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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Assuming they wont touch Gen 1 Stave units, Distant Counter weapon units and GHB units (because they havent touched them in a looooooong time) there arent much Regular units left: Draug, Effie, Arden, Olivia, Grey, Tobin Azura, Donnel, Effie, Gwendolyn, Jagen, Ninian, Nowi, Corrin Gunther, Sheena, Cecilia, Fea Setsuna Left out because GHB units: Ursula, Legion, Clarisse, Narcian So we will most likely be done by the end of this year with Gen 1, which is kinda depressing considering how slow it moved how many units are left out (staves DC weapon etc) ¬.¬
  2. Dont think they will pile up over time. I mean sure the current quests, but the rewards will prolly be deleted when the next amount of quests rolls in, ohterwise there is no incentive to have a FEH Pass, accumulate rewards worth of 6 Months and then sub for 1 months rack in all the rewards lulz. I just hope that Resplendend heroes arent following the Waifu trend. If the next batch after Lyn and Cordelia has only the popular FEH Waifus i know where this is going. (as in Lucina/Nino/Camilla/Azura/Tharja together)
  3. He is running 4x Mythic blessing buffs on Rutger so thats not his usual stats (unless he doesnt care about Score) and then on top of that Rutger is a bonus unit. every unit would look busted with that lol
  4. ah the times when we used to get stuff like heavy blade, flashing blade, quick riposte and so on... ._.
  5. not even a weak version, its worse than that, hence why i wouldnt even call it comparable. It doesnt even take any effect on Enemy phase and on Playerphase it doesnt effect Vengefull fighter/Quick Riposte or units that cant counter attack, i wouldnt even compare them they are so far off.
  6. then dont vote and be surprised and enjoy the free unit you get
  7. I woudlnt compare Desperation Brash Assault to null-follow up at all, it can be fairly miss. The foe still needs to be able to counter for it to take the effect and it does not disable foes skills that allow for follow up attacks on their part.
  8. yeah i think going full panic mode is wrong in this case. The game is still under the Top 30 gacha-games and does probably fairly well when it comes to net income. I highly doubt that FEH has an expensiv amount of costs for developing stuff, they are just basicly updating the game so the amount of cost to produce stuff is fairly low as compared to producing a brand new game. I wouldnt say though they shouldnt implement some countermeasures. However i would like to point out that their decision considering advancing powercreep were handled poorly. Powercreep is innevitable and should allways be accompanied by the ability to further older units. Weapon Refines is one part of that, this was a good decision, the other part Dragonflowers, Duell skills and keeping most skills on the 5 Star exclusiv pool was a bad decision in my eyes. Dragonflowers: Instead of Introducing Dragonflowers, they should have raised the Merge cap on older units to catch up. This would have intensified investing in your beloved older units instead of fatiguing users out on "why bother trying to catch up on powercreep with new units (they might not even like) when they are powercreeped soon anyway" Duell skills: are kinda meh. Especially considering how Arena is built up. What they should have done is have Legendary heroes apply a 175 BST esque-scoring boost with their blessing on other units, makeing them more relevant. Skills: yeah i mean Quick Riposte 3 is still 5 Star exclusiv as an example and so are alot of other old year 1 skills. The whole point of this game is to modify your units/favourite units to your liking. People might give up after a while when they dont have the means to get the skills (not all i am saying but the basics) after a while. They could have handled that with a skill shop where you can use currency you get from quests or from units you send home. Not gonna touch the matter of subjects of game modes. Some are good but the majority is "miss"
  9. actually Lyn can get +2 stats from Dragonflowers, because she is a Gen 1 unit. So fully maxed with the pass she would get +4 to all stats with no merges which is basicly a Gen 4 Infantry unit with trainee bonus, with only +1 stats from Dragonflower she is on par with Gen 4 Infantry units that have no Dragonflower "merges" A fully merged +SPD Lyn would then sit at: 45 HP/ 36 Atk/ 48 Spd/ 34 Def /37 Res. Add summoner support: 50 Hp/ 38 Atk/ 50 Spd/ 36 Def/ 39 Res Her Attack is still "ass", but add the fact she has basicly a "freed" B-Slot and can prominently run stuff like Null-Follow up if you want or Close Call 3. I mean with double Eirs she sit at 49 RES pre buffs and with Close Call 3 and her high Speed she could function as a dual phase unit (due to her weapon) and maybe not even given a rats ass for precharged AoE specials.
  10. with Null C-Disrupt she might be missing killing power to deal with the other targets.
  11. Kronya is honestly not very consistent, even with duo Hector. Even with double duo hector. I have seen Teams loose with Kronya and double Duo-hector and a Bolt Tower. Hardy Bearing Seal + RazzleDazzle Healer + another unit that checks Vantage and its mostly game over for her.
  12. Depends on the audience. But yeah we havent even got much Husbando Material either (with some few exeption)
  13. One of the biggest mistake they ever made was allowing more then 1 Dancer in a group. It undermines most of the tactics and degrades the game into a dumb shelf.
  14. There are multiple problems in FEH from my personal point of view: 1. the growth for my older +10 units kinda has stoped. Dragonflowers are a band aid. Getting new skills is a hassle because barely of them drop into the regular summoning pool so most of the time i settle for "will do the job". There is no feasable way to keep up with the powercreep, so why invest more and likewise why pull for a powercreep unit when they are powercrept 6 months later anyway? 2. PVP is garbage, in every possible way. Arena and Arena Assault is an infested Armor-House battlefest which makes it barely fun and AR is just wtf, i just skate through AR since reaching Tier 21 3. Powercreep isnt needed to clear PVE content. Infernal ghb etc. are piss easy, while abyssal ones are getting easier and easier due to the powercreep. 4. meh story Book 3 was ok though 5. i spend less money due to the above reasons What FEH needs right now is an overhaul to the summoning system, an overhaul how you can further your old units, an overhaul how you can get skills and most importantly: My god can you finally f****** incorporate some Online Co-op play and messaging between players?!?! The friendlist is really really really useless outside of 2 modes and it would actually bond people together which means they might actually play FEH longer. Also FEH Map Maker so people can create and share their own GHB maps. EDIT: also skill-inheritance/new units is not the way to fix the glaring issues of the mechanics/meta.
  15. The drop in revenue was expected. The Story is okeish at best and the game isnt changing much in terms of Meta or mechanics or gameplay. This can be good or bad. but in FEHs case its bad. You can only sustain people with the same mechanic for only such a period of time. What they need is more Online functionality for Co-Op play and other stuff so people actually bond over the game, which might keep them on the game.
  16. dont know you faced him in turn 2 just like my Askrtrio.
  17. The monthly subscription is .... well why? I mean its not alot of money and i'll get it myself, but seriously if you offer a monthly subscription you should incorporate some form of Online Co-op play and other benefits other than what we saw. PS Now is 10 bucks a months and offers a plethora of games to play. Also the use of divine codes leaves a bad taste. Combat Manuals are good, but forcing you down a path is bad. New banner meh Celebration goodies: nice God this FEH channel just offered nothing and left a bad taste: - No "Skill Shop" - No Abyssal Maps for the existing GHB rotation (Arvis Valter etc) - No new GHB rotation! -No Fire Emblem Heroes Maker (ala Mario Maker) to create yourself some GHB's to share Stop being lazy IS! Everything aside the Celebration goodies is garbage and left a bad taste.
  18. icwould like to point out that seasonal/special heroes does not count. The cant be summoned nor can you get pitty-broken by them. They also do not reflect the version people have been voting for.
  19. I can see Surtrs refine: double the amount of debuff/dmg from skills that work within 2 Spaces...
  20. My Azama is still hurting -_- Infantry Gen 1 healers have fallens so far behind ._.
  21. That depends what you consider in the game. For me Bunny Bruno doesnt mean he is in the game. So nope removing Farfetched banner was a mistake from my point of view. Special Heroes never account for in the game for me.
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