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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. they prolly announce what will happen with Divine codes on February when there is the annual celebration of the games-launch.
  2. this pretty much. its a stupid system. Also Book 1 and 2 Grail units should cost only half, considerign how much investment they need to bring them even to a remotly competetiv level. The whole game lately feels more like punish for not playing every damn day then joy.
  3. giiiirl i am clutching my pearls not because of the banner, because i dont know TMS and the artstyle and J-Pop stuff gives me PMS (personal preference, but i get why they would release such a banner as promotion and we have a wide demographic so more power to those fans) but Dull Atk/Res!!! *still clutching my pearls*
  4. Book 4 doesnt indicate it playing after book 3. In all honesty its messed up because none of the books require the completion of the previous book. Book 3 clearly plays after Book 2 due to the eqilogue, Book 4 is I dont know, should play after book 3 but nothing indicates that.
  5. A - Athos B - Bruno C - Catherine D - Durban E - St. Elimine F - Forseti G- Guinivere H - Hartmut I - Ismaire J - Jill K - Kiragi L - Loptous M - Mila N - Nyna O - Orochi P - Petrine Q - Queen of Valla, Arete R - Roland S - Salamander T - Thor (OC) U - Uhai V - Validar W - Wil X - Xander (Legendary version) Y - Yudu Z - uumm Zihark?
  6. I think the ending was fitting. Not everyone can or should have a Teletubby-Unicorn-Rainbows-and-Sunshine ending. Lif abandoned his beliefs and was willing to sacrifice another Askr to get his Askr back after he failed at protecting it. I dont think that warrants a happy ending in my eyes. The very least he could hope for was the satisfaction of "revenge" by Alfonse on Hel. Which is really the best he could hope for.
  7. Oh i wasnt talking purely from an AR perspectiv. Marth is my dedicated Arena cheerleader since you know the bonus unit allways changes and with Infantry Breath he is a fantastic cheerleader for the Askrtrio. Although with the recent changes you only need to kill 1 unit with the bonus unit (still makes it alot easier with a cheer squad)
  8. i meant more in the term of panic stave healers, panic manor and panic smoke. Since we were talking about Counter Vantage.
  9. It all boils down how good you can dodge Panic with Laevatein. Which is not impossible but not really easy either in AR.
  10. Considering how slow paced story moves and that they have only 13 chapters to wrap things up this could be a very bad thing... in terms of character development. Compared to the other books.
  11. I am actually glad they let healers inherit push 4 skills, considering they pushed them out of Steady Stance 4 (and the Res counterpart). But yeah i would actually like to see some healer exclusiv support skills besides weapon or healing spells.
  12. L!Marth is good for killing anything Dragon related, even if the Dragon nullyfies effectiv Damage. Hrid is a fantastic Dualphase Sword user unless he runs into Sword Breaker or Null Follow up. (especially considering he is a cav unit) Byleth is busted too with his/her sword. Regular Marth is an excellent support unit and has the benefit of being able to heal Team members up due to his Weapon and Ardent Sacrifice etc he looses raw support stat wise to Corrin but he has a different niche and doesnt need to support the unit in question Regular Zephiel can be decent too, with Distant Ward his refine and distant def sacred seal he can shut magic damage dealers and bows down. i mean we are talking an addition 12 def against bow users to his allready high def and an additional 17 Res and 5 Atk to his Res stat at least those are the ones i use regularly too on top of the ones you mentioned (and Karel, but thats because he is one of my favourite units).
  13. actually sacrifice could use a buff, because its very underwhelming for what it does. If it would get rid also of Panic/no counter etc debuffs it would make the skill much better.
  14. In what way did that moot point (because i never stated that other chars arent suffering from the same fate) enrich the Discussion or show any different point of view to my speculation, beside the fact of revealing your personal behaviour and affection? I agree with you, its meaningless to pursue this discussion any longer
  15. I dont know where i made an excuse, I just stated why Bruno might place high again. But if you want to enter Kindergardenmode with rose tinted glasses and argue about a character i didnt even mention in my post (Leo) i can do that queeny.
  16. Wouldnt be so sure about this. Quite a few people dont like the theme/design of Book4 so far. Its like the exact opposite then Book 3 mood wise. I myself havent warmed up to Book4 yet and am not really digging it (and i was happy and satisfied with Book 2-3), I am also not a big fan of floral or butterfly-esque prints/designs or fairy stuff in general. I am still thinking to myself this is Sharenas trip after using some drug-substance, it feels so out of space/world.
