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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. honestly you could slap her weapon on any unit and that unit would be awesome... hell you could slap 5 different effect on a weapons unit and that unit would prolly be awesome.
  2. they could have broken the outfit pattern by i dont know including Hel or Dreamworld attires (although the Dreamworld attires look kinda odd). Lets just see what the next Resplendant hero is, if its another 5 Star we know where this is going^^
  3. now imagine the voice of Rose as Mirabilia and Dorothy as Veronica from the Golden Girls!
  4. Isnt it great how IS is obviously cherry picking their part in terms of stuff? it goes both ways. Also dont make promises you cant hold up to. And if you break that promise so soon do some compensational stuff, otherwise its just PR and leaves a bad taste in the playerbase. If they didnt want to demote any of the units (although i think FIke would have been a good demote candidate with just other skills as passives), they could have done stuff like oh gees, add a free new 3-4 star units like thy did sometimes last year or oh gee demote the 1. batch of Fallen Heroes to 3-4 Star, since "game balance" wise they dont hold a candle anymore!
  5. it caught me by surprised and i did burst into laughter lol So much sass in one line. IS when you gonna give me original Veronica and Bruno ._.?
  6. I am not sure if its a good thing to break a pattern that favoured F2P units. That old pattern made Eliwood and Cordelia awesome again BST wise. I am honsestly not fond of this Sanaki even tough i have a +10 one. The Art is in my eyes worse then the original one and we are getting waaaayyyy too many reds. I honestly think Narcian, Camus Michalis or Ursula would have been a great pick and would have shown: hey look GHB units get a Resplendant attire too!
  7. hit that ignore button, it does wonders for me. Although it irks me that i sometimes dont see then the new comics that have been released.
  8. that excuse for no 4 Star units due to "game balance" is utter nonsense lol. Gamebalance was thrown out the window long time ago
  9. nah compared to Three Houses Binding or Blazing on its own are not really that big. Three houses has around 21 Chapters on 4 different paths without the DLC, and 11 chapters that are prologue the same. and i am not even counting the amount of sidequests that is unlocked here with various characters you support/recruited. Needless to say the amount of other stuff you can do in the game Binding Blade has 25 chapters Blazing Blade has 31 chapters on Eliwood and 32 on Hectors path 10 of them are prologue chapters that are the same I am not sure how you wanna sell one of them alone as a standalone full price AAA title if you dont incorporate alot of NEW stuff and features.
  10. By the rate they are going I am in doubt we get all GHB refines out of the way this year. They really need to speed up the process. 4 Units is just too little for refines, they need to increase it to 8 or 12 per update. my +10 Arvis is waiting on his refine and on the moment Renewal 4 gets released that will totally powercreep his recovery ring...
  11. honey, we havent even finished Gen 1 and Gen 2 is allready heleplessly overthrown by the new Gen units. by the time we get to through Gen 2 refines, Gen 3 is gonna need their refines, because Gen 5 units will have like 5 effects on their weapons lol (dont get me started on Gen1 healers not even geting a personal refine...) I mean come on just look at Fallen Julia vs Julius, Loptous is a joke compared to Dark Scripture lol Res +3- Atk 6 attack on foes without dragon effectivness + take effective damage if they DO have vs Atk+3 - Atk 6/Res against foes without dragon effectivness and auto-follow up lets not forget her increased BST and her exclusiv B-Skill. I mean is there a reason for Julius to even exist now? This is what i hate about the insane powercreep lately. I get it they want us to spent money, but they are stomping all over the place literally invalidating older units.
  12. a competent Armor melee frontline is definitly gonna use either Wary-Fighter or Special Fighter, i can guarantee you that.
  13. I think they should have included Iotes Shield into his Refine too, would have made him excellent
  14. think of it like a new game+ you can use if you want, but dont have to. The 2 campagins would still be seperated. But you have the possiblity to do first 1 and thus have unique combined skill inheritance/child appearance (as in aestheatics) or you can just start it without a finished save file from the previous campagin.
  15. that and they could expand on it with Binding Blade and a child system! Basicly putting 2 games into 1.
  16. totally missed the BST boost on Corrin. Welp even if its a trainee boost i guess we are officially entering soon Gen 5 in 3 months. Looking forward to: 190 BST dragon armors 185 BST melee armorers 178 BST melee Infantries with exclusiv skills that turn them into Cavs 168 BST ranged infantries with instant specials and all with exclusiv weapons that have 5 effects with a description that needs longer time to read then the Lord of the Rings trilogy! yup totally gonna nuke them all with my Gen 1 158 BST Infatnry units and 150 BST ranged units that have 1-2 effects on their weapons!
  17. Thats where Brunnya with her RES Smoke and Zephiel with his Refined Eckesachs Threaten Def 4 comes in! Its all about Teamplay in Bern!
  18. why has everyone such a hard-on for Darting Breath. Unless the unit has an innate Distant Counter weapon (Infantry Dragons who face anyway a gazillion of Dragon effectiv weapons, Armor Dragons use anyway special fighter) there arent many choices left for the A-Slot (as in you are anyway running Distant counter!)
  19. Lyon might not be a good pick for Astra. Not because of Thrasir but because of Lif. He will tear him a new one. Although there is Sothis on Light so it really doesnt matter much. But he checks more threats in Light season then Astra season.
  20. say wut? I must have hallucinated when Aversa, Ophelia, Brave Ikes refine, Lancina Refine, Kagero Refine, the recent teleporting blue Dragon, list goes on and on. Those weapons are only flavour and dont change how those characters play at all.
  21. "greed" won the speed check and doubled "promises". Unless we actually start complaining and inherit "Wary Fighter" to "promises". That or the FEH pass isnt doing so hot so they cant give out "free" units anymore as a 3-4 Star demote. FIke, Fake, Fallen Ike whatever could have been easy the 3-4 Star demote. Just remove his C-Skill, make his A-Skill 5 Star exclusiv (breaths arent that awesome anymore since they dont score so well) and replace Repell with Quick Riposte 3 There 3-4 Star unit and you introduced Quick Riposte 3 into the 3-4 Star pool. Fallen Ike isnt so hot and gets butchered by anything that is blue and touches the magical side of things, his weapon looks at first glance "omg" but its actually not that great compared to other stuff we have gotten lately. it just shuts down panic thats it, or if there is no panic present debuffs). Of course if he has mad SPD unless his counterparts thant its a different story ¬.¬ (we are talking like 40+ Spd at base stripped naked). The most intersting question is how do Bond 4 skills work with his Sword. Do they negate the debuff and he gets therefor no buff, or he gets the buff and they just negate the debuff giving him basicly Bonus double on 2 Stats?
  22. that is the whole point, the only reason to remove the escape ladder and put as little structures on as possible is because of cav line...
  23. i guess i need my first coffee in the morning lol, my bad
  24. you need to Substract the 32 def from lyon from that 76 attack. so she is hitting for what 34 oh wait -50% 17 per hit, yeah not quite enough to kill before he counters. and this is without him using any kind of buffs A-Slots or anything like that lol
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