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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. +10 Vantage DC Duma Defense Teams with literally Clustered Savage Blow, Bolt Tower and Traps can go DIAF. My Healing tower got destroyed ._. I should remember to bring my Healer Team in Astra when i see my Healing Tower getting wrecked.
  2. why? there are plenty of dancers allready and none comes close to LAzura. Unless they make them special in a way it wont be worth pulling them. But i can see them either including Armor Dancers or Horse Dancers. If they are Infantry Dancers i could see them give Dance+ for inheritance that allows Infantry users and Armor users (not Stackable with boots) to move 1 additional space, while LAzura provides this for Flyer and Infantry. Dunno there is no apeal in getting more Dancers, considering all the special ones we allready have. There are 6 Dancers in the regular pool (2blue and 4red) 1 legendary Dancer and 9 Special ones from Special banners. (to not forget Bride Ninian) and of course Tempest Azura. Thats 17 Dancers. Thats more then enough.
  3. not saying it has no uses or that its not worth it, but its not the one you should pick when you comparing the strength of 2 Bslot skills with a Tier 4 A-Slot skill, because it is the weakiest and offers the least.
  4. Fury 4 is a horrible A Slot skill to compare stuff to. Its the weakest of the Tier 4 A-Slot skills.
  5. colorless melee units are very delicate to balance out. Leanne doesnt count because she is a dancer and suffers from low BST Velouria is a Cavalry unit and shares the same fate. Now Caineghis is thick, like really thick and very good unit, partially because of his weapon and his BST. He can nullyfie his armor weakness and still retain Distant Counter. There arent many Beast slaying weapons out there yet. we alos have 3 other colorless melee fighters: Fallen Corrin, Fallen Tiki and Duma. Have you ever faced any of those 2 without an effectiv against Dragon/Armor unit in your Team? They are oppressiv. Fallen Tiki is still a threat even if you have a Dragon effectiv weapon in your roster. I am not saying they are overpowered or unbeatable, but they are one step away from being very very oppressiv units. Just to show how delicate it can be to bring high BST units into the colorless pool.
  6. a brave effect is very delicate to balance and can quickly be overpowered. If their weapon might is to low then you might delete them because they wont put a dent on to Dragon and Armor defenses, if its too high then you got an entire imbalanced melee class that is colorless wrecks everything. If we would implement gauntlets into the game i would make the following suggestion, just to make them unique: Gauntles: Are colorless, physical weapons Have a brave effect that works like Swordhardt/Keaton, with max 11 might but no penalty in Speed. BUT the class has no A-slot but instead 2 B-slots. Why? because they are brawlers and are very very very close up combatants with an excellent move repertoire. I think this would seperate them enough from the other melees. They cant run Distant Counter (since no A-slot) but they would allow for interesting builds with double B-slots and would seperate them from all the other melee classes. Of course this means IS needs to start releasing Tier 4 B-Slots I dont know its just a quick Idea, not fleshed out or anything.
  7. first and foremost: What would be the point of adding Gauntlets to Heroes? What seperates them or makes them unique from the other Melee weapons? Do they add something new to the gameplay? Those question would need to be answered first before even considering adding Gauntlets. If they are just regular melee weapons that behave the same as axe sword and lances then you might just not add them at all. Beast units added a new gameplay element in the form of transformations that effected various performance parts of them. Their weapons are solely allready unique because of this. Dragonstones are unique in the sense that they can be "any" color (inheritance wise)and target RES So what would the role of guantlets be? If they behave like regular axe sword lance there is no point in adding them I can only see gauntlets be colorless physical melee weapons. Thats the only thing missing in heroes, everything else would make not much sense at all. But even that is bland and doesnt add much.
  8. Depends on the setup. Some use Panic Staves other use Dagger units with "The Cleaner+". I personally think "The Cleaner" is the better option, because a precharged dagger unit can potentialy dish out more dmg due to specials, while stave units usually die to Null-C disrupt and dont do that much damage (because they cant use specials). Or Spectral tome.
  9. I have given Null C to my Dancing Dagger Olivia together with Splashy bucket, splashy bucket cuts the healer damage down to 1/2 again and she can counter!. She kills Healers and Dragons for life. She has basicly solod so many AR Defense setups.
  10. In my opinion impact skills are best used for Ranged units. They are usually playerphase units because they lack the bulk to run Close counter (outside of Aether Raids). In that regard none of those units you mentioned benefit hugely from it. Of course you can also run Impact skills on melees, but i think Tibarns impact skill is perfect for ranged nukers. It gives them enough bulk to survive a hit from Distant counter Dragons (the +10 def helps against adaptiv damage breaths since most nukers have higher RES then DEF)or Armorers.
  11. Massacred Arena with my olde +10 Boey and his refine. Gave him Fortress Def/Res in his A-Slot and Rend Heaven as a Special. Together with Marth (praise Infantry Breath and Ruse def/res) Legendary Azura and Aversa as his chearleaders all the Dragons and Armor were... no match. Rend Heaven just cuts through high Attack Armorers like nothing especially when Boey has Infantry Breath from Marth and Quick Riposte. Not to mention all the Dragons that die to it ._.
  12. So I have been playing a bit around with my free pick Brave Micaiah. She gives the Askartrio the same jump in potency as Veronica did on her release. No I did not replace Anna forever, just for reclearing some GHBs and showing the potential of her kit. In that Regard: Garon Infernal vs Alfonse, Sharena, Veronica & BMicaiah, no Skill Inheritance no Seals used.
  13. I really hope they implement him in the farfetched hero banner ¬.¬ been waiting now for almost 3 years on him
  14. not saving for Spring Bruno... the original Bruno!!! He is now the next highest placed male character that isnt in the game after CYL 3
  15. The Lava Map got nerfed pretty early and the Spring Breeze map got one wall moved and one wall became breakable. also the castle ruins has now more breakable (instead of unbreakable walls). This was noted in the update descreption like 3 months ago or so, you know those notifications IS throws at you in your face when you visit the castle the first time for the day.
  16. a 6. unit will never happen. Defense maps got allready nerfed. 6. units means more dances fielded for offense which makes it a cakewalk. And people that can control the AI navigate allready very fine through Defense setups. The AI is very predictable
  17. Saving for Bruno Saving for Bruno Saving for Bruno Saving for Bruno >.<. I have to ignore CYL for now because BRUNO!
  18. Since Attack/Spd Push 4 kinda revitalized a otherwise dead skill. Skills i would like to be revitalized as Tier 4 Skills: Earth/Water Boost 2: If units HP at start of combat is >= 3 foes HP grants +7 Def and +7 RES to unit and inflicts - 7 Def and -7Res on foe during combat Fire/Wind Boost 2: same as above just with SPD and Atk Spectrum Boost 2: If units HP at start of combat is >= 3 foes HP grants +4 to Atk/Spd/def/res to unit and inflicts -4 Atk/Spd/def/res on foe during combat. no skill inherit restriction Obstruct 4: If units HP > 25%, foes cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit (this skill DOES prevent pass!). Adjacent Allies and unit split recieved damage during combat half/half (only 1 similar effect applies). no Restriction Pass 4: Unit can move through foes spaces. If unit moves through foes spaces, unit can move 1 extra space (this is not a visible buff, the range is calculated on the move you are makeing, so a new mechanic). no Restriction (hence why Obstruct does prevent Pass) (yes I am well aware that Cav units might possible move 4 spaces). HP 4: Grants +10 HP. If units HP > 50% inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. no Restriction Breath of Life 4: If unit initiates combat, restores 10 HP to allies within 2 Spaces and inflicts -7 Atk to foes within 2 Spaces Restriction: Infantry only thoughts? what skills would you like to see bumped up.
  19. Still easier to +10 a 3-4 Star unit and then fodder of a 5 Star Gen 3 unit then building a 5 Star Gen 3 unit. So nope wont happen. The best bet are Dragonflowers, because: 1. They are limited, so the amount of full "free" built up 3-4 Star units is limited 2. They are kinda tied to summoning, because new units give 40 Dragonflowers. And I believe this is the way IS will handle this, at one point with Gen 4 or Gen 5 units they will up the cap on Gen 1/Gen2 and Gen 3 units and prolly add more Dragonflower rewards (but it will still be steep to go from +10 Dragonflowers to +15 but easier to go from 0 to +10) Since Dragonflowers dont count towards Arena Calculation this also keeps AR Duell skills relevant to some degree.
  20. I dont see them doing anything even remotly close to this. Dragonflowers are the best bet and they want to keep people summoning. Just look at the Blue lance flier pool. Its so bloated, why would anyone ever summon for a new released Blue lance flyer unless it has an awesome personal weapon or skill or is a favourite character of them. I mean i get why people want this but I also get why IS doesnt want this. They want to make money with summons. Increased BST to the point where it makes a huge difference and can only overcome with Dragonflowers (we arent there yet), is a way to limit people only upgrading "free" 3-4 Star units.
  21. dont know, Lyn is one B-Slot away from being pretty good. put in Push Attack Spd, Rend Heaven, Wrath, Pulse Time and Brazen Attack/SPD and she will prolly double most units running Null Follow up and activate Rend Heaven on every combat due to times pulse 3, she prolly slaughters every dragon and beast unit that way. Though Push attack/spd needs some support because it deactivates below 25%
  22. Azama does not want Close Counter and its wasted on him. Azama wants Fortress Def/Res so he can become even more bulky. He does not have the offense to hurt anyone remotly, he has though the potential to troll and stall everyone with witchy wand and a very bulky setup.
  23. I dont think Camilla will be meta defining at all. Skill Inheritance is a thing so Veronica will be still the larger threat just because of the sheer utility her stave adds.
  24. So after my first playthrough with Dimitri i have to say i overall liked Three Houses (although Dimitris storyline is a bit too much Edgelord for my taste). What they have done best is that you actually care for your opponents, since you actually spent time with them and there were many occasions where i was like: I really dont want to hurt that guy/girl. It makes you care for the other side, much better then the Fates splitt part where i had like no attachement to the opponents on my first playthrough.
  25. did you ignore the impact of the Adrift banner on her popularity during the voting time or did your brain just kinda lock it down somewhere in a corner. Camilla isnt as popular as you believe her to be. At this moment i can only think of 3 persons in this forums that are Camilla fans and are vocal on here, thats not alot. She was lucky that the Anna votes werent combined are she woulnt have been a CYL unit.
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