next episode of FEH: Odin Fates (Darth Vader voice): "Loki I am your father!"
  16. welp Brady is definitly the demote with his statline, its way too similar to Sakura (aside from Attack and HP) As for Thor: Lokis sister or related to Loki.
  17. yeah i just saw it, which makes the refine kinda okeish but not overwhelmingly good.
  18. For the first hit yes, but anything that outspeeds her or can double her bulk is lower, still ok but lower. But with Deflect melee and no close counter i doubt any melee unit is gonna kill her. EDIT: Nevermind its only on initiating an Attack.
  19. Imho actually Brady and Kjelle should be demoted. None of the skills they bring to the table is relevant, or has been on a dozen banners/other units, or are weak and dont sport any exclusiv weapons. But I guess Brady will demote because Kjelle holds those new AR A-Slot skills noone gives a crap about
  20. he needs it, but he also needs more then that. His Attack is low so he needs like Felicia a way to beef up his special counter faster. Maybe he gets a gunnthra refine that lets him deal dmg depending on the amount of debuffs on the enemy, but that wouldnt really help since you kinda need to apply them first lulz.
  21. The wording on Infantry breath is odd. From the wording its a visible buff, which means you can give the buff out and then position the supertank which keeps your buffer safe. Not sure if its a misstranslation. When is Infantry counter? Grants Distant/Close counter to adjacent Infantry units lol.
  22. I wonder if its a typo/misstranslation and its a during combat buff and not an actuall visible buff how it is described. but who knows!
  23. I know none of those chars. But Infantry Breath pulse is decent! But I am glad there is banners that are skippable
  24. Astra is a skill i run alot in Abyssal Askrtrio clear in conuction with Triangle adept or Special Spiral
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