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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Not quite like AR. You can place units on the GHB maps you dont have and even bloat up their stats to make like an Abyssal map. Pick skills for them you dont have to create the map. Even set up reinforcements either by turn condition or by if x deafeated then spawn reinforcement y. Like really creating GHBs yourself for other people to play! With rewards from your barracks if you like (or none if you dont want to attach a reward to it).
  2. Bruno needs to happen or im gonna flip tables hard.
  3. They are sitting there collecting dust Honestly i even suggested to introduce a mode as in "GHB Maker": - Create your own GHB maps, load them up, let people take on the challenge. Each attempt from a UNIQUE Player rewards you with 50 Feathers (repeated attempts from same user dont give you anything) - Set your own rule if you like: no dancers, or no healers, no cavalry - Attach a reward from your barracks: This can be a 5 Star unit a 4 star 3 star heck even only feathers if you want. The user with the lowest amount of scoreing wins after 2weeks. BST isnt a factor in the Scoring, only Skill points. Basicly the same Scoring System as Arena but in reverse and BST doesnt matter. The less skills you use in a slot the higher your rank! Of course you need to beat the GHB yourself when you upload it, just like in Mario Maker.
  4. What i want: - A slight Timeskip with a promotion of Alfonse Sharena and Anna into Overclass/Lordclass or so -Return of Bruno who will be the new free Book4 unit (prolly as a duo unit with Veronica although i like them to be seperated) -Brunos search for the cure was maybe successfull but the aftereffect or last peace is dormant in the Realm of Loki/Thorr What i would like as ingame mechanics: - Child system - A faster release of refined weapons - Class seals for Gen1/Gen2 Units for promotion to boost their BST on par with Gen 4 units - The ability to send units home for something else then feathers(refine stones, coins dew etc) - The Ability to Trade 3 5 Stars of a Units Version against one alt copy of your desire: example you can trade 3 regular Gunnthras for 1 Summer Gunnthra. Or trade 3 christmas Ephraims for one Legendary Ephraim or regular Ephraim and so on
  5. I would built her the same as my Dagger Olivia. Bucket & Null c-disrupt and bond skills on A and Seal slot. Turns her into Healer & Dragon and Mage Killer. Dancing Olivia has sometimes solod AR Maps basicly.
  6. Thats what happens when you squeeze a Story into small pieces and noone gets the time they need and deserve. Look at Bruno, now Loki. She prolly is hanging out with her sister Thor somewhere
  7. Why am i getting the fealing that our Book 4 free hero will be Duo-pair Bruno/Veronica to go alongside Farfetched Heroes 3 banner and a new format of Duo-Heroes banners will be introduced then in January to go alongside of Mythic/Legendary Hero banners monthly.
  8. not necessarly. Gordin can use a Lull Atk/Def combo with his refined weapon that gives -7Atk and -7Def in combat debuff total. now add on top of that smoke or chill skills and buffs on Gordin and it starts too look excellent for him, especially on the physical side. But yeah in general i dont know if its worth to invest anymore into Gen 1/2 ranged unitt. unless they got an awesome refine the BST gap between Gen 4 and Gen 1 has become huge and there is just no way a range Gen 1 148-150 BST can compete with a Gen 4 162 to 166 BST, if their stat spread isnt min maxed. Thats a stat difference of 3 in every slot.
  9. Subakis refine looks good. Makes use of his Spd asset and tries to fix his Attack with true damage. F!Kana can be a really good tank with high investment. She gains 7 in combat bulk on both sides of the end and shuts down oponnent attack/spd buffs. Can become even more tank and threating once Lull Atk/Res is released or stack up another Atk/Spd if you want. Still susceptible to AoE nukes. She might miss the mark on some kills due to her low Attack. The rest is meh
  10. For people that didnt play previous FE entries, the OCs are more fleshed out then any other character. Because well, they dont know the previous chars!
  11. IS has allways broken patterns. Ylgr for example is not a Legendary Nifl Sibling, even though considering the Release of Gunnthra Fjorm and Hrid you would suspect she would/should be. I think they just shift things around how its convenient for them to release a unit.
  12. I dont think the skill is broken per say, it forces a Speed check which was very much needed against all those Bold/Vengefull/Quickriposte shenanigans. The problem is the unit L!Alm itself. However I do agree that Breaker skills need an upgrade that works against Null-Follow up, considering the fact that they are only effective against one Weapon type.