  17. by this logic Bruno should place in the top 6 again and maybe actually take the 2. place. Bruno's appreance as an Alt was very underwhelming for Fans (its a bad unit seriously) and Veronica Fans want her big Brother by her side. (Lif is out of the question because of reasons) The fact that farfetched heroes didnt happen might push Bruno. I for myself will give all my votes again to Bruno until his regular Version actually apears in the game. But yeah this time its different because 3 Houses is a pretty wildcard in the male department with Dimitri Claude and Felix. It really all depends also what kind of banners we get until CYL votes open up. As for the female part i think Loki will fall down in popularity and her votes will shift towards her Sister Thor. I dont know this CYL is a total wildcard and pretty unpredictable.
  18. my prediction for top 4: (or top 2 in regards of gender) Male: Bruno Dimitri or Claude Female: Edelgard going on a Limb here: Thor I will vote for Bruno!
  19. easy come easy go GHB. As usual Infernal is barely any match for the Askrtrio and Veronica
  20. 1. as said on a handfull of units. Mostly Tharja, Nino, Mathew and maybe 2-3 other cases thats it 2. The game is on decline. Whales and Dolphins are swimming in DC fodder. Might as well make it a little easier and interesting for newer players to get it via 3-4 Star pool. Mind you thats still kinda rare considering it might cost 20k and the 3-4 Star pool is bloated. 3. PVE content is so easy that you dont need Celica in Fact it can be done by alot of units even non Desperation nukers. So moot point. In AR Celica underperforms due to my previous mentioned reasons. In Arena she underperforms due to crapy BST. So whats the point on keeping her locked to 5 Star? 4. that free DC costs 20k feathers. Silvia can also avoid Gjallar and both die easy and have no firepower duh. Doesnt warrant a 5 Star slot. None of the nukes have the amount of HP that you need a 78 HP Ninian. 5. Last i checked you were moaning about how little damage Firesweep bow does and how you cant outrun stuff against infaltry pulse. Which is it now? Make up your mind. For PVE content Firesweep is garbage anyway. For PVP it has too little firepower and can be countered.
  21. Hardly disagree with the exeption of CYL units Close Counter is very niche and only usefull on a handfull of units (even in AR Defense or Offense) Distant Counter has allready like what 3 fodders in the regular summoning pool and 2 in the legendary. No harm there. Also this could finally give IS an incentiv to finally refine DC weapons and maye release DC2. The latest skill from selkie could impy such a move. Celica is just your generic run of the mill desperation user and there are plenty of them available now who even outclass her. Ninian can be substituted with Silvia who also has a high HP threshhold and is in rhe 4 Star pool Sonya is a one hit wonder and looses all firepower against Pulse Smoke because she is rather very slow for a nuker. The new Bskill give her a hard time. With the newest powercreep in base stat none of those units warrant 5 Star exclusivity anymore, we are looking at a statpoint gap of 10-15 (extreme cases 20) points which translates basicly into a 1-2 free A-slot skills I barely see Firesweep bow anymore due to null counter Even the CYL units are garbage in terms of fodder and are only so good because of their excellent refine (Ike Lucina and Roy, Lyn is kinda meh)
  22. I am putting my votes all into Bruno again, because Farfetched just didnt want to happen sadly... Or if he gets released meanwhile i will go for Athos
  23. this might be true for some cases 1. No access to Assets can be a bad or a good thing. There are plenty of F2P people that are stuck on some 5 Star units with a bad asset or if not merge with a very bad bane they didnt want. No assets/banes means you dont have to worry about that. 2. AR is painfull, nothing i can say to this 3. I think this is a rather fair decision, considering they want people to spend orbs. Grail units are still free and IS wants profits sooo. 4. We have also gotten Grail units that were or are still very outstanding: Aversa is still top notch Xander and Camus were outstanding GHB units for their time when Cavalry were prominent Arvis was an excellent (and still is for PVE content) GHB unit Valter too Black Knight is still an excellent Grail unit Jamke was an excellent Grail unit until Legendary Alm came out (he still is decent) Young Azura is still to this day a very good unit Winter Cecilia is also a very good unit you see alot in AR Delthea is an excellent bluemage Brunya that just got recently released has an amazing personal weapon Kronya while niche, excellent unit Astram is okeish but not bad and Rinea is an excellent grail unit Half of those units just are victims to powercreep, just like regular 5 Star units are a victims to powercreep. I would say though that the GHB TT units released lately have been picking up the pace again in terms of usefulness (as opposed to the drought we had after Aversa)
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