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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. the fact that my PA!Olivia has splashy bucket and kills alot Dragons with it in AR makes this lulz
  2. I dont think Duma is a bad unit at all and not in need of a Refine. The problem is the presence of Naga makeing him less effectiv in Astra season. Just like Thrasir basicly went all "extinct" on Dragons in her season.
  3. meanwhile when you encounter Azama or Wrys you laugh your ass off... the options to build a healer!
  4. None of the Gen1 healers has gotten a personal weapon or refine. People assume because Healers can Firesweep their way through that they are in a fine position with Gravity/Pain/Panic staff, what they forget is that Healers sacrifice their B-Slot for this and have been limited in the refines (their refines give them no stat boost) and that its only worth on healers that actually can put out some numbers. Due to this the other healers that actually are more support oriented are shafted into the limbo of "welp what will i do with you?". Exclusiv skills B-Slot or C-Slot skill that focus more on buffing and debuffing would give some healers a niche, but the need to be more potent and as a B-Skill work in Tandem with staves the healers have available. I could see a B-Skill that doubles the amount of visible buffs a Healer gives out via staves or C-Skills (or balms). I could see a B-Skill that adds another Debuff and doubles the amount of debuffs in tandem with Slow and Fear staves on foes. I could see a B-Skill that gives out a debuff immunity buff to allies within 2 spaces I could see a B-Skill that extends the range of Spur and Drive skills. There are sooo many options but we are stuck with what we have... Meanwhile Dancers can do their role (dancing) while buffing at the same time. Or attack if they want and wings of mercy/escape route the where they want and Galeforce their way into oblivion Healers meanwhile need to pick between either healing or debuffing with their stave and their specials that are mostly useless... uh yeah totally fair, not to mention if you want to wings of mercy escape route you give up the firesweep, 2 skills that are tremendously helpfull on Support units.
  5. you seem to contradict yourself alot on point 1. just 2 weeks ago you said that Healers cant punch through a supertank or through bulky unit the chargin meta special makes healers obsolete because the tank in question fills up their HP with their special. Healers also score like shit on Arena. A Enemy phase unit still want a dancer, or do you see many runs clears in PVE PVP etc mode where there is a healer but no dancer? The game has become really fucked lately (actually it was since the start, but its becomeing more apearant with the powercreep) and @Endriupointed out the event i am usually looking forward to is the Legendary/Mythic here battle. There are only a few people that invest into Healers heavily (I am one of them), guess why? Because they arent the top of the line and need lots of investment to even come on equal terms interms of support with Dancers. Recent Dancers are even steping into Healer land. Nils has an auto debuff, The Herons can heal their allies every turn, Legendary Azura is jsut bonkers, Peony adds so much mobility, and then there are the yet unreleased Dancers that can debuff units with Guard etc... yeah Healers are as a support class in a good shape my ass.
  6. outside of the Trifecta of Healers: Veronica Fjorm Camilla, They are bad for PVP modes. Even the Trifecta will only be accepted by most players if they can run them with dancers. Healer problems: old gen1 healers lack the BST and personal weapon to be an asset to the Team unless you massively invest into them Their support role in PVP mode is useless without a Dancer or Gravity or a PRF weapon. Simply by the fact that the Meta has evolved into charging specials fast and one shoting stuff. in PVE they are ok. But even there most people will just use 3 Dancers and call it a day. Do they need a buff? In the current Meta definitly, they are very far behind the curve when compared with Dancers. Would they be more relevant? Definitly if you would restrict all Teambuilding to 1 Dancer only and bloat the HP stat so 1 shoting isnt that easy anymore. Unless that happens Healers will mostly be crap unless its the Trifecta of healers.
  7. yeah i dont want a broken/op skill. What you are asking is a bit much for Recover Ring. I would be happy if it had the effect it has now + the Mystic Boost effect. Or a 2 range AoE heal every turn for 10 HP (Team utility).
  8. Thats some large investment grats. But aside from PVE content i think he might be useless with this built. For PVP: his Attack is very very low and his SPD is also on the lower end of the spectrum. He aint gonna do much aside from Tanking mages and failing to kill them (due to his low Atk). Alternativly you can build him as a support unit with Sabotage skills or as a Offensiv unit with different A-Slot skills and Seal.
  9. I am doing fine, had my first loss today. Very Cancerous with 2x Bramimond and LLeif (and other units). But let me put it this way: 3 bonus units (one of them due to Mythic buffs double busted) with that amount of Firepower was all it needed, i could have won with 2 units left, but i proceeded to forfeit.
  10. The skill "refinement" is a very nice Idea. There are some personal skills that are nowadays very underhwelming due to new skills and could use a touch up. Dragon Skin is one of them. If the personal skill is outdated and doesnt go hand in hand with a refine its kinda bad. Sigurds personal skill could be still very good if he would get a Brave Ike like refine on his main weapon. On the Other hand Arvis personal skill is fairly outdate when you have skills like Mystic boost (granted it only heals when Arvis engages in combat, but on the other hand it gives him the bonus of tackling dragons) I dont know what IS are gonna do, IF they are gonna do anything, i just know that Legendary/Mythic banners are loosing its value for me and i am very histant to pull when a new Mythic/Legendary is running together with some old stuff. Best example was Bramimonds banner. F!Grima really killed that one for me and devalued it for me. Looking into the future welp: April: If the Legendary is Colorless and runs alongside a shitty 3. unit i will pass up again, Green and Blue could be ok, but it depends on the 3. unit. Red is out I have all 3 at +10 May: Red is out again because i have the other 2 at +10, Blue is out because Ephraim is at +10 and while Lucina is +6, the cost value isnt there much, Colorless is out too, both at +10 and Green might be out to, depending I have enough Distant counter fodder. June: Red could be good, depending who runs there, Blue is a mixed bag, Azura kills it a bit because +10 but Peony and Chrom could be nice, Green is definitly dead no matter what you add, Colorless too July: Red could be awesome, but Ike kills it for me, Blue is dead like Fjorm seriously... and Tiki doesnt offer much fodder, Green have to see could be decent (although Thrasir is +10), Colorless could be nice. August: Green is so far dead (Gunnthra), the others could be decent. I dont know, the more +10 Leg heroes you have the less value those Banners have. And the old Legendary also lost value because while their blessing Stat boost is nice, its kinda irrelevant: Doesnt up the stats on Mythics in AR, the stat boost is barely needed in anything, and For Arena the new Pair-up Legendaries offer higher scoring with their blessing. That makes the old Mythics very unattractiv.
  11. I wonder when they will be starting to kick out some Legendary Heroes of those banners. Some are very lackluster with the current powercreep and some were even lackluster pre powercreep. Unless they give them a refine soon those are the legendary heroes i see are lackluster: In desperate need: F!Grima Legendary Lyn Still okeish have their niche, but are close to falling off: Ryoma Ike Hector Gunnthra Marth Roy Still good: Ephraim Tiki Hrid Eirika Lucina With the current powercreep, its really high time they start the Distant counter weapons, Legendary refine, gem weapons refine, Bladetome and Raventomes refine. Still on the fence on Brave weapons, but they have fallen of the cliff somewhat. Good Brave damage with potential of quading should be exclusiv to units released.
  12. i thought at first that they nerfed the HP bloat on Abyssal. But the thing has gotten so easy due to powercreep units and refines lulz and the fact that those enemies only use Gen1 Skills shows the difference between LHBs back then and now
  13. well killed everything on 1. Try with BIke Yune Sanaki and that colorless flying dancer. Cake walk. I remember this being harder on release with abyssal orz
  14. The bad thing about Caeda is that she is effective against 60% of the cast and there is no skill that nullifies effectivness against Sword Lance Axe or Bow? lol She will prolly also sport high RES just like her regular self makeing it even hard for mages or Dragons to kill her. The good thing about her is that due to her Damage output and lack of special cooldown charge she will suck as a Galeforce unit lol Well at least she cant do anything about Dagger unit, which in general have sooooooo much Attack to kill her right away... right right right??! Or colored bows that are plentifull present!
  15. So lets punish longtime invested players of the game, by not releasing a fun game-mode, because new players who havent carried the game over time are not on equal standing foot? F*** the playerbase that actually carried your game for the last 2-3 years!
  16. Lilina got a smack down from her daddy. Leg Hector with 61 Atk Brave Lyn with 61 Atk Leg Eliwood and non Dance Ninian i just had to repo Leg Hector into Enemy range and watch them melt to a bonus doubler Armorer that cant be doubled and doubles back with +12 to all stats basicly.
  17. I am all for encouraging new players, but what you are kinda demanding is handing over the silverplatter with everything, while saying FU to the longtime loyalist players that supported the game since day 1 and are playing it every day/week. Gen 4 units curbstomb on Gen 1. an unmerged Gen 4 unit is just by BST powercreep a +10 Gen 1 unit. and then they have like 1-2 extra effects on their personal weapon compared to Gen 1 unit and hefty passives. A new player has to invest far less into a Gen 4 unit then a loyalist invested since day 1 on Gen 1 unit to get the same or better firepower. What I agree upon though is, that all seals should become available to everyone after 3 Months of the Tempest Trial they were introduced. The upgrade cost is allready enough, no need for a forging cost.
  18. yep Leg Leif made this season so far a joke
  19. welp F!Grima, PA!Olivia, Aversa and F!Morgan made short work of Lyon Infernal. cleared it on 2. try.
  20. So? Sometimes its nice to also reward the longtime players. Doesnt mean others catn clear the content either.
  21. you never used much enemy phase units in anything much right? because Fury is most of the time a very awfull Enemy phase skill pick and should only be used if you can offset the after combat damage it causes. From personal Askrtrio experience for GHB the best enemy phase skills are: Distant Counter (obviously) all Bond skills AND Seals! because they work on enemy and playerphase! Drive Seals and skills Steady Seals Chills Quick Riposte is overrated for most GHB units, because a based 30-35 SPD unit can meet the speed check quite easy nowadays on Infernal and should only be used if you are fighting something that prevents follow up attacks. If you only need to check a specific type of unti on a GHB map a breaker skill is more efficient because it works on enemy phase and player phase. Most used breaker skill from my side is/was Shuriken/Dagger breaker As a side note you want to run a Healer along side an enemy phase unit (OMG healign i KNOW CRAZY!!!?)
  22. you underestimate the power of a properly built Anna Sharena and Alfonse ._.. I doubt Heroes only will happen though i would be positiv surprised if it does! Since i cleared everything with them allready!
  23. say wut? This is the first and only mode that has restricted deployment challenges. Aside from the 1 Dancer rule from big maps (which isnt a huge deal) thats it. Olivers GHB is so easy you dont need a full merge project.
  24. Norne and Regular Marth killed everything the other 2 units just stood there doing nothing. As i mentioned earlier many times, its only Infernal Not sure what you mean by next week challenges, the next GHB is tomorrow
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