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Everything posted by Hilda

  1. I am well aware of that, i still think IS will say "fuck it" and make 2 seperate refines. Or they give it this refine: "Unit attack is increased by difference between units base Resistance and Defense during Combat" Olwen gets +10 Atk and Reinhardt only gets +2. Added bonus is both can use then Fortress skills to increase their bulk but not suffer any Attack penalty due to the refine, but depending on their stat spread. Reinhardt could use Fortress to patch up his Res but loose or gain no Attack (due to his stat spread) or he could could use Fortress Def to gain more phyiscal bulk and gain an additional 2 Attack. Or you could use specific Mythics in AR to further buff them Would make Olwen more a threat and still give some playing grounds for Reinhardt.
  2. they could also give Olwen and Reinhardt to different refines, Just like Falchion has different refines depending on the char
  3. I am with you on this one, i dont see it being anything else then colorless. As for the type of unit: I hope we finally get a Mythic Staff user. Athos comes to mind, but there are various other candidates I just cant see them adding any other color considering how packed it allready is.
  4. I dont know how IS sees Legendary/Mythic banners, but the fact that Slots are all taken up even by old Legendarys and leaves no room to run other new 5 Star units kinda hinders me to summon on them. I just dont see any worth in them anymore unless the Star aligns (like in August when Bramimond and Mila share a color).
  5. Seliph is in my eyes alot weaker then Hrid, just because Seliph is locked to enemy phase purely. Also the fact that his biggest enemy phase kit is locked to his B-Skill kinda makes him weak. He cant run any dull or lull skills (well he can if you want to replace his B-Slot). Meanwhile Hrid is free to use his B-Slot because frankly debuffing enemies is very easy. Granted Seliph is a bit better on enemy phase then Hrid, Hrid has an excellent playerphase too compared to the non existent playerphase of Seliph. Both suffers though from the same weakness: Null-Follow up
  6. One of the easiest Abyssal battles ever. Not only because of the Layout, but because Seliph really is not that great compared to Hrid. Not being able to playerphase really hurts him badly.
  7. I would run Hrid more on AR Offense or Defense, but there are 2 things hindering it: 1. Not matching season, 2. Cav effectiv weapons everyhwere (ok a 3. is Null Follow up Alms) He was fantastic when AR was released and was basicly the unit that helped me hit Tier 21. Galeforce Hrid is a force. He is still fantastic, but there is Leif now sooo *shrug*
  8. Actually Alfonse is not locked on Sword for a Legendary alt. He could use a divine version of his fathers axe weapon Glitnir.
  9. Thats because he is weaker then Hrid. Seliph only gets a guaranteed follow up attack on enemy phase, and thats locked on his B-Slot. Hrid gets a follow up attack regardless of which phase as long as there is a debuff an AND it prevents follow up attacks, his B-Slot is free to run Lull Atk/Def which basicly matches Seliphs sword (with the bonus of ignoring buffs woooo). If Seliph runs the same stat spread he is weaker then Hrid and worthless pulling for if you have a +10 Hrid (like I do).
  10. Seliph is worse then Hrid sadly. Hrids weapon guarantees a follow up attack and prevents follow up attacks, freeing his B-Slot. Getting debuffs on your foes is easy. Which means Hrid can run a Lull skill and ignore enemy buffs. Meanwhile his weapon is active on player or enemy phase If Seliphs spread is somewhat similar to Hrids, his B-Slot is locked down and it only guarantees a follow up attack on enemy phase. yeah... Seliph is in my eyes weaker then Hrid currently. Which is kinda surprising for a totally new Legendary hero.
  11. because giving us 4 Ike alts was spreading the attention... yet its totally fine for you. yeah. I am not saying that so many alts are justified, but if you gonna shun one char for too many alts you might wanna shun your favourite char for too many alts too.
  12. Powercreep was So-So during Book II and Book 3, it definitly isnt anymore So-So lol. A new unmerged 5 Star unit is just in BST equivalent to a +10 5 Star Gen 1 unit. Lets not even get into the exclusiv weapon effects that are now like 3-4 strong effects vs 1-2 mostly shitty effects. You can count the Gen 1 units that are still relevant/somewhat relevant on 1 hand: Brave Ike Brave Lyn Reinhardt Brave Lucina Units with a niche: Kagero Seliph Mathew Not even gonna go into the Repell/Close Call bullshit IS has been pulling.
  13. pulling doesnt work for anyone else either? Its just forever Loading screen.
  14. More/faster weapon refines give us 12-16 weapon refines per update. GHB Map maker The ability to choose from different ressources when sending a unit home: Dragonflowers, Feathers, Arena Coins, Sacred Coins The ability to lock Tier 21 Aether Raids (not like i would drop), but it would be nice if I could igonre Aether Raids from time to time.
  15. I was really looking forward to a 3-4 Star Green/colorless unit for Muspell ._. there still isnt a 3-4 Star Muspell unit
  16. dunno i usally did spend money on FEH, but after Legendary Lif i stopped. I kinda dont see the point in it anymore and have thus 650 Orbs saved up. I see no point in summoning units anymore because the powercreep is gonna come around anyway and screw everything up. I lost drive in the competetiv modes, and my Askrtrio or other units can clear PVE just fine. I am only spending now 10 bucks on the FEH pass, but that is getting questionable to me due to the resplendent heroes they have been picking lately. Waiting for Bruno and Healers refines thats it, anything else doesnt interest me anymore.
  17. No preference at all, clear all of them with no guides. I clear all of them with the Askrtrio and Veronica on Abyssal. Then i do Team clears. I built Teams around synergy. I have various Teams with fixed a cast that are built around a theme (debuffs, drives, buffs, bonus doubler etc.) 3 Dancers and a nuke are not my thing because it undermines and devalues the game in my eyes for me and takes away from strategy.
  18. I like this direction, it adds a new layer of challenge. In all honesty i am not bothered by it, because i allready did this challenge since almost 2 years with the Askrtrio basicly. Now its not only just Askrtrio and I like it.
  19. That staff from Rhys looks exeptionally well on Azama to annoy the living hell out of AR Defense of my opponents in combination with his allready exisiting Lull Atk/Spd.
  20. None, the concept is bogus just like Duo-Heroes is a bogus concept.
  21. ibf Fire Boost 3 and Brash Assault 3 (5 Star locked)
  22. i reading more negativity towards those Twinworld new type character and the fact that seasonal banners are rendundant. There is a degree of fatigue around for pulling on anything, because there are allready so many units around and in 5 months stuff is anyway powercreeped to hell and back. At least from my part (but i guess i am not the only one). I have reached a point where i rather would have a boost/possibility to further my older units then new units I dont even know who they are. I basicly stoped chasing the carrot in terms of everything: from scoring on AR to AA and Arena, I'll get what i get with what i have.
  23. well... was this new category of Twinworld characters really needed? At this point i rather have the ability to 6 Star units then to be flooded with more useless crap
  24. I like the idea but it needs to be executed differently kinda. There are many times where you do not want to swap/change places with allies after a healing. This would work great if they were introduced as a "Duo-Skill"-Exclusiv button skill for healers, where they can toogle the skill on and off. That way Healers can still use the Healing Assist they want and have a side bonus.
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