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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. so far only 40 lift loss from Defenses, didnt care much for offense this week because i was busy so i forfeit like 4 matches (got in the beginning of the week enough points to stay in Tier 21). I am working, or basicly finished my new Darkness Defense Team @Johann@mampfoid Since i know i have you 2 on my Friendlist (forget me if i forgot anyone else), could you mockbattle/test my new Defense map on Tuesday and give me some insight on how hard it was to beat? Would appreciate your feedback. I think i am missing something. You will face the following enemies: Sothis +3 (+RES): Weapon: Sublime Surge Support: None Special: Sirius A: Swift Sparrow 3 B: Wings of Mercy 3 C : Times Pulse Seal: Atk/Spd Bond 3 Yune +2 (+Atk): Weapon: Chaos Manifest Support: None Special: Moonbow A: Fury 3 B: Wings of Mercy 3 C : Chaos Named Seal: Fortress Res 3 Brave Ike +10 (+Atk): Weapon: Urvan Support: None Special: Sacred Cowl A: Distant Def 4 B: Shield Pulse 3 C : Infantery Pulse 3 Seal: Attack Smoke 3 Kagero +10 (+Def) Weapon: Kageros Dart (Refined with unique) Support: None Special: Ruptured Sky A: Sturdy Impact B: Null Follow up C : Times Pulse 3 Seal: Hardy Bearing 3 Seliph +10 (+HP) Weapon: Tyrfing (Refined with Miracle) Support: None Special: Reprisal A: Distant Counter B: Null C-Disrupt 3 C : Panic Ploy 3 Seal: Quick Riposte Bride Fjorm +10 (+HP): Weapon: Gjallarbru Support: Martyr+ Special: Miracle A: HP+4/Atk+2 B: Sudden Panic 3 C : Ground Orders 3 Seal: Hp+4 / Spd +2 Seal
  2. Same. Synergizes very well with Veronica. Camilla doesnt bring anything new to the table ecxept for raw nuke power, which honestly other Classes/units do better because they can run Specials that trigger. Imho Camilla is very lackluster. Veronica, Bride Fjorm and Loki bring far more to the table then her. Especially Veronica. 8 stat difference is nothing to scoff at.
  3. Poison Daggers Base Might might be too low nowadays with the increased base stats. BathCam basicly will only be able to kill Infantry units and prolly not even all of them 😕 and agaiinst everyone else she will just suck 😕
  4. With Naga its Triple effectivness!!!!. Just make a Team of all 3 Micaiahs and Nagas and you will basicly kill anything that isnt Infantry or Flying related lol.
  5. waiting for the Kagero train next year. Although with 3 houses it might be rather Edelgard. I wish Alfonse, Sharena, Anna and Bruno would get the love ._.
  6. s staff unit with armor and cav effectivness would be quite strong 😮 Or they give her a unique staff that provides Armor and cav effectivbesd to adjacent allies (similar to Nagas C-Skill)!!!
  7. Not sure about this. Camilla seems inferior to Veronica. Especially because her staff is only a glorified gravity staff with more punching power. Veronica can easy deal more dmg after her 1. Attack when being redanced. I wouldnt be surprised if Micaiah is the free pick for clears. Double effectivness helps and we lack a free green strong nuker. she meshes well together with the allready free Veronica AND Eir that can debuff enemies I have to see what the other skills do before deciding
  8. Some clears, since i enjoy Grand/Mythic etc hero battles Nifl siblings vs Sothis Abyssal: Also only 500ish Dragonflowers away to give +10 to Fjorm and then the Nifl Team is at its max! ❤️ And Bonus Doubler Mayhem. Team Marth vs Team Eliwood: Sothis Abyssal Edition. Debuff Mayhem Edition on the way with Team Gunnthra vs Team Yune!
  9. Not surprised about Valentines Ike doing most of the work or being key. This map has only 2 blue units and only one of them is really a threat (the blue mage, the lance unit has lowish atk for an abyssal map). The map is clustered with Red and green units and some colorless, so Red units should work like a charm mostly here. Also for anyone that is trying Abyssal. If you attack the red sword user with Infantry Pulse at Turn 1 it makes the map a bit easier because it prevents Sothis and the green mage to have instant charged specials.
  10. I dont think anyone means the 1. effect (at least not me), but Kageros special refine that reduces damage taken.
  11. Imho if you want high dmg just inherit a Litrblade. the whole point of a different refine is to differentiate the mages. Want insane glass cannon nukes -----> go with Nino or Tharja. Want a different play style go with one of the other special refine ranged units. I would like a Kagero refine or so. It adds variety to the units, whats the point of having 392093032 units that do exactly the same thing?
  12. and you still dont know when to stop moaning about LHB battles, it is everytime the same thing. Believe it or not some people like the challenge and the strategic thought it requires to complete them. There are plenty of peoples that appreciate a very difficult battle in FEH. I am blunt and honest here: Not every difficulty is meant to be cleared easy, thats why they are called: Normal Hard Infernal and Abyssal. Noone is forcing you to do Infernal and Abyssal. And if you cant handle those difficulties then work on your units or try different strategies, which is exactly the point of a STRATEGY-Game
  13. @mampfoidI tell you something, Sharena would have died with only RES/DEF Link buffs, she barely survived due to Trilemma. Sothis deals 50 dmg to Sharena with her Special without Trilemma on Sharena. That Healer was my salvation. I needed so much time until i got the positions correct so the Healer would hit us with Trilemma.
  14. not sure about RES. It could be higher and DEF lower. I could be wrong but i believe she gives out a REs +5 Blessing?
  15. hm Sothis either has 33 or 39 Spd depending if the Solo skill was in effect. But judging from her base kite a I would say 39 SPD coupled with around 34ish attack or so
  16. so times pulse 3 can be used to instantly charge 2 charge special cooldowns with wrath below 75%. My +10 Karel is thinking hard about it with Luna. Also you can now have a First combat Luna Reinhardt. But i think this will be infantry exclusive. Considering all the pulse C Skills Situational skill not sure what to make of it
  17. I rather like for them to add a new skill for Boeys special refine that forces the enemy to target his DEF stat when calculating Damage. Conditional Close Counter might work too, but it depends on the condition... and hopefully they widen the range of the owltome to 2 spaces instead of adjacent. I would also be happy with
  18. That tier list is useless. Skill inheritance is a thing. and second: you should break this Tierlist up into categories. Best Support: Who provides good cheerleading Best Player phase Best Enemy phase and even then there are many subcategorys. All depends so much on the Team composition/synergy. Like Regular Marth is for me one of the best cheerleaders alongside Legendary Azura when it comes to Infantry support with Infantry Breath. Veronica is a good offense and at the same time excellent support unit. Without proper defense and support, offensiv units crumble in this game.
  19. he hasnt implied anything of that kind, you are reading into it. He just stated an accurate fact: - You lack information or have wrong information about alot of modes/skills
  20. obviously he will counter after the condition is met. Basicly after the effect of Urvans kicks in, he gets a guaranteed Distant counter attack. The enemy doesnt need to run Desperation, Doubling Ike is enough (when he doesnt run DC in the A-slot). He would basicly be a hard counter for Fast ranged nukes or brave weapon ranged users. Or Firesweep/razzle dazzle users if he has null Cdisupt He also gets to double if he runs Quick riposte (and meets The HP threshold at start of combat)
  21. I think B!Ike would be very nice with a Shield Pulse refine with a conditional Distant Counter. When Urvans effect (-80%) kicks in he can Counter regardles of Distance or something like that
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