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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. i would have rather liked them to drop them all into the 3-4 star pool. Maybe next year... And now i am certain the same thing will happen to the Book II 5 Star exclusives *sigh*. I mean i get it the 3-4 Star pool is allready bloated. But this isnt a permanent solution to the matter 😕
  2. Azama isnt lazy, he is just spiritually in a different plane... planet? universe? dimension?
  3. Dont bother with this. Save yourself time and headaches.
  4. Maybe they add a feature of creating your own Avatar as a Class etc.
  5. I am more surprised that Chrom and Xander didnt get an alt allready
  6. gotta make those Lance cavs and fliers usefull somehow!!! Considering that those are the most oversaturrated classes
  7. if you dont see the harm why ranged units should not have a movement skill for Assists skills or Attacks i dont know what to tell you. I guess you only fight with ranged firesweep users. They allready have a distinct advantage by being RANGED over melees giving them more reach. Sometimes you need to snipe a ranged unit first before dealing with the frontline, those skills you want make that very hard or nearly impossible, especially for melees. Shove/Smite-Link is very very different from your suggested method/skills. It requires more positional thought and doesnt move the assisting unit out of danger. you can also position the assisted unit out of Danger. You also get the benefit of positioning the buffed/assisted unit exactly as you want with no need to maybe even block the path to the unit that assisted you, because they are out of danger entirely Especially Assist and Sprint with moveing 2 Spaces away is just dumb and should never exist.
  8. no there is a good reason why all the movement skills are melee exclusiv At most they could release a B-Skill for Staff users only that extends their Healing reach by 1, turning all non Physics heals into 2 ranges and Physics into 3 ranges. But even that needs a restriction and only be usable by Infantry and Armor Healers.
  9. yeah we/I was talking about his regular refine with miracle. Divine Tyrfing can work, but i havent seen any really hard hitters in that video with rally traps that get rid of their debuffs. That Ophelia was unmerged and had -11 Atk debuff and no rally trap. missing out on a potential 30 Aoe Damage alone
  10. try a +10 +res Norne (now that she is a 4 Star i believe) with Fury and Rolfs bow: 46 HP/ 42 Atk (weapon Mt excluded / 46 Spd / 41 Def / 40 Res No blessings or seal. can go higher up with a Fury Seal if they ever release it or with Fury 4. Could be nice for AR defense Teams. 20 Recoil damage, with a counter hit i can see her being put down to wings of mercy range for other units. But that doesnt matter with Duo-Skills and Hector anyway
  11. still a complete waste, a tactics skill will do more for you or heck even the Earth Dance seal on Azura. Defiant skills activate condition is just garbage to even consider it as an option.
  12. So i suffered my first defense loss this season... against a Duo-Skill Team. Yeah i think i am definitly done pulling competitiv there is no point. I guess I'll whale the last time for Bruno and thats it, Duo-Skill Teams demolish your entire AR Defense Team. Doesnt matter how good you prepare. Not gonna pour any more ressources into AR. Duo-Skills are mildly said the biggest FU IS has ever given to the playerbase.
  13. i used this to basicly bing 50+ characters to lvl 40 and do heroic ordeals and i am still nearly not finished -_-. Well at least now there is only colorless ranged, axe and lance users left. finished all the ranged blue red greens that i had available... and all swords...
  14. its kinda sad when a joke/meme is on point about the current situation. I havent pulled for H!ilina and wont, but the way this is going is very allerting and the thouhgt of stoping to play has crossed my mind, but lets wait and see first.
  15. They are following their only lead with the hopes of finding out what went wrong and how they can fix it. Other than that they have no clues how to go up against Hel
  16. This is a total waste on ressources and just useless when there is: Brazen skills for Vantage users that activate earlier and offer more in combat buffs. Tactics skills rally+ skills Hone tier4 skills that offer way more flexibility and can hit more targets for bonus doubler. Push tier 4 skills for razzle dazzle users. And again Brazen Seals, which can not be paniked and work much better with push tier4 skillz Defiant skills are a complete waste of space and ressources
  17. as an inheritable skill it woudl be beyond broken. Just imagine someone like Surtr with a skill like this. We are not at that point yet, and never will be. Someone like Subaki could run this skill on the A-Slot and then run Lance Breaker skill on the B-Slot. Suddenly he is advantagous against all 3 weapons. Give him additionally Saphire Lance and it becomes for greens and reds almost impossible to kill him without a special activation, leaving only Blue.
  18. I am getting a feeling that Book 4 will heavily focus on Loki Thorr and their familiy/world. Rokkr, Hall of Forms seem all to indicate that. Remember that Loki also got introduced via Tempest Trials (with no graphic first) and then apeared in Book II
  19. We almost have this but not entirely and it would be broken. Cancel Affinity + Trilemma is on some specific units that dont need their B skill very busted (Hrid). Its not a WTA but it nullifies the Attack gain to 0%. Weapon Triangle or Triangle Adept is a very strong effect. +20% Atk and -20% is nothing to scoff at.
  20. Currently not, but i am sure once a Gen4 Dragon will get released they will have again higher base stats then other melees in their movement class. Like you know Gen 1 Infantry Dragons having higher BST then Melee units, or like Fallen Corrin having more BST then the other Infantry melees released at the time. Or when Dragon Armorers got a boost to 180? yeah i am sure that rule will apply again.
  21. The skill basicly shuts down any kind of Dragon on the enemy Team minus Garon and Sothis. Considering how prominent Dragons are (or rather were before Naga in AR) its a feasable cost for basicly effective Damage against dragon AND +9 to all stats for Naga. Naga is fucking godlike in a flierball offense team with ward and goad fliers. and can gain essentially +25 to def and res (AND more with seals) as in combat buffs.
  22. Naga is fine, she doesnt need to run with a dragon or dragoneffectiv user to make use of her weapon. her C-Skill does that for her. +9 to all stats as an in combat buff is bretty hefty. The only reason she feels underwhelming is that ranged units are more effectiv in AR (or general), because BST doesnt factor into performance (points). Of course the fact that Thrasir just got released with a green tome effective against Dragon users with the same BST doesnt help her much. Everyone is running some form of Dragon effectivness in their Teams and thats reasonable, because IS buffed Dragons to the moon with refined and increase BST, so people are using countermeasures and IS is happy to release them. (Ruptured Sky, more killing Dragon weapons etc.)
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