  13. yeah Heroes has a female fanbase thats the majority, thats why they release so many waifus... makes totally sense... Maybe Hector just isnt that popular as you thought. Besides this mode is only a Feather and Sacred Coin reward station for me. I stoped picking my favourite character in this mode a looooong time ago and just pick who i think would give me the most amount of feathers. Period. I am sure thats also the case for alot of other players. Look I would also totally like to see more shirtless Bruno guys, but it aint happening.
  14. oh god no. I actually want AA to be shortened to 3 or 5 fights. One of the modes has to go its too many with all the events and AR. Arena Assault actually should go away.
  15. Azama, Wrys, Lucius and so on would like to have a word with you. Most infantry Staff users are utter garbage compared to the amount of support and offense they can offer to a Team and are not even on the middle of the food chain, but on the bottom. They are in no way competitiv in any competitv play like AR because they offer not much compared to the top high end Staff users or other support classes. Not every Staff refine needs to be about Offensiv power but most infantry staff users could use Refines that either refine their role as support massivly or fix their poor offensiv stat line. Seriously if you encounter a Wrys or Azama you arent filled with fear at all, not for their offense and not for their defense. Because you can just tank them forever with no consequences.
  16. no didnt need it as said. he only needed to kill Sothis. BrideFjorm was running Sudden Panic in her B-Slot and not Dazzling staff
  17. I am still baffled how people fuck up in this mode against my defense Team with Double Duo-Abilitys from Hector, a Bolting Tower... and a Kronya on top of this. how is this possible!!!? Everyone was basicly on single digit HP but... he killed Bride Fjorm who had no dazzling staff and left Sothis with Hardy bearing alive which quickly snowballed into a wings of mercy shitfest lol The other one just died to normal stuff
  18. same ecxept i developed a habit of ignoring it alltogether, I just cant finde the time for it
  19. play three houses. the game is literally clustered with lost items you find that you have to give back to the right student, which in return ups their affection/support towards Byleth. Mind you... those students dont loose just 1 item. My Inventory was once full with like 30 lost items towards the end of the game, even though i probably traded like 3 times lost items to each student or so (it felt that way) and they still kept loosing stuff -_-. I just couldnt be arsed anymore to run around town and figure out which student was missing which item.
  20. you do know you can inherit both skills on a unit, Darting Blow 4 and Null Follow up 3, assuming you use a Darting Blow 3 fodder like Florina Rebecca Tharja or Valter. Darting Blow 4 has niche uses for now, it might become better if they release a Flashing Blade 4 seal upgrade or release a seal/skill that works similar to Neasala or so. You want Null Follow up on a unit that is fairly fast, because it basicly turns everything into a Spd check. Idunn 1. slow 2. an Armorer so she cant inherit Null Follow up. Aside from all the Speedy Infantries: Null Follow up 3 can be good on Regular Roy with his Special Refine (Quick Riposte 5), it negates Mirror/Sturdy Impact which allows him to activate Quick Riposte rigardless. Same applies to Faye please be aware i would not recommend Null Follow up for glass canons unless you have a healer with them together that can heal them back up, otherwise Desperation is better used on Glass Canons. The unit you give Null Follow up should be someone that can take some hits or is self sustainable, is fairly fast (not Alm level fast or so) and their primary target are units like Armorers or Dragons or units that run Quick Riposte / Fighter skills and give you a hard time.
  21. Askr & Veronica vs Leif Abyssal Wish i could undo Dragonflowers, they arent needed ._.
  22. This is so far the most bullshit map on Abyssal clear for the Askrtrio and Veronica lol I like the challenge.
  23. depends on the tank. Snipe the panic manor with an Eir and Smite Brave Ike onto a defense tile. Even with Hardy Bearing Yune, he should have no problems tanking her, because she will only hit once. Aversa might be a problem though with but it really depends on the setup of B!Ike and his support. Everyone will suicide on him. Another possibility is to use a CC Vantage Archer, check the bolt traps or use the bolt tower of the enemy to get into Vantage range ----> snipe Camilla, redance proceed to snipe Yune Or hit and run, just make sure to be at least one extra space away, Yune or Aversa will move first (no assist) and then theyll get swaped, Since Reyson is adjacent to a human Ally he wont have 3 movement which means he will redance Aversa or Yune who got swaped, which basicly gave them one more movement range from their starting position. It really depends though on the Team composition one is running or has at disposal.
  24. This is a contradiction to itself, considering you appearantly seem to struggle with AR
  25. mmmm here comed the auto-win unit! Galeforce on a ranged unit, with a brave weapon for both phases and wary Fighter and an excellent stat spread. You can demolish entire AR Defense Teams with Leif and Vantage sweep the rest. Especially when paired with another Galeforce unit. Its especially easy because ranged means you have to worry less about positioning.
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