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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. I hope the new Heroes banner is either Three houses, Genealogy of the Holy war or Thracia.
  2. I think we are still many steps away from that fight. If anything i suspect Book 5 will be handling the Allfather Alfoor, Thorr, Loki and co. Though i really dont know how they want to wrap up all the loose ends they leave behind (if they are in a hurry), considering they drop them left and right like candy. I mean seriously: - Fjorms health issue - Bruno and his never ending search for a cure - Veronicas endless battle against Askr and reuniting with his brother - Lif and Thrasirs collab with the gods and sworn oath to defeat them when the right time comes - Lokis i dont know wtf she wanted to resurrect in Book 1 I dont know... can we finally cut at least like 3 of those loose ends... and release OCs like Veronica Bruno Gustav for once!?
  3. ah ok thank you for clarifying that, guess everythings then good 😄
  4. unless i misunderstood your post, you said the change was also made to Michalis GHB?
  5. ok making the change retroactive on older maps is kinda bad for new players 😕
  6. I dont see whats the fuss about, i am all for harder BHB and GHBs, we could use Abyssal difficulty on them, because they are a joke.
  7. He is clearly consumed by hatred and is now a Fallen Hero!
  8. that Merric is sitting on 56 SPD: 38 base + 5 weapon + 7 Swift sparrow 3 + 6 Darting Blow. His Special is SpD based and 29 Res isnt exactly stellar nowadays and that Marths Repell skill isnt cutting any dmg, so whats the surprise here? Your merric is also benefiting from Arena unit buffs judging by his HP soooo?
  9. I hope the next Resplendent hero after Sanaki is Regular Felicia. would fit the Nifl theme perfectly. But lets see, it should be a 3-4 Star unit since they broke the cycle on purpose for the outfits to shift around.
  10. Lyn was easy given the fact that a +10 L!Leaf +10 Reinhardt +10 Sigurd and a Dancer basicly crushed this into half.
  11. yes lets nerf the supporters that need the buffs more so they become even more obsolete. How about we introduce the skill "Perma Isolation", Inflicts all units on the map no Assists skills in any form can be used! There we equally nerfed everyone including the dancers! A Healing tower shouldnt cause you that much trouble.
  12. Flier ball is NOT good during Water or Earth season. Worse during Water. Legendary Leif just shreds them to dust during Water season and plucks out their feathers. Earth its Alm, but not people field him on offense, rather on defense.
  13. i hate it, its an absolute slaughterfest of bodies piling up against each other with teleport shenanigans and no real strategy behind it. Its just tedious. My favourite stuff ranked from most liked: 1. Legendary Hero Battle Abyssal, actually any Abyssal 2. Hall of Forms 3. Mjollnir Strike 4. That Legendary Duo Hero Arena stuff with reinforcements (forgot the name) 5. Limited Hero battle, its ok, it makes me use chars i dont usually use. 6. GHB BHB LHB on Infernal, I wish all would have an Abyssal map so it would be right on top with the 1. one 7. Arena, Regular The rest is just ew
  14. Those other 2 Kids were Alfonse and Bruno, and prolly Brunos cursed blood caused the Korruption of Freya
  15. i mean we are talking about a game that has waterbuckets that are deadly/effectiv to Dragons! Duma just stepped on one. As the next weapon i want stuffed Bears and plushes that are effectiv to armorers!
  16. I have none either and can deal fine with them. Triple Micaiah alone as a choice which color you want kills usually half of them in AA on 3 different maps. Then If its an Armor Team with only Physical units i put in Regular Lukas because he smashes everything into pieces and takes no harm and Regular Roy takes care of the Green Armorers. For Dragon Armorers Legendary Marth just kicks everyones butt with 1-2 Dancers and dissolves them into thin air. And there is the trifecta of razzle-dazzle nukers: Fjorm Veronica and ... Camilla As for Arena itself the Askrtrio win the matches easy (ok i have them heavy invested) that are same color or they have advantage and for the disadvantage i use a unit alongside that takes care of that. ecxept for Alfonse, he takes care of any color ecxept for colorless.
  17. i think what Jotari is trying to say is that the Consciousness is different. Possesed Robin(Grima) has a clearly different consciousness then Masked "Marth". Masked "Marth" is still Lucina in her consciousness, while Possessed Robin is an entire differenty entity and not the same person. Just an example: Lets say you could store the consciousness/memorys/personality of a person on to a drive and transfer it from one body to another body. If my consciousness gets transfered from my original body to lets say the body of for example Angelina Jolie. Am I as a Person myself or am I Angelina Jolie? From the looks i would be her, but from the thought process and decision makeing i would be myself, would you still call that Person Angelina Jolie?
  18. not sure why heroes should be paired up with another game. There is plenty of free units from Heroes, 6, 7 if you picked Veronica from CYL, and there is a great amount you could have pulled. There is no need to pair them up. The Askrtrio is strong enough to take on alot of GHB BHB and LHBs.
  19. Why not? we coult use a 2. batch of Abyssal GHB rotations (Arvis and co) and a new 3. batch of GHBs with Abyssal. Its a very fun challenge and Abyssal doesnt give out anything meaningfull anyway.
  20. wouldnt be so sure about that, there have been a handfull of green dragons released, so she getting a refine might be more possible/plausible now
  21. Henry x Azama, because i dont know what those 2 would say to each other lol Alfonse x Brave Veronica Lonqu x Loki Sonya x Brunnya Odin/Owain x Arthur Raven x Takumi, those 2 would prolly be at each others throat Karel x Subaki
  22. Clair Boey LAlm and Rinea made this pretty trivial, especially Boey. Was a nice challenge, never used those units in this combination!
  23. you know the other possiblity, as i have covered, would have been to introduce a 5. 3-4 Star unit (like thy did somewhile ago) OR drop all the Fallen season 1 units down to 3-4 Stars, since those wont hurt the quote-with-fingers "game balance" they are trying to keep. Or you know "game balance" wise ALL those Gen1 5 stars should be kept 5 Star exklusiv because they are so broken and offer such good value as skill inheritance units *roll-eyes*. There is alot of things IS could have done... but they chose to leave a bad taste!
  24. This year of seasonal Dancers will be full on a Horseback and/or in full Plates! I can Guarantee you that! They have covered the Infantry Dancers They have covered the Dragon Dancers They have covered the Beast Dancers They have covered the Flying Dancers (and more are on the way in form of Fairies). They will cover the Armorers and Horses on that banner! And the Armorer Dancers will come with an inheritable Dance that gives +1 movement after a Dance to Armorers!
  25. For me this has nothing to do with that. For me its a simple fact of sketchiness. They promised something roughly 3 months ago and now went back on their word with a silly excuse that holds no merit when you consider everything they have been doing (or NOT doing).
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