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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. I think its a combination of alot of things coming together. On one hand the game is entering its 4. year. Couple that with the fact that not much has changed then you can see it becomeing stale. On the other hand the game is a bit brutal for newcomers to catch up. And then for me: I have so many heroes i wont even bother to +10 5 Star exclusivs unless its a favourite character. I have enough units that can get the job done. And the next powercreep is around the corner why bother? Besides the best feature „Skill Inheritance“ is totally undermined by the bloated amount of heroes in the summoning pool with shit skills in the 3-4 Star section. A skill/paper shop wouldnt be bad in that regard. Also the Developers shy away from really hard challenges due to community backlash. Whats a game without a challenge? Not really fun.
  2. actually they are mostly not. Wyvern flyers have a tendencx to have more physicsl and less magical bulk usually in FEH just like pegasi-riders tend to have more magical bulk. Just like in normal FE games. Keyword is usually. There are exeptions and they usually stem from the Fates characters. @Ice Dragonyeah as said i know nothing about those games. Shannan ist still hot. I hope the games get a remake or i really need to get an emulation, because im intrigued to learn more about Shanans background. There is a reason why Karel was my first +10 sword unit and Shannan hits those vibes at the correct spot and even better!!!
  3. I know nothing about Thracia or the games. So this might be a skip banner for me. However the Artwork is very well done and Shannan looks sexy AF!!! I am tempted to pull for him ._. Ced looks nice too
  4. Thats actually not true. Really effective Stave units need alot of investment. If you only want them to attack then yeah razzle/dazzle is enough, but you are neglecting all the benefits a really proper built up Staff user can bring to the table.
  5. But Abyssals didnt reward the unit, they just rewarded Accessoires and besides noone forces anyone to do Abyssal, but it would be nice for those people that actually like to tackle on Abyssal.
  6. omg YES PLEASE. Arvis Abyssal!!!! Valter Abyssal!!! While we are at it please throw in the Book 2 and Book 3 GHbs in there too with Abyssal maps!!! And a Rotation with Book 1 and Book 2 BHB with Abyssal maps!!! It would be so delicious *_*
  7. Dont worry, Mercedes is inferior to alot of other 4 Star stave units. Lucius has basicly the same Offense spread and higher res. Wrys trumps her in Res and can run ploys or sabotage skills better then her (although she has a better offense spread) Serra has less bulk but Offensiv they are similar The Cav Healers trump her in mobility. Azama is on a total other plain and can annoy (just like Silque). They might as well just delete Mercedes lol, because Brady has the same Offense spread and better mixed bulk (if you are looking for that). Mercedes is the Mist of Book 3 basicly.
  8. And i still stand by my statement of any unit in a any decent logical assigned group (as in not all red or that kind of stuff). Otherwise I wouldnt be able to clear GHBs BHBs or LHBs with the Askrtrio. And to my experience: LHB Abyssals need heavy investment in the skill set for the Askrtrio. BHB didnt need so far any invenstement in their basekit ecxept for equiping a seal. GHBs with reinforcements have startet to need some little investment. In that regard a +10 Mathew in a group shoulnt have alot of problems to clear this map with some tweeks maybe here and there. And yes i dont think tackling Idunn with Mathew is good, because she basicly nullifies debuffs, but someone else should be able to do the job.
  9. its a BHB battle map on Infernal, they arent challenging in any form for any units.
  10. In what way is that attacking you or being rude. He just stated that alot of people have to deal with their favourite characters being "trash" and so should you.
  11. But we got allready the main characters. Byleth, Sothis, Claude, Dimitri and Edelgard are all allready in the game.
  12. Yes they will give him 4 effects on his weapon... suuuuuuuure thing. Boey got a 14 Mt Raven tome with a conditional close Counter refine and you think they will give Henry a 14 mt raven tome with Fortress Def/Res 3 (no drawback), a spectrum in combat buff based on his poor attack AND a true dmg refine without any condition to fullfill lol. This isnt book 10 yet where this might be possible we still in Book 4. IF Henry is lucky, they will give him the new years unit refine but based on DEf, and even that would be a shitty refine for him, because his Def is decent but its not that high to make use of such an effect. His only worthwile stat is his Max High HP. A refine based on his Max High HP would be imho the best for him. but who knows they might surprise us.
  13. In what way was he rude? He didnt insult you in any form or attack you.
  14. what happened to Grand hero battle refines? They gave us like 4 and then they just... stoped. They havent even covered all the Book 1 GHB with refines yet. (if that ever happens)
  15. that depends on the assist skills you have and is not true, you can especially in light season now with Peony Drawback/reposition yourself into safety. An Infantry pulse Team can only walk so far even with LAzura dance
  16. you are using Firesweep users anyway where is the problem? Ditched Firesweep?
  17. Infantry pulse Teams shouldnt be any issue with your hit and run Team i thought? Or just use Pulse Smoke. Basicly nullifies almost everything Infantery Pulse has going for them. In my case i use my +10 Silque with her "Witchy Wand" She has enough bulk to survive some encounters.
  18. As Ice Dragon mentioned in Japanese they are called "Otherworldly/Outrealm Paper Fragment". Just by this name i think its the Grail equivalent to Special units. And if thats the case then Mjollnirs Strike kinda died for me. Season 1 units are very lackluster
  19. Leaning towards mannuals or skill shop Or if IS is totally fancy personal exclusiv skills you can unlock on a unit (though i doubt this) But yeah prolly book1 manuals and they will be revealed in February when they clean out the summoning pool of book1 units (3, 4 and 5 Stars). The weekly summoning banner returns but will have only Book1 units across the board. Seasonals might fall under this category too
  20. Depends on the content For Aether Raids or arena usually Aversa or Sudden Res etc user CYL Micaiah can work to. Or A ploy user For PVE content anything you want. I run him with Trilemma Wrys, DaggerOlivia and Cancel Affinity on the Bslot (Trilemma counts as a debuff) Keep a smoke skill on his CSlot and after the first engagement he is usually sufficent to apply the debuffs himself
  21. fools! Jaffar and Bride Lyn managed to kill Celica on my L!Eliwood Hawkeye Jaffar and Bride Lyn run. That Leaf could have killed Celica too if he actually cared to debuff Celica with Ruse at the beginning. Or one simply fights fire with fire: Let Veronica outspeed Celica on Abyssal:
  22. January will be Lif so he can show up 4 Months later in May, becaus there is only 1 red Legendary running that month, and usually you have a gap of 3-4 monhts before a Legendary/Mythic is rerun. February will be a Pair-up Legendary Hero with prolly either Blue or Green color. My bet is Xander as a a green Legendary March will Usher in Hel as a Green Mythic hero At least thats my guess and seasonals are prolly done in this banner and will run seperatly on a two-monthly/3-monthly Duo-Hero banner.
  23. Waiting for the moment where i encounter a Swift Sparrow 5 L!Alm!! (3 from the A slot and 2 from the B-Slot) for a total of 11 Spd and 10 atk on his playerphase. Fun times! Thats 58 Spd on a +10 Spd boon Alm yummy. Give him Lull Def/Spd from Claude and welp... Armors are usually running Special Fighter now lol.
  24. Nope. I love the OCs but I never go for Seasonal/Special heroes. The seasonal heroes i have (+10 or not) are a byproduct of summoning for Legendary/Mythics. I find seasonal units quite bland even if its my favourite character.
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