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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. Oh god no not red. That market is oversaturated with Legendary and Mythics
  2. by letting him face a proper built Sharena!
  3. Just as a note the Blue Infantry is a reference to Sharena the green Infantry is a reference to Anna and the Blue Cav is a reference to Bruno
  4. funny how Lifs Hero Mythic battle references to Anna Sharena and Bruno The Lance Infantry unit infront of him Basicly runs Fensalir in his A and B Slot, The Axe Infantry unti basicly runs Noatun in his B Slot and the Blue Cav basicly uns Brunos kit.
  5. The other are flawed too. Dimitri is just weak in my eyes. That man should have never had leadership over a country or a group of students. He still stays weak in my eyes after his arc is completed. He didnt manage to overcome anything by himself.
  6. I will pour all my votes towards Claude. Dimitri is just ewww... His story arch was my least favourite (although his was my first playthrough) and he is a very flawed Character in my eyes. One of the most pathetic Lords imho. I hope Claude and Marth make it.
  7. welp i guess i can stop putting my votes for Bruno. I will instead dedicate my last 4 votes to Claude. Its anyway 3H domination might as well put in the votes for my favourite Lord of that game.
  8. I liked 3 houses. the story the characters the presentation. well done. One of the main things i disliked the most, is playing everytime through the first part until the 5 year gap. I get it you need to get an attachement for the Houseleader you picked but the missions and story for each of them are the exact same for all 3 of them with some variations. I wish they would have differed allready there. It gets really repetetiv fast
  9. I voted for Bruno. As i will vote tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after and after and after.
  10. I dont see it as a rant and its totally fine, i see it as a healthy discussion. Thx for the viewpoints you put in the spoiler. While i can see why his "human-tragic" side in the story attracts people. From my point of view (I may have a different point of view then other) he is the weakest of the 3 Lords yet when it comes to character. Thats prolly because i look at him rather from a "Leadership" point of view in which he showcases (as I explained) severe flaws when it comes to resilience and the strenght of mind to withstand hardship, while also struggling to keep a clear objectiv mind when it comes to makeing decisions that can inflict his countrys /peoples future. He is a failed hero/leader, because he failed to stand up when his people needed him the most. In that regard i take a bow before his people/subordinates that endured/managed to pull through a war when their leader utterly failed to take an initiativ and did not try to get things right.
  11. No i am not upset. I was just wondering what people see in him, because from my perspectiv, his story arch paints a person that is absolutly not fit to lead anyone, let alone a nation. Now dont get me wrong. The event of loosing his loved ones as a child is definitly traumatizing, left scars and as we see some psychodramatic effect on his behaviour. His lack for resilience becomes quite prominent after the 5 year gap, where he was unable to take posture (and yes i know he was accused of a wrongfull murder) and a stand to oppose the difficulties he faces for the benefit of his people and his country. Instead of rallying nobles/friends he had behind him for his cause and his country he just let himself go and his emotions took the best of him. He just is not a stable person at all. He needed to be dragged out by his former teacher. I dont see that as a quality in either a hero nor someone thats supposed to lead a country. The way I see it as soon as something tragic or traumatic happens he will falter again. This is why i currently like Claudes path more (not only on his path but on the different route as well) and his character. He tries to make the best out of the situation as far as he can handle and doesnt give up that easy. And i am pretty sure he had some traumatizing events in his past too. As for Edelgard i cant judge that yet, because i need to play through her path yet fully (both parts) to make a judgement. But from what i have seen now paints a strong willed female leader with very strong resilience.
  12. I read alot that apearently Dimitri is the most liked character. I have played now Dimitri and Claudes path and started Edelgard. My question is why? Dimitris personality while tragic is a lost cause and i liked Claude by quite alot. While i havent finished Edelgard (still pretime sink) She makes more sense and seems strong willed.
  13. well its kinda hard to beat something like Bold Fighter and Special Fighter in the B-Slot. 2 of the most OP skills in my opinion. Odd Fighter is casually ok depends.
  14. so started playing through Edelgards path finally. In what world are Huberts support conversations with Byleth... Support Converstions. What is this the Shining?! Creepy much!?
  15. Rallys and Dances have an order and they allways follow the same order. Someone who creates a Rally trap understands that and thus you also have to bait correctly. Obviously they will use a Rally like Rally Res that doesnt hurt the rallied unit much. Restore Traps: that depends entirely on the design of the map and a Restore Trap Cav Healer might find an opening on a non support unit you are running with your tank you cant wall of the entire map with your super tank. Besides as I said the sole point of a Restore trap is not alone the healer, but also the extension of reach of the other units in combination with ground orders/Rally and 1-2 Dancers. What makes Restore traps more tricky is that you dont know their Restore priority until after Turn 1 IF all of their units get debuffed. My Veronica runs 60 atk without any Seal/Buff or Blessing buffs, just with an A-Slot and merges. So unless you have some form of support on your super tank they will most likely take a significant hit from the healer or the support unit might get sniped and then there is still Panic staves... on top of that. You are also not accounting for the Miracle that is starting to go down with every turn you dont bait on a Restore Trap which can open up even a greater can of worms.
  16. Drives/Spur is the same to me (Drives are preferable just for avoiding Aversa or getting hit). Rally Traps counter debuffs directly. Like basicly almost every Infantry Pulse Team has a Rally Trap. The powerfull unit Rallys the baited unit (and thus it looses all debuffs) gets danced, and proceeds to nuke the living crap out of the supertank. That is the whole point of a Rally trap. Obviously the Rallied unit is still debuffed, but thats not the point of a Rally trap. Restore Traps are a little bit different. Because if you hit multiple enemies with debuffs, you dont know who will get Restored on Turn 1. They are usually used to enhance the reach of a Cav Healer immensely and can mess your Team up in combination with stuff like Ground Order expanding the reach of other units greatly in combination with Dancers. This makes placement (depending on the map) rather difficult because you dont want a unit to get suddenly sniped by a Cav Healer or by a unit that expands its range with Ground Order followed by a Dance. If I am not mistaken @Johann Defense map has a working Restore trap. Although i have seen Restore traps that are far more disgusting then his.
  17. Debuffing (non in combat debuffs) is even less reliable in AR then visible buffs due to Rally Traps, Restore Traps and Dancers for a Super tank. The most reliable is Spurs with a high base stat
  18. Dont know but i do that from time to time when i dont feel like doing AR and have enough points to not demote from Tier 21 (which isnt so hard to do after Day1). Has nothing to do with the Defense but more with getting the daily reward.
  19. yeah no my Thrasir sits at 47 SPD pre buffs or any skills and she isnt even the fastest of the bunch. Queen is Ylgr with 50 SPD pre buffs/skills/or weapon effect. so no 29 SPD is very low for today standarts.
  20. None of them have really middling or high speed rather low by todays standart. As for Sothis: enough speed want to make her more bulky so she can work in both phases.
  21. Still putting up a list how many of my units need Lull Atk/Res. So far have come up with THE Reinhardt (obviously), Boey, Sothis, Silque, Lilina, Brunnya. I think thats it.
  22. I think its a little too late to get a banner for FE Warriors. That train has passed.
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