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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. That is entirely dependend on the class of the unit and the exclusiv skills/weapons they are running and their role/build/meta of the game. There is no rule of thumb. For example i consider a Ploy/sabotage unit needs a res stat of 40 for PVE content, but for PVP like AR or AA they need to have a stat of ~50 with passives. For Dancers i prefer SPD so they dont get doubled easy (or HP if its a DNC for a AR Defense Infantry pulse Team) I also consider Hrids low SPD very good, beause of his unique weapon that gives him follow ups/prevents them as soon as the enemy is debuffed. Those points went into RES. Another example staves: Pure offensive Stave units: SPD followed by Atk due to Razzle Dazzle supporting STave unit: high Bulk on both ends and high Res to apply Sabotage/ploys etc. Fjorm and Loki: as much HP as i can get followed by SPD and Attack.
  2. actually there is not: Dancers in the general pool: Ninian, blue 5 Star locked Azura, blue 5 Star locked Nils, blue 5 Star locked (new) Olivia, red 3-4 Star Flying Olivia; Red 5 Star locked Lene, red 5 Star locked Siliva: Red 3-4 Stark Phina, Red 5 Star locked That was before we got: Larum, colorless 5 Star locked Tethys, colorless 4-5 Star The rest are seasonal Ninian and Azura are prolly not gonna show up Nils just is on its own banner 3-4 Star hereos dont run on banners unless its a voting gauntlet banner or a Tempest Trial banner (usually). This leaves us with: Lene, Flying Olivia, Phina and Larum. 3 Red and 1 Colorless. Yeah i doubt they will run double Red or Triple Red with one Colorless. Besides Dancer banners have prolly little value to IS. I mean Dancers outside of Legendary Azura or Peony score really low and usually there is no need for Merges on Dancers (ecxept for the ones you run on AR Defenses/offenses (in the case of Peony for more points)). How many +10 Dancer Reinhards or Ishtars have you encountered? I surely havent seen many of those (a few but i can count them on 1 hand). The same applies to Healers, when is the last time you have seen a Healer banner? (besides the fact they all share ONE color)
  3. @Morgan--GrandmasterI have given up on Gen1 Healers ever getting a personal weapon and refine
  4. i really hope not. We havent gotten one Legendary or Mythic stave or Dagger user. Its really high time for one of either to apear.
  5. I am in Tier 19 and going up to Tier 20. The fight was managable, but only because Lif, Thrasir and Brave Ike are fucking awesome (also Reinhardt). However my Galeforce units at the front have started to fail one shoting units, which is an issue. I have to see how it will go next, and there is lvl 25 avialable. I would assume we would reach Abyssal like stats on lvl 25 (stuff is pushing 60HP+ now on lvl 19)
  6. I use Jaffar too in PVE from time to time, he is nice there with his splash damage. But outside of PVE he is (mostly) trash. I had him in AR Defense Teams sometime, but why use Jaffar when you can just simply opt for a Razzle Dazzle nuke that hits harder, does the same and only gets countered by a specific skill.
  7. Regular Bruno and Regular Veronica. A legendary Version of Alfonse, Sharena and Anna. The Rest IDGAF.
  8. Powercreep needs to happen, otherwise the game wouldnt evolve. I just think IS handled Powercreep totally wrong. Some people just like a few characters and want to stick with them. Powercreep comes in many forms, BST boosts, personal weapons and passives. BST boost got handled i think pretty well with Dragon flower BUT: Personal weapons: got handled most poorly, there are some amazing refines and then there is straight out garbage, it really depends if the stars aligned and your fav. Char got a good refine. Also the fact that one isnt willing to retouch old Refines that have allready became outdated and are underperforming (Jaffar comes to mind and alot of others) Passivs: the Demotion of Passives is a huge let down. The fact that Book1/Book2 passives are still locked behind 5 Star and/or Grails is just dumb. It hinders the flexibility to further your char and you might say at some point: "meh will do just fine with what we have". Seriously Quick Riposte is still 5 Star locked.... as an example
  9. it just means that if you supported her with 2x MCorrin and both Corrins are within 2 Spaces, she wont swap places. You can support only one ally but you can allways field multiple copies of said ally
  10. not only Ophelia but all IP Teams which make up like 1/3 of the maps or so you encounter
  11. correction 1 Corrin you cant run 2 Eirs 2 Corrins and a Red Armor. There would be no room left for the bonus unit.
  12. Nils B skill is an easy solution to Infantry pulse Teams. That Pegasus B-Skill looks at first glance okeish, but there are 2 conditions to meet for full effect. 8 higher Spd then the opponent and 7 higher Res then the opponent. Yeah not sure how viable it is outside of Clair Caeda Eir etc.
  13. By now pretty efficient (3.Year). Remember for a Starting company the Costshare % Value would be higher resulting in less Net profit, but for a House like Nintendo with allready so many existing ressources its really low (or should be, unless they are total baffoons) which measn the Net Profit for FEH is very high even if Sales/Revenue droped and the cost to maintain FEH and keep it going should be fairly low.
  14. Please. Ressources are usually shared inside a company like Nintendo, your are vastly exaggerating the cost. We arent talking about a developer thats just starting. Square Enix for example doesnt run Customer Support for FFXI and FFXIV seperate, they are consolidated to reduce the cost immensely for FFXI (the older game). Meanwhile FFXI is a very small group of developers and if they need something new for a new update they can outsource Music/Modelling/Artwork to an existing Division inside SquareEnix to handle it. I am pretty sure Nintendo handles stuff the same way.
  15. doesnt matter how much time it takes, its Auto-Run. I just leave my phone while doing something else. Its also the first time i managed to do all the quests. Usually i dont do Training tower quests, but with Auto-Run its easy and not time consuming.
  16. quite alot i think. This is the first time in years i am reaching 50k due to Auto-run. Whenever my Stamina is full i just Auto-Run Tempest Trial.
  17. It surely can be done, but the odds are more against low Res Red Armorers then in favour of them, considering Ophelia, Dancer Micaiah, Armor effect damage etc. and on top of that comes the movement restriction
  18. Actually its targetting both. Resplendend heroes will prolly be the most +10 (or close to) heroes across the board and the stat boost might make them relevant for whales agian and quests offer more ressources to fully invest into +10 with dew and so on. Meanwhile low spenders get a free unit they might not have.
  19. actually mobile games are cheap to develop and maintain. Depends what quality you are striving though, one of the reason the mobile market gets flooded with games. Fire Emblem Heroes doesnt cost much investment compared to the amount of revenue its currently pulling in. Look at FFXI (yes the really old one), its being maintained with a low population and still pulls in great revenue and thats for a subscription based MMO. I think you are overestimating the amount of work that goes into FEH
  20. I want to say that for Summoner Support. The actual unit needs to kill the foes, whiel for unit to unit support thats not the case.
  21. Thats not possible, I have a score of 820 too and am demoting.
  22. Holy mother f*** needed to repeat the map 3 Times to not loose a unit. T18 stat inflation is scratching it. I like it!!! I imagine T21 will be Abyssal like! I was never so glad to have a +10 Brave Ike. I
  23. whats the better practice? haveing Resplendant Lyn be on a banner where you spent 100 Orbs to get 1 Copy for the boost and the different attire? (because thats totally the worst case)
  24. I dont see anything P2W in the FEH Pass currently. However what i think they should have done: For all Players: - Rewind - Auto-Battle function - Stat boost to the Resplendant Hero For FEH Pass users: - Summoners support for 2 additional characters seems fine - Cosmetic change/Resplendend Hero - Allways double SP and EXP (quadruple during weekends) - allways double Hero merits - The quests
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