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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. how so? he takes -50% damage from all ranged attacks, not only the first one.
  2. Lyon is like the perfect AR unit. Because AR is heavily ranged sided he is a fantastic Defense or Offense unit, Especially in Light season.
  3. because Cav Line is something IS still hasnt fixed, so the assumption is that you have the escape ladder allways on.
  4. Lyon seems to have: 40HP / 39 Atk / ~18-20 SPd / 32 Def / ~31-33 RES The Res and Spd stat are guesses from his old GHB spread he had. Seems fairly bulky to me. Considering he reduces Damage by 50% anyway from all ranged sources lol
  5. funny for me it was the other way around. Lilina blasted everything with her gronnblade out of the way and Cecilia tanked anything with her Close Counter set while Roy was mostly there just to clean up if they missed the kill and got mostly sacrificed. Thea though was also useless for me aside as a buff bot basicly for the others.
  6. If only they wouldnt release so many Lance fliers we would have a diverse choice of Lance infantry users! Our current picks are: Free: Sharena, Oboro, Lukas, Donnel and Fjorm (kinda) 5 Star: Azura (Dancer lulz), Shiro, Regular Ephraim, Nephenee, Lucina and limited because special hero or so: Duo Ephraim, Charlotte, Robin What do they all have in comon? a shitty RES stat aside from Fjorm who has decent mixed bulk but a shitty Attack stat. The selection on the free pool is really slim. We coul use some free high RES lance users and fast lance users.
  7. we are allready doing that in Mjollnir strike. Thorr is pulling out all the GHB units we recruited as enemies!
  8. Gronnblade with Attack Speed Link Reposition and Rally SPD/RES+ helped a ton for me!
  9. If you havent gotten it yet and missed it. Seasonals are running on a seperate banner now, so i wouldnt expect seasonals in any Legendary Hero banners anymore at all.
  10. that might be true on new banners, but on old banners? nope. Havent spent one single orb on the picnic banner and i wont (also not on Edelgard). The units are lacking in fodder and are outdated. For new players its probably great but for veterans this pic nic banner golden week celebration is like "eh wtf weak!"
  11. I agree, worst Golden Week celebration banner ever. They could have done so much better. Rerunning CYL3 or Rerunning 3 Houses Lords + Byleth or Rerunning a CYL "Legendary"esque kind of banner with 8% pull rate similar to Legendary banners. List goes on. but this is just ... *facepalm*
  12. Surtr wasnt well recieved because his base kit made everone cry as soon as they encountered one. Now he is just a footnote. I think we will get Hel at some point, but i am uncertain if she will be a Mythic. It would make the most sense for her to be a Mythic but IS has a tendency to break patterns if they see fit
  13. no idea what the fuss is all about. While Dimitri or Claude would have been a better choice after Flame Emperor and Black eagles. Edelgards inclusion is mild when compared to the Elibe Lords. She has substance as a char. We had worse, like Camilla for example. Looking forward to her LHB Abyssal!
  14. Not too happy with this pick but i can understand why IS did it. In that regard have fun pulling Edelgard fans (i wont pull)
  15. well not exactly a Voting Gauntlet with mulitpliers or so. No multipliers, just normal votes, but ingame. After Week 1 you half the amount of contestants. People that picked a contestant that won cant switch their contestant/char, while players that had picked a contestant that lost, can choose a new favourite contestant char (this is similar to voting gauntlet). Repeat until there is only 8 contestant left on each side (M and F) and do it one more time ----> you get a Top 8 result of characters. This way people not playing heroes cant influence it reducing the salt. People whom favourite character lost can switch to their 2. favourite character and so on Chars with split votes/appearance can possibly unite their votes if people switch to from one to another (because one of them lost), meaning it combines the votes naturally by pick. Characters that have a CYL alt allready are of course not eligable for this voting. People can pick a favourite F and a favourite M character. In order to be eligable to vote you need your FEHeroes account linked to your nintendo account. I think this would make a very fair voting and give people actually the possibility to vote for a character they want/like. Maybe not theri most favourite but a character that is liked by alot would win.
  16. If anything i think they shouldnt do a CYL online Voting at all. If anything they should do a massiv voting gauntlet over weeks with eliminations to pick the 4 CYL winners. One F one M. That way only people who really play Heroes can actually influence the outcome
  17. Sorry but all of the Fates Lords qualify as Siblings first and foremost. Everyone knows exactly why ****zilla won. All Nifl and the Muspell sisters qualify too and alot of other chars. If anythign Leagjarn would have been a better fit then Ze Milla. But again doesnt matter i stoped voting after the 1. Vote and it doesnt change the fact how i see ****zilla. Cant argue against those deeply instinctiv arguments.
  18. the case with Hector. It had to be a 5 Star wirh semi bad art. Of the launch unit that disqualifies 4Stars ans Leo Takumi Ryoma Lucina have fine Art. also needs to fit the theme Muspell. Only one i would have seen is Leio But again he has good Art. But yea they could have also picked someone else but the options were scarce.
  19. i dont think its bias, sure they tackling the more popular choices, which is the right thing to do. But they are tackling mostly launch characters. I mean which were the 2 games with the most 5 star exclusiv and 3-4 star units on launch? Fates and Blazing/Binding Sword, especially if you consider the 5 Star exclusives and Lords then those games far exeeded the others.
  20. that wont be the case the next respendant hero will be a 3-4 Star Gen1 Unit if the pattern holds true unless GHBs count as 3-4 Star units in IS books (which could be logical)
  21. Flying units hence why i said that position is worse during Light season, but since its Astra its okeish
  22. Actually she is easy snipable on both positions the one you are suggesting would be worse in Light season, but for Astra its okeish.
  23. OG Hector was the right move. Alot of old/longtime players are sitting on a +10 OG Hector that is collecting dust. Most Ex whales or Dollphins stoped spending much money because their barracks is filled. Makeing the FEH pass relevant to them is a smart move. OG Hector has now 180 BST and on par with the other armors again when it comes to scoring.
